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Författare Ämne: Nelson born in Cluster, Sweden  (läst 3369 gånger)

2004-03-05, 13:21
läst 3369 gånger

Anders Andersson

Trudi, could you tell us a bit more about the source you have linking John Fredrick to the place called Cluster? While I doubt that source will magically reveal his correct birth parish now that Vena appears to be incorrect, knowing what kind of source it is (in particular its age) may help us determine its usefulness in this investigation.
I still don't rule out the EMIHAMN database, as we don't know yet when John Fredrick emigrated, or via what port.
I doubt the four instances of the name Hullquist/Hullqvist that can be found in the Swedish 1890 census would be of much help, although they are all from Småland (Jönköping and Kronoberg counties).
If the name is just as uncommon in America, maybe those marriage notices can turn up relatives of yours who may have additional information? In any case, they may be able to explain how your last name came to be.

2004-03-05, 23:10
Svar #1

Anders Andersson

For the record, I looked up the four Hullquist/Hullqvist individuals in the 1890 census:
Mathilda Adolfina Hullquist, born 1856 in Myresjö Hiertan Hullquist, born 1818 in Björkö (son Karl Johan born 1859 in Björkö) Johan Hullquist, born 1864 in Östra Torsås Johan Hullquist, born 1825 in Nöbbele (daughter Johanna born 1870 and son Frans born 1872, both in Ryssby)Myresjö and Björkö are parishes in Jönköping county, while Östra Torsås, Nöbbele and Ryssby are parishes in Kronoberg county (there is a Ryssby parish in Kalmar county as well, but that's not the parish indicated above).
The name is so uncommon, that I think in some cases the u may even be a transcription error.

2004-03-06, 08:14
Svar #2

Utloggad Lennart Almkvist

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I did some further checking on the Hullquist/Hullqvists from the 1890 census. As far I could see, three of the names Anders mentions above are misspelled in the 1890 census. The correct namnes should be Hultquist or Hultqvist. Only no 2, from Björkö, seems to be ok.
In the Björkö parish, also some more Hullquist/Hullqvists are found at the Bodaskögle farm in the 1852/61 'husförhör'. I could not see any Johan Fredrik though, but will check again.

2004-03-06, 08:57
Svar #3

Utloggad Lennart Almkvist

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Also no 2 from Anders list, from Björkö parish, is wrong. Here the name was Hjerton Hultqvist, born 1781 in Hultsjö parish, dead 1843 i Björkö. His family lived in Bodaskögle mentioned above. I suspect the name Hullqvist was very rare in Sweden.

2004-03-06, 14:58
Svar #4

Trudi Hullquist LaFlair

Something tells me that we should still be looking for Anders Petter Nilsson (or something similar) and Johan Fredrik Nilsson or Andersson in Sweden, but Andrew Peter Hullquist and John Frederick (or Fred) Hullquist in the US. Anders was the one who changed the name and they all would have emigrated prior to 1880 (when John was found in Illinois, 1880 census) so I really doubt that there would be Hullquists who were related to us in the 1890 Swedish census as it was a made-up name, rather than an existing name (at least in the case of my ancestors). So far I don't have anything to base this on aside from stories I've been told since I was a kid, but I'll keep looking for more proof. My uncle has some papers from his dad (Andrew's g-grandson) that I will be able to go thru when I see him in May. We'll see if anything turns up then. I'll let you know.

2004-03-06, 16:37
Svar #5

Utloggad Elisabeth Thorsell

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Trudi, have you been able to find Anders Peter Nilsson in the 1800 Census? If he is there, he ought to be in the same township as Johan Fredrik.

2004-03-06, 20:37
Svar #6

Trudi Hullquist LaFlair

Hi Elisabeth,
I didn't find him in the census search from or (searched both Nilsson and Hullquist). Unfortunately I don't have a subscription (yet) so don't know if he might have shown up in some of the other census years. According to a search on there is 1 listing for Hullquist on a passenger list arriving in New York 1851-1891. Might be them. I'll see if I can get someone to do a lookup for me to see for sure (unless I can somehow afford a subscription soon). We'll see...

