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Författare Ämne: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 05 juni, 2011  (läst 2599 gånger)

2011-05-08, 19:45
läst 2599 gånger

Utloggad Mary Upgren Strand

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  • Antal inlägg: 30
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-10-08, 16:24
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I a researching the lineage of mu Great, Great Grandmother. The following is what I know about her through U.S. census data:
Her name is Hevig Ulrich Strid
Born about January 1833 in Sweden
Emmigrated to US about 1854
Married Jan Petter Uppgren in Massachusetts US in 1855
She lists her parents names as John and Christina. (John's occupation is Clergyman)
Through my research I think her parents names are Johanne Strid (b. 1789)and Sigrid Stina Nilsdotter (b. 1788) Both are born in Ljungarum, Jonkoping Lan Sweden.
I was hoping someone had information to confirm who her parents are, and where and when in Sweden she was born. Also, if any knows when she left for America and if her parents and siblings went with her.
I would appreciate any information.  
Thank You very much,
M. Upgren Minnesota, USA

2011-05-09, 09:16
Svar #1

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Hello Mary!
It appears that your theory about who Hedvig Ulrika Strid was and where she came from, is correct. Her name was Hedvig Ulrika, not Hevig, Hidwie or even Hedrig as stated in various American sources. In the very last census (1910) before she died, she is listed as Ulricka H Upgrew, living with her son John W Upgren.  
In her Marriage certificate from 1855, she claimed to be 25 years of age (in other words, born around 1830). However, in the 1900 census, her birth date has been set to January 1833.
From the CD-record Emigranten (two siblings emigrating in 1854 from Ljungarum parish in the county of Jönköping);
Home parish: LJUNGARUM    Län: F
Occupation/Title: DRG (farm hand)
Departure: 1854
Destination: N AMERIKA
Källkod: A 118:102
His sister;
Home parish: LJUNGARUMM    Län: F
Departure: 1854
Destination: N AMERIKA
Note: DRG JOHAN STRIDS SYSTER (the farm hand Johan Strid's sister).  
Källkod: A 118:102
In Emiweb you will find the two siblings and Hedvig Ulrika Strid was according to this source, born in January 1832 (6th of Jan, 1832)
Johan Strid, born 1821-10-23 in   Ljungarum. Emigrated 1854-06-07 from Ljungarum, Jönköping, destination North America
Hedvig Ulrika Strid, born 1832-01-06 in   Ljungarum. Emigrated 1854-06-07 from    Ljungarum, Jönköping, destination North America.

2011-05-09, 20:33
Svar #2

Utloggad Mary Upgren Strand

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  • Antal inlägg: 30
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-10-08, 16:24
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Hi Helene,
Thanks so much for your quick response. You have given some great information that I will add to my family tree. (I found it interesting that Hedvig came over with her brother)  
Would you be able to confirm Hedvig's parents? Currently, I have them listed as Johannes Strid (b 1789) married on Oct 9, 1818 to Sigrid Christina Nilsdotter (b 1788). On Hedvig's marriage certificate, she lists her Dad's (Johannes Strid) occupation as a clergyman. If true, any ideas what church and denomination?  I also have Nils Hoglund and Lisa Maria Barman as Sigrid's parents. Is this correct?
I love to hear about what my ancesters did before coming to this country, because it makes them seem more real.
Helene, the majority of my reletives came from Sweden. I have so many questions about them. Can I ask you more questions about them or repost someplace else?
Besides having relatives named Strid, I have questions on Uppgren (my maiden name), Anderson and Freeman families. All of them came from Sweden and lived in Minnesota, U.S., usually on farms.
Thanks again for your informative response.
Best Regards,

2011-05-09, 21:42
Svar #3

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Hi Mary!
Right now, I unfortunately do not have access to the church records online, however, I'm sure that someone will be kind enough to look at Hedvig Ulrika's birth notice in Ljungarum parish to confirm the name of her parents. That would also give us her fathers occupation. He might have been a clergyman, still, to me, his last name sounds more like a soldiers name; Strid = Battle.  
You are of course welcome to ask questions about your relatives. If not I can help, then surely someone else will be able to find the answers.
Kind regards Helene

