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Visa inlägg - Martha Wolf

Sidor: [1]
In the second marriage on Nov. 6, 1724, what is the word or words before Nils and what are the words after Pehrsdotter?
Thank you for any help

On page 292 at the very bottom, Sigge Gunnarsson moved in to Råda. What is the place he came from and what are the words following the place name on the last line? 

On page 105, the last baptism, what are the words under the birth and baptism date of Sigge?

Thank you very much for any help.


Lerdala / Eric Olofsson in Karstorp
« skrivet: 2018-10-24, 03:30 »
Eric Olofsson & his wife lived in Karstorp, Lerdala from at least 1695-1721 (children's births and tax records).  Then Eric disappears from the tax list and "Erics enka" appears.  However, I cannot find a death record for Eric in the Berg Parish Register. Did they move away before his death? Is the widow in 1722 his widow or that of another Eric?  Is the widow in 1724 with daughter Brita the same or a different person? Did Eric & Sigrid's daughter Brita marry the miller, Eric Nilsson in 1722?
Thanks in advance for any clarifications or answers.

Leif, if you see this, I sent you an email this summer to the new address you sent me concerning the research I've been doing on  our mutual ancestors and relatives & with a  few questions. Then a brief followup in September. I suspect your email provider is blocking my address as unknown. Perhaps you can put me on a list of "friends" or "accepted addresses" and send me an email. Thanks,

Berg / Berg C:2 (1695-1745) B 279, S 544 (SVAR)
« skrivet: 2015-03-05, 23:39 »
Death record of Elin Torbiörnsdotter -  I would greatly appreciate help with several words.
Beginning on line below 18 May: the third word _ ?  
Next line: född i ________; (fader trägårdsmästeren på Håganstorp  - is that correct?)
Next line: phrase (4 words) after Andersdotter
Next line: Where was husband Linnart Ericksson from? And where is it,(in what parish)?
Next line: word, or abbreviation, before 56
Thank you very much in advance for any help.

Segerstad / Segerstad
« skrivet: 2010-02-17, 19:10 »
Jag söker uppgifter kring fartygsmaskinisten Oscar Fredrik Fredriksson f 7/10 1880, och dennes familj från särestad. OFF fösvann oförklarligt från sitt skepp (vars namn osv jag även söker)ute vid Vinga Gbg.

Sidor: [1]