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Visa inlägg - Bethany Habisch

Sidor: [1]
Holm / Holm, Christina
« skrivet: 2024-05-19, 18:01 »
I am trying to find information about my 3rd great-grandmother Christina Holm (Christine?)

I am not sure where she was born. The "Minnesota State Census, 1885" recorded her as born in Sweden about 1854.  I have not found any immigration documentation or birth records to support this. I also have no clue who her parents were.

She married Gustaf Höglund in 1883 in Carver County, Minnesota They had 2 boys named Oscar George Haglund and Carl John Haglund Both of them were born in Plato, McLeod County, Minnesota.

I have not found out when or where she died or where she is buried. Unfortunately I know very little about her.

I would be very thankful if anyone could please help me. All the information that I have is in the hyperlinks.

Thank you,

Haglund / Haglund, Carl
« skrivet: 2024-01-30, 10:12 »
Hello! - I wonder if anyone can help me.

 I am trying to find information on my 2nd great grandfather's parents. The father's name was Gustaf or possibly August Haglund and their mother's name was Christine (Christina..?)... (Holm maybe)... I don't think I've ever found a document with a surname listed on her.
I can't find anything about them, apart from just their names on a couple of their children's records and a census or two, I can't find a census attached to them though and nothing that tells me anything other than that they were born in Sweden.

 I don't know where in Sweden they come from.

 My 2nd great grandfather's name was Carl John Haglund he was born in 1887 in Plato, Minnesota - and has an older brother named Oscar George Haglund born in 1884 also in Plato. - Both were baptized in Lester Prairie, Minnesota at Bethel Lutheran Church. Carl & Oscar could have a sister named Selma Haglund (?)

 Iowa, US, Marriage Records, 1880-1947 for Oscar, parents are listed as unknown.

 I found an Oscar Haglund in the 1900 Iowa US Census living with another family listed as help & in 1910 as housekeeper/farm laborer.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated

Sidor: [1]