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Författare Ämne: Translation Help Please  (läst 1922 gånger)

2007-07-24, 23:36
läst 1922 gånger

Heather Shepard

I was given the last line to a letter written in 1899 in Swedish.  The letter is in poor condition, and the handwriting is difficult to read.  Our best guess is...
Manga halsningar fran oss till eder alla Technar vanligen.  
Sorry if it is spelled poorly.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what this line may be?  Any help would be wonderful.
Heather Shepard

2007-07-25, 00:02
Svar #1

Utloggad Susanna Auerbach

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  • Senast inloggad: 2010-09-30, 21:22
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Since I'm also on the other side of the ditch and awake at this hour I can tell you that the translation would be something like this:
Many greetings from us to all of you signed sincerely (or respectfully)

2007-07-25, 07:10
Svar #2

Utloggad Mikael Jageklint

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vanligen (vänligen) = Kindly

2007-07-25, 18:59
Svar #3

Heather Shepard

Susanna and Mikael,
Thank you so very much for your help.  I really appreciate it.  
I was given a few more lines of the letter this morning.  The handwriting is so faint, and the paper is falling apart.  The lady also did not know how to type the Swedish punctuation.  I am sure there are several errors, but this was a very best guess.  
Darn jag y hort nogat fran St. Paul fra lange sa far till att skiva nagra rader.  For aft lata eder veta hur det star till mad oss.  Wi har nu ingen habra att berorna oss af.  Wi har haft forkylning alleraman Emilia han ar sangliggande hon har y varit rectigt frisk sedan hon korn???.  Wi tros...hade har forliden fredag.
Any possible suggestions would be so wonderful.  Thank you!

2007-07-25, 19:42
Svar #4

Utloggad Mikael Jageklint

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 371
  • Senast inloggad: 2018-04-30, 13:59
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A few words is hard to decipher but the main meaning is fairly easy. Here's a go:
Darn jag y hort nogat fran St. Paul fra lange sa far till att skiva nagra rader (Då jag ej hört något från St. Paul på länge så får jag till att skriva några rader). =
Because I haven't heard anything from St. Paul for a long time I have to write a few lines.
For aft lata eder veta hur det star till mad oss (För att låta eder veta hur det står till med oss). =
To let you know how we are.
Wi har nu ingen habra att berorna oss af (Vi har nu ingen hälsa(?) att berömma oss av). =
Vi do not have good health (?) to praise.
Wi har haft forkylning alleraman (Vi har haft förkylning allesammans). =
All of us have had a cold.
Emilia han ar sangliggande hon har y varit rectigt frisk sedan hon korn (Emilia hon är sängliggande, hon har ej varit riktigt frisk sedan hon kom) =
Emilia, she is at bed, she has not been well since she came.
Wi tros... hade har forliden fredag (Vi tror.. hade hon förliden (?) fredags). =
Vi believe... she has last friday.

2007-07-25, 19:51
Svar #5

Utloggad Susanna Auerbach

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 101
  • Senast inloggad: 2010-09-30, 21:22
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Hi Heather,
This is my suggestion:
As I have not heard anything from St. Paul in a long time I have to write a few lines. To let you know how we are doing.  
We now have no...? Habra may mean Höbärgning (check the text again?) which then would make this: We now have no hay harvesting to bother about. But I'm not 100 % certain there. It could be something else.  
We've all (?) had a cold but Emilia is still bound to the bed she hasn't been quite well since she came? Check the last sentence too once more? Does it say korn or kom? Or something similar?  
So to the last sentence which is not at all easy:  
We (tros...hade ????) here last Friday.
Pls check that one once more?  
That's all I can produce right now.  
My best,

2007-07-25, 20:06
Svar #6

Heather Shepard

Mikael and Susanna,
Thank you, thank you, so very much!  I am so sorry for the misspellings.  I will check back with the lady to see if we can get a few of the words spelled better.  We are trying to figure out if we are related or if this letter was written between friends!
Thank you!

