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Författare Ämne: Skåne names  (läst 521 gånger)

2003-10-24, 04:14
läst 521 gånger

Carla Corin

In old churchbooks (I'm researching mostly Simris and Ö. Tommarp right now), wives' names are sometimes shown as, for example, Anna Hans Pär. I believe this is showing both their father's name and their husband's name, but which is which?

2003-10-24, 06:45
Svar #1

Ingrid Clenman

I think that if she's married it's probably her husband's name, i.e. Anna, Hans Persson's wife. If single it would be her father's name. In my experience, it's usually the former.

2003-10-24, 15:18
Svar #2

Sharon Galitz

Hi Carla,
This is strictly a Skane custom, I believe.  Sometimes it makes it hard to figure out exactly who her parents are if you can't find the marriage record, or it's too illegible to read.

2003-10-24, 16:39
Svar #3

Anders Andersson

I have seen similar constructs in birth records in Uppland, in particular for witnesses to the christening. However, the name might then be written Hans Pers Anna. Thus, this is not strictly specific to Skåne records (unless you were referring to some other aspect of the way of writing).

2003-10-24, 17:07
Svar #4

Carla Corin

Thank you all. I've been noticing this most in christening and death records in the early to mid 1700s. I guess I'll make note of all the names and information that seems to apply to the families I'm researching and sort it all out eventually! Between that and the difficult handwriting of some of the parish clerics, it's quite a challenge. Also, the births before  the 1750s don't name the mother, at least in the Simris book.  

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