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Visa inlägg - Carolyn Eccles

Sidor: [1]
Målilla / Olof Boriesson of Hammarsebo
« skrivet: 2017-10-30, 16:48 »
Court Records Aspeland Harad FHL#137391 5 Jul 1680 Oluff of Hammarsbo bought 1/6 share of same farm from his mother's sister h. Karin Andersdotter for 14 copper mint, cow, and some kind of grain. Ingebor Börgesdotter of same farm purchased ? from Anders Börgesson and Bryta Börgesdotter. Also mentioned is something about brother and sister.
Court Records for Aspeland Harad FHL#137398 1684 16 Jun(no page #)Oloff Boriesson of Hammarsbo purchased 1/3 farm from Lars Olofsson and his syskon(sibling) Börgie Andersson and his syskon Maria and Bryta Nilsdotter and Maria Svensdotter for 29 silvermint.....his son Matts Olofsson....dat 29 Jan 1679....17 Jun 1684...3 Jul...7 Oct... 1685.
Can someone translate these records for me and tell me what relationships can be determined from them. I know that Olof Boriesson mother must have had the last name of Andersdotter and Karin Andersdotter was her sister. Are any of the above mentioned people related to Olof Boriesson?
Thanks for any help!
Carolyn Eccles
California, USA

Målilla / Botilla Persdotter and Bengt Jönsson
« skrivet: 2017-09-28, 17:25 »
C:1 p.2. would someone please translate this entry. I know it says Dom 4 Trinit 1698  Bengt Jönsson of Målilla married h. Botill Persdotter of Årena. What does it say after that?
Thanks for any help.
Carolyn Eccles
California, USA

Vena / Lars Fäktare or Johansson
« skrivet: 2017-09-18, 18:32 »
Any idea the name of Lars Fäktare's 2nd wife's? Lars Fäktare was married first to widow of Per Olofsson, Kerstin Jönsdotter, of Upsala, Målilla. She died in 1723. Lars Fäktare is then found in Vena socken Married to the widow of a Jöns or Jon . She has a son Jon found in mantalsländger in 1738 as age 17 (born in 1721). (Aspeland Court records Oct 1737 #43 Lars Fectare and des step son Joen Jönsson). I can not find a birth/christening record for him in Vena and no married record of a Jöns or Jon of Järnudda in Vena or Målilla. Lars and this widow's first child is Kerstin and she is born in 1725. Last child born is Olof in 1738. Lars dies in 1738. The Mantalsländger for 1739 lists Jon Jönsson and his mother. This is the only mantalsländger the mother is listed.
Thanks for any help!

Carolyn Eccles
California USA

Målilla / Christman Persson of Entsebo
« skrivet: 2017-08-25, 19:21 »
I see Christmas Persson child born 1716 listed as Sara but the record says Samuel-C:2, CHR and births, p.29. Death/burial record only says Christman child.
Have I missed something?
Carolyn  Eccles
California, USA

Målilla / Börie Skytt
« skrivet: 2017-08-09, 19:17 »
What is the name of Börie Skytt child died 17 March 1650- M.....? C:1 p.262
 I find children born in Hägelåkra and also a note in Court Records 8 Oct 1660- Börie Skyt of Årena and Nils Siggesson of  Årena ...
What do we know about him?
Carolyn Eccles
California, USA

Kristdala / Samuel Persson of Fallebo
« skrivet: 2017-04-10, 18:01 »
I am finding too many Kerstin Samuelsdotter's in Kristdala early records C:1, Which one was dotter of Samuel Persson?
Carolyn Eccles
 California USA

Misterhult / Johan Hägerflykt
« skrivet: 2017-03-27, 20:53 »
Misterhult CI:2 CHR and births, p.177, What is Johan Hägerflykt child's name? Is it Pett. Lorenz?
Carolyn Eccles
California, USA

Målilla / Per Jönsson died Stighult 1726
« skrivet: 2017-01-09, 19:50 »
Was the Per Jönsson who died in Stighult in 1726 also in Hägelåkra in 1670's. Did he also have a son named Jonas and Jöns. Who was he married to?
Carolyn Eccles

Målilla / Nils Andersson of Hammarsebo died 1757 age 61
« skrivet: 2017-01-01, 23:05 »
Nils Andersson was married to Jon Olofsson daughter Maria, 14 June 1721
 District Court Records Aspeland Härad, Kalmar län, Sweden FHL#137440 1722 Winter court p.58 #1 Nils Andersson of Hammarsbo and Enk Lisbette Matzdotter ibid called into court because of adultry which occurred 14 days before midsummer 1721 when it was only 3 weeks after Nils' marriage to now pregnant wife Maria Jonsdotter Nils Andersson h. Maria Jonsdotter and Lisette Matzsdotter are cousins. Their fathers are brothers. Nils is fined 80(money) and Lisbetter 40(money).
Who were Nils Andersson's parents.
Happy New Year!
Carolyn Eccles

