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Författare Ämne: Svardsmedalj, Skutmedalj  (läst 976 gånger)

2006-06-06, 06:25
läst 976 gånger

Ebbe Sandeen

Does anyone know how to research where my grandfather received his Svardsmedalj and the reason for it? I have his military record but it does not say why he received it. Dad's story says he was awarded it by stopping a mutiny. It seems a group of soldiers locked themselves in with the amo and threatened to blow the barracks (and everyone else) with them. Sopposedly grandad talked them out of it and received a metal, by the King himself, and could choose the family name. Dad was only about six or so at the time and only remembers going to the church for the ceremony. Any help is appreciated!
Grandpas info:  
Torp nr: AR-00-0666
Namn: SAND, Alfred
Forut kallad: Andersson
Soken: Humla
Kompani: Redvags Kompani
Rote: Humla Haggarden
Utmarkelse: Svardsmedalj, Skutmedalj

2006-06-06, 08:55
Svar #1

Utloggad Maj-Britt Sundin

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After at least 16 years of excellent service you could get a svärdsmedalj. You needn't have to do something remarkable for it.

2006-06-06, 09:19
Svar #2

Utloggad Olle Elm

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Here is a picture from the register of the household in 1867-1881. (Genline ID 1908.8.3300)
As you can see the soldier Alfred Andersson Sand, already had got his name at this time. (You got the name when you were recruited, to differ from all the other Anders son)
Olle Elm
Olle Elm

2006-06-06, 09:33
Svar #3

Utloggad Olle Elm

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The person I am referring to above is:
Aktnummer: ÄR-00-0666-1875
Sand, Alfred  [Andersson]  
  Född:  1853-10-06  
  Död:  1943-05-21  
  Regemente:  Älvsborgs regemente  
  Socken:  Humla  
  Rote:  Humla Haggården  
(Source: Centrala Soldatregistret)
I suppose it is the same person as Alfred Sand mentioned above.
Olle Elm

2006-06-07, 05:16
Svar #4

Ebbe Sandeen

Thank you for the information.Isn't it interesting the stories our parents tell us?? Do you know what the Skutmedalj might be given for?

2006-06-07, 07:55
Svar #5

Bo Johansson

That is probably skyttemedalj (medal for shooting), at least one type of skyttemedalj was for ecellent shooting at a shooting range.
// Bo Johansson

2006-06-07, 10:12
Svar #6

Utloggad Olle Elm

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Hi Ebbe,
Perhaps you would like to see the medals if they are no longer in your possession:

This is the Svärdsmedalj Svärd=sword given to soldiers after – as Maj-Britt Sundin writes above – 16 years of excellent service. The soldier could also get a svärdspension of 15 sek if it was available – only 550 soldiers could get it.
The medal should have a yellow ribbon with blue edges.  

This is the Skyttemedalj skytte=shooting.
The medals are sometimes sold on the internet auctions. You can see for yourself here:
Olle Elm

2006-06-08, 03:51
Svar #7

Ebbe Sandeen

Thank you everyone for your help. We do indeed have these metals. And yes, grandpa's military records do show him receiving a Svardspension of 15 kr per ar. Now I just have to prove/disapprove the mutiny part of the story.

2010-10-22, 19:30
Svar #8

Utloggad Stefan Zylberstein

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The 16 years is true and the normal way to get the Swordmedalj.   (20 years for officers equvalent, the Sword-order).   But in some cases, usually in war, it could get quicker!
Thus there is one true story about this ensign (a von Braun I think) who did get his Sword order on the battlefield, his colonels gave him his own. Nice and well? No entirely. Because it WAS the very highest order one could get, so he was not allowed to get lesser orders after it. No orders for bravery, no orders for good shooting, nothing...
After 20 years of good service he still had only one medaljon, this Sword-order. But most of his collegues - had most of these smaller medaljs and orders, and most of them also this Sword-order too - after their 20 years of good service....  :=(
They say he was the last ensign to get this Sword-order. After him it was only captains and above who were allowed.
All in all: your grand-dad could thus get a sword-medaljon after just one excellent deed, if he was also a well merited soldier. He COULD.  But this story does sounds rather fabricated...
And taking a new name wasnt THAT complicated, many did it, especielly if they had the so called patronymikon...   :=)

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