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Meddelanden - James Jellison

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Österplana / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 18 augusti, 2012
« skrivet: 2010-04-24, 19:05 »
Hej Anders Brissman!
Thanks very much for your informative response.  Most interesting was learning that Karl John Blomkvist was only a soldier for a short time.  I had no hint of the existence of Soldiers records for him.  Family tradition is that he acquired the surname Blomkvist when he became a soldier. Do you know if the Soldiers records show what his surname (last name) was prior becoming a soldier?  According to family (i.e. not documented) history Karl Johan was the son of Karl Olson (English spelling) b. 1826 and Carolina Johansdotter b. 28 Jan 1833 in Lerum, Älvsborg.  However, I find Karl Johan born 7 Oct 1862 in Medelplana, Skaraborg of a mother whose surname appears to be Holmgren.  I am not able to read her first name or other information.  This Karl Johan appears to be born out of wedlock.  These records were found on genline: 100016.33.13500 Skaraborg _ scb Skaraborg: 91 Births 1862-1862 0/0.  Since I don't find another Karl Johan born in October of 1862 in Medelplana, I am most interested in learning what surname Karl Johan was given at birth.  Thanks again for your response.  Best regards, James

Hej Björn,Judy, o Anna!
Tack så väldigt mycket!  You have given me much understanding of the life of Karl Johan Blomqvist.  I have traveled in Sweden enough to recognize that he had chosen to take his family a long way from where he was raised.  I was speculating that the move might have been related to his military training, but you have shown that he was simply pursuing a life for his family.  My farmors far (Johan Niklas Göthberg -changed to Gottberg in America) also worked with limestone producing lime in the area around Grötlingbo, Gotland. Now I would like to to understand more about his beginings. Skaraborgs birth records indicate that he was oäkta of a woman by the name of Holmgren, although family history from his son Johan Albin identifies Carolina Johansdotter b. 1833-01-28 in Lerum, Älvsborga as his mother.  Thanks again for your wonderful help. Jim

Österplana / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 18 augusti, 2012
« skrivet: 2010-04-13, 00:37 »
Hej Arne!
I am very grateful for your help.  Since my post, I have also discovered that Maria Viktoria is listed with this family in the 1900 Swedish Census.  Thanks again. Jim

Misterhult / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 13 maj, 2010
« skrivet: 2010-04-10, 20:41 »
Var området runt om den Misterhult församlingen i Kalmar Län som var bekant för militär aktivitet, liksom utbildning, i perioden 1890 till 1900?
Tack i förskott.
Detta inlägg är flyttat från Mistelås.
Moderator Småland
Jan Jutefors

Can anyone tell me whether Misterhult Parish in Kalmar Län was a site of military activity during the period 1890 to 1895?  I would like to learn more about the family of Karl Johan Blomqvist and Emma Lovisa Larsdotter that I believe lived there during that time.  Family tradition is that Karl Johan Blomqvist may have been a member of the Swedish military.  Before and after that time, they lived in Österplana, Skaraborg Län.  According to Swedish emigration records, three sons were born in Misterhult:  Karl Gustaf, 1892; Johan Albin, 1893-10-27; and Hjalmar Engelbekt, 1895-07-30.  I have not found complete source documentation for these latter facts.  I would be very grateful for any information regarding Misterhult for this time period.  Was this a large parish at the time?  I was surprised at the large number of pages found in the household examination book for that period of time.

Österplana / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 18 augusti, 2012
« skrivet: 2010-04-10, 20:01 »
En familj av Blomqvist emigrerade till Amerika i 1906 och 1907.  Enligt Emiweb Karl Johan, Johan Albin, Hjalmar Engelbrekt, Helga Cecilia, Joseph Alexander, Sven Alfing och Anna Ermentia emigrerade till Amerika i 1907 (April och Augusti). Otto Gilbert emigrerade 1906-02-05.  De emigrerade all från Hönsäter, Österplana, Skaraborg.  Den Emiweb databasen indikerar att denna information är på sida 75 i hushålltentamensboken.  Jag antar att denna är sida 75 för hushålltentamensboken för Österplana som inkluderar åren 1906 och 1907.  Dessa är inte tillgängliga från Genline.  Är du kompetent att ta fram denna sida för att bekräfta de Genline rekorden?  Jag skulle är tacksam för någon hjälp som du kan ge. Jag tror dem kan all del av familjen av Karl Johan Blomqvist och Emma Lovisa Larsdotter, men att inte ha funnit färdig källdokumentation.

