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Författare Ämne: Clans in Sweden  (läst 1628 gånger)

2001-12-04, 06:24
läst 1628 gånger

Cheri Woods-Edwin

I was wondering if clansexist or did exist in Sweden?  My husband's family has been told that their ancestors were part of a clan in Sweden.  Could this be true or a tall Tale?.  Any information would be appreciated>

2001-12-04, 08:50
Svar #1

Per Wallen

Tall Tale I suppose, because we haven't had the clan system like they had in Scotland. But long ago (Viking era) we had Hövding-system (chief-system) in Sweden.

2001-12-04, 12:19
Svar #2

Utloggad Niclas Rosenbalck

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Maybe your husbands forefathers belonged to the travellers-clan Brandin ?  In Sweden we didn´t normally  have any clans but the swedish travellers (of mixed swedish-gypsy origin) did have some similar family-structures.

2001-12-04, 12:48
Svar #3

Per Wallen

Cheri and Niclas
It isnt impossible that it is Brandin, clans and Brantedvin. If Brandtedvin is a misspelling of Brandin it explain the clan thing.

2001-12-05, 08:46
Svar #4

Cheri Woods-Edwin

Thank you all for your help.  I was wondering where I might find more information on the surname Brandin.  The birth certificate I have in my possesion is from 1901 and lists the parents as : Henry Edwin and Bertha Maria Edwin maiden name Berg.  It lists both parents being born in Sweden.  They named their son Henry Victor Edwin. My husbands father is named Raymond Brant Edwin who in turn named his son Brandt Raymond Edwin. (the name Brandt/Brant was spelled different for each).  He was told that Brant and Edwin were combined as a clan name in Sweden, hence the reason it has stayed in the family (my son's middle name is Brandt as well).  See how I have become confused? Any help here would be appreciated as well.  Thanks!

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