2011-05-09, 22:22
Svar #4

Utloggad Anders Pemer

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Hi Mary!
From the book of birth records of Ljungarum 1793-1860, first birth of 1832: Hedvig Ulrika, born January 6, baptized Jan 7. Parents: the soldier Johannes Strid and his wife Sigrid Stina Nilsdotter at Ängastugan. Witnesses: the smith Anders Arvidsson and his wife Lisa Greta Hansdotter from Åbacken, the farmhand Johan Blomberg from Tokarp and the maid Lisa Cathrina Rundqvist from Jönköping.  
In the book of the household records for 1826-32 the family is listed as follows:  
Soldier Johannes Strid, born December 3, 1789 at Sandseryd.  
Wife Sigrid Stina Nilsdotter, born March 4, 1788 at Lekeryd.  
Son Johan, born Oct 23, 1821.  
Son Carl Otto, born Sept 22, 1823.  
Daughter Maja Lisa, born Jan 13, 1826.  
Son Gustaf Magnus, born July 26, 1829.  
Daughter Hedvig Ulrika, born Jan 6, 1832.
Best regards, Anders

2011-05-09, 22:26
Svar #5

Utloggad Anders Pemer

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-09-03, 10:03
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In the next book for 1833-1840 no more siblings are added. The father passes away on Apr 7, 1840, at the hospital at Trollhättan.

2011-05-09, 22:43
Svar #6

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Antal inlägg: 6190
  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Tack Anders!
Mary, now I understand why you thought Hedvig Ulrika's father was a clergyman. It is not the father's profession which is stated. The right column give you the name of the Marriage Officer for every bridal couple on the current page.
(Meddelandet ändrat av hjor 2011-05-09 22:45)

2011-05-11, 02:33
Svar #7

Utloggad Mary Upgren Strand

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  • Antal inlägg: 30
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-10-08, 16:24
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Hi Helene and Anders
This information is awesome. Thanks to both of you!
1. One note on Hedvig Ulrika: I dug out an old  memoir of her, that was written by her granddaughter and said, “ Hedvig came from Sweden on a sailing ship with her pregnant sister. The baby was born on the ship but the mother died and Ulrika, who was only 18, kept the baby alive until they reached shore. I do not know where they landed or what happened to the baby.” Interesting, huh? I know you said that she came over with her brother, but maybe one of her sisters too? Such a mystery...maybe you guys can solve it.
2. Here is another mystery.  
I am looking for any information on my great grandparents. This is what I know so far from research:
Anna M. Anderson, (b  July 30, 1868) in Sweden (From Minnesota death index)
Emigrated to America:  1890  (1920 U.S. Census),  1891 (1900 & 1910 U.S. Census).
NOTE: My father said that these dates are wrong and it is 1892.  
Parents unknown
Swedish location unknown
Alfred Freeman, b. Jan 1860 in Sweden (1900 U.S. census)
Emigrated in 1887 (1900 & 1910 U.S. census)  
Occupation: Tailor
Parents unknown
Swedish location unknown
Here is the interesting part: Supposedly Anna and Alfred were married in Sweden, (date unknown). Family lore is that Alfred was a tailor for Swedish royalty and was very prosperous. The royal person who he worked for died and he lost his job and they were forced into poverty. Alfred then came to the U.S., alone, to scout out a better life. Anna followed a few years later with a small child. (Somehow Anna and Alfred's emigration dates dates do not match, because there is more than a 9 month span) The baby's name is Alpha Freeman and the U.S. census state that Alpha was born in Norway. I can not find any data on them. I have tried different spellings etc., but to no avail. Any thoughts? Could Alfred have worked for Swedish royalty?
Thanks again. Everyone has been so kind.

