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Författare Ämne: Carl Johan Anderson b dec 23 1837 Osterg  (läst 906 gånger)

2003-08-31, 19:58
läst 906 gånger

lori anderson

Looking for information on Carl johan anderson(charles john in america)born december 23 1837.belived him to be from stockholm find may have been something like osterg ian.had a son carl willhelm b april 17 1866.any informaton greatly appreciated. thank you

2003-08-31, 21:30
Svar #1

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1355
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-07-14, 18:26
    • Visa profil
Hi Lori,
I suppose that osterg ian is Östergötland län. Län means county.
Look at this map of Swedish counties, old and modern.
This page tells the information generally needed, especially with common names, before trying to search in Swedish records.
I found most of my information at the Swenson Center (especially church records and newspaper obituaries), genealogical and historical societies, lodge records, censuses, court houses, etc. Sometimes we have to dig a lot and other times the clues come easily. I hope you find easy clues.Those places gave me the essential parish name needed to cross the ocean and do research in Swedish records.
Good luck!

2003-08-31, 22:23
Svar #2

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1355
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-07-14, 18:26
    • Visa profil
Hi Lori,
Did Carl Johan Andersson emigrate? There are some listings of people by that name and birth year in Östergötland county on the fee-based Arkion site in 1890. None were living with a Carl Wilhalm born 1866. Did Carl Wilhelm emigrate? Do you have names of other children and his wife?
If they came to the U.S. or another country outside Europe in the right years, they might be listed on the Emigrant CD and then you would hopefully have more to work with. It is hard to help without details.

2003-11-08, 07:01
Svar #3

lori anderson

Thanks Judy here is what i got from our church records.born on alhelgorra forrans osterg ian.arrived  in america from osterg ian 1880.

2003-11-12, 02:09
Svar #4

Anders Andersson

I suppose that alhelgorra should read Allhelgona, which is the name of a parish in Östergötland county (Österg. län). The province (landskap) of Östergötland more or less coincides with Östergötland county in terms of territory.
There is a separate discussion for each Swedish parish here at Anbytarforum, including Landskap: Östergötland: Socknar: Allhelgona where you may find researchers more familiar with Allhelgona parish.

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