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Författare Ämne: Uddevalla, Alvsbyn, Norbotten Peter Glantz  (läst 2219 gånger)

2001-01-28, 17:08
läst 2219 gånger

Utloggad Deb Hanna

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 27
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-01-24, 16:54
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CAn anyone tell me something about life in the Alvsbyn municipality in Norbotten..especially Uddevalla during the 1800'S?  My great grandfather was supposed to have emigrated from ther, to Germany and then the USA.  I am looking for parish records from that area in the hope of finding Peter's name..or his wife's name, Katherine Locke.  Most of Peter and Katherine's children died of childhood diseases in America.  I so much want to learn more about Pete and Katherine's lives.  Thnaks so much.
Deb Glantz Hanna

2017-11-15, 15:34
Svar #1

Utloggad Deb Hanna

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  • Antal inlägg: 27
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-01-24, 16:54
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never found him there...he was down south in Matfors and Langby too......P.E. Glans Per Erik Soderlund Glans

2017-11-15, 16:39
Svar #2

Utloggad Leif Lundkvist

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-06-09, 01:50
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Do you have any actual records of him in parish records in Sweden? Where, details?

2017-11-16, 11:53
Svar #3

Utloggad Deb Hanna

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  • Antal inlägg: 27
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-01-24, 16:54
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yep...I put a lot of it on my tree on I have records of his family from Tuna records on time now....they are all written up on my tree...Peter (per Erik Soderlund Glans) Glantz...b 1835...I combined his 2 names on ancestry.......  my tree is called Children of New England immigrants....I also put some records folks gave me, trying to link his line back to Bock..  if anyone would like to see the tree and can't find it....I can send you an invite with your email.......
Deb Glantz Hanna

2017-11-16, 12:15
Svar #4

Utloggad Deb Hanna

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  • Antal inlägg: 27
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-01-24, 16:54
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one of my comments on ancestry....the records were done by a university....they were free back when I did it, they cost money.  [font=]images now available at Per Eric is now on line at  birth Tuna Kyrkoarkiv, Födelse och dopböcker,  SE/HLA/1010212/C12 1767-1843.  by subscription but well worth it.  I have the image numbers if anyone wants to buy a subscription and go on to see them.  1880 to Amerika: Per Eric Glans  Langby records. to Amerika.  some day I will organize family duties have exploded!  svar follows his movement too.......and his family......then kind researchers found me household records for hid dad, granddad and great granddad...and I even have records from the paper company..SCA I think...was MAtfors Mills....they have an archives....and were wonderful...[/font]

2017-11-16, 12:47
Svar #5

Utloggad Deb Hanna

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  • Antal inlägg: 27
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-01-24, 16:54
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Thank you so much for being interested! I also transcribed the church records of the Calvary Swedish Baptist Church of Meriden, CT. which my Per and wife Karin belonged to for awhile. per's bsister, brother (Jonas Abraham Soderlund) and his son Nils went to MN..some to Fish Lake. I put the records of the meriden church online at and on and the Library of Congress took them too..Peter is there....the records were from the Swenson Center in Ill....they were wonderful.  Then I started the Fisk lake, MN records from the Baptist Church there but gave up for lack of time..and they were not as accurate...hard to figure out...but I found folks who went back and forth from Connecticut to MN...fascinating...someday I may finish.

Deb Glantz Hanna

2017-11-16, 12:54
Svar #6

Utloggad Deb Hanna

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  • Antal inlägg: 27
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-01-24, 16:54
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I also created a timeline that I never events and Peter's life events..I was going to merge it with my mom's English Stocking line.....history in England (she (mtDNA)goes back to West Kirby, England..Vikings, one point) and Sweden and then merge them with Ives on my half Swedish dad's side...but I never finished...The Life Of Peter Glantz it was called...and I was going to document everything but I ran out of time..I just downloaded it to ancestry...but no one will understand it but me unless I work on it more...merging  MN, Sweden, England etc....and annotating my data sources....which I have...but no more time ...too many family problems...I also put in on my small blog.......History Finds......

2017-11-16, 23:53
Svar #7

Utloggad Leif Lundkvist

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  • Antal inlägg: 4576
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-06-09, 01:50
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Well, you are very confusing. There is a Per Erik Jonsson born Aug 17 1835 in Tuna C:2 (1767-1843) Bild 191 / sid 185 (AID: v122792.b191.s185, NAD: SE/HLA/1010212). Is that the one that later became Peter Glantz? I don't find the family in the household examination, but there is a probable move out record 1836, but I don't understand where they moved.

What is the problem? You mention Älvsbyn in Norrbotten and Uddevalla, probably a harbor town far from Norrbotten, how are they related to Peter Glantz?

