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Meddelanden - Eric Johnson

Sidor: [1]
Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 22 februari, 2015
« skrivet: 2014-12-15, 07:33 »
Thank you very much!  Your assistance is truly appreciated.
Old man died from simply being old!
Warmest regards,
Eric Johnson
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2014-12-15 07:37)

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 22 februari, 2015
« skrivet: 2014-12-15, 01:03 »
Hello all,
I'm researching Olof Ingvalsson born about 1706 (some records say 1710), who married Maria Asmundsdotter in February of 1738.  The marriage took place in Visnum.  She was from Skogagården.  Even though Olof was from a neighboring parish, I believe he is related to a couple of Ingvalsson's who lived in Skogagården, who seemed to show up there sometime between 1700 and 1710.  I see their families were there past the 1760's.  The two men I suspect are Olof's brothers are Biör Ingvalsson born about 1682 and Sven Ingvalsson born about 1684.  All three of these men are listed in the Household Examination Records for AI:1, AI:2, and AI:3 at Skogagården.
Olof is the subject of this request.  He died at Skogagården on 6 June 1790.  The death record is:
(F:2) GID# 538.32.99400, page 61.
If someone could help with the words before and after his name is would be greatly appreciated.
Also, if anyone is related to these families and has additional information that might link them I would love to hear from you!  I cannot find any information on Olof before he got married to Maria.
Sincerely, and best regards,
Eric Johnson, California

Finnerödja / Finnerödja
« skrivet: 2014-07-07, 01:23 »
Thank you Kristina!
I appreciate your very clear explanation.  I will go back to my family tree program and start revising...
Eric Johnson
(By the way, a fun little fact was my ancestor who came to the US in 1888 was originally named Karl August Johansson.  He changed it to August and the Americanization of the surname became Johnson)

Finnerödja / Finnerödja
« skrivet: 2014-07-04, 20:46 »
Good afternoon all!
When I enter a place for events on my ancestors I typically say, for example, Haddåna, Amnehärad Parish, Skaraborg, Sweden.  But I'm seeing I might be entering the Landskap wrong.
Can someone help me straighten out the name and spelling of this Landskap?  I see on several data bases where the name is Skaraborg.  Sometimes I see the spelling of Västergötland and other times I'm see Västra Götaland.  This forum uses Västergötland which lends me to believe this one is the right one.
Could the name Skaraborg been used after a certain date because the country made changes in titles?  If so, when was that?  Then I could use the old name for the old records and the new name for the contemporary records.
I want to name it and spell it correctly, doing it the right way.
Thanks for your help.  It is appreciated as always!
Eric Johnson
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2014-07-04 21:37)

Finnerödja / Finnerödja
« skrivet: 2014-06-25, 07:02 »
Hello all.
I'm looking for any information on two of my Swedish ancestors that lived in Östergården, Finnerödja Parish.  The parents names are Eric Ericsson and Maria Ericsdotter.  Eric was born about 1734 and died in Tolsjötorp, Finnerödja, on 22 Jan 1774 (to the best of my understanding).  Maria was born about 1738 Finnerödja.
Their children were: Catharina born 11 Sep 1762, Eric born 27 Sep 1769, and Stina born about 1773, all in Östergården.  There may be other children, but don't know if earlier or not.  I'm descended from Catharina who died in Röreholm Bässebol, Rudskoga Parish on 17 May 1831.
Maria married, second, Jonas Ericsson.
Some questions I have are:
1. I can't find Östergården in the Finnerödja Mantals at the time period Eric and Maria's children were born.
2. I can't find the marriage entry for Eric and Maria.
3. I don't know why Eric died in Tolsjötorp when he lived at Östergården for so long.  Death record at AI:1, page 40.
4. I can't find the second marriage for Maria to Jonas Ericsson.
5. I can't find where Maria moved to after about 1795.  Rudskoga HFL 1793-1795 record at AI:7, page 30.
There are names that repeat as witnesses to the three children's births, and assume there is a relationship there somehow.  But don't know.
I have so many questions.  I'm hoping someone recognizes this family and can fill in some blanks.
Have a very good day!
Eric Johnson

Rudskoga / Rudskoga
« skrivet: 2014-06-24, 21:34 »
Hello again.
I have a little more on Marit Larsdotter who married Hans Jon(Joen)sson in 1710.  Since Marit was listed as a widow I looked earlier for a marriage entry, and children, if any.  This is what I found:
1700 Marit Larsdotter married Soldier.  It looks like he as from R?nnebohl and she from Unnersbohl.  But I can't tell for sure.  When I look at the front of the Rudskoga HFL's I see Runnebol, which is spelled a little differently.  Can someone help on the places in this entry?  It's Rudskoga Marriages 1689-1700 (C:1) page 103, line item 5.
There is also a birth entry for the son Nils, born 18 Oct 1707.  Rudskoga Births 1701-1717 (C:2), page 149, line item 17.  His father is Soldier Nilsson from R?nnebohl, wife, Marit Larsdotter.  I can't make out where the witness Chirstin is from.
In 1709 I find the death of the Soldier Nilsson from R?nnebohl, but don't know what he died from.  He was 39 years old.  Line item 19.  Possible help here to translate?
Also there is the death of Soldiers dotter from R?nnebohl, named Britta, at 7 years old.  It's line item 14.  I can't find her in the birth records.
I would like to ask if you look at these entries, could you help with the R?nnebohl translation?  Also the rest of the entries as to witnesses, dates, places, witnesses, etc.  It would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you and warmest regards,
Eric Johnson

