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Författare Ämne: Ask for your help  (läst 484 gånger)

2006-11-02, 05:01
läst 484 gånger

Utloggad Scott Satterfield

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 468
  • Senast inloggad: 2013-03-06, 04:55
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I'm looking at GID 379.34.86300 at the family at the top.  My ancestor is Olof Andersson who was born 22 Jul 1729 in Bråten.  Is this his family?  I don't see him here thought.  Any thoughts?  I can't read all of this.
As always, thanks for your help.

2006-11-02, 11:27
Svar #1

Bo Johansson

It is easier to understand in the next Ljusnarsberg HFL AI:4 1748-1753 page 21 (GID 379.35.107200), but if this Anders Jansson is your Olof's father, then Olof is definitely missing.
In the birth record (GID 379.84.95600) Olof's father seems to have a family name as well as patronymic, it looks like Anders Jonsson H??? at Bråten.
So perhaps Olof with family had moved away from Bråten between his birth and the beginning off HFL AI:3. That is supposed to cover 1730-1747, but the first communion and examination records seem to be from 1736. Anders Jonsson/Jansson is after all a very common name.
Or there is some error in your Olof's birth date and/or birt parish?
// Bo Johansson

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