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Författare Ämne: Wigström, Johan Adrian, born about 1834, and Sophia Holmquist, born about 1848  (läst 710 gånger)

2002-06-21, 04:06
läst 710 gånger

Janet Schmidt

Johan Adrian Wigström was born about 1834 and married Sophia Holmquist August 4, 1872, in Västergötland.  They had seven children and Johan emigrated to the United States in 1888 and settled in Chicago.  Sophia and the children came a year and a half later in 1889.  The family lived in Gustaf Adolf apparently in Skaraborg County, province Västergötland, Sweden, according to the emigration CD information.  Sophia and Johan had one more child while living in Illinois and then most of the family moved to Bock, Minnesota, where they farmed.  Johan and Sophia's children were Maria (Mary), Charlotte, Carl, Laura, Ida, Andrew (David), Karin and Hilma.  Any information you may have on this family would be much appreciated!  I would like to find any siblings Johan or Sophia may have had and who their parents were and where Johan and Sophia were born, etc.

2004-01-03, 20:52
Svar #1

Utloggad Ted Rosvall

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  • Antal inlägg: 1256
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-06-06, 21:47
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The following information was found in the EMIBAS database of Swedish emigrants:
Johan Adrian WIGSTRÖM *1834 Apr.20. Utvängstorp (R)
wife/ Sofia Charlotta Holmqvist *1848 Aug.4. Jönköping
dau  Maria Sofia *1872 Sep.23. Gustav Adolf (R)
dau  Charlotta Matilda *1875 Mar.8. Gustav Adolf
son  Karl Johan Laurentius *1880 Aug.13. G-Adolf
dau  Laura Eufemia *1881 Sep.16. Gustav Adolf
dau  Ida Anny Gustafva *1884 Apr.28. G-Adolf
son  David Samuel Adrian *1886 Feb.19. G-Adolf
dau  Karin Albertina Linn?a *1887 Mar.22. G-Adolf
The father left 1888 Jan.23. for the US, the rest of the family followed in 1889 Aug.9. They resided at Övra Starbäck in Gustav Adolf parish at the time of their emigration.
Ted Rosvall

2004-01-11, 09:55
Svar #2

Utloggad Jan Åke Sandberg

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 282
  • Senast inloggad: 2018-12-20, 12:39
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According to birth records for Sofia parish in Jönköping Sofia Charlotta Holmqvist was born Aug 8, 1848 as daughter of Custom-House attendant Lars Holmkvist and his wife Sofia Vilhelmina Ekengren.  Her sisters Matilda Albertina was born June 6, 1850, Anna Maria Nov 29, 1851 who died Jan 2, 1857.  They lived in V(ästra) Förstaden 23 (That is Western Suburb 23).  Probably is Augusta Josefina Holmkvist their sister, she died Aug 13, 1857 at an age of 13 year 8 months and 3 days.  She was not born in Jönköping (two parishes, Sofia and Kristina).  At that time peopole from oustide town had to pay customs fee if they had any intentions to sell something in the city.
Try to look on  You will there find records of birth (födsel), marriage (vigsel) and deaths (döda) from the parishes around Jönköping but unfortunately not Utvängstorp.
Good luck

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