Hej Maude!
We think alike on this one.  I know date and location of the marriage, where John married Eliza (Elisa) Wall.  About two weeks ago, I requested a copy of the certificate from the county clerk in Boone county, Indiana, but have not heard from them. Prior to about 1824, USA's records were very much inferior to those of Sweden.  In this case. actually listed the book and page where these records can be found.  Hopefully, they will do a look up for me.  James

Thanks so much Maud for finding my error.  In the Household examination of 1852-1858, page 57, the date of birth looked to me as 6/2.  Using your information I just now found the birth record for Johannes on  
September 6, 1852.  You are correct that I am trying to find my morfars far born in Feb 1852.  I am working with limited information. What I know based on multiple souces is that John Ericksson  was born in 1852 in Sweden.  If he emigrated with his parents, he may have taken his fars last name rather than his Swedsih birth name.  My morfars alumini records indicate that his far was born on Feb 14 and one other source suggests that he was born on Feb 12.  Without the Swedish spelling of his name and birth parish this search is nearly impossble, but I am not ready to give up.  Based on my past efforts I now know when and where my farmors far o mor were born and have visited their parishes.  Thanks again for your very quick and accurate response.  James

Does anyone know more about this family? Johannes Jonasson, born February 1852 in Tanseryd, Tannåker, Kronoberg (Jönköping).  He was the son of Jonas Eriksson born May 28, 1822 in Dannäs Parish, Kronoberg and Maria Stina Ericsdotter, born April 20, 1830. Johannes emigrated with his mor and far from  Tannåkerto North America in 1854.  They are found in the Tanseryd, Tannåker, Kronoberg House Examination  for 1852-1858, page 57.

Thanks Don.  The information on the Emibas CD is in error. Johan Edvin Eriksson, was born 1858-02-12, not 1852-02-12. He can be found on page 132 of the 1876-1881 household records for Ärtemark and image 16 of the 1856-1860 birth records for Nössemark PArish.
 I am now looking at Johannes Jonasson (Erickson in emigration records after is far Jonas Eriksson)born in February 1852 in TannAker, Kronoberg.  I found him in Household Examination page 57 (place: Tanseryd).  Just today I found his far o mor, along with him in US. Federal Census for 1870.  He had moved out of his family home in the 1880 census. Johannes and his family lived near where my mor far was born. I am still looking for other possbilities.  I hope taht a photcopy of marriage records taht I have requested will help.  Thanks, Jim

I still do not know the name of the Parish for my morfars far. After comparing the documentation submitted by my morfar with other data, I conclude that my morfars far (known as John Erickson in Amerika) was born on or near 14 Feb in Sweden, but the year given by my morfar for his birth may be off by a year or two from 1852. I recently learned that my morfars records for the birth of his mother were exact for the day and month, but his records showed her to be 2 years younger than actual birth records.  John Ericson emigrated from Sweden to Illinois no later than about 1880. My search under Swedish names such as Johan Eriksson, Johannes Ericsson, and Jan Ersson still has yielded only negative results. I have found close matches, but each have proved to be the wrong John Erickson (arrived to late,already married, etc). Your suggestions regarding how I should proceed are still needed. Thank you in advance!  I am working on getting copies of legal records regarding John Erickson in the hope that they will contain key information.

I have answered my own question.  I discovered that the EmiWeb listing is in error.  
Johan Edvin Eriksson was born on 1858-02-12, not 1852-02-12.

Hej Cris!
I have discoverd why I was not finding Eriksson, Johan Edvin in the Parish records.  The problem is that the EmiWeb entry includes a error.  He was born 1858-02-12, not 1852-02-12.  He can be found on page 132 of the 1876-1881 household records for Ärtemark and image 16 of the 1856-1860 birth records for Nössemark PArish.  Thanks again for all of your splendid help. Jim

The EmiWeb list of emigrants includes Johan Edvin Eriksson born 1852-02-12 in Nössemark, Älvsborg and emigrating 1880-04-02 from Hedalen, Ärtemark, Älvsborg.  However,a search of parish church records (genline) of Nössemark, Älvsborg Parish (household examination 1851-1855 and births 1817-1856) and of Ärtemark Parish (Household examination 1876-1881)did not confirm this information.  The moving out records for Ärtemark, Älvsborg were not available for the 1879-1881 period from the genline website.
Does anyone have information regarding Johan Edvin Eriksson (1852-02-12) other than the EmiWeb listing?