2007-07-26, 04:02
Svar #7

Heather Shepard

Hello Again!
I was given the whole letter this time, as best as the lady could understand it.  Sorry for all the errors.
Wastedo October 2, 1899
Mr. Handen
Sorn jag y hort nogot fram St. Paul fra lange sa far till att Skina nagra rader. For aft lata eder veta hur det star till mad oss. Wi har nu ingen halra att berorna oss af. Wi har haft forkylning allesaman Emelia hon ar Sangliggande hon har y varit rectigt frisk sedan hon kom ??? )three letter word). W Tros= hade har forliden fredag Skorden. blef mindre i ar an i fjol. Det blef 1345 busel. Di har aven troskat fra din farm man jag hor y hort huru myket dat blef der jag har nu talat vid gubben han bejarde tua tusen dollar for farment. Han kan y salja den billigare sade han,. Sa jag ffor min del tysker det ar for myket jab horde af Emelia ni har fatt en dotter till jag anskar eder lyelea till den, skada blott att det y var en frojk. Jag hajifras lilla Anna ar frisk och lery. Nad sagen hon am sin lilla syster. War gad och skiresnart sa vi far veta hur dat star till mad oder Hubra Gust jag horde han var sjrik hojifras han ar frisk egen. Manga halsningar fran ass till eder all Tecknar vanligen.
L.J. Johnson
Thanks again for all the help.  We don't know if our two families are related.  The lady was given this letter from her mother's belongings when she passed away, but she had never heard of L.J. Johnson.
Any help at all would be wonderful!

2007-07-26, 08:44
Svar #8

Utloggad Bibi Gustafson

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  • Antal inlägg: 213
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-03-01, 22:30
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Hello Heather,
First a correct Swedish from the letter (as I read it or guess it to be).
Som jag ej hört något från St. Paul på länge så får (jag) till att skriva några rader för att låta eder veta hur det står till med oss. Vi har nu ingen hälsa att berömma oss av. Vi har haft förkylning allesamman. Emelia hon är sängliggande, hon har ej varit riktigt frisk sedan hon kom hit )three letter word). Vi tröskade här förliden fredag skörden. Blev mindre i år än i fjol. Det blev 1345 bushel. De har även tröskat på din farm men jag har ej hört hur mycket det blev där. Jag har nu talat vid gubben, han begärde tio tusen dollar för farmen! Han kan ej sälja den billigare sade han. Så jag för min del tycker det är för mycket. Jag hörde av Emelia (att) ni har fått en dotter till. Jag önskar eder lycka till den, skada blott att det ej var en pojk. Jag hoppas lilla Anna är frisk och kry. Vad säger hon om sin lilla syster. Var god och skriv snart så vi får veta hur det står till med eder. Hur mår Gust jag hörde han var sjuk, hoppas han är frisk igen. Många hälsningar från oss till eder alla tecknar vänligen.  
L.J. Johnson
And this is a quick translation
As I have not heard anything from St Paul in a long time, I have to write a short letter and tell you how we are doing. At the moment we cannot praise ourselves of being in good health. We have all had a cold. Emelia is bedridden, she has not been quite well after coming here. We threshed the harvest here last Friday. Was less this year compared to last year. We got 1345 bushels. They have also threshed at your farm but I have not heard how much they got. I have now talked to the old man, he asked ten thousand dollars for the farm! He said he cannot sell it any cheaper. If you ask me, I think it is too much. I heard from Emelia that you have had another daughter. I wish you good luck with her, although it is a shame that it was not a boy. I hope little Anna is well and in good health. What is she saying about her little sister. Please write us soon and let us know how you are doing. How is Gust (short for Gustav?) doing, I heard he was sick, hope he is well by now. Many regards from us to all of you signed kindly by L.J. Johnson
Would late September be a normal time for threshing? Could Emelia have been visiting the Handen's as she had information about both the new daughter and probably also Gust? Today the word gubben (old man) in that context would be a bit disrespectful... Hope this helps you.
Best regards,
Bibi Gustafson

2007-07-26, 08:54
Svar #9

Utloggad Karin Ekeroth

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  • Antal inlägg: 674
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-01-29, 22:10
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I have given the translation a try. The Swedish, as I understood it, is in parenthesis. The letter is written to someone LJ knew, since he knows the name of the new-born girl's sister.  
(Sedan jag ej hört något från St Paul på länge, så får till att skriva några rader.) Since I have not heard anything from St Paul for a long time, I'll have to write a few lines. (För att låta eder veta hur det står till med oss.)To let you know how we are. (Vi har nu ingen hälsa att berömma oss av.) We do not now have any health to brag about. (Vi har haft förkylning allesammans Emelia hon är sängliggande hon har ej varit riktigt frisk sedan hon kom??? , maybe hit.) We have had colds all of us Emelia is bed-ridden, she has not been well since she got here. (Vi tröskade or vete tröskade här förliden fredag.) We threshed last Friday. (Skörden blev mindre i år än i fjol) The harvest was less than last year. (Det blev 1345 bushel) It was 1345 bushels. (De har även tröskat på  din farm men jag har ej hört hur mycket det blev där.)You have also threshed on your farm but I have not heard how much you got there. (Jag har nu talat vid gubben han begärde  tua/två/tio tusen dollar för farmen.) I have now talked to the man he asked two/ten thousand dollars for the farm. (Han kan ej sälja den billigare sa han) He cannot sell it cheaper, he said. (Jag för min del tycker det är för mycket jobb) I myself think it is too much work. (Jag hörde av Emilia att ni fått en dotter till jag önskar er lycka till den skada bara att det ej var en pojk.) I heard from Emilia that you had had another girl I wish you good luck  too bad it wasn't a boy. (Jag hoppas lilla Anna är frisk och kry) I hope little Anna is good and sound. (Vad säger hon om sin lilla syster?) what does she say about her little sister? (Var glad och skriv snart sä vi fär veta hur det står till med Eder.) Write soon so we can know how you are. (Hubra??? Hur mår Gust Jag hörde han var sjuk hoppas han är frisk igen.) How is Gust I heard he was ill Hope he is better again. (Många hälsningar från oss till Eder alla, tecknar vänligen...) Many greeting to you from all of us, best regards. LJ  
Now you know what is was about. Just friendly talk.