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 22 februari, 2015
« skrivet: 2014-06-24, 05:05 »
Thanks, Bjorn!
I sent an email...hopefully good things happen.
Eric Johnson

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 juni, 2014
« skrivet: 2014-06-04, 18:09 »
Hi Bjorn,
Thank you for your reply.  I tried the email you posted for Karen Mattsson and it came back undeliverable.  I suppose she created a new email address since her last post on the forum.  Hopefully she will come across this request.
For Per Göthe it seems clear that you are talking about the same Per who was on this forum, who has passed away at age 89.  He appeared to be a outstanding researcher and was able to read the old legal transfer of ownership of the farms, which (I'm finding now) is invaluable!  I'm sure he will be dearly missed by those who he has helped in the past.
Unfortunately I cannot read these documents as I only know English.  I can navigate through the birth, marriage, and death records for names, places, and dates (for the most part!), and through the Mantals.  I've made great progress extending my ancestors.  However, since reading the posts that Per and Karen have provided early on, it seems to me that these legal land records of transfer of ownership result in valuable information on names and relationships.
I believe this is the next step in my research.  However, I must rely on other's insight into the records; those who have knowledge of where to look and that can read and translate.  I would be in debt to those who are researching Visnum (and Rudskoga) who would be wiling to check the names and places where my ancestors lived.
I will provide another post listing my ancestors.
Eric Johnson

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 juni, 2014
« skrivet: 2014-06-03, 06:08 »
Good evening all.
Does anyone know the whereabouts of Mr. Per Göthe or Ms. Karin Mattsson?  They were quite active on the Visnum forum many years ago but seem to have dropped off around 2006.
I would like to get in touch with them as they made comments on a few lines that are the same as mine.  I would like to ask them some questions and ask for their help.
Thank you!
Eric Johnson

Rudskoga / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 02 juni, 2014
« skrivet: 2014-06-02, 01:18 »
Hello all!
I'm looking for information on Hans Jonsson and Marit Larsdotter who married in 1710 in Rudskoga.  I see Hans was from Råttorp.  But I can’t tell if Marit was from Bässebol or not.  I can’t read it very well (Rudskoga Marriages C:2, page 99).
They had, at least, 5 children according to the HFL (Rudskoga HFL AI:1, page 43):
*.   Blank name entry, born Oct 1710.  It could be Lars or Karin.  Parents are correct.  Appears to be Bässebol, but can’t it read very well (Rudskoga Births AI:1, page 157).
1.&2.   Lars Hansson and Karin Hansdotter, see entry above.  Can’t find these two.
3.   Kierstin Hansdotter, born 26 Sep 1712 (My line).  Appears to be Bässebol, but can’t read it very well (Rudskoga Births AI:1, page167).
4.   Ellika Hansdotter, born 26 May 1714.  Appears to be Bässebol, but can’t it read very well (Rudskoga Births AI:1, page 175).
5.   Jonas Hansson, born 27 Oct 1716 at Råttorp (Rudskoga Births AI:1 page 187).
1700 Mantal – Råtorp:  Joen Olsson (self, wife, son, daughter).  This seems like Hans Jonsson’s father.  But need more information to verify.
1710 Mantal – Råtorp:  Ingebor Jonasdotter (only one listed); Bengt Ersson (husband, wife).
Joen Olsson from Råttorp died in 1713 at age 77 years (born ca 1636) (Rudskoga Deaths C:2, page 213).
1715 Mantal – Råtorp:  Orion Sandersson (?) (self, plus others); Hans Jonsson (husband, wife); Olof Biorsson (husband, wife, and others).
1720 Mantal – Rotetorp:  Hans Jonsson (self, wife); Olof Biorsson (self, wife).
1725 Mantal – Rotetorp:  Hans Jonsson (self, wife, plus one other); Olof Biorsson (self, wife, and one other); Anders Persson (self, wife).
1728 Mantal – Rotetorp:  Hans Jonsson (self,wife); Olof Biorsson (self, wife, plus one other); (?) (by herself); Bengt Ersson (listed in other column).
1729-1734 – HFL Råttorp (Rudskoga HFL AI:1, page 43).  The family of Hans Jonsson and Marit Larsdotter is listed with the five children above.  One question I have is that the Index lists Rotetorp and Råttorp on the same page.  However, I only see Råttorp.  Are they the same place, but different/similar spellings?  It seems to be so since the Mantal’s used both spellings throughout the years.
Kierstin Hansdotter (my line) married Nils Bengtsson in 1732 (Rudskoga Marriages C:3, page 247).  I can’t tell where Nils is from.  Kierstin is from Rotetorp.
If you recognize this family, I would like to share information with you.  I’ve recently looked into Kierstin’s parents and came up with this.  I do not have any other information on her family nor Nils Bengtsson’s family.  Anything would be greatly appreciated, especially confirmation on the Bässeol birth places.
Eric Johnson