2004-03-06, 21:18
Svar #7

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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2004-03-07, 18:15
Svar #8

Utloggad Elisabeth Thorsell

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Hi Trudi, in the 1880 census on Familysearch there is one Andrew Nelson, born ca 1828, who lives at Divide in Phelps county, with his wife Christina and sons Nils, born ca 1861, and Olof, born ca 1865, all of them born in Sweden.
The age fits with him having a grown-up son also and they are in the same county, so maybe you could try to check this family.
There are a number of Swedish American church records available for Phelps county, at the Swenson Center in Rock Island, maybe you should ask them to look for your people?
Have you found any obituaries for John Hullquist? As he died while his children were minors, have you tried to find their guardians?

2004-03-08, 00:39
Svar #9

Trudi Hullquist LaFlair

I checked with my uncle and he doesn't have any more info at the moment about the origin of the Cluster reference for the birth of g-g-grandfather John. I got it from a family history book put together by my grandma back in the late 70s.  
Judy, thanks for the suggestion of where to go for lookups.
Elisabeth, I don't know why I didn't think to look for an Andrew Nelson in the states. I guess because I thought that he would be going by surname Hullquist. But, I suppose it would be possible that he may have changed his kids' surname, but not his own. The birthdate seems to fit ok, and the Phelps Co. reference is encouraging. I know I do need to do a Swenson Center search, just have to wait till I can afford it (it's on my wish list for sure ).  
There would be no obituary for John Hullquist (unfortunately) as he disappeared on his way to work sometime in 1899 just shy of the U.S. Federal Census for 1900 (so no clue there as to when he would have immigrated). Matilda remarried after John's disappearance/death (?) a Phillip Zink.          
You know, I just had a startling thought. I have been under the impression for the longest time that Johan Nilsson / Hullquist traveled with his family to the states, but looking in my family history book, all it says is that Claude (John's son)'s parents (John and Matilda) had emigrated to the states from Sweden. Here's a quote from the book about the name change: So it was recalled how the Hullquist name came into being: Claude Hullquist's grandfather [Anders Petter Nilsson], was a wailor in the Swedish Navy. His original surname was Nelson. There were several Nelsons on this same ship, which caused no end of confusion. So great grandfather vowed that he would change his name at the next port. As they sailed up the Hull River in England, he thought that a good Swedish name [would be] -- Hull-Quist.  
This would mean that Anders may never have changed his name, and that John might have siblings who still have the Nilsson (or Andersson/Andersdoter) last name. Hmmm...this is sorta rocking my world.
Here's a thought...does the Swedish Navy have any searchable records from that far back?  
Thanks, everyone, for all your help so far. It's kinda like a giant jigsaw puzzle, tedious sometimes, but great fun too.

2004-03-08, 11:46
Svar #10

Anders Andersson

You mentioned the Hull theory earlier, but then it was an emigrant ship, not a navy ship, which I think is an important difference.
If the quoted story is correct about Anders Petter Nilsson being enlisted in the navy, then I think he would have assumed his new surname already upon enlistment as part of an administrative procedure, not later as a spontaneous decision during a cruise visit to the United Kingdom. I'm afraid that story sounds a bit made up to explain the surname. The Swedish military has created thousands of new surnames over the centuries, precisely because of the abundance of identical patronymic names, so this is not something Anders Petter would have gone abroad to do in the 1800's.
However, as we don't know yet from where Anders Petter Nilsson came, it's quite possible that he was enlisted in the navy, although we have no significant evidence pointing in that direction. The Swedish navy does have records, as have the other branches of the armed forces, but the handwritten records aren't easily searchable by name only, as you need to know what regiment or what navy vessel he was enlisted with and when. There are efforts underway to digitize the military records, and some of the results can be found on the Internet, but I don't have the instructions in front of me.
Just keep in mind that you have essentially no hard facts indicating a military connection here, no year or parish of birth, and a fairly common name (Hullquist not considered, as he may have adopted that later), so don't expect too much from searching the military records. It's just one option among many.

2004-03-08, 14:40
Svar #11

Utloggad Lars Edmark

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I made a search in the Soldatsök (Soldier search) database on the internet
on Hallquist/Hellquist/Hultquist/Hallkvist/Hellkvist/Hultkvist. There where 7 Hallkvist, but no Anders Petter, and 4 Hultkvist. The closest Hultkvist was a Peter born as Johansson in 1759 (hardly the correct one).
It states on the first page that the database is under construction, now covering approx. 250 000 names between 1682-1901, with a coverage of 500 000 in the final version.