2007-07-26, 08:56
Svar #10

Utloggad Karin Ekeroth

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  • Antal inlägg: 674
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-01-29, 22:10
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Translating at the same time!

2007-07-26, 21:31
Svar #11

Heather Shepard

Bibi and Karin,
Thank you so very much for your suggestions on the translations!  I already called the lady and read your translations to her over the phone.  She and I are so very excited!  This means a great deal to our families.  We hope that we will be able to find out how Mr. Handen and L. J. Johnson knew each other.  According to our information they never lived in the same areas.  
Thanks again so very very much!  Best wishes to you and your families!
Heather Shepard

2007-07-27, 09:29
Svar #12

Utloggad Karin Ekeroth

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  • Antal inlägg: 674
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-01-29, 22:10
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Could they have lived in the same area in Sweden? Since the letter is in Swedish they both had a command of the language. They might be in-laws. You have a nice challenge!

2007-08-05, 19:43
Svar #13

Heather Shepard

Thank you for the suggestion.  I had not thought of in-laws.  
I have been traveling, and just now was able to check these postings again.
So far I have been able to find that L.J. Johnson's (Lars Jon Johanneson) father, Johannes Gustafsson Rangman, was born about 24 Jan 1811 in Gilberga, Varmland, Sweden.  His mother, Maja Kajsa Olsdotter, was born 17 Nov 1812 in Ed, Varmland, Sweden.  L.J. was born 6 Nov 1846 in Ranglebyn, Kila, Varmland, Sweden.  Johannes and Maja had at least six children, Gustaf born 16 Oct 1837, Maja Kajsa born 1840, Anna Kajsa born 6 Feb 1842, Maja born 28 Jun 1849, L. J., and Olle Fredrik born 17 Jul 1853.
The lady sent me some information on her family.  Louis John Handen's father was named Lars Peter Johansson.  Louis was born 16 Mar 1863 in Synnerby, Skaraborgs.  The wife of Louis was Louisa Mathilda Karlsson.  She was born 24 Jan 1865 in Lindesberg, Orebo.  She was the daughter of Karl Fredrik Fredriksson.  
This really confuses me.  The families seem to come from different locations in Sweden.  L.J. emmigrated in 1870, and Louis emmigrated in 1886.  According to the ladies research so far, Louis lived in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area, and never in the Wastedo area near L.J.'s family.  
I will check into the in-law possibilty next.  Thanks for the advice.  This is a real puzzle!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Thanks Again,  

2007-08-30, 18:53
Svar #14

Heather Shepard

I have received a photocopy of the original letter.  Is there some way that I could display the image on Anbytarforum?

2007-08-30, 19:19
Svar #15

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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Louis John Handen was born Lars Johan Pettersson in Synnerby. He emigrated 7 June 1886 from Horshaga village, Händene parish (from which he probably took the name Handen). Who was LJ married to? I can only find one Johnson in Goodhue Co 1900 and he is married to someone called Ida. There is one Emelia, surname Newman. born Dec 1831. (If the spelling in the letter is correct)

2007-08-30, 19:40
Svar #16

Heather Shepard

L.J. was married to Ida Margaret Johnson.  Ida was born 3 Mar 1864 in Elofstorpet, Treskog, Gunnarskog, Varmland, Sweden.  L. J. was born Lars Jan Johanneson 6 Nov 1846 in Ranglebyn, Kila, Varmland, Sweden.  Lewis and Ida were in Leon, Goodhue, Minnesota in 1900.  L.J. emmigrated Oct 25 1870.  I still don't have any leads on Emelia, or how these two men knew each other.

