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Författare Ämne: Hilma Leontine Spångberg (Tena)  (läst 1187 gånger)

2010-06-15, 21:20
läst 1187 gånger

Utloggad Maggie Keefe

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  • Antal inlägg: 5
  • Senast inloggad: 2010-06-24, 17:47
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Hello! I am writing to try and find more information about my great-great grandmother Hilma Leontine Spångberg, whom was known to our family as Tena. She was born to parents Karl Fredrik Spångberg and Kristina Elisabet Barken in Skärhyttan, Nora lands, Örebro . She was born in either 1884 or 1886. She is the aunt of August Spångberg, (1893-1987) former member of the Swedish Parliament. Any information that anyone could find would be so helpful! I would especially love a birth record to confirm her birthdate, as census records and immigration records I have found vary that date quite a bit!
Also, the name Spångberg is really interesting, does anyone know of a significance to it? I am confused by it because it does not follow the traditional patrynomics. Karl's father Jan started using the name, added to the end of his traditional patrynomic last name Erikson, and his children and grandchildren all followed suit, using only the name Spångberg.
Thank you so much!

2010-06-15, 22:14
Svar #1

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-02-28, 15:20
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Here is her family in 1890:
Spångberg, Karl Fredr.   1844   Far
Barkén, Krist:a Elis:t   1845   Mor
(Barn), Anna Lov:a   1870   Barn
(Barn), Klara Fredr:a   1876   Barn
(Barn), Osk. Fredrik   1878   Barn
(Barn), Alma Maria   1882   Barn
(Barn), Hilma Leont:a   1884   Barn
(Barn), Jenny Elis:t   1886   Barn
She was only 15 when she left:
Post 881993
Spångberg, Hilma Leontina
Torpardotter (unmarried woman)
b. 9/3/1884 in Nora, Örebro län (Västmanland)
Emigrated 8/5/1899
from Skärhyttan, Lämtjärnfallet, Nora bergsförs, Örebro län (Västmanland)
to Nordamerika
Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 924
Emibas migration file ID: Nora bergsförs T 1899 008

2010-06-15, 22:30
Svar #2

Utloggad Bo Johansson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2019-07-05, 11:17
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The family looks like this in 1890, extra information from GID 2317.15.20300, [Närke och Värmland, Örebro] Nora Bergsförsamling, AI.18D, Household examination, 1882-1891, page 762, Image 203:
Spångberg, Karl Fredr.
f. 1844-02-19 in Nora landsförs (Örebro län, Västmanland)
Gift man, far i familjen [married man, father]
- married 1870-06-21.
Barkén, Krist:a Elis:t
f. 1845-06-03 in Nora landsförs (Örebro län, Västmanland)
h. [wife]
Gift kvinna, mor i familjen [married woman, mother]
- married 1870-06-21, died 1891-06-13.
- illeg.(?) d. Karolina Matilda Spångberg, born 1867-05-20 Nora, moved 1890-04-14 to Fos. (göteborgs and Bohus county??).
Anna Lovisa
f. 1870-08-13 in Nora landsförs (Örebro län, Västmanland)
Ogift kvinna, barn i familjen [unmarried woman, child]
Klara Fredrika
f. 1876-09-18 in Nora landsförs (Örebro län, Västmanland)
Flicka, barn i familjen [girl, child]
Oskar Fredrik
f. 1878-06-18 in Nora landsförs (Örebro län, Västmanland)
Pojke, barn i familjen [boy, child]
- s. (twin), born 1878-06-18, dead.
Alma Maria
f. 1882-10-21 in Nora landsförs (Örebro län, Västmanland)
Flicka, barn i familjen [girl, child]
Hilma Leontinaa
f. 1884-09-03 i Nora landsförs (Örebro län, Västmanland)
Flicka, barn i familjen [girl, child]
Jenny Elisabet
f. 1886-10-02 i Nora landsförs (Örebro län, Västmanland)
Flicka, barn i familjen [girl, child]
- (Karolina Matilda's) illeg. d. Ester Ingegerd, born 1890-04-05 Svarteborg, died 1890-04-13.
Nora landsförs (Örebro län, Västmanland)
// Bo Johansson
P.S. The name Spångberg might be a military name, or a name a craftsman ancestor of Karl Fredrik had taken. Or perhaps Karl Fredrik's father had taken it just because he liked it.

