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Författare Ämne: Emigrantn CD lookup --Carl Johnsson family  (läst 477 gånger)

2004-03-26, 18:02
läst 477 gånger

Utloggad Nancy Wiberg Jones

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 127
  • Senast inloggad: Aldrig
    • Visa profil
Would someone please look up the emigration data for following family.  They left Sweden together about 1890 and are believed to be from Vånga, Kristianstad or Ysane,Blekinge:
Carl Johnsson b. 1856 (husband)
Sissa Johnsson b. 1854 (wife)
Hermman Johnsson b. 1886 (son)
John Johnsson b. 1889 (son)
In the 1900 US Census the family gave a naturalization date of 1888, but they also indicated that John Johnsson was born in Sweden.  Perhaps John was born in the US, or perhaps the naturalization date is inaccurate?  Their residence in the US was Kiester, Minnesota.
Many thanks.

2004-03-27, 00:47
Svar #1

Utloggad Mats Ahlgren

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 4737
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-05-29, 21:05
    • Visa profil
Hi Nancy
Emigranten shows the following:
Sissa Johnsson from Gammalstorp (K) leaves Malmö 1890-05-08 for Alden MN.
Together with her travels Per Herman Carlsson, 3 y, and John Sigfrid Carlsson, 1 y
(source code 1890:1679:376)
At the same time (1890-05-08 and from Malmö) goes Johan Nilsson, 19 y, from Gammalstorp to Alden, MN
(code 1890:1679:377)
Carl Johan Johnsson (also named Carl John Johansson), age 31, from Gammalstorp (K) leaves Malmö 1888-04-19 with destination Alden, MN.  
(Code 1888:1686:46).
Can that be the husband?

2004-03-29, 18:50
Svar #2

Utloggad Nancy Wiberg Jones

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 127
  • Senast inloggad: Aldrig
    • Visa profil
Thank you Mats!
This appears to be the correct family. Alden is very near to Kiester, Minnesota. I am trying to establish their relationship to my great-grandmother Thilda Svensdotter Eng who emigrated about the same time from Ysane (to Chicago).  The families visited one another periodically in the US. I put a new posting under Landskap:Blekinge:Gammalstorp to search further.
Thanks again,

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