Värmlands regemente / 01) Allmänt
« skrivet: 2014-05-25, 02:40 »
Good evening all,
I'm looking for in formation on Sven Asmundsson who is listed in the 1681 and 1684 Mantals in Jonsbol, Visnum, Varmland.  I believe the entry at the right of his name says Soldier.
I believe he may be the father of my ancestor, Asmund Svensson who married (1) unknown, and (2) Brita Pärsdotter on 7 July 1713 Skogagården, Brita being my ancestor.  The marriage entry says Asmund was from Jonsbol and Brita from Skogagården.  Asmund also shows up in the 1700 through 1713 Mantals at Jonsbol.
Is there some place that I can look that might give more information on Sven, the soldier?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Best regards,
Eric Johnson

Blom / Blom
« skrivet: 2014-05-24, 01:11 »
Good afternoon all!
I was reading several archived posts (during the 2000-2003 timeframe) about the Blom family of Visnum trying to find more information on my ancestors.  
I'm not sure of the protocol in referencing other areas on this forum.  Hopefully, I am not going against the rules.
I provided two posts on the Visnum Parish site for Catharina Asmundsdotter b 7 Apr 1717 Jonsbol, Visnum, who married Master Carl Jacobsson Blom on 16 Oct 1743.  I am related to Catharina's older sister, Maria, who married Olof Ingwalsson in Feb 1738 in Skogagarden, Visnum.
I say this only to refer anyone researching this line to look at the Visnum Forum for additional information.  I hope it will be helpful.
Best regards,
Eric Johnson

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 juni, 2014
« skrivet: 2014-05-24, 00:39 »
Hello everyone!
This is a follow up to my recent post on Catharine Asmundsdotter from Skogagarden.
Again, please excuse the missing characters over some of the letters as I'm still learning about these special letters.
I went back to the birth records and started cataloging all the births in Skogagarden from 1720 to 1749 (F:1).  And what I found were quite a few entries for Gunnar Svensson, his wife the Widow Brita Parsdotter, and Brits's  daughters, that is, Gunnar's step daughters, Maria and Catharine.  I believe more now than ever the entry for Catharine's birth has errors from the Minister who wrote the entry.
Please see a summary of the birth entries where Catharine, her sister Maria, her mom, Brita, and her stepdad, Gunnar, (besides other witnesses)are listed as witnesses:
6 Sep 1722 Kristi Parsdotterr born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson.
7 Mar 1725 Maria Jonsdotter born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson.
12 Sep 1725 Jonas Parsson born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson.
13 Oct 1726 Catharine Andersdotter born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson.
29 Aug 1728 Anders Persson born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson.
17 Jul 1731 Petter Parsson born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson.
2 Jun 1733 Catharina Jansdotter born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson and Maria Asmundsdotter.
15 Nov 1733 Maria Eliasdotter born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson.
14 Sep 1735 Oluf Hakansson born.  Witness: Maria Asmundsdotter.
30 Dec 1735 Jonas Jonsson born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson and Brita Parsdotter.
17 Mar 1737 Petter Olofsson born.  Witness: Maria Asmundsdotter.
3 Apr 1739 Anders Eliasson born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson and Catharina Asmundsdotter.
5 Apr 1739 Stina Olofsdotter born.  Witness: Catharina Asmundsdotter.
28 May 1739 Ellika Olofsdotter born.  Parents are Olof Ingwaldsson and Maria Asmundsdotter.  Witness: Catharina Asmundsdotter.
4 Jan 1740 Stina ? Jonsdotter born.  Witness: Gunnar Svensson and Catharina Asmundsdotter.
2 Feb 1740 Anders Svensson born.  Witness: Catharina Asmundsdotter.
3 Dec 1741 Sven Olofsson born.  Parents are Olof Ingwaldsson and Maria Asmundsdotter.  Witness: Catharina Asmundsdotter.
16 Feb 1743 Stina Svensdotter born.  Witness: Maria Asmundsdotter and Catharina Asmundsdotter.
Catharine Asmundsdotter married Master Carl Jacobsson Blom on 16 Oct 1743.
And I know now that Gunnar Svensson died on 15 Feb 1747 at 52 years old.
I hope this helps add strength to Catharine as the daughter of Brita Parsdotter and Asmund Svensson.
Best regards,
Eric Johnson