2010-06-15, 22:50
Svar #3

Utloggad Bo Johansson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 247
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-07-05, 11:17
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Hilma Leontina's birth is recorded in Nora landsförsamling births in GID 100018.63.44500, [Örebro] _scb Örebro, Births,Marriages,Deaths, 1884, Image 172.
Birth number: 131
Birth date: 3 Sep 1884
Name: Hilma Leontina (8th child)
Father: Spångberg, Karl Fredrik, torpare (poor tenant farmer) - Skärhyttan, age 40.
Mother: Barkén, Kristina Elisabet, wife (married 14 years), age 39
Remark: baptised at Rockesholm(??).
Karl Fredrik's birth is recorded in GID 2317.36.42300, [Närke och Värmland, Örebro] Nora Bergsförsamling, C.9B, Births, 1843-1856, Image 20.
Birth number: 26
Birth date: 19 Feb 1844
Name: Carl Fredric
Father: Jan Ersson Spångberg, Lb.(??) at Skärhyttan
Mother: Maja Lena Persdotter, age 33
The family is found at Skärhyttan in GID 2317.68.7600, [Närke och Värmland, Örebro] Nora Bergsförsamling, AI.14B, Household examination, 1841-1850, page 195, Image 75.
Jan Ersson Spångberg, born 1808-01-05 Grythyttan, has a title(?) after his name, it seems to start with L, but I can't read it, perhaps it is Letb.
In the next HFL the title looks more like Lb, GID 2317.34.23200, [Närke och Värmland, Örebro] Nora Bergsförsamling, AI.15E, Household examination, 1851-1861, page 213, Image 232.
Perhaps Jan Ersson had taken the name Spångberg because he was something more than a farmer?
// Bo Johansson

2010-06-15, 23:16
Svar #4

Utloggad Maggie Keefe

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  • Antal inlägg: 5
  • Senast inloggad: 2010-06-24, 17:47
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Wow thank you so much!! That answers so many questions and puts the final pieces into our family puzzle! I knew about most of her siblings, but I had never heard of the illigitimate older sister and her child! I am so excited by what you've found and very grateful! Thank you! Looking into Jan and why he may have taken the name Spångberg is my new task now! The family kept it just for the immigration and then all of Karl Fredrik's daughters changed their last names to Carlson.  
Again, thanks so much!

2010-06-16, 12:21
Svar #5

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-05-29, 21:05
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Additional information from SE/ULA/11098 Nora bergsförsamling AI:13b (1828-1841)  Bild 97 / sid 92 where Jan Ersson is shown as moving in from Grythyttan and he is a blast furnace worker. Later is Spångberg added and his title is changed to L.B (?)
When he moved from Grythyttan, in September 25, 1831, he leaves his mother Catrina Jonsdotter and siblings, living in Spångtorp.
I guess that is why he took his name.
Source : SE/ULA/10337 Grythyttan AIa:14b (1830-1840)  Bild 168 / sid 446
(Meddelandet ändrat av mats 2010-06-16 12:29)

2010-06-16, 12:32
Svar #6

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-05-29, 21:05
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In SE/ULA/10337 Grythyttan AIa:13b (1820-1830)  Bild 174 / sid 169 is his father Erik Nilsson, born 1776, found, living in Spångtorp with his family. He was head of a blaster furnace, and died in April 1, 1829
(Meddelandet ändrat av mats 2010-06-16 13:27)

2012-01-22, 05:20
Svar #7

Utloggad Michael Swanson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2012-01-22, 05:20
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Jan Ersson Spångberg, born 1808-01-05 Grythyttan, has a title(?) after his name, it seems to start with L, but I can't read it, perhaps it is Letb. In the next HFL the title looks more like Lb, GID 2317.34.23200, [Närke och Värmland, Örebro] Nora Bergsförsamling, AI.15E, Household examination, 1851-1861, page 213, Image 232.
In the pages before and after it is clear that LB means landbonde.

2012-01-22, 06:18
Svar #8

Utloggad Moderator USA

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Previous posting was by misunderstandig of content transfered to new thread as it seemed to be out of topic here. As by an recieved explanation from the poster, this refers to the explanation in the post above (dated tisdagen 15 juni 2010 - 22:50).

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