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Författare Ämne: Lindgren  (läst 711 gånger)

2005-10-23, 06:41
läst 711 gånger

Daraleen Wade

Johan Magnus Lindgren was born 10 May 1830, place unknown.  Would he have acquired the Lindgren name from being in the military or was it likely his family was using this name because of his father or grandfather, etc. having been in the military?  At what age did they serve in the military?   In 1851 & 1852 he is known to have been living in Stockholm.

2005-10-23, 12:34
Svar #1

Utloggad Britt Börjesson

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Centrala soldatregistret
contains a few Lindgren born 1830, 3 of them with name Jonas (another form of Johan), one Jonas Magnus, born the 10th, not in May but November.  
Could perhaps be something to check up?

2005-10-23, 18:08
Svar #2

Utloggad Maud Svensson

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Lindgren is not a military namne, but a very common family name.
And Jonas is not another form of Johan!
Jonas is a Greek form of the Hebrew namne Jona which means dove.
Johan is a Nordic short form of the Hebrew name Johannes which means 'the Lord is merciful'.
Hälsar vänligen

2005-10-23, 18:39
Svar #3

Daraleen Wade

Thank you Britt & Maud for responding to my question.  I find both responses interesting.  Finding Lindgren is a very common family name certainly makes my search more difficult.

2005-10-24, 10:49
Svar #4

Utloggad Olle Elm

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As you know I follow the discussions on Johan Magnus Lindgren. I know you have searched the husförhörslängd in Adolf Fredrik parish, Stockholm. Did you find him moving into the parish?
About the name Lindgren; If you use, you can see the name is quite common. Sometimes it was taken after a place with the word Lind – as for example in Linderås, quite near Gränna parish. But there are several names with Lind to search for ..
I will also mention: The second name Magnus is the same name as Måns.
Have you tried to find out where the names of the children of Johan Magnus Lindgren and his wife Inga Stina Andersdotter came from? I do not remember if you presented the names in the first discussion. Many times it is interesting to know if the children where named after grandparents, or other relatives.
Perhaps you already know; The name Johan you also meet as Jaen and Jan.
Regards from,
Olle Elm

2005-10-25, 05:10
Svar #5

Daraleen Wade

Hi Olle,
We appreciate your interest in Johan Magnus Lindgren and your helpful suggestions.  Yes, we found him in 1851 & 1852 in Stockholm with Professor Carl Boheman and family.  The moving in records will be ordered at the FHC this week.  
The first born child, Anders Johan, bears the name of his maternal grandfather, Anders Josephsson, and his father.  The other children are named, in birth order:  Charles William; Henry; Mary & Elizabeth (twins); Arthur; Emily and Oscar.  The maternal grandmother had the middle name of Elizabeth so, possibly, the paternal grandmother was a derivative of Mary.  Would you think the paternal grandfather might be Karl William?
I appreciate you giving the name variants.  While I might have suspected Jaen & Jan were the same as Johan, I don't think I would have thought of Måns being the same as Magnus.
Again, thank you, so much for your interest and help.

2005-10-25, 22:00
Svar #6

Utloggad Olle Elm

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Hi Daraleen,
The names of the children above are: Charles William; Henry; Mary & Elizabeth; Arthur; Emily and Oscar. In Sweden the names probably shold be written Karl Vilhelm, Henrik, Maria, Elisabeth (Lisa). Arthur; Emily and Oscar are more difficult to say anything about. As you know Oscar was very popular during this time in Sweden. Arthur and Emily are probably names given to children in America ..?
Hope you will find Johan Magnus Lindgren in the moving in records.
Olle Elm

2005-10-26, 02:23
Svar #7

Daraleen Wade

Hi Ole,
All of the children mentioned above were born in the US.  Since I haven't been able to get access to the parish records here, I don't know how the names were spelled in the register.  Both Arthur and Emily were common names when they were born and probably came from American sources.  Inga Stina Andersdotter, the mother, had a brother named Carl who came to the US the year before she did and they all lived in the same area here - at least for the first 10 years or so.  Carl is the only one of her siblings represented in the names of her children.   I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the microfilm to pursue this family further.

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