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 juni, 2014
« skrivet: 2014-05-22, 05:15 »
Hello everyone!
Please excuse the missing characters over some of the letters as I'm still learning about these special letters.
There was some activity on this forum earlier between 2000 and 2003 from researchers Gunilla Didriksson, Bjorn Spangbergs, Marko Rosenqvst, and Caroline Ekstrom.  The thread started with the Blom families but quickly shifted to the children of Asmund Svensson.
I've been researching my early Visnum roots focusing on Asmund Svensson and his wife Brita Parsdotter.  What I've been able to find so far follows through the information on this forum and through my research.
Asmund was born about 1668 and died 25 July 1720 Jonsbol.  I reviewed the Mantals for Jonsbol 1700 through 1715 and Asmund is listed.  He married Brita Parsdotter on 7 July 1713 in Skogagarden.  The marriage entry said he was from Johsbol and she was from Skogagarden.
The folks on the forum list the following children (my line descends from Maria born 1714):
1.   Maria born 30 June 1714 Jonsbol (C:2 page 47).  Parents listed as Asmund and Brita.  Maria married Olof Ingwaldsson in Feb 1738 in Skogagarden.  Their daughter, Stina Olsdotter married Erik Larsson on 4 Jan 1767 in Skogagarden.  And Stina and Erik's eight children were all born in Skogagarden between 1767 and 1785.  Five died in infancy.
2.   Maria born 7 April 1717 Jonsbol (C:2 page 59).  This person has been the topic of discussion on this forum, which made me look into it further.  Looking at her birth record I see that the father is listed as Asmund Svensson.  But the mother is listed as Marjr Parsdotter.
3.   Catharina born about 1719.  This is according to HFL Alster AI:2 page 149.  I too have not been able to find any birth record for Catharina.  I also checked the Visnum birth records from 1705 on and came up empty.  Therefore this child has not been confirmed.  However, she is said as being from Skogagarden on her marriage to Master Carl Jacobsson Blom on 16 Oct 1743.
4.   Par born 10 June 1720 Jonsbol (C:2 page 75).  Parents listed as Asmund and Brita.  Par died 2 May 1725 (C:1 page 136).
Asmund Svensson died on 25 July 1720 in Jonsbol at age 52 (C:1 page 205).
Brita went on to marry Gunnar Svensson.  I can't find a marriage entry yet, but suspect he married between 1820 and 1824, as their first child was born in 1824.  They had the following children:
1.   Sven Gunnarsson born 14 May 1724, Skogagarden (C:2 page 91).  He died 17 May 1724 Skogagarden (C:1 page 136).
2.   Sven Gunnarsson born 6 Sep 1726, Skogagarden (C:2 page 107).
3.   Kiersten Gunnarsdotter born 21 Nov 1728, Skogarden (C:2 page 125).
I did manage to find Brita Parsdotter in the following HFL entries for Skogagarden:
1733-1740 (AI:1 page 42).  Brita is listed with Gunnar Svensson and daughters Maria and Cathrina.  Maria's name is crossed out, as she is listed as wife of Olof Ingwarsson just underneath.  This makes sense as they married in1738 in Skogagarden.
1755-1760 (AI:2 page 103).  Brita is listed as a Widow, and is living with others (relationship unknown).  On the same page is listed Brita's daughter, Maria Asmundsdotter, her husband, and their children.
1761-1766 (AI:3 page 62).  Brita is listed as a Widow, and is living with her daughter, Kiersten Gunnarsdotter, and Kierstin's husband Per Larsson.
1772-1779 (AI:4 page 19).  Brita is listed as a Widow, and is living with her daughter, Kiersten Gunnarsdotter, and Kierstin's husband Per Larsson.  On the same page is listed Brita's daughter Maria Asmundsdotter, and Maria's husband Olof Ingwarsson.
Brita died on 6 Feb 1773 at Skogagarden.
There is a clue that Catharina (Cathrina) is one of Brita Parsdotter and Asmund Svensson's children.  This is presented in the HFL AI:1 page 42 above.  Another entry for Catharina's marriage to Master Carl Jacobsson Blom shows her last name as Asmundsdotter from Skogagarden.
I argue that the birth entry for (another) Maria Asmundsdotter on 7 Apr 1717 in Skogagarden is really for Catharina because the first Maria (my line) did not die in infancy causing the next child to be named Maria again.  Even though the parents are listed as Asmund Svensson and Marjr Parsson, I believe the minister providing the birth entry made a mistake.  I also cannot find any entry for other births for the mother Marjr Parsson either.  I believe the minister should have made Catharina as the name of daughter and the mother as Brita.
I'm suggesting that Catharina is the second child of Asmund Svensson and Brita Parsson and was born on 7 Apr 1717 at Skogagarden.
I welcome your thoughts.
Best regards,
Eric Johnson
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2014-05-22 07:03)

