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Författare Ämne: Vanhakartano's in Nedertornea  (läst 1575 gånger)

2002-09-28, 07:50
läst 1575 gånger


I am looking for information on my Great grandmother her name was Anna Sophia Vanhakartano born 1861. Her father was David Vanhakartano they possibly lived in Tornea. She married John Makolin and they left Oulu for Michigan. She had a sister called Ida who married  Peter Mikko and another sister called Hilda who married a Sankala.
I would appreciate any links or any information that any one can give me. Thank You.

2002-09-30, 20:28
Svar #1

Utloggad Stefan Wennberg

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  • Antal inlägg: 181
  • Senast inloggad: 2022-12-08, 13:04
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You can find the Familyname Vanhakartano in a village called Arpela just outside Torneå, belonging to The Alatornion Parrish.  
For best result contact  
Alatornion seurakunta,kirkkoherranvirasto    
Puhelin  (016) 441 493 (Phone
Faksi  (016) 442 117  
Käyntiosoite  Parasniemi , 95450 TORNIO, Suomi Finland, and ask if Anna Sophi Vanhakartano was
born there, and here family. Do you know when David was born and the name of his wife?

2002-10-02, 01:11
Svar #2

Mika S

You can also go to
select HisKi - Church Records then
the link Search program for history books
now you can chose the right parish, in your case Alatornio.
I made a search in the book of christened with fathers last name vanhakartano. 38 hits.
Among them a person named David married with Lovisa Johansdotter.
One problem for you with the person you are searching is that the books online stops around 1850.
Any questions? Ask and i try to answer. I live probably closer to Alatornio (31 miles)...
When i have my way to Alatornio i look up Vanhakartano in the books for you.
In Finland they often want money for the info...not so fun...I live in Sweden and here the information is free (at least for genealogy purpose)... :0)
Greetings Mika S

2002-10-05, 23:37
Svar #3


Hi Mika thank you ever so much for helping me to find information on my Great Grandmother Anna Sophia Vanhakartano. I had looked in the HisKi records but the year was not there. She was born in 1861. Her sister Ida was born in 1879. I have no idea on her fathers date of birth. I also do not know her mothers name my aunts think it may have been Greta Uusitalo Vanhakartano but I have no documents to prove this. Anna and her husband John Makolin left Oulu for Michigan and Ida and Peter Mikko left Alatoonea for Michigan in 1905.
Anna and her two children came here in 1893. Her husband John Makolin came five years before them.
The other sister Hilda who married a Sankala stayed in Finland. I have many pictures of all of them but not enough information.  Anything that you may find will be a Godsend thank you again.

2023-11-14, 12:18
Svar #4

Utloggad Allie Richmond

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  • Antal inlägg: 1
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-11-14, 12:25
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I know this posting is from a long time ago, but I am hoping you will still see this. My great great grandparents were Ida and Peter. I would love to connect and share information with you! It has taken me many years to learn more about their family and I would love to see any photos you have. I also just recently came across a photo of Anna and Ida when they were younger. I have many photos but I do not know the people in them. I am hoping you may be able to help too. They also had a sister Brita, I have a letter from her to Ida mentioning Anna.

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