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Författare Ämne: John Charles Wederstrandt 1700's Goteborg to La Rochelle France  (läst 449 gånger)

2004-08-12, 21:24
läst 449 gånger

Nancy Wederstrandt

I am looking for information of the Wederstrandt family.  My ancestor John Charles Wederstrandt, was a sea captain and left Goteborg to live in La Rochelle France somewhere in the early 1700's.  According to what his son wrote in a family bible, he had no living relatives (mother, father or siblings except for a sister who remained in Goteborg.  I am trying to figure out why he left Sweden and moved to France, since when he came to the US, he moved to Maryland and was Catholic. La Rochelle was mostly prostestant, I think.  Does anyone know anything about the Wederstrandt family or any Swedish movement to France at this time.  
Thanks you very much for your time,
Nancy Wederstrandt  
Austin, Texas

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