Nysund / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 13 juni, 2014
« skrivet: 2013-12-08, 01:04 »
Hi Björn,
Thanks for the information.  I started looking at this more and, wouldn't you know, I found them next door in Värmland, specifically in Rudskoga Parish!  It sure takes a lot of effort to track down these elusive characters!
Eric Johnson
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-12-08 01:05)

Nysund / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 13 juni, 2014
« skrivet: 2013-12-01, 22:46 »
Hello everyone!
I'm searching for one of my Swedish ancestors - Johan Jan Gunnarsson born about 1703, who married Greta Joakimsdotter born about 1708.  They married 29 Aug 1735 Nysund and had at least one son, Sven Jansson born 15 Nov 1745, Mo, Nysund, Örebro.
They are listed in the Örebro Household Examination Records for Mo (1751-1755) C:1 and (1756-1760) C:1 with other families - Lars Eliasson, Nils Mattsson, Olof Ersson, and Sven Olsson.  Jan died in 1758.
I looked at the Nysund Mantals for 1745 and could not find Jan and his wife listed.  Could they be listed somewhere else?  Or maybe they didn't own any part of the farm, therefore might not be listed?
If you recognize this family or may know if they were included in another Parish, please give a shout-out.
Thank you in advance!!
Best regards,
Eric Johnson, California
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-12-01 22:51)
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-12-01 23:56)

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2013-12-01
« skrivet: 2013-12-01, 00:07 »
Thank you Sven-Ove.  This helps a lot.
I've just started on the mantalslängd records and find them very exciting to study.  Boy, the old writing is tough to read sometimes!
My hope is to push my family lines further back beyond the Household Examination Records of the 1730's.  I will look at the Jordebok too.
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-12-01 00:08)
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-12-01 00:22)

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2013-12-01
« skrivet: 2013-11-30, 21:43 »
Good afternoon to those researching the Hallor's of Jonsbohl!
Even though I'm not researching your family line, I thought it interesting that one branch of my family lived at Jonsbohl.  His name was Asmund Svensson born about 1668, who married Brita Parsdotter in 1713 who was born about 1695.  I found them in the Mantals from 1700 through 1720 where Asmund died in 1720.  One of their children was Maria Asmundsdotter born 30 Jan 1714 at Johnsbohl.
I do have a question on Jonsbohl, however...
How do you know or find out who owned the farm as compared to those who simply worked on it?
Eric Johnson

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2013-12-01
« skrivet: 2013-11-28, 23:59 »
Thank you so much, Kristina!  It's people like you and others on the forum that make the journey into my Swedish ancestry so much more meaningful!!
I will start looking for Olof now...
By the way this branch of my line is as follows:
Olof Ingewaldsson b 1710, married Maria Asmuhdsdotter in 1738 in Skogan, Visnum
Stina Olsdotter b 1747 Skogan, married Erik Larsson in Skogan in 1767.
Lars Ersson b 1770 Skogan, married Maria Bengtsdotter in Skogan in 1797.
Jonannes Larsson b 1818 Jordsbol, married Anna Cajsa Olsdotter in 1845, Visnum.
Anna Sofia Johansdotter b 1865 Bromyren, married Carl August Johansson in 1889 in Minnesota, USA.
Carl was born 4 Jan 1862 Loten Croft, Saby Farm, Visnum.
Anna was born 6 May 1865 Bromyren, Visnum
Carl and Anna are my g-grandparents and first to come to the US.  They came together through Gothenburg to Hull England, and then to the US.
Eric Johnson

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2013-12-01
« skrivet: 2013-11-28, 22:09 »
Found a solution to the file size problem!

(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-11-28 22:11)

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2013-12-01
« skrivet: 2013-11-28, 21:52 »
Sorry I tried to attach the image.  But it was too large.  I don't have the software to reduce the file size.  I will try again soon.
Eric Johnson

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2013-12-01
« skrivet: 2013-11-28, 21:46 »
I'm reaching out to this great forum as I have in the past asking for help again. This time it's a marriage entry for Olof Ingwalsson who married Maria Asmundsdotter February of 1738 at Skogagården, Visnum.
Visnum Marriage Records 1732-1787 (F:1).
The GID # is 538.31.91900 page 205 at the bottom right of the page.
What I don't understand is where Olof is from. It says Olof Ingwalsson from ____ i ____.
I received a response on that it appears to be Högsten i Warnums sokn = Högsten(??) in Varnum parish.  However, I can't seem to find Högsten when I go to the W(V)arnums Parish Household Examination Records Index.
Would one of you fine folks mind assisting again? It would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Eric A. Johnson, California

