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Författare Ämne: CD Lookup - Ludvig Jacobsson & Gerda Katerina Carlsdotter  (läst 845 gånger)

2003-03-24, 02:53
läst 845 gånger

Carl Monson

Ludvig Jacobsson, born: 19 Dec 1860 in Perstorp, Skäne, son of Jacob Olson. Immigrated to USA about 1880-89. (He used name of Lewis or Louis in USA, so assume that Ludvig was birth name.)(Skäne is correct county but Perstorp is interpretation of handwriting on marriage certificate in USA)
Gerda Katerina Carlsdotter, born: about 1870 in Vadstena, Östergötland, daughter of Carl A. Carlson. Immigrated to USA about 1890.
These two were married 25 Oct 1890 in DeKalb, Illinois, USA.
Immigration information would be greatly appreciated.

2003-04-04, 17:32
Svar #1

Utloggad Monica Svenske

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 43
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-05-05, 14:46
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Hej Carl
I have tried to find Ludvig Jacobsson and Gerda Katerina Carlsdotter on the Svedish Emigrant CD-ROM, but failed.
There is though an Olof Jacobsson from Perstorp parish in Skåne who emigrated 1889-06-06 from Malmö harbor to Dixon Il. He was then 29 years old so he must have been born around 1860.  His occupation was extra ordinary station___? I guess it means that he worked at the railwaystation. If your Ludvig had a second name, this Olof Jacobsson could be your man.  
There is also a Christina Carlsson from Vadstena who emigrated 1891-09-04 from Göteborg harbor to Jamestown at the age of 21, (born around 1870). I guess this is not the right person since your Gerda Katerina married 1890.
Regards Monica

2003-04-04, 17:56
Svar #2

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

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  • Senast inloggad: 2015-07-14, 18:26
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Hi Monica and Carl,
Dixon and DeKalb aren't very far away from each other.They are in neighboring counties.  
This Illinois map from the 1895 online U.S. Atlas shows Dixon and DeKalb in Lee and DeKalb counties.
It seems more likely that Monica's find could be the right man, but you will need to do some searching, perhaps at the Swenson Center, to find more information. (The Swenson Center records aren't online but they are extensive.)

2003-04-06, 04:00
Svar #3

Carl Monson

Hi Monica and Judy,
Thank you both very, very much for your help.  Additional info: ? Jacobsson assumed the name Louis (Lewis) Jackson after entering USA.  Family bible mentions Jacobson, so we think that was his surname.  He was married twice, to Gerda Katerina Carlsdotter in 1890, then when she died in 1896, he married Hulda Sophia Carlsdotter in Mar 1897.  We have located Hulda in the Vadstena archives- she emmigrated in Nov 1896 from Vadstena. Hulda was born in Rök Parish, near Vadstena. I have copies of both marriage certificates from DeKalb, IL. The two wives were not sisters; they had different parents.  
Monica, What you found on Jacobsson looks pretty good. The dates and places match well and the name Olaf was used in his family later.  I don't believe that Gerda fits what you found.
Judy,  From your note, it sounds like you have some connection to the Swensen Center; do you?  I did not know about that center, so thank you for the info.  I am sending a written request to them to do some research for me.  
Thanks again for your help.
Regards, Carl

2003-04-06, 05:56
Svar #4

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1355
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-07-14, 18:26
    • Visa profil
Hi Carl,
No, I am not connected with the Swenson Center, but I have been there several times. Their records are fantastic! If your ancestors joined one of the Swedish-American churches, for example, the parish and date of birth are listed, among other information.  
I have had good luck with obituaries from Swedish-American newspapers at the Swenson Center, and they have other useful materials which have helped me.
I like the Swenson Center a lot and have found information there which told me where people had lived in Sweden and gave me information about their lives after emigrating.  

2003-05-01, 16:53
Svar #5


Hi Monica and Judy,
Judy, your tip to go to the Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois really paid off.
They found the whole family.  Louis Jacobson was indeed the same Olof Jacobsson that Monica found. He was born 19 Dec 1859 in Östra Ljungby parish in Kristianstads län, not far from Perstorp.  He departed from the port of Malmö on 6 Jun 1889.
Monica, the reason you could not find Gerda in Vastena, was that she had moved to Stockholm and left from there.  She departed from Göteborg on 7 Jun 1889, one day after Olof left Malmö.  They probably met on the way to America.
According to church records in DeKalb, Illinois, Olof used the name Olof Jackson and Louis Jackson interchangeably some of the time.
Thanks you both for your help.  I now have located  living cousins from Hulda's family, and am working on ancestry of Olof and Gerda.  We also are trying to verify Olof's birth and his full name.

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