Målilla / Arvid Persson of Hyggelsebo
« skrivet: 2016-11-24, 20:44 »
Per Arvidsson, född 1718 16/12 i Östra Årena, Målilla sn. (f).  Målilla C:2 p.32[/size] and NN Arvidsson, född 1719 6/4 i Ljungby, Gårdveda sn, död (begravd 1719 25/10) i Ljungby. (f,bg). Db för Målilla. Gårdveda C:2 p.533
 It is not possible that a child of Arvid Persson was born in Dec 1718 and another in April of 1719. I agree it does look like children of the same Arvid Persson. Are the recorder dates wrong?
 Thanks for any help.
Carolyn Eccles USA

Målilla / Gumme Persson of Råsabråten
« skrivet: 2016-11-03, 18:46 »
Gumme Persson was married to 2 women Kerstin Olofsdotter of Hammarsebo and Brita Olofsdotter of Harmmarsebo. Were they sisters and daughters of Olof  Boriesson of Hammarsebo? I know Brita Olofssdotter was a daughter of Olof Böriesson.
Gumme Persson engagment to Kerstin Olofsdotter 1647  C:1 p.256. Lists him from Hägg. I do find a Gumme in 1647 Mantalslängder 1647 p.649 Gumme of Hägelåkra Frälsegård. Is this the correct Gumme?
 I do not find any children born to the marriage with Brita Olofsdotter
Thanks for any help
Carolyn Eccles

 Aspeland Härad Court Records FHL#137398 for 29 Oct 1687 p.114 lists as entry about h. Elisabeth Svensdotter of Lönneberga, Johan Larsson, her husband, and woman Elsa Oloffsdotter of Hammarsebo. I believe it says that Elsa and Johan have been brought to court for fornication/adultry Johan was present and admitted the sin and begged for mercy. Father and guardian of Elsa was crippled and could not come. In the record it states Elsa Olofsdotter's brothers are Matts Oloffson and Börge Oloffson.(Were they present since her father could not come?)
 I have never been able to find any more information on Börge Olofsson. Can anyone tell me more?

Is the soldier Ander Matsson of Hammarsbo who married Elin Jöransdotter, Målilla C:2 p.4, son of Matts Olofsson?

Målilla / Olof Larsson of Åkebo
« skrivet: 2016-10-29, 23:32 »
Målilla C:2, p.28  middle of page, left column christening record  Olof of Åkebo child. What does it say?
is the child a dotter and she died?
Thanks for any help.
Carolyn Eccles

Nils Nilsson son of Nils Larsson of Åsiögle marries Christina Elisabeth Johansdotter in Målilla C:4 p.8. Can someone explain the marriage to Caisa Lisa Carlsdotter? Were they divorced? but I do not see a marriage record in Kristdala or Mörlunda for them. I am confused. What is the story?
Thanks for any help.
Carolyn Eccles

Peter Johansson  of Färgshult married Maria Larsdotter. The marriage record (C:2 p.26) says she is from Åsiögle. The death record (C:3 p. 626)says she was born 1755. Is she the dotter of Lars and Kerstin of Källehult?
Thanks for any help
Carolyn Eccles

Vena / Erik Jonsson of boda
« skrivet: 2016-10-07, 18:25 »
Erik Jonsson of Boda was born 1696 to Kerstin Persdotter and Jon Eriksson but I can not find a marriage record for him. He had children in Boda starting with Per Eriksson in 1723. There is a h. Karin Persdotter of Boda as a witness at christening of Annica Jonsdotter child Nils in 1723 in Boda, is this Erik Jonsson wife?
thanks for any help!

Målilla / Per pr PetterLarsson Locke children
« skrivet: 2016-09-18, 18:40 »
Who was the dotter that married Olof Jonsson Fladman in 1712 in Målilla. Was she the same person, Brita Persdotter, who was married to Nil Läcke. Catharina Drangel death record in Ålem C:1, p.536 staes she is Nils Läcke 's mother-in-law. Nils Läcke is marrreid to a Brita  Persdotter
Thanks for any help

Norra Vi / Didrik Björn
« skrivet: 2016-09-04, 18:20 »
C:3, Series Pastorum, p.393-394 gives a good history of Didrik Björn p.394 says he married Margartea Alm of ?pland
1 February 1728. I can not determine where Margareta is from. Can someone tell me? Thanks for any help
Carolyn Eccles

There are 2 Elisabeth/Lisabette in Hägelåkra at the same time period and about the same age. One is married to Olof Johansson and one to Per Ericksson. One dies 23 Apr 1751 h. Elizabeth i Hägeläkra died of brostqvasi. Buried 28. Age 81 years. C:3, p.317 and the other dies
23 Dec 1749 h. Lisken of Hägelåkra died/was buried. Age 60. C:2, p.89. Which is which and what is the source?