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2013-11-24
« skrivet: 2013-11-23, 22:55 »
Good afternoon!
I'm looking for information on a Gälar who I found in the 1685, 1690, and 1695 Mantal for Mason, Visnum Parish.  The Mantals for 1700, 1706, and 1710 he is in Skogagården, Visnum Parish.  However, I don't see him in the 1715 Mantal.  Maybe he died or was simply too old to be included in the Mantal.
In the 1715 Mantal his son, Lars Gälarsson is listed with his wife.  In the Household Examination Records Lars is listed in Skogagården (1733-1740).  I don't see Gälar, so assume he died between 1710 and 1733.  And I can't find him in the Visnum death records.
I have Gälar's son, Lars, born about 1686.  Lars married twice and died in 1743, living in Skogagården from about 1695.  I do find some of Gälar's children in the Visnum birth records for Mason.  The records start at 1689.  I see Hendrick born 1690, Anna born 1692, and Erick born 1694.  It only lists Gälar's first name, no last name, no wife's name.
Any help with information on Gälar will be greatly appreciated.
Eric Johnson, California
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-11-24 04:30)
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-11-24 18:10)

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2013-10-23
« skrivet: 2013-09-07, 06:30 »
Påfwell Ingwalsson (ca 1654-1724)
Hello, again.  I made some progress and want to update my previous post.  This is quite a difficult family to research.  Hopefully someone will recognize the children and have additional information to share.
1.   Brita Påfwelsdotter (?-?).
.   Married Hans Parsson on 26 Sep 1714, Lämåsen Parish, Värmland. Record says Brita from Lindåsen.  (C:1 page 223).
o   Marie Hansdotter born 27 Nov 1714, baptized 30 Nov 1714, Lämåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  Mother listed as Lisbet Påfwelsdotter (confusing).  (C:2 page 49).
o   Pahr Hansson baptized 10 Feb 1717, Lämåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  Mother listed as Brita Paulsdotter.  (C:2 page 59).
o   Catharina Hansdotter baptized 28 Mar 1721, Lämåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  Mother listed as Brita Påfwelsdotter.  (C:2 page 79).
o   Ingrid Hansdotter baptized born 23 Mar 1724, baptized 25 Mar 1724, Lämåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  Mother listed as Brita Påfwelsdotter.  (C:2 page 91).
.   1726 Mantal: Lämåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  Hans Parsson listed only.
.   1727 Mantal: Lämåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  Hans Parsson listed with wife.
.   1727 Jul 13 - Hans from Lämåsen was a witness to the birth of Sven Påfwelsson and Brita Jonsdotter's son, Bengt Svensson.
.   1730 Jul 12 - Hans Parsson from Lämåsen and wife Britta Påvwalsdotter from Lämåsen was a witness to the birth of Sven Påfwelsson and Brita Jonsdotter's son, Jon Svensson.
.   1733-1740 - Lämåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  Listed with wife Brita Påfwelsdotter, daughter Marie, and others. (C:1 page 76).
2.   Kirsti Påfwelsdotter (?-?).
.   Married Anders Nilsson on 21 Mar 1721, Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland. Record says Kirsti from Lindåsen.  C:1 page 231.
3.   Sigri Påfwelsdotter (?-?).
.   1727 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.
4.   Sven Påfwelsson (ca 1700-1773).
.   Birth: ca 1700 (Based on death record.  Birth date and place unknown).
.   1725 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.
.   1726 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.
.   Marriage: Brita Jonsdotter on 23 Nov 1726, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Record says Sven from Lindåsen and Brita from Vastra Guttebohl.  (C:3 page 245).
.   1729-1735 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with his wife.  (AI:1 page 49).
.   1736-1742 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with his family.  (AI:2 page 125).
.   1742-1753 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with his family.  (AI:3 page 102).
.   1751-1755 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with his family.  (AI:4 page 52).
.   1756-1761 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with his family.  (AI:4 page 40).
.   1761-1767 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with his family.  (AI:5 page 51).
.   1768-1773 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with his family.  (AI:5 page 26).
.   Death: 7 Jun 1773, Norra Gren, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  (C:4 page 607).
5.   Cathrina Påfwelsdotter (ca 1703-1764)
.   Birth: ca 1703 (Based on Household Examinations Records and Death Record.  Birth date and place unknown).
.   1751-1755 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with brother Sven and his family. (AI:4 page 52).
.   1756-1761 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with brother Sven and his family.  (AI:4 page 40).
.   1761-1767 - Östra Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Listed with brother Sven and his family.  (AI:5 page 51).
.   Death: Died 27 June and buried 15 July 1764, Guttebohl, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland. (C:3 page 228).
Catharina remained unmarried and lived with brother Sven and his wife and family.
Thank you for reading this again!
Eric Johnson

