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Författare Ämne: Andersdotter, Anna Maja (1796 Ljusnarsberg, Örebro)  (läst 652 gånger)

2006-05-30, 00:21
läst 652 gånger

Lois Campbell

I'm looking for information on the birth, death, parents or marriage of Anna Maja Andersdotter. The information I have is that she was born on September 14, 1796 in Ljusnarsberg, Örebro.
She married Petter Jonsson Hane in 1822. I don't know the exact date or location. I have checked the marriage records for Ljusnarsberg and Hjulsjö where her husband and children were all born. The only record I have of her is GID 379.73.54200 which is an HFL for 1831-1833 for Ljusnarsberg. The family moved there from Hjulsjö but I haven't been able to locate them there.  
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Lois Campbell

2006-05-30, 00:58
Svar #1

Bo Johansson

On that HFL page, the oldest child is daughter Anna Lisa born 10 Jan 1820 in Hjulsjö.
Hjulsjö births C:2 1796-1827 has Anna Lisa born 10 Feb 1720 to Petter Jonsson and Anna Maja Andersdotter at Kempetorp (Kämpetorp).
They can be found in the Hjulsjö HFL AI:6 1816-1825 page 96 at Kämpetorp (GID 2246.42.35900). Here it looks like they were married 1819.
So perhaps you can follow them both back and forward from here.
// Bo Johansson

2006-05-30, 01:04
Svar #2

Bo Johansson

CORRECTION:  Anna Lisa born 10 Feb 1820...
// Bo Johansson

2006-05-30, 23:04
Svar #3

Lois Campbell

Thank you, Bo. Looks like I was five years off in the year of their marriage! Thanks to you, I found their marriage record in Ljusnarsberg. Her father was named on the record so I was able to locate the young couple on the same HFL with her parents and siblings for that year.  
I would still like to locate her death record, but I lost track of her after 1813 on GID 2246.40.32400. Her husband died in 1810 and I didn't find her and the children on the next HFL for Bredsjo.
Thanks again,
Lois Campbell

2006-05-30, 23:34
Svar #4

Lois Campbell

CORRECTION!!! Sorry, Bo. I should have said I lost track of her for a while after her husband died. If you recall, you helped me by translating the letter the parish priest wrote regarding the fact that she did not turn in her moving papers when they left Hjulsjö for Ljusnarsberg (in order to avoid taxes). I haven't found her after that because Ljusnarsberg is so huge and I didn't have a village name.  
The reference to the widow in Bredsjo relates to Maja Jonsdotter wife of Jonas Hane.
Lois Campbell

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