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Författare Ämne: Alfred London married a Berg  (läst 431 gånger)

2003-03-23, 21:31
läst 431 gånger

Albert J Smith

Alfred London, an irishman, married Amanda L Berg,a Swedish lady, about 1885-1890. If any member of the Berg dynasty knows of this in their family history I would like to hear from them.
Thank you.  Albert.

2003-03-24, 14:45
Svar #1

Ulrika Olsson

Berg is a common Swedish surname. Statistiska Centralbyrån say that there are 19 719 people called Berg in Sweden (31st place on the list of most common surnames). There isn't just one Berg dynasty.

2003-03-24, 22:29
Svar #2

Anders Andersson

Just as I suppose there isn't just one Smith dynasty...
Albert, I get the impression you are stuck trying to identify this woman, since I have seen your questions elsewhere. Have earlier answers provided been of no help to you?

2003-03-24, 23:30
Svar #3

Albert J Smith

Ulrika, Hello
Thanks for your comment, yes I am aware that there are many dynasties of the Berg name. I was just hoping that someone of the correct family line of my Grandmother would happen to see my message and know of a connection in their family history.
Anders, hello to you too.
I may have been misleading in my messages. As a child I met my Grandmother, she spent most of her life in England, and my father was in contact with her till she died about 1950. Due to reasons too complex to put on a message board I know nothing about her Swedish relatives past or present. I am simply curious to know if I am connected to anyone in Sweden.  
Thanks for your interest.

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