Visnum / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2013-10-23
« skrivet: 2013-08-04, 23:45 »
Påfwell Ingwalsson (ca 1654-1724)
•   Birth: ca 1654 (Based on death record.  Birth date and place unknown).
•   Marriage: (Spouse’s name, marriage date and place unknown).
•   1700 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland (NOT LISTED!).  (Ca 46 years).
•   1710 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland (Shows husband and wife).  (Ca 56 years).
•   1715 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland (Shows husband and wife).  (Ca 61 years).
•   1720 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland (Shows husband and daughter?).  (Ca 66 years).
•   Death: Buried 23 Feb 1724, Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  C:1 page 209.
1.  Kirsti Påfwelsdotter (?-?).
    Married Anders Nilsson on 21 Mar 1721, Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland. Record says Kirsti from Lindåsen.  C:1 page 231.
2.  Lisbeth/Brita? Påfwelsdotter (?-?).
    Married Hans Parsson on 26 Sep 1714, Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland. Record says Lisbeth/Brita? from Lindåsen.  C:1 page 223.
    Daughter Marie Hansdotter born 27 Nov 1714, Lindåsen/Lemåsen?, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  C:2 page 49.
3.  Sigri Påfwelsdotter (?-?).
    1727 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.
4.  Sven Påfwelsson (1700-1773).
    Birth: ca 1700 (based on death record.  Birth date and place unknown).
    1725 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.
    Marriage: Brita Jonsdotter on 23 Nov 1726, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland.  Record says Sven from Lindåsen and Brita from Vastra Guttebol.  C:3 page 245.
    1726 Mantal: Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.
    Death: 7 Jun 1773, Norra Gren, Rudskoga Parish, Värmland, Sweden, Lindåsen, Visnum Parish, Värmland.  C:4 page 607.
5.  Cathrina Påfwelsdotter (1703-?)
    Catharina remained unmarried and lived with brother Sven and his wife and family.  (Birth date and place and death date and place unknown).
Also, the 1710 Mantal lists Anders Ingwalsson at Måsen/Mosson and Måns Ingwalsson at Udderud.  Perhaps these are brothers of Påfwell?  I do not know.
Any help on the family of Påfwell Ingwalsson will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Eric Johnson

Nyström / Nyström
« skrivet: 2013-07-30, 16:59 »
Hi, Kenneth.
Thank you for the translation.  But I'm coming up empty when trying to translate the words Mögrefssun(d) and försml.
Is there an understanding of what these might mean?

Nyström / Nyström
« skrivet: 2013-07-27, 06:03 »
That is a good question.  I believe the only way to know is to check the Kroppa mantalslängd during the time between 1720 and 1738.  I have just started learning about these tax records and am interested in checking on all the lines I'm working on, especially before the birth and death records start.  Unfortunately, ordering these films for a one year period is about $20US.  When you add up many years it will be quite expensive.  Do you have access to these tax records?  If so, have you reviewed them for this time?  It would give a hint if Anders was at Hornkullen, I believe.
I see Olof Olofsson from Gåsborn, who married Stina Andersdotter from Hornkullen on 20(?) Jan 1750: Kroppa Marriages C:2 page 223.  Unfortunately I can't read the words between Olof's name and Stina's name.  Can you help out by translating the entire entry?  It would be greatly appreciated.
I've read some explanations about traditional marriages in Sweden.  I understand that the future husband would marry at the parish of the bride.  It seem that the new couple would go back to the husband's parish (if different) to the farm where he lived.  If so, this makes sense that you have their two children in Gåsborn.  This is good information.
Also, I don't have access to the last two records you referenced about the court orders.  Can you explain these records and expand on what the entry was?  If Anders and his older brother Peter lived on Hornkullen, then were both of the brothers part owners of the farm?  And because Peter died that portion would go to Peter's widow?  These records are new to me and I would like to learn a little more about them.
Thank you again!
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-07-27 06:04)
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-07-27 06:05)

Kroppa / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 03 december, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-07-26, 04:55 »
Hello, everyone.
I see that there is some activity on the family of Karl Ericksson ca 1651 and Elizabeth Lisken Pettersdotter ca 1668 who both died in Gammalkroppa.  Their children were born there too.  I am very interested in seeing who else is related to this family and what other information you have.
I obtained the following information from a site that, I'm sure, everyone here may know about:
.   Karl Eriksson b ca 1651; d 2 Nov 1751.
.   Married Elizabeth Lisken Pettersdotter; b ca 1688; d 6 Feb 1743.
o   Peter; b 08 Dec 1688; d 20 Jan 1689.
o   Maria; b 18 Dec 1689.
o   Erik; b 18 Aug 1692.
o   Peter; b 29 Apr 1695.
o   Elizabeth; b 01 Apr 1699.
o   Anders; b 3 May 1703; d 28 Jan 1782.
o   Annika; b 22 Aug 1706; d 30 Mar 1773.
o   Lena; b 15 Nov 1709.
Annika born 1706 is my line.  She married Olof Larssson on 11 Sep 1726.  Olof descents from the popular Christoffer Graff born ca 1560.
Has anyone been able to obtain the siblings of Carl and Lisken, or perhaps, their parents, grandparents, etc?
Thank you in advance.
Eric A. Johnson
California USA
(Swedish ancestors emigrated in 1888)

