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Författare Ämne: Ystad: Sovestad: Krageholm & Bellinga  (läst 925 gånger)

2006-01-26, 13:34
läst 925 gånger

Linda Alexander

Does anyone know how I might find good historical information on two manor homes in the Sovestad area of Ystad -- KRAGEHOLM & BELLINGA? Through this wonderful list, I've recently found my g-grandfather & his parents, & they were connected through work to these homes. I've thus far found very little worthwhile info through 'net searches. If anyone can point me in the right direction, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Linda Alexander

2006-01-26, 16:32
Svar #1

Eva Leksell

Here you find some historical information on Krageholm and Bellinga with photos, only in Swedish but perhaps somebody could translate the text or make a summary for you.

2006-01-26, 18:11
Svar #2

Utloggad Nils-Åke Bjäresten

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 32
  • Senast inloggad: 2011-09-04, 21:56
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The history of the Ystad area was very well documented by investigations carried out during the period 1982-90. These investigations are documented in 3 books, 2 in English and 1 in Swedish (with a summary in English):
1/ The cultural landscape during 6000 years in southern Sweden --- the Ystad Project. ISBN 87-16-11049-8.
2/ The archaeology of the cultural landscape. ISBN 91-22-01550-7.
3/ By, huvudgård och kyrka (The village, the manor, and the church). ISBN 91-22-01271-0.
I can copy some pages from these books and send to you.
The information I have found on Internet is in Swedish, but there are pictures you can look at. (also suggested above by Eva Leksell). Select Skånska slott and then Sydöstra delen. Now you can look at Krageholm and Bellinga, but you can also look at Snogeholm. At the age of 15, your great-grandfather started his career at Snogeholm.
Krageholm has a homepage where you can find some pictures, check out the links:
You can also have a look at
Nils-Åke Bjäresten

2006-01-26, 23:45
Svar #3

Utloggad Nils-Åke Bjäresten

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 32
  • Senast inloggad: 2011-09-04, 21:56
    • Visa profil
The first Internet address in my message is wrong. The correct address is:

2006-01-28, 03:43
Svar #4

Linda Alexander

Thank you for the links. Great info!
Thank you, also. I'd love to have any paperwork you might be able to send me. If you would be so kind as to send me an e-mail at (replace AT with @), I'll send you my P.O. box address. I'll be happy to reimburse postage & copying. If you could let me know from what documents you have collected the details on Johannes Lundberg's work, & family info, that would be very helpful.
I so appreciate your assistance! I don't know if you have any interest in any of my published books but, if so, let me know. Since I can't offer much in the way of Swedish genealogical help (my specialty is the United States south, Louisiana in particular), I'd be happy to send you a copy of the book of your choice:
Blessings -- Linda

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