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Författare Ämne: Westrom Surname  (läst 584 gånger)

2007-08-19, 03:41
läst 584 gånger


John August Westrom, whose Swedish name I believe is Johan August Johansson is the husband of my great-grandaunt, Josephine Katherine Kindstrom whose Swedish name I believe is Josefina Katrina Kindstrom.  He was born on 17 Mar 1849 in Sweden and died 2 Nov 1911 in Iowa.  His wife was born 8 May 1849 in Boras, Sweden and died 5 Aug 1935 in Iowa.  She emigrated to America on 21 Apr 1882 as a 32-year-old unmarried female from Almas, the parish of Torpa County through the port of Goteborg.  They were married in Iowa on 2 Sep 1882.  This is all that I know about John and his family.  I would appreciate any assistance that I can receive from anyone about them and am willing to assist others with information that I possess.  Thank you.

2007-08-19, 09:00
Svar #1

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

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That would fit with the following person on the cd Emibas
Post 541136
Johansson, Johan August
Arbetare (unmarried man)
b. 3/17/1849
Emigrated 10/15/1879
from Wik,Västergården, Kinnarumma, Älvsborgs län (Västergötland)
to Nordamerika
Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 2
Emibas migration file ID: Kinnarumma P 1879 003
for names and dates of his wife and the Kindström family please see here Anbytarforum: Discussions in English: Swedish names: Kindstrom Surname

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