2011-05-11, 08:40
Svar #8

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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As a response to your first question; The sister Maja Lisa, born in Ljungarum on the 13th of Jan, 1826, did indeed emigrate together with her two siblings Johan and Hedvig Ulrika Strid. I had another look in Emiweb and there she is. She is listed as Maja Lisa Johansdotter which is actually more correct since back then, the peasantry used patronymics. In this case she was the daughter of Johannes (Johan). Their father was a soldier and as such, the name Strid was given to him and normally, a soldiers name was not inherited by the children.
From Emiweb:
Maja Lisa Johansdotter born 1826-01-13 in Ljungarum parish. Emigrated 1854-05-28 from Bankeryd parish, Jönköping. Destination North America.  
She left her home parish about a week earlier than her siblings.  However, she was living in Bankeryd at the time while Johan and Hedvig was still living in their birth parish so I'm quite confident that the three of them went with the same boat. Maja Lisa might have been pregnant but we need to find a manifest from the boat to confirm that she did give birth during the journey.  
(Meddelandet ändrat av hjor 2011-05-11 10:52)

2011-05-11, 09:18
Svar #9

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Regarding your second question; I do believe that we can rule out 1892 as the year of emigration to Anna M Andersson. Alfred and Anna Freeman had their second child Rudolph in October 1891 and according to the 1900 U.S census, he was born i Minnesota.  
The name Freeman could be a direct translation of the namn Friman (free = fri) OR a version of the the name Fröman OR (worst-case scenario) Alfred simply changed his last name when arriving to the U.S (very commonly). However, the name Alfa/Alpha wasn't a very common name in Sweden so that might be a clue to solve the problem.  
Another clue is the 1900 U.S Census. Living with Alfred and Anna and all the children is Sarah Freeman, stated as being the sister of Alfred. Born in August 1868 in Sweden, immigrating in 1898.

2011-05-11, 10:17
Svar #10

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Perhaps a moderator could be so kind to move this thread to Discussions in English since it has turned out to be about several dfferent names and parishes and (also) it is written in English.
Done! / Anders Berg, Moderator Släkter

2011-05-16, 20:34
Svar #11

Utloggad Mary Upgren Strand

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  • Antal inlägg: 30
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-10-08, 16:24
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Dear Helene,
After looking at what you suggested and trying to figure out alternatives names I have found my ancestors named Freeman! How exciting and I would not have figured it out until you mentioned that Alpha was not a common Swedish name. Information as follows:
Johan Alfred Friberg, b. Jan 1860? (was Alfred Freeman in US)
   Married Anna Maria Anderson (b.30 July 1868) on 17 Apr 1889 in Oslo Norway
They had a child named Johanna Alfrida Friberg (was Alpha Freeman in US) b. 15 Feb 1890 in Hamre, Hordaland, Norway.
With this information I know that Alfred came to the states after April 1889, and Anna came after Feb 1890 and before Feb 1891. (probably leaving from Norway.)
1) I was wondering if you have information on Alfred's birth date and where he was born in Sweden? Per marriage certificate, it says his parents are Daniel Friberg and Sara Jonasson. Is that correct and were they born in Sweden also?
2) Do you have information on Anna's birth location in Sweden and her parents names?
3) I see there is Swedish emmigration data for both Johan Alfred Friberg,Anna and Alfrida but unfortunetly I can not open the data to take a look.
Thanks for your kindness and advise, and am looking forward to your answer.

2011-05-16, 21:36
Svar #12

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Dear Mary!
How nice that you managed to find both the marriage date of Alfred Freeman and Anna Maria Anderson as well as their daughter's birth in Norway.
I've been thinking a lot about this mystery and I had a potential candidate. His initial emigration date corresponds well with the information from the U.S census (1886). However, I thought his name Friberg was a bit to far away from Freeman. (A direct translation of Friberg would be Free mountain).  
But here he is from Emiweb:
Johan Alfred Danielsson Friberg, born on Jan 2nd, 1860 in Vårvik parish, Älvsborg county and the province Dalsland. Emigrated 1886-05-21 from Vårvik, Älvsborg with the destination North America.  
He was the son of Farmer Daniel Olsson born 1825 in Vårvik and his wife Sara Jonasdotter born 1833 in Vårvik.  

2011-06-02, 08:51
Svar #13

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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I believe I have som more information on Anna Maria Andersson born 1868.
You write that Johanna Alfrida Friberg was born on the 15th of Feb 1890 in Hamre, Hordaland, Norway. I couldn't find her birth in that parish, however I did found her birth in Oslo and in the National Hospital (Rikshospitalet). It does indeed confirm her birth date and that she was born to the tailor Johan Alfred Friberg and his wife Anna Maria Andersson. There is also a note (quite difficult to interpret) which basically says that the parents were married (civil cermony) on April 17, 1889 and that the father Johan Alfred is resided in Amerika since July 1889 followed by a note dated on the first of July 1890, that the mother is planning to emigrate as well.  