Nyström / Nyström
« skrivet: 2013-07-25, 07:25 »
Hi Kenneth.
Thank you, again for this useful information!  I feel very confident that Peter Andersson Horn’s b ca 1731 parents are Anders Svensson b 1693 and Annika Johansdotter (Jeansdotter) b 1694.  And the household examination records (HER) show a good path for Peter.  And the information you have on their parents push this line back for me two more generations!  This is very nice!
What I see now is:
AI:1 (1738-1744) page 29 Hornkullen
Anders Svensson and Annika.  Children Peter, __ Annika, and Catharina.
AI:2 (1751-1755) page 194 Hornkullen
Anders Svensson 1693 and Annika Jansdotter 1698.  Children Peter 1733 and Stina Anna 1725/6.
AI:2 (1755-1760) page 39 Hornkullen
Anders Svensson 1693 and Annika Jansdotter 1698.  Children Peter 1733 and Stina (no birth year).  Peter’s name is cross out, which means he moved out.
AI:3 (1759-1765) page 29 Hornkullen
Anders Svensson 1693 and Annika 1698.  Both are listed as dead.
AI:3 (1755-1760) page 171 Hjulmakertorp
Peter is listed with his wife, two children and in-laws.
What makes me curious is the absence of birth records for Peter 1731 and his two sisters Anna and Catharina.  Could it be that these three children were born somewhere else, that Anders and his family worked elsewhere between ca 1721 and ca 1738?
Another item that has me thinking is that the first child, Elizabeth, is not listed in the AI:1 HER (1738-1744).  Maybe she was married by 1738.  I can’t find her in the Kroppa marriage entries between 1736 and 1749.  Nor can I find Kerstin’s, Anna’s, or Catharina’s marriage records either.  I do find a Stina Andersdotter from Hornkullen who married Olof Olofsson on 10(?) Jan 1750.  This appears to be Peter’s younger sister, which I believe is Stina Anna in the AI:2 HER p 39.  I have not verified it though.
Have you considered the sisters of Peter and their spouses and children?
Thank you, again!
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-07-25 07:30)
(Meddelandet ändrat av varnivarni 2013-07-25 07:35)

Nyström / Nyström
« skrivet: 2013-07-19, 06:10 »
Hello, Kenneth and Keith!
My name is Eric Johnson and am an American of Swedish descent.  My ancestors came to the US in 1888.  I have studied my Swedish roots for some time, but didn't make a huge increase to my tree until I hired a Swedish genealogist by the name of Christina Tuvesson Lindaryd from Vadstena.  She did an amazing job researching my Värmland and Örebro roots.  Parishes like Visnum, Rudskoga, Kroppa, Lungsund, and Nysund were found many lines.  She extended one of my lines to Christopher Graff b ca 1560, of which there is some activity on this forum about him.
We have common lines!  My line connects to Petter Persson Nyström 1759 and Stina Eriksdotter 1762 through their daughter Britta born 17 July 1804.  Kenneth, it was amazing to read your listing of names, dates, places, and occupations.  Previously, I was able to determine Petter Persson Nystrom's parents as Peter Andersson Horn 1724/1731 and Annika Olofsdotter 1733.  However, I have a couple of questions for you, if you don't mind.
I too found Peter Andersson add Horn to his name at the time of his marriage and the birth of his first child.  But it goes away after that.  Is this common?  Would this stay with him for life?
I found the images on for Petter 1759 - birth, marriage, and death.  Also the household examination records (HER) from birth to death.  However, I don't see his name with Horn in the HER.  Can you help clarify how you were to add Horn to Nyström?
Also, I'm having a little problem linking him to Anders Svensson 1693 and Annika Jeansdotter 1694.  I thought this was the obvious choice.  After looking at the HER records for Anders's family, and looking for godfathers and witnesses at Petter's marriage and children's birth records I see nothing.
I also can't find Petter's birth record.  Most of the HER records put his birth year at 1724.  I see you have 1731.  After looking at that year range I still don't see him.  The 1724/1731 birth year variance doesn't bother me as I found the records of Annika Olofsdotter's family the birth years are off by as much as 20 years!!  That was a challenge when tracking the HER and birth records!
Finally, you have two of Petter's sisters as Anna born 1727 and Catharina born 1729.  I can't find them in the birth records.  But you have an entry that has (Family Search).  I too see this entry on Family Search.  How can the LDS Church identify these two as family members, but the Swedish records (on not list them?  Perhaps were they born in another Parish?  It seems unlikely as all the siblings were born in Hornkullen.
I appreciate any assistance, sir.
Best regards,
Eric Johnson, California

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