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Författare Ämne: Johnson, John N  (läst 681 gånger)

2003-09-16, 23:50
läst 681 gånger

Ron Pearson

I am looking for any information on a person called John N. Johnson in Minnesota, USA. His obituary states he was born at Hjeras, Sweden on August 24, 1868 and that he came to USA about 1887. He had a brother named Per Jonson and his mothers name was Hannah.

2003-09-17, 06:04
Svar #1

Ingrid Clenman

Hi Ron,
The parish you're looking for is probably Hjärsås. Try posting your message under that parish here. The records at for Hjärsås start in 1869, too late for you to check online. Hopefully you will get some help under the parish.

2003-09-17, 21:07
Svar #2

Jan Torstensson

Hallo Ron!
You have asked for Hjerås under Östraby parish and thats quite correct! Earlier informations about Hjärsås parish is quite wrong!!
Your John Nils Johnson was born in Hjerås 1, Östraby parish. If you will let me know your address I have some of your forebears until year 1630.
Jan Torstensson

2003-09-22, 07:14
Svar #3

Ron Pearson

Hej All,
Many thousand thanks to all who replied to my request for information on John N Johnson.  Although he is not related to me, I am using the information you gave me on his family background to enhance a history that was written about a company he formed in Minneapolis about 1887 that is still in business today selling fire protection supplies to both commercial and industry here in Minnesota.  Born in Sweden on August 24, 1868 really does not say much about the man or where he came from, but thanks to all of you that replied, that will now change.  For anyone keeping score, he died in Minneapolis on February 4, 1951 and was buried February 6, 1951 at Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis.  He was married but the couple had no children.
MVH  Ron

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