2007-08-30, 20:37
Svar #17

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-02-28, 15:20
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So Ida was also from Värmland and according to the Emibas register so were her parents. Louisa Handen was from Lindesberg, which is not as far from Värmland.  
Did Louis remarry? The only one I can find in the 1910 census is married to an Emma since 6 years, she emigrated 1903. He has a child who is 10 years old so presumably he was married before.
By the way, to send a picture:
write (use backslash instad of this)image{nameof file}
when the next stage comes up you can search for the file on your computer and insert it. It has to be less than 50 kB.

2007-08-30, 21:00
Svar #18

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-02-28, 15:20
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Anna Handen b ca 1896 may be the Anna mentioned in the letter. In that case she is in an institution for feeble minded children and epileptics in Faribault, MN 1920 and in 1910.  Anna dies 5 Oct 1974 in Rice Co, so she may have spent her life there. Social Security says she died in St Paul, however. She is buried in Wells, Rice Co.
Agnes Matilda Handen born 2 sept 1899 dies in California 30 Aug 1982. That may be the baby referred to.
Emma Josephine Handen dies 18 Dec 1922 in Hennepin Co.  
There seems to have been an Elmer Louis Handen who has two children 1939 and 1942, he dies in 1944. Probably the son born ca 1905.

2007-08-30, 22:13
Svar #19

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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There are 2 choices for Louis?second wife. The most probable is Emma Josefina Johannesdotter born in Stavnäs, Värmland 8 Oct 1871 and emigrating from Gillberga, Värmland.

2007-08-30, 22:51
Svar #20

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-02-28, 15:20
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The youngest daughter Hazel Margaret Handel (m Blank)born 7 nov 1909 dies in San Diego 27 Sept 1989. Her mother?s maiden name was Karlander, which does not fit with the above candidates, unless she changed name on emigrating. There is no suitable Emma Karlander in Sweden in 1900.

2007-08-30, 23:15
Svar #21

Heather Shepard

L.J. and Louis also couldn't have emmigrated together, or have been classmates in school.  There is too much of an age difference and they emmigrated in different years.

2007-08-30, 23:18
Svar #22

Heather Shepard

Sorry I didn't reply sooner.  My computer was acting up.  Thank you so very much for the help and suggestions.
L.J. never remarried.  L.J. and Ida were married 26 Apr 1883 in Vasa, Goodhue, Minnesota.  L.J. died young on 24 Jun 1911 Leon, Goodhue, Minnesota.  Ida lived for many more years, and died 22 Aug 1950.  
L.J. had a store in Wastedo, and the telephone exchange in his home.  He lived in the Wastedo/Leon area from the time of the letter until his death.
According to the granddaughter of Louis Handen, Louis never lived in the Wastedo area.  
The letter seems like it is more personal, and not a business letter.
If they were not neighbors, or attended the same church, maybe they were family is what we were thinking.  But we have not been able to make the connection as of yet.
The baby, Agnes, in the letter, was the grandmother of the lady that sent me the letter.  Agnes kept the letter her whole life, and it was passed on to her granddaughter a few years ago.  The granddaughter contacted me out of the blue one day.
I have a death notice for L.J., but it does not mention any family names.  I am still working on getting an obituary.  Louis Handen may have attended.
I have no leads on Emelia.  I would like to try and see if maybe she was mentioned in the newspaper visiting the family around the time of the letter.  I had wondered if she was younger in age considering she was not mentioned in a more formal manner?
This has been a challenge for sure!!
I will see if I can figure out how to send the images.
Thanks Again,

2007-08-30, 23:36
Svar #23

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-02-28, 15:20
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There is a gap in the censuses, all I can see is that Louis was in St Paul in 1895.What did he do before that? Or is the missing link Emelia/Emilia? Has she been to visit in Minneapolis and that is where she came from in the letter.

2007-08-31, 16:38
Svar #24

Heather Shepard

I have wondered if Emelia was a teenager or her in her twenties?  She was old enough to travel alone, but she was not addressed with any sort of respectful title.  I would not think she was an elderly woman either.

2007-08-31, 16:51
Svar #25

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Antal inlägg: 11832
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-02-28, 15:20
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The family belonged to the old generation. Until the end of the 1800s surnames were rarely used in Sweden, especially among farmers. The surnames endingin -son or -daughter were patronymics, ie telling who your father was, not surnames as such. Children did not even have surnames until they had their Confirmation at age 14-16. The system was much the same as in Iceland today. Therefore it is not strange that she is called by her first name, even if she was an older woman.

2007-08-31, 17:17
Svar #26

Heather Shepard

Thanks for that explanation.  I did not realize that Emelia could be an older woman as well.  That will broaden my search.

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