Kristdala / Elin Mattsdotter of Grytebäcken Systertorp
« skrivet: 2016-06-22, 19:02 »
Who did Elin Mattsdotter of Grytebäcken Systertorp(father Matts Nilsson) marry and who are her children? I thought she was the mother of Maria Larsdotter who married Eric Andersson of  Färgshult, Mörlunda in Kristdala in 1717 but I see I am wrong.

Gårdveda / Olof Siggesson of Ljungby
« skrivet: 2016-05-14, 20:33 »
In Målilla C:1 p.255, 5 10bris 1641 Oluf Siggesson of Wrånganäs married Anna of Virserum socken. I think it say Virserum socken. Olof Siggesson is son of Sigge Larsson of Årena, Målilla socken
Olof Siggesson has many children in Ljungby and according to  Court records FHL#137391 8 Oct 1660 Clemen Alexandersson of Boda.... Olof Siggesson of Ljungby.. Clemen purchases... Olof Siggesson  1 1/2 pages long. Looks like Clemen purchase Ljungby from Olof.  Aspeland Court records Jun 1673 No #'s Oluf Siggesson of Äskiogle Virserum. So by 1673 Olof Siggesson and family are in Virserum. Olof Siggesson dies there in 1681.
My question is who is Olof Siggesson married to? I have thought he was married to Anna Alexandersdotter Gryphia. Am I correct ?
Thanks for any help!
Carolyn Eccles
California, USA

Archive - General questions / Östra Eneby or Västra Eneby
« skrivet: 2008-05-05, 05:20 »
Carl Lindahl is first found in Örebor in Al:11 1796-1800 p.31. The records states that he came in from Köping in 1794 and he was born in Eneby 1759 30/8. I have not been able to find him in Köping in the stads or lands Clercial Survey around the time he should be there. Carl is a tanner and I have followed him through the Clerical Survey from his marriage in 1794 in Örebor to his death in Örebro in 1825 and no place can I find any other reference to his place of birth except Eneby.
The Östra Eneby records have a possible family -in 1752 Lars Lingdal marries Annika Andersdotter of Ringsta. They have a dotter Anna Maria in 1753 but half the pages of these records are burned so I am not sure of the 1759 records or the other years around that date. The family does not seem to be in the Östra Eneby Clerical Survey in 1761.
The Västra Eneby records also have a possible family a Carl is born to a Sune Månsson on the 30/8 1759. The Clerical Survey for this parish starts much later so it is hard to follow this family.
Does anyone have any suggestions of how to proceed?

Are there English language instructions for the Hallands Genealogiska Förening web site at:  
I could really use them.
Thanks very much..
Glen Johnson

Well, I thought I could get along with assistance, for at least a little while.
But as you can see, I was wrong.
Hopefully these are quick and easy questions that someone wouldn't mind answering.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Really.
1. Marriage record: what is the first name of drangen Jönsson? | from Björsäter Vigsel CI:2, page 231 [225.17.38600]
2. Birth record: [Catharina] Olufsdotter in Missmyra [Björsäter] ________   
...what does the rest of it say?  |  from Björsäter Födde CI:2 page 21 [275.17.28100]

3. Death record: died of Bröst _________________ enkan hustru__ Cathrina Olufsdotter ____ 65 years.
...what does the rest of it say?  |  from Björsäter Död CI:3, page 347 [275.18.62000]

tack så mycket,

Åbrant / Åbrant
« skrivet: 2012-03-11, 19:47 »
Vem var sergeanten Anders Åbrant?
Vid sonen Carl Gustafs födelse 1715-03-03 i Stojby Skrivaregård i Gårdsby socken deltog som faddrar förutom byn egna dignitärer herr löjtnant Johan Stråle i Kråkenäs, fru ”Stina Håår” i Ekna, vilket bör vara Christina Magdalena Hård af Torestorp, (1653 - 1725) gift med Olof Stråle av Ekna, och jungfru Juliana på Eknaholm. (Se Gårdsby C:1a p 109). Denna uppställning antyder att hustrun, vilken inte omnämns i födelsenotisen, har ett släktskap med släkten Stråle. Vad hette hon?
Anders uppges varit sergeant i ett tremänningeregemente. Vilket?
Med vänlig hälsning

Mörlunda / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 02 juli, 2011
« skrivet: 2011-01-06, 17:32 »
Jag letar efter föräldrar till August Martin född 21 sep 1896 i Mörlunda (Kalmar län, Småland). heter Mörnby när han dör 20 nov 1955 i Mörlunda (Kalmar län, Småland).
Någon som vett något om detta?
mvh Kerstin O

Målilla / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 03 december, 2013
« skrivet: 2012-12-23, 14:07 »
Jag skickar vad jag har, men du får själv kontrollera att det är rätt.

Sidor: [1]