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Författare Ämne: Gust Peterson, b Jan 23, 1853 in Östergötland, Sweden.  (läst 627 gånger)

2002-09-03, 00:12
läst 627 gånger

Ron Holmquist

Hi Folks!
The only accurate information I have concerning my great-grandfather, Gust Peterson, is from his MN death certificate. That information was given to the coroner by Gust's son, Arthur G. Peterson.
The following is that info:
Gust was born on Jan 23, 1853 in Östergötland, Sweden.  
After emigrating to Minnesota in 1871, Gust lived in the Bohemian Flats area of south Minneapolis, MN. He worked as a track worker for the Milwaukee RR for over 50 years. At his death, on March 20, 1942, Gust resided at 266-19th Ave So. Mpls.  
He was married to his wife, Sophia Johnson, on July 9, 1884. The ceremony was in Mpls.
I realize that this information about Gust is very limited. However, if someone could help me in my search for any other information, I would be very appreciative.

2002-09-03, 06:26
Svar #1

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 4039
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-05-07, 20:50
    • Visa profil
Hi Ron! You asked this question already in June and received some answers here.
Have you had time to check it further?
Kind regards,
Eva Dahlberg

2002-09-03, 21:10
Svar #2

Ron Holmquist

Hi Eva!
Yes, Eva, this is my second query on the subject of Gust Peterson. It has more accurate information than the first. Also, the answer I received concerning my first query about Gust, did not fit the profile that I now have of him.  
Some examples:
Gust emigrated to Mpls in 1871 and was not married before leaving Sweden.
Sorry if my new query appears to be redundant. However, now, with my providing a new and more accurate profile of Gust, maybe someone can help me with my research. Hope so!! (:>)
Thanks, Eva, for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it!
Best regards,

2002-09-03, 21:19
Svar #3

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 4039
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-05-07, 20:50
    • Visa profil
Hi Ron, telling why the first answer didn't fit will certainly pave the way for a better response, so you don't risk getting the same all over. That's why I linked to the old one which I happened to remember. Therefore it might also have been better to place the query in the same discussion, for us who try to help and for those who may come looking later.
Good luck!
Kind regards,
Eva Dahlberg

2002-09-04, 08:37
Svar #4

Anette Rosberg

Hi Ron!
If you have no success here, you might try the Swedish Emigrant institute:
who can perhaps do a search in their database on name combined with date of birth.
Even if you have the information that Gust was born in Östergötland from his death certificate it may be inaccurate. I have myself come across inaccurate place of birth information on American death certificates, even when the information was given by the deceased?s child. (In my case, the son had gotten his mother?s and father?s places of birth mixed up).

2002-09-04, 17:30
Svar #5

Rick Ekman

Hi Ron!
In the CD Emigranten there is only 3 G. Peterson that emigrated 1871.
One of them was Gustaf Peterson age 22 from Gerstorp in Östergötland, his given destination was New York, but that information almost ever is the same as the destination they end up in.
Does he fit your profile?
If not the other G. Petersons that emigrated 1871 was 24 and 30 years old. Any match?

2002-09-04, 18:54
Svar #6

Ron Holmquist

Hi Anette & Rick!
Thanks to both of you, Anette and Rick, for your constructive advice!  
Great-grandpa Gust has been very elusive these past years. Now, with the help of you'all and the other members of Rötter, I seem to be getting closer to finding Gust's true Swedish identity.
Rick, I'll have to do a little more digging to ascertain if any of the three G Petersons you have researched is my Gust! I'll keep you posted!

2002-09-05, 03:40
Svar #7

Ron Holmquist

Hi Folks!
To all you nice folks who have helped me with my search for Gust Peterson and are interested in my progress, I am now continuing my search with new information that I have listed at:  
Anbytarforum: Landskap: Östergötland: Socknar: Västra Harg:

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