(Meddelandet ändrat av hjor 2011-06-02 10:49)

2011-06-02, 09:11
Svar #14

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Furthermore, I  have found the following person who emigrated to Norway with her parents and siblings as early as 1874.  
From Emiweb;
Anna Maria Andreasdotter, born 1868--       
Emigrated 1874-10-24 from Foss parish in Göteborg and Bohuslän. Destination     Norway.
This could possibly be the family in the 1875 census for Norway;
County:    Østfold
Clerical District:    Idd
Circuit Number:    5
List Number:    24
Residence:    Elvsjøholtet Under Bogerød
Father; Andreas Andersen, born 1822 in Foss, Sweden       
Mother; Sara Kajsa Jonsdatter, born 1834 in Steneby, Sweden        
Daughter; Augusta Pauline Andreasdatter, born 1864       
Daughter; Emma Katerine Andreasdatter, born 1865       
Daughter; Anne Marie Andreasdatter, born 1868      
Daughter; Martine Frederike Andreasdatter, born 1872
(All daughters born in Foss).

2011-06-02, 09:37
Svar #15

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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And here is the family moving in to Idd parish in Østfold, Norway in November 1874. There is just a minor problem here (or actually, a rather big disappointment). It says that their daughter Anna Maria was born in Foss on the 18th of May, 1868. From what i understand, you have found information saying she was born 30 July 1868.  

2011-06-02, 10:10
Svar #16

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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And the transcribed birth for Foss parish confirmes her birth date. Big disapoinment.  
Date of birth:    1868-05-18
Sex:    F
Given name:    Anna Maria
Adress:    sommartorn
Fathers title:    Cottager
Fathers first name:    Andreas
Fathers last name:    Andersson
Mothers first name:    Sara Kajsa
Mothers last name:    Jansdotter
Other information:    Twin

2011-06-03, 03:00
Svar #17

Utloggad Mary Upgren Strand

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  • Antal inlägg: 30
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-10-08, 16:24
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Hi Helene!
I can't believe you found all this information for me. I am so excited, because that has been the direction I have been going for the last 2 weeks.  
Based on what you had told me, I started with the premise that Johan Alfred Danielsson Friberg is the correct person and he emigrated in 1886. (the only downer is that I can not find his sister Sarah that is listed on the 1900 census) I then thought he might have gone back to Norway from the US to marry Anna. Based on what you sent me you have now confirmed that! (Unless they did it via proxy.)
I then found the marriage certificate and you have confirmed the dates you gave me and that all matches! So far so good.
I then started thinking that Anna might have emigrated to Norway before she got married. The only clue I was using is that she listed her mother's name as Laura on the marriage data. And then I thought her Father's first name might be Anders (because of her last name of Anderson) and tried cross matching the first name of Anders with Laura. I have had no luck.  
As for her birthday: The only place I have found Anna's birthdate of July 30 1868 was on the online data of her death in Minnesota. (I did not put a lot of faith on that because it could be filled out by anyone and not sure how accurate.) The only other documentation for her birth is that JULY is listed on the 1900 Census.  
OK, as for the family you found that emigrated to Norway. I was really excited about everything...and I really did not have a problem with the birthdate. Everything just seemed right and made sense. The only disappointment is that the Mother's name that you listed is Sara.  
I have doing a lot of reading about the naming practices in Sweden, (VERY INTERESTING). Could Sara and Laura sound simailar in Swedish? Could the Norwegian clerk who filled out the paperwork  interpeted Laura instead of Sara?
Wow! Again I want to thank you for taking the time in looking into this.  
I really believe we are getting to the bottom of this. I can not waitto find out how it turns out!!!  
Warm regards,

2011-06-03, 09:37
Svar #18

Utloggad Bo Johansson

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Handwritten L and S can be confused...

