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Författare Ämne: Anbernus Bengtsson, born in Ljungby, Halland 1876  (läst 1266 gånger)

2004-10-05, 10:55
läst 1266 gånger

Christer Nilsson

As a beginner in this world I now don't know what to do...
Anbernus (a very unusal name) was my grandmother's uncle. He was born in Ljungby, Halland 21st of April 1876. He lived at No 5 Gisslestad until 1896 when he left for America.
I have found Anbernus (transcripted as Amtenus in the data base) in the original passenger list of The St Louis, which arrived New York 21st of March 1986. (the date could be the date the ship left Southampton, England, as the emmigration records from Gothenburg says he left Sweden on 18th of March 1896 /Källkod: 57 231 167)
In the passenger list it says he travelled alone and the final destination where Broddocks. I guess it shall be Braddock!?  
Anbernus' family:
father: Bengt Johan Arvidsson, born 1840-04-28 in Asige, Halland
mother: Anna Beata Andersdotter, born 1845-04-12 in Slöinge, Halland
brother: Oskar Alfred, born 1870-04-07 in Slöinge, Halland
sister: Johanna Olivia, born 1872-02-29 in Ljungby, Halland
brother: Anders Gustaf, born 1883-06-15 in Ljungby, Halland
sister (and my Great Greatmother Alma Potentia, born 1880-05-22 in Ljungby, Halland
So... is there anyone who knows anything about Anbernus or who can suggest what to do?
Christer Nilsson

2004-10-12, 18:00
Svar #1

Chuck Maki

in Braddock, PA at Bethel Lutheran church is not a man by the name of Anbernus Bengtson from Ljunby.  The index of members names was written in what appeared to be watered down ink which makes reading difficult so I went thru each page.  I did not find him but I did find some ppl from the same parish of Ljunby.  I also checked the marriage records but again, the same weak ink.  I managed to check from 1897 thru 1904 before stopping.
If you knew of a wife or children, that might be useful.
This data is from Swenson Swedish Center here in town.
Chuck Maki in Rock Island, IL

2004-10-13, 14:31
Svar #2

Christer Nilsson

Thanks for your effort, Chuck!
Unfortunately I don't know anything else about Anbernus....but maybe I would recognize some of the people you found from the parish of Ljungby.
As I don't know how much work it would be for you to find those people, I can only make a humble wish...and hope that it wouldn't be to much. *smile*
Best regards
/Christer Nilsson in Norrköping, Sweden
Ps. If there is anything I can do for you...please, don't hesitate to ask!

2004-10-14, 01:18
Svar #3

Chuck Maki

Hi Christer,
There were just 2 ppl if memory serves correctly.  I won't be able to get down there this week because of a Swedish gen meeting this weekend which has brought a number of ppl to do some searching also but probably next week so I will take your info page out and put it where I can be reminded to find those others from that town.

2004-10-14, 11:19
Svar #4

Christer Nilsson

Hello, Chuck!
I'm looking forward to see if you might find any of the people from Ljungby next week.
Thanks again from a chilly Norrköping full of autumn colours.

2004-10-14, 14:00
Svar #5

Jan Ek (Janek)

I think a very likely namechange is to Bernard Benson. That might be the name he is going by later in life. I can see all his siblings have two first names, didn't Anbernus have the same? I can follow a John Bernard Benson of the right age in Braddock PA through the censuses 1910-1920 and 1930. His story as shown in the records is not a happy one. But if you are sure Anbernus was his only name, we should discard this.
By the way, three days between Gothenburg and NY is not possible, I would suggest he left on the 8th. Yes it says arrival in NY on the 21st. Too bad the manifest doesn't tell what state he's aiming for. There are similar names of places also in NJ and Virginia.

2004-10-14, 22:12
Svar #6

Chuck Maki

Bernard Benson?  Good idea!  
Until next Tuesday though so we must all wait with impatience.
It's getting cooler here also.  I think winter is coming.  My son John said he had close to 13cm of snow (5 inches) but he is at an elevation of 8000 feet, divide by .3048m to get the metric number
If there is something more to add before next week that could be useful, by all means send me an email.

2004-10-19, 09:01
Svar #7

Christer Nilsson

Hi again!
I have spent some time on searching for any more clues about Anbernus...but no success!  
He had no other first namnes(according to the church records in Ljungby parish).  
Jan, you said you found a John Bernard Benson in Braddock, PA. Well ...I don't know...maybe Anbernus just took some new namnes when he arrived US. His fathers name was Bengt Johan...
By the way...where is your son, Chuck? Climbing some mountains...or?  
Regards from a rainy Norrköping

2004-10-19, 16:07
Svar #8

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

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Have you checked bouppteckningar after his parents (or siblings without children)? Standard advice from Rötters emigranttips, but you don't mention if you have or not, so I thought I'd ask.
Eva i lika regniga Jönköping

2004-10-19, 16:25
Svar #9

Christer Nilsson

No, Eva, I haven't.....but I will...when I learned how to do it!  Thanks for your advice!
It still rains!

2004-10-19, 16:41
Svar #10

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

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In Swedish - Christer, du tar reda på när föräldrarna dör, och skriver till Landsarkivet i Lund om föräldrarna fortfarande bor i Halland då. Arvingarna ska stå - men det kan stå på okänd adress i Amerika eller en mer eller mindre detaljerad adress. Förutsättningen är förstås att de avled efter hans emigration. Om du är helt nybörjare (vilket första inlägget antyder): Läs böckerna Släktforska Steg för Steg och Emigrantforska Steg för Steg (båda av Per Clemensson och Kjell Andersson).
Lycka till!

2004-10-19, 18:12
Svar #11

Utloggad Ulla Kristoffersen

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Jag hittade en Amerikaemigrants namnbyte i bouppteckning efter hans föräldrar, så det är absolut värt ett försök. Även ogifta syskons bouppteckning kan kanske ge napp.

2004-10-19, 22:47
Svar #12

Christer Nilsson

Thanks for all help and advice!  
Eva...I was just ahead of your hints about the literature... I have spent the evening in the bath tub....reading the book Emigrantforskning steg för steg. It was interesting...and I had to pour in some more hot water several times...*big laugh*  
Though...I think I have got some bigger knowledge about how to do...
Eva, one more question: Is it possible to find bouppteckningarna in the local archives in Falkenberg. I'm going there next week and I'm planning to spend some time to search for my history...
Sweet dreams!

2004-10-20, 05:15
Svar #13

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-05-07, 20:50
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No, the estate inventories (bouppteckningar) are all moved from tingsrätten (district court?) to Landsarkivet (Regional Archives) in 2001, all over the country all estate inventories were collected to the regional archive that was applicable for that court (a change of legislation, after 1 July 2001 all estate inventories are given in to the tax autorities).
For some reading in English on older estate inventories - read an article in Swedish roots.
PS. A number of the discussions under Anbytarforum: Källor: Bouppteckningar give some information in Swedish.

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