2004-03-08, 14:59
Svar #12

Trudi Hullquist LaFlair

The Hull theory is the one I was always told by my parents, while the Navy story I was less familiar with and just found it recently in our family history book. I know it's very heresay and sorry if I wasted space with it on this forum, however I thought I'd post it just in case, sometimes I'm not sure what things are important so I err on the side of too much information...  
Anders, thanks for trying to keep me on track, I've gotten so excited about this that I let my excitement get ahead of my organization. There are just too many dates/places/facts/stories... and I don't yet know the best way to keep them all organized. I think that my best bet right now to find John Hullquist is to try to trace backwards from his location in Nebraska during the 1880 census.  
Now that we have located Mathilda Charlotta in Sweden, what would be the best way for me to trace her family? I think what I'm asking is: what places should I search and what records are available to me? Parish records, church, census, birth... Right now I know about DISBYT and the main online genealogy search engines, but not sure what places I should check out in Sweden.  
I really appreciate the hard work of all you wonderful people to get me this far,

2004-03-08, 18:34
Svar #13

Anders Andersson

I agree that it's better to err on the side of too much information than to provide too little. Therefore, don't hesitate to post also hearsay, as long as you point out that it is hearsay (or whatever your source is), so that we get a good picture of what you know yourself. You are more likely to waste your own time following advice from people who don't know what you know, than to waste our time merely giving said advice.
State your source, Luke!  
Maybe someone else can fill in what you want to know regarding availability of Swedish archival records to American researchers.

2004-03-10, 03:29
Svar #14

Trudi Hullquist LaFlair

I found this link and saw Anders Petter Eriksson and Inga Stina Svensdotter mentioned and didn't know if it was something that had been submitted before (and I just didn't know because I don't speak/read Swedish) or not, but I just thought I'd post it just in case. Is Sjöboda Backstuga under Kloster a place on a map or the name of a home?  
Here's a couple more links, similar to the one above, just different locations. (Sandmon Backstuga under Gnöttlerum) (Modal Torp under Kloster)
Thanks, Trudi

2004-03-10, 09:26
Svar #15

Utloggad Lars Edmark

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The last link on Modal is commented in my contribution on March 4 above.
There is also a translation.
The site where you found the links also contains a link to a map showing where all the homesteads are/was located.

2004-03-10, 14:44
Svar #16

Trudi Hullquist LaFlair

Thank you for posting that map, Lars.
It gives me a better idea of their movements in the area.  
Thanks again,

2005-01-05, 14:03
Svar #17

Utloggad Elenor Svensson

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Posted by Lennart Almkvist(Lennarta) - lördag den 06 mars 2004 kl. 08.57:
“Also no 2 from Anders list, from Björkö parish, is wrong. Here the name was Hjerton Hultqvist, born 1781 in Hultsjö parish, dead 1843 i Björkö. His family lived in Bodaskögle mentioned above.”  
I just want to say that this Hjerton Hultqvist (born 1781, my Farfars Farmors Morfar) had a son, also called Hjerton, who was born 1818 in Björkö.

2007-10-09, 00:21
Svar #18

lennart frederiksen

i have a family with the name Hultquist
Johan Hultquist and wife Marie Jönsson
Thilda Gustafava Hultquist born 1862 9.oct in Rysby Sweden, live and die in Denmark 1940 (have 10 child)
Emma Kathrine Hultquist born 1864 30. oct in Rysby, Sweden, live and die in Denmark 1937 (have 12 child)
Anders Johan Hultquist born about 1866 in Rysby Sweden  
wife Josefine Vilhelmine Svendsen born about 1872
1 son Carl Oskar Vilhelm Hultquist born 1894

2007-10-09, 03:43
Svar #19

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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Emibas CD:
Post 270818
Johansdotter, Thilda Gustafva
Hemmadotter = daughter living at home (unmarried woman)
b. 10/9/1862 in Ryssby, Kronobergs län (Småland)
Emigrated 5/26/1883
from Ryssby Skattegård, Ryssby, Kronobergs län (Småland)
to Danmark
Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 88
Emibas migration file ID: Ryssby G 1883 018