Hej Chris!
How do I proceed if I want to request an estate inventory?  I assume that first I need to obtain dates of deaths for both parents from the parish church records.  Do I then go to an office within the län?  Jim

Hej Chris!
Thanks so much for your help.  I have the information about the Boone County marriage and knew about Eriksson, Johan Edvin.  However, you have given me sufficient information about him so that I can continue research.  Also, I did not know about the estate inventory as a source.  That may prove helpful, if I get close , but am still uncertain.  I am very grateful for your help.  James

Archive - General questions / Emihamn Källkod
« skrivet: 2010-03-19, 02:44 »
Thanks Judy!
Now I know to go to the regional archive (landsarkiv)for the information that I need.  A number of sources had let me know that the information was pointed to in the källkod. but until now I did not know what to do with the information. I am on a steep learning curve and you have helped me along the way.  Thanks again, Jim

Thanks Calle and Maud!
You have saved me countless hours of work.  Your well documented data shows that I was looking at the wrong Jan Ericsson, even though he was born on the correct date.  I am very grateful for your help.  Thanks again. James

Kumla / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 20 april, 2013
« skrivet: 2010-03-19, 01:39 »
Hej Monika!
Tacka dig för din underbara hjälp.  Jag fann inte denna nyckel- information.  Denna var den enda Janen Ericsson som var född på 1852-02-14 som jag har funnit.  Denna var en avkräva - matcha för informationen om min morfars som ges långt av mitt morfar.  Men denna är inte min morfars långt.  Din information visar att han ankom i amerika, efter mitt morfar var fött.  Yet min mor långt listas inte.  Disappinting men mycket hjälpsamt.  Du har sparat mig många arbetstidar. Tack igen.

I had learned about Brita o children. Tack Tack.

Hej Kristina,  
Yes, I have both of these in my records, but have not researched them.  I need to do that. Now I am looking at Jan Eriksson from Enviken, Kopparsbergs.  It shows him going to Boone (Boone where?).  I am curious, because I believe my John Eriksson was later married in Boone Co.,Illinois, USA.
Thanks again for your response.  This is a difficult one, because my family input is weak about specific area of Sweden.  Tack för din hjälp!

My information regarding my morfars far is limited.  According to documentation submitted by my morfar, Cecil Claire Erickson (born 30 March 1882 in Farmer City, Illinois), my morfars far was John Erickson born in Sweden on 14 February 1852.  He had emigrated from Sweden to Illinois (or possibly Indiana) no later than about 1880.   I have searched under Swedish names such as Johan Eriksson, Johannes Ericsson, and Jan Ersson with no success.  I have found close matches, but each have proved to be the wrong John Erickson.  Any suggestions regarding how I should proceed would be greatly appreciated.

Kumla / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 20 april, 2013
« skrivet: 2010-03-15, 18:11 »
Hej !  
Jan Eric Ericsson bördiga Kumla 1852-02-14 bodde i Wad, Kumla.  När gjorde den Jan Eric flyttningen ut?

Archive - General questions / Emihamn Källkod
« skrivet: 2010-03-15, 17:44 »
The Källkod (code of source) given by Emihamn provides the volume number, page number, and passenger number.  However, I have not discovered from my Swedish version of Emigranten Populär how to access the source documentation.  I would like to learn the name of the specific ship.  Can you tell me how to do this?

Based on documentation from my morfar, I believe that Jan Eric Ericsson born 14 February 1852 in Kumla, Västmanland was his father.  I confirmed the birth date given by my morfar in the Kumla church birth records and also Kumla Household examination for 1846-1855 (p.104), 1856-1860 (p.275), and 1861-1869 (p.284).  He was named Johan Eric at Christening, but Jan Eric in latter records.  I seek reliable documentation regarding Jan Eric's emigration from Sweden to Amerika.  I find nothing after 1869.  I find no moving out records. In 1861-1869 he lived at a place called Wad in Kumla.  Any suggestions about how to proceed?

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