2017-11-17, 18:56
Svar #8

Utloggad Deb Hanna

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 27
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-01-24, 16:54
    • Visa profil
I was wrong....they are not related to the Alvsbyn folks...I was just thanking everyone for helping and then telling them that I found him somewhere else.    TIMELINE
1811  Peter’s mother Brita Fridsted born. (Indiko) (record office

1816, Dec 13: Peters’ father, Johan Perrson born (Indiko) (record office

1832, Sept. 26. First wife Cajsa Schnitt born (record office His first wife was Kajsa Stina Schnitt, born  1832, Sept. 26, in Selånger, Västernorrlands län.  (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1835. Aug 17Per Erik Söderlund (Glans) Born INDIKO Swedish records. ( Before August, in 1880, at castle Garden, Peter gives his age as 44 which means he had not turned 45 yet) (record office

1835, Aug 7. BORN Per Erik Glans, born Söderlund, 1835, Aug. 7, in Tuna parish in Västernorrlands län . (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)
He changed the spelling of his name to Peter Glantz.

1837. Aug. BORN Peter Glantz born in Sweden, in 1837 (1)  His father was John Glantz , his      mother unknown. (death certificate,filled out by son Charles Glantz, Meriden, Ct. town hall)

1838:  sister Brita Lisa born in Bergsjöo (

1842: brother Jonas Abraham born in parish of Njurunda  (

1844: moved to the parish of Forsa.   (

1855: Moves into Matfors, Forsa, Tuna Parish from Gåvleborgs Lån. To Matfors. (INDIKO).
Used the soldier’s name Glans. (

1856:Moves to Runsvik. (INDIKO) (

1857:Moves to ort Ön. (INDIKO) (

1859,Oct. 29, married Cajsa Schnitt (B. 9/26/1832). (INDIKO) (record office They Kajsa Stina Schnitt and Per, married in 1859, Nov. 13 (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1859, Oct. 20. Marriage to first wife Cajsa Stina Schnitt, Tuna, Vasternoorland, Sweden, batch number: M408023 Dates: 1843-1859 Source call no. 0076619  type: film (

1859, April 18.  Stepdaughter Lisa Augusta is born 4/18/1859. (INDIKO) (record office Elisabet Augusta ((Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1859: Moves to Matfors. (INDIKO)

1860, July 19, 1860.Son Jonas is born. (Indiko) ,Jonas Peter (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)
birth date same as John Soderlund of Meriden, CT. whos’ dad is listed as Peter Glantz, on his death certificate.

1860: Moves to Forsa. (Indiko) (

1860: Last year for the individual in Tuna parish (INDIKO)  (

1862, Jan. 13. Daughter Anna Brita born (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1864, March 12. Son Nils Olof born. Emigrated to the US 1872. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1866, Oct. 29, daughter Margeret Kristina born. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1867: Ladugårdsgärdet - exercise field, now in the middle of Stockholm Source: (Hälsinge regemente, volume 1232, Anna Sveningsson archivist, Swedish Central Soldiers Register)

1869, Nov. 9: Daughter Katrina born. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1869: 1 month in Hudiksvall - city in Hälsingland (Hälsinge regemente, volume 1232, Anna Sveningsson archivist, Swedish Central Soldiers Register)

1869: Långholmen - prison, also in the middle of Stockholm. He was only there half his time, then he got permission to go home since his wife died. (Hälsinge regemente, volume 1232, Anna Sveningsson archivist, Swedish Central Soldiers Register)

1869, Nov. 13. Peter’s first wife, Kajsa Stina Schnitt died. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1870: Meeting for officers and conscripts at Mo, exercixe field near Söderhamn in Gästrikland
(Hälsinge regemente, volume 1232, Anna Sveningsson archivist, Swedish Central Soldiers Register)

1871, May 29: Peter’s second wife, Karin Carlsdotter married for 1st time to Olof Jonsson Forsling. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1871, March 16: born, Jonas Forsling, son of Peter’s second wife, Carin Carsldotter LAxs) and her first husband, Jonas Forsling. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1872: Långholmen and 3 days in Delsbo - parish in Hälsingland (Hälsinge regemente, volume 1232, Anna Sveningsson archivist, Swedish Central Soldiers Register)

1872: Son Nils Olof born to Peter and his first wife.  Emigrated to the US 1872. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1872: brother emigrated to USA 1872…need reference.

1872, Oct. 20, Peter married his second wife, widow Karin Carskdotter, born Sept. 7, 1849. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1873, July 20. daughter Matilda born. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1874, Sept. 8 daughter Matilda died. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1875: Meeting for officers and conscripts at Mo. (Hälsinge regemente, volume 1232, Anna Sveningsson archivist, Swedish Central Soldiers Register)

1875, April 5. Son Carl Magnus born. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1875, Sept. 18, Son Carl Magnus died. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1876, Oct. 23, son Erik born. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1877, Jan 13. Son Erik died.  (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1878: Field service, exercises (Hälsinge regemente, volume 1232, Anna Sveningsson archivist, Swedish Central Soldiers Register)

1878, March 29. Son Carl Magnus born.

