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Författare Ämne: Alberto di Filingher nob di Württemberg e signore di Folingh nella Svevia  (läst 108 gånger)

2024-04-25, 08:27
läst 108 gånger

Utloggad Erkki Lehto

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  • Antal inlägg: 15
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-04-25, 08:30
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Förlåt, min Svenska är så dåligt, men jag läser gärnä på Svenskan. The question is of the ancestry of de Antoninis, Antonius, Anthonius family, whose first ancestor with this name was of nobility of Württemberg since latest 1280, and he emerges in Amaro, Frily. Lombardy in 1308, family movong for Cracow, Poland in 1400, lived in Kassa, Kingdom of Hungary, then back to Poland and when Riga and the Polish Livonia in 1620 became Swerdish Livonia and from there into Ingermanland and from there for Stockholm in 1702 and the ancestry for the Finnish Antoninis in different branches between 1700-1711. The family is good known after 10 years of research and archives donations from Friuli, of the Greifswald university research and archivesin Riksarkivet, Krigsarkivet, Amsterdam Archief and via several academic studies from Italy until Finland. This name in the title is based on copied medieval and later writings and Antonius family traditional knowledge in Italy and there well documented. We have been fighting with this name, Filingher means Villingen, on the North Alps at that time the region of Villingen-Schwenningen, Folingh could mean Völling in Bavaria -then part of V.-S., but the most reasent understanding this means Folingen/Fölingen in Skänningen, Sweden. The German tradesmen were already in early 1200ies and in Biskopsberg, Folingen lives an estate family called Follinger (with variants). The family is never seen as origin of Italy, only three generations there, or German (only in Italy as needed for ennonblement in the Republic of Venice) and the Y DNA is Finnic and known after 1050 after a H -Group mutation and located in the area of Neva River Delta, in Karelien Isthmus and bit to north of it. A month ago I was informed that the Fröjel-461 Viking Grave research locates anncestry in Föjel, Gotland and suggests an ancestral connection with many Ancient DNA connections in Sweden, Estonia, Russia etc. The historical research disagrees of any Finnish national origins before 1700. In 1308 and after the family has been iron tools etc. tradesmen and mercenaries all over mainland Europe until 20th century. Has one branch after the year 1200 somehow left back from Follingen for Schwaben and then from there Friuli? Or, as the Y DNA suggests now, is Swedish, rare Viking ancestry (18 samples of N Y-DNA in Ancient DNA of 550) from Sweden? I now only that Germans sent merchant familie for Skänningen but there was also a local Folingen family as revealed in 1301 already? I am enclined to see as local Swedish origin, of noble Folingen in Biskopsberg Folingen. Sorry the long text. Any ideas? Any Follingen known today? Yours MA Erkki Lehto, wife de Antoninis of this lineage via Cracow for Finland in 1711.

2024-04-25, 08:31
Svar #1

Utloggad Erkki Lehto

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 15
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-04-25, 08:30
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