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Författare Ämne: Genline translation  (läst 631 gånger)

2004-07-17, 23:37
läst 631 gånger

Nancy Berry

I'm having a problem translating the comment in  Genline GID 464.39.9900.  Someone on the Sweden list suggested I try this group.  I'm interested in lines 3 and 4.  I believe line 3 says GretaLisa married miner Carl Ferm on 7 April 1864.  Line 4 is the problem.  The words look like uppgift, hypotek, föening, angående and bar.   If anyone can translate this, I'd be most appreciative. If this an inappropriate request for this forum, I'm apologize.

2004-07-17, 23:56
Svar #1

Utloggad Bo Berndtsson

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Statement for the mortgate institution/building society regarding children.

2004-07-18, 18:15
Svar #2

Utloggad Michael Lundholm

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I am not certain bergsmannen can be translated with miner, it probably depends on time and place. Your family is born in Färnebo parish. At the great iron mine Persberg in Färnebo words like gruvarbetare  would be used to denote a miner during the end of the 19th century, up to the middle of the century the term gruvdräng  was most frequent. Earlier also gruvbrytare although that term soon become identical with mine overseer who also hade mining rights. Earlier (17th and probably also 18th century) bergsman would would be a holder of mining rights. Whether that also hold for the 1860's I do not know; the words changed meaning during the centuries.
//Michael Lundholm

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