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Meddelanden - Jeffery Jeppson

Sidor: [1]
Kiaby / Kiaby
« skrivet: 2011-09-19, 23:56 »
Mr. Ramsköld,  I recently found your email message and have You clear to send email messages.   I sent You a message back to You.  

Kiaby / Kiaby
« skrivet: 2011-09-18, 06:46 »
I am new to this site, but not new to Genealogy.   My great Grandfather was Ola Jeppsson, born June 16, 1866 at Kiaby No. 9.  He was the son of Jeppa Olsson(1837-1908) and Sissa Fajersdatter(1840-1915).   I started with no information around 1998 and now go back to a Ake Persson(1684?-1764) at Kiaby No. 9.  My focus lately has been trying to find the marriage of Ake Persson and Sissa Nielsdatter(1686?-1746), and the birth records of Ola and Per that appears on the early records with no luck.  I went to all the early Marriage Records of each Parish around Kiaby and have no luck.   I have read some of the earlier posts on this family and have compared the notes and all.  Sissa Fajersdatter was the daughter of Fajer Hansson(1807-1881) who lived at Kiaby No. 20.   Hans Abrahamsson(1688-1756?) was the first of this family to live in Kiaby No. 20 coming from Nosaby.  Before lived in Gualov with his Father Abraham Hansson(1660-1736).   Nils Akesson(1718-1793, son of Ake Persson is my link.   He married Elsa Jeppasdatter(2736-1808) of Oppmanna, the daughter of Jeppa Oredsson1705-1771).  Jeppa Nilson(1772-1833)son of Nils Akesson, is my link.   He married Bengta Hansdatter(1777-1841) of Fjalkinge. She was the daughter of a Hans Bondesson(1736-).   Ola Jeppsson(1802-1863, son of Jeppa Nilson, is my link.  He married Elna Thomasdatter(1809-1839).  She was the daughter of Thomas Pellasson(1778-1820).  Jeppa Olsson mentioned earlier was the son of this Ola Jeppsson.    
Ola Jeppsson(1866-1958), first mentioned went to North America in 1889 through New York and eventually settled in Fargo, North Dakota.  He married Anne Larson(1878-1953) of Rakkestad, Ostfold, Norway.  Walter C. Jeppson(1904-1980), their son, married Margaret Paulson(1909-1990) in Fargo, North Dakota.  My father was Carl W. Jeppson(1935-2002), their son married Rebecca Glackin(1945-).   I was born in 1965.  
I have more detailed information if interested.    
Nils Akesson(1718-1793) had two brothers and a sister that lived to adulthood.  Bengt Akesson(1728-1807) lived at Kajetorpet.  Gissel Akesson(1732-1796) lived at 14 Kajetfled? in Osterslov.  Elna Akesdatter(1724-1800) lived at Kiaby No. 11 and married to a Ola Persson(1723-1803).   The other children appear to have died young.    I have the children of Ake Persson starting with a birth of a Anders in 1713 in Kiaby.  
and ending with Gissel in 1732, totally nine verified births and maybe three not verified births before the 1713 birth of Anders.  
One Question.   Do the Farms mentioned exist Today, and is there a way to get pictures of the Farms or Farmhouses?
Ola Jeppsson(1866-1958) had a brother and two sisters come to N. America. Fajer Jeppsson(1869-1941) settled in the Bronx, New York.  He married Louisa Johnson(1870-1949).  Lina Jeppasdatter(1863-1941) also settled in the Bronx, New York.  She married Henry Hanner(1862-1930).   Anna Jeppasdatter(1876-1970) settled in Los Angeles, California.    
Two sister stayed in Sweden.
Elna Jeppasdatter(1861-1931) married a Olof Persson(1868-1953) and lived at Hornelad, Ousby.  
Johanna Jeppasdatter(1873-1948) married a Mattis Persson(1877-1967) and lived in Kiaby.    
Please contact me if You want to compare notes.   Most of my information was found on the DDSS site, Genline,, Microfilm from LDS.  
My hope is to find more Cousins and/or Researchers working on similar families.
Jeff Jeppson

Sidor: [1]