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Författare Ämne: Location of Royal Horse Farms  (läst 1131 gånger)

1999-04-25, 22:19
läst 1131 gånger

Sandra Johnson Barker

I am interested in the history of Swedish Royal Horse Farms.  What were the provincial locations of the Swedish Royal Horse Farms?  How many horses were trained on these farms and what where the breeds of horses?  How were they used?  How were the farms staffed in terms of labor?

1999-04-26, 22:18
Svar #1

Utloggad Elisabeth Thorsell

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Hi, I would be interested in where you have found this information on royal horse farms? If this is something you have had translated from Swedish, it would be great if you could give the reference. As far as I know (and have been doing genealogy for years) there never were any special royal horse farms, except maybe one at the island of Öland, so this is intriguing.

1999-04-27, 21:45
Svar #2

Utloggad Kurt Hultgren

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Är det inte helt enkelt Strömsholm som avses?

1999-04-27, 22:47
Svar #3

Utloggad Eva Mårtensson Kangeman

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What about Flyinge in Scania?

1999-05-01, 22:02
Svar #4

Utloggad Kurt Hultgren

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Horses previously being important in wars were of a state interest. Already in 1680'ies king Karl XI decided that  the horse breeding farm of Flyinge in Scania (originally dating from the twelwth century) was to be a state institution, with the terminolgy of the time denominated Royal. In the 1870'ies the horsebreeding at the royal palace of Strömsholm, also used as a military academy, was appointed a specific horse breeding institution. Strömsholm was as well a riding academy, but the hingstdepå  (stallion centre) was active until 1956. The one in Flyinge is still active, but since 1983 in private hands, run by a foundation for horse breeding and riding. I suppose you can get the best answers to your questions concerning people working with the horsebreeding from the foundation (Stiftelsen Sveriges Avels- och Hästsportcentrum) in Flyinge.

2003-10-10, 18:34
Svar #5

Kurt Magnus Ahlmark

Kurt Magnus Ahlmark (Gator),
I am very interested in this topic as my grandfather Magnus Olof Ahlmark (or Errson) was in the Swedish Army, inparticular the cavalry. He was said to have been born in Alsen, Sweden.  
He was born in 1878 and emigrated to the United States in 1903. So consequently, he had to be in the Swedish Army between 1893 and 1903. According to my dad, he was an excellent horseman, to the point that he participated in shows and performances in front of the Swedish King at the time. I would conjecture, that it is a better than even bet, that my grandfather was at Stromsholm military and/or riding academy. I don't think that he was an officer, but I am not sure. Where would be a good place to look for his military records? Where can I look up the graduates of the academy? Thanks for your help.
Kurt Magnus Ahlmark (Gator)

2003-10-11, 21:54
Svar #6

Kurt Magnus Ahlmark

Correction on above e-mail. Correct spelling is Ersson (or Eriksson), not Errson. Whoops!
Kurt A. (Gator)

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