Sometime before emigration…farms out kids to Olof Strid, foster family….

1880: emigrated from Langby, Forsa to America in 1880 with family:(

1880:  wife Carin Glans, age 30, emigrates from Forsa to NY,NY. (MIHAMN/EMIGRANTEN /9/24/2001 ,Kälkod: st 1880:292 Antal funna: 13)
1880: son Erik Johan Glans, age 2 emigrates from Forsa to NY,NY.  (MIHAMN/EMIGRANTEN /9/24/2001 ,Kälkod: st 1880:292 Antal funna: 13)
1880: son Jonas Glans, age 9, emigrates  from Forsa to NY,NY.  (MIHAMN/EMIGRANTEN /9/24/2001 ,Kälkod: st 1880:292 Antal funna: 13)
1880: Per Erik Glans  age 44, emigrates from Forsa to NY,NY.  (MIHAMN/EMIGRANTEN /9/24/2001 ,Kälkod: st 1880:292 Antal funna: 13)

1880, May 29: Per Erik, SOLDAT FD , Parish: Forssa, Gavleborgs lan,emigrated from Stockholm. Destination: New York, NY  (Emigrant CD Utresehamn: Stockholm, Utvandrdag: 1880 05 29 Medåkande JA) (Bridge to Sweden)
1880, May 29: Carin: HUSTRU Parish: Forssa, Gavleborgs lan,emigrated from Stockholm. Destination: New York, NY (Emigrant CD Utresehamn: Stockholm, Utvandrdag: 1880 05 29
Medåkande JA)
1880, May 29: Erik Johan: SON Parish: Forssa, Gavleborgs lan,emigrated from Stockholm. Destination: New York, NY (Emigrant CD Utresehamn: Stockholm, Utvandrdag: 1880 05 29
Medåkande JA)
1880, May 29: Jonas: SON  Parish: Forssa, Gavleborgs lan,emigrated from Stockholm. Destination: New York, NY (Emigrant CD Utresehamn: Stockholm, Utvandrdag: 1880 05 29
Medåkande JA)

1880, June 1: P.E. Glans arrives in NY, age 44, male, Port of departure, Bremen, Germany and Southampton, England. Destination, USA, Place of Origin, Sweden, ship Main. (Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, N.Y. 1820-1897. M237. 675 rools. DP.)
1880 , June 1: Karin Glans, age 30, female, Port of departure, Bremen, Germany and Southampton, England. Destination, USa, Place of Origin, Sweden, ship Main Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, N.Y. 1820-1897. M237. 675 rools. DP.)
1880, June 1: Jonas Glans, age 7, male, Port of departure, Bremen, Germany and Southampton, England. Destination, USa, Place of Origin, Sweden, ship Main Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, N.Y. 1820-1897. M237. 675 rools. DP.)
1880, June 1: Erik Glans, age 2, male, , Port of departure, Bremen, Germany and Southampton, England. Destination, USa, Place of Origin, Sweden, ship Main Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, N.Y. 1820-1897. M237. 675 rools. DP.)

1888 P.E. Glanz and wife Kate Glanz members and then nonmembers of the Calvary Swedish Baptist church, Meriden, CT.

List of American children that are born and die
List of occupations and here he lived.

1888 , Nov. 18: daughter Margaret Stina Glans married Carl Lilja. In Sweden. (Roland Lilja material) Margret Kristina Glans. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1889, Jan. 9: grandchild , Karl Olof , son of daughter Margaret Lilja, born in Sweden. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

Somewhere in here..John Sodlerund lives in Meriden, died…same birth date as Jonas….and father listed as Peter Glantz.

1890: Foster parent for Peter’s daughter , Olaf Strid lives in Meriden.  (US census)

1890, June 1: grandchild, Johan Adolf , son of Margaret Kristina Glans Lilja, born in Sweden. (Sverges släktregister,
1975, Forsa)

1893, April 26 : grandchild , Ernst August son of Margaret Kristina Glans Lilja, born in Sweden. (Sverges släktregister,
1975, Forsa)

1893. Husband of Peter’s daughter Margret Kristina Glans Lilja , Carl Lilja emigrates to the USA. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)
To Meriden, CT.

1894: Peter’s daughter Margret Kristina Glans and children emigrate to USA. (Sverges släktregister,
1975, Forsa)

1894: Peter’s grandchild, Karl Olof, son of daughter Margaret Kristina Glans Lilja, emigrates to US. (Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1894: Peter’s grandchild,Johan Adolf , son of  daughter Margaret Kristina Glans Lilja, emigrates to US.
(Sverges släktregister, 1975, Forsa)

1990. wife Kate Glantz died of TB in Meriden, CT.
1902, April 8.. DIED died of apoplexy in Meriden, CT.  almshouse, Meriden, CT. father John Glantz, born in Sweden, mother unknown.(1).

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