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Meddelanden - Margaret Kristof

Sidor: [1]
Gräsmark / Question Estate Inventory for Maria Olofsdotter
« skrivet: 2017-01-14, 02:14 »
I am looking for the Estate Inventory for :Maria Olofsdotter - my 2nd great grandmother
Birth19 FEB 1826Näveråsen, Gräsmark
Death12 DEC 1902Berg, Gräsmark, Värmland, Sweden

She was married to:
Jan JONSSON b. 25 Jun 1824, N. Granbäckstorp, Gräsmark, Värmland, baptized 25 Jun 1824, Gräsmark, Värmland, Sweden, d. Death 2 APR 1887 • Berg, Gräsmark, Värmland, Sweden;  I have not been able to find his Estate Inventory either.I am looking for information regarding the location of one of her children.  I have found all the others.
Brita Kajsa Jansdotter born in 1857 and emigrates to USA in 1882.
I want to know if there is a location for Brita Kajsa in the Estate Inventory as I cannot find where she went to in the USA

All the children are:
Johannes - born 1850 (my great grandfather - went to Ramsele in Sweden)
Olof - born 1853 (in Oregon USA)
Brita Kajsa - born 13 May 1857 (USA in 1882 but looking for location)
Kjerstin - born 1859 (stayed in Gräsmark)
Erik - born 1865 (in Oregon USA)

I have access to Ancestry records but do not have access to any Estate Inventories.  I have contacted the families in Oregon and they have no knowledge of Brita Kajsa Jansdotter.

If anyone can help I would appreciate it.  "Tack" for any help you can give.

Ramsele / Ramsele
« skrivet: 2014-06-23, 21:23 »
Many thanks Stig.  I have been looking for a while and even my Swedish relatives did not know.  
Margaret (Jansson) Kristof
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Canada

Ramsele / Ramsele
« skrivet: 2014-06-23, 20:14 »
I am looking for the death record for my great grandfather Johannes Jansson.  He was born on 27 Aug 1850 in Norra Berg, Gräsmark, Värmland.   He married Cajsa Brita Ersdotter Tjernberg on 2 Oct 1873.  He is in the Folkräkningen 1890.  I also find him in the Parish book of Ramsele, Västernorrland, Sweden in 1920 and 1930.  However I cannot find his date of death.  I have searched the death records for Ramsele on Ancestry until 1941 but do not have access to any other records past that date.  Can anyone help me find his date of death.  
Many thanks in advance.
Margaret (Jansson) Kristof

Here is the file on Axel

I have found some more information.  Axel married my Aunt in 1948 in Cranberry Portage Manitoba.  Here on the Norwegian site I found something about Axel in The Pas Manitoba which is very close to Cranberry Portage.  However I cannot contact any of the people here as I am not a member.  Does anyone know how to contact them as they are looking for information about Axel too.

I have a Passenger List document and the Place of Birth looks like Västermo.  How can I attach the document for you to see?  Many thanks for your help.

Looking for information about, Axel Hedin, born in Sweden 1893, immigrated to Canada 1927.  Father Karl F Hedin Folkestad Vastergotland.  If anyone can help I would appreciate it.

Fjällsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 30 september, 2012
« skrivet: 2012-02-03, 17:30 »
Hej Agne,  
I have found some living relatives in Rouseau, Minnesota and have emailed them.  A big thank you to you for the information that made this possible.  Now I will get more information about this part of the family.  
I also found a letter and picture in my father's collection from Eugenia Hendrickson who would have been married to Warner Hendrickson who would have been a son to Sara and Olof Henriksson.  The names changed a little when they moved to the USA.

Fjällsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 30 september, 2012
« skrivet: 2012-01-17, 20:53 »
Hej Agne!  Thank you so much.  Emilia Maria and Erik Johan Jansson were my grandparents.  My father Erik Sixten was born in Flyn. This last year I made a trip to Backe and Flyn and I also met some of my tremanning in Tjärnnäset and Backe.  
I have a picture from my grandmother that says Faster Anna Canada - father's sister Anna in Canada.  I did not know who this was before and was curious about another relative in Canada.  Do you have any more information about Anna?  
Any information you have about my family would be very much appreciated. There is so much to learn.  I had emailed information about my family previously to some relatives in Sweden.
Tack så mycket!  
Margaret (Jansson) Kristof
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba Canada

Fjällsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 30 september, 2012
« skrivet: 2012-01-17, 01:40 »
I am looking for information about my great great grandfather Olof Persson (born 29 Apr 1820 in Tjärnnäset, Fjällsjö) married to Stina Mårta Isaksdotter (born 26 Nov 1822 Sunnansjö, Fjällsjö)  married  ??
I have their son (my great grandfather) Isak Olofsson born 3 Jun 1849 Tjärnäset, Fjällsjö
I am looking for any brothers and sisters;  marriage date and any other information.  
I have picture that says there is a sister Anna.
(Meddelandet ändrat av mkristof 2012-01-17 02:22)

Gräsmark / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2012-02-04
« skrivet: 2012-01-10, 01:55 »
Tack.  Thank you Kenneth for the information.  
Margaret (in Canada)

Gräsmark / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2012-02-04
« skrivet: 2012-01-09, 20:01 »
Looking for information about my great grandfather
Johannes Jansson, född 1850-08-27 i Norra Berg, Gräsmark,Värmland.

Sidor: [1]