2007-10-09, 03:57
Svar #20

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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GID # 840.42.40800
Ryssby, Kronoberg län, HFL 1881-1885, page 88
Smed Johan Hultqvist, born 1 December 1825 in Nöbbled
wife Kristina Maria Carlsdotter, born 29 September 1827 in Ryssby
s. Grenedier Johannes Vilhelm? Qvist, born 26 February 1857 in Ryssby, left 2? July? 1882?  but I can't read where
d. Thilda Gustafva, born 9? October 1862 in Ryssby, to Denmark 26 May 1883
d. Emma, born 30 October 1864 in Ryssby, a note saying Tyskland ? (if so, Germany), to Denmark 28 September?? 1884
s. Anders Johan, born 26 December? 1866 in Ryssby
d. Johanna, born 26 April 1870 in Ryssby
s. Frans, born 14? December 1872 in Ryssby

2007-10-09, 04:03
Svar #21

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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1890 Swedish Census CD:
(with a misspelled last name)
Hullquist, Johan 1825 F
Karlsdtr, Kristina 1827 M
(Barn), Frans 1872 Ch
(Saknar efternamn), Johanna 1870 M
(Barn), Jenny Maria 1890 Ch
Post 1268525
Hullquist, Johan
b. 1825 i Nöbbele (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Man, married (father)
Ryssby Skabegård
Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Nöbbeled
Post 1268526
Karlsdtr, Kristina
b. 1827 i Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Woman, married (mother)
Ryssby Skabegård
Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Ryssby
Post 1268527
b. 1872 i Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Man, single (child)
Ryssby Skabegård
Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Ryssby
Post 1268528
b. 1870 i Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Woman, single (mother)
Ryssby Skabegård
Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Ryssby
Post 1268529
Jenny Maria
b. 1890 i Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
o. d.
Girl (child)
Ryssby Skabegård
Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Ryssby

2007-10-09, 04:12
Svar #22

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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1900 Swedish Census CD:
Record 4865952
Hultqvist, Johan
Änkling Fattighjon
b. 1825 in Nöbbele (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Nöbbele Kronobergs län
Hultqvist, Frans 1872 Father
Danielsson, Johanna 1872 Mother
(Barn), Karl Axel 1893 Child
(Barn), August Vilhelm 1895 Child
(Barn), Agda Maria Elisabet 1898 Child
(Barn), Johan Edvard Daniel 1900 Child
Record 4848519
Hultqvist, Frans
b. 1872 in Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Man, married, father
Benestad Billa och Sjögård
Aringsås (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Ryssby Kronobergs län
Record 4848518
Danielsson, Johanna
b. 1872 in Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Woman, married, mother
Benestad Billa och Sjögård
Aringsås (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Ryssby Kronobergs län
Record 4848515
Karl Axel
b. 1893 in Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Boy, child
Benestad Billa och Sjögård
Aringsås (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Ryssby Kronobergs län
Record 4848514
August Vilhelm
b. 1895 in Ryssby (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Boy, child
Benestad Billa och Sjögård
Aringsås (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Ryssby Kronobergs län
Record 4848517
Agda Maria Elisabet
b. 1898 in Södra Ljunga (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Girl, child
Benestad Billa och Sjögård
Aringsås (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Södra Ljunga Kronobergs län
Record 4848516
Johan Edvard Daniel
b. 1900 in Agunnaryd (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Boy, child
Benestad Billa och Sjögård
Aringsås (Kronobergs län, Småland)
Place of birth (original source): Agunnaryd Kronobergs län

2007-10-09, 04:17
Svar #23

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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Post 271341
Hultqvist, Johanna
Piga (unmarried woman)
b. 4/26/1870 in Ryssby, Kronobergs län (Småland)
Emigrated 1/1/1893
from Ryssby Skattegård, Ryssby, Kronobergs län (Småland)
to Danmark
Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 83
Emibas migration file ID: Ryssby G 1893 010
Post 271342
Jenny Maria Amalia
Barn (unmarried woman)
b. 4/16/1890
Emigrated 1/1/1893
from Ryssby Skattegård, Ryssby, Kronobergs län (Småland)
to Danmark
Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 83
Emibas migration file ID: Ryssby G 1893 011

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