2011-06-03, 10:10
Svar #19

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Good morning Mary!
After doing a bit more resarch, I think we can exclude the above Anna Maria born in Foss parish in 1868.  
I found the transcribed marriage certificate for Johan Alfred Danielsson Friberg and Anna Maria Andersson;
Groom's Name:    Johan Alfred Friberg
Groom's Birth Date:    
Groom's Birthplace:    
Groom's Age:    
Bride's Name:    Anna Maria Anderson
Bride's Birth Date:    
Bride's Birthplace:    
Bride's Age:    
Marriage Date:    17 Apr 1889
Marriage Place:    Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Groom's Father's Name:    Daniel Friberg
Groom's Mother's Name:    Sara Jonasson
Bride's Father's Name:    John Andersson
Bride's Mother's Name:    Laura
Married on April 17, 1889 in Oslo, just as it says in the note for Johanna Alfridas birth. However, not only does it say that her mothers name was Laura, it is quite clear that her fathers name was not Andreas Andersson, it says John Andersson.  
I did a quick search on the CD Swedish census 1880 looking for someone called Anna, born 1868 and with a father called John/Johan/Jonas/Johannes and a mother called Laura. I got two matches. The second one was very interesting. Not only does the names match, I can't seem to find the family in the 1890 census for Sweden. Did they emigrate to Norway? And what's most intriguing is that the family is living in the parish Ånimskog in the province Dalsland (Johan Alfred Danielsson Friberg was born an raised in Vårvik parish in the same province).  
Andersson, Johan Jakob
b. 1841 in Skållerud (Älvsborgs län, Dalsland)
Man, married, father
Ånimskog (Älvsborgs län, Dalsland)
His wife;
Andersdotter, Laura Charlotta
b. 1846 in Tydje (Älvsborgs län, Dalsland)
Their children;
Anna Maja, born 1868 in Tösse (Maja is short for Maria)   
Gustaf Georg, born 1870, in Ånimskog   
Emma Ingeborg Kristina, born 1871 in Ånimskog    
Johan Fredrik Oskar, born 1873 in Ånimskog    
Per Elof, born 1880 in Ånimskog    
So the question remains; Was Anna Maja Maria born in Tösse in July 1868?
(Meddelandet ändrat av hjor 2011-06-03 10:30)

2011-06-05, 15:05
Svar #20

Utloggad Mary Upgren Strand

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  • Senast inloggad: 2012-10-08, 16:24
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Hello Helene!
I spent a good part of this weekend trying to find clues to answer that question, but I have had no luck. I went through every bit of documentation that I have on this family. I did find the document that referred to Hamre, Hordaland as  Alfrida Friberg's birth location.
I believe it is her Baptism record and I confused it with her birth record.  
Birth: 15 Feb 1890
Residence: 1890---Oslo, Oslo Norway
Parents Johan Alfred Friberg, Anna Maria Anderson
Record title: Norway Baptisms, 1634-1927
Name: Johanna Alfrida Friberg
Gender: Female
Baptism/Christening: 24 Feb 1890
Baptism/Christening Place: Hamre, Hordaland, Norway
Birth 15 Feb 1890
Indexing Project CO2451-7
System Origin: Norway-EASy
Source film number: 1282977
The question is, why would a young mother, who had a baby in Oslo, travel alone to Hamre (in winter) to have her child Baptized nine days later? My guess is that she had family there.
Using that premise, I searched for Anna’s family, (using the parents and siblings names that you gave me), and Alfred’s family and did not find anything. I even searched for Alfred’s sister, Sara, that is listed on 1900 US census. (Remember she states on census that she came to America in 1898, was born in Sweden in 1868 and lists her occupation as seamstress.)  
I did find a Swedish Emigration Record for Alfred that supports the note you found that stated: “Alfred has resided in Amerika since July 1889”.
Name:  J A Friberg
Birth Year: 1860
Place of origin: Amerika (I assume that means that he is an American Citizen)
Destination: St. Paul Minnesota (That is the capital of Minnesota)
Record date: 23 Jul 1889
(EmiHamm, Archive Call Number:39:531:29059) ort of departure: Goteborg
So, with the data we have so far I think we can surmise the following:
1.   Alfred Friberg came to the US between 1886-1887. (Your data shows he applied for emigration in 1886 and the 1900 US census says he arrived in 1887 and became a naturalized citizen.)
2.   Alfred returned to Oslo, Norway in 1889 to marry Anna on 17 Apr 1889. (Not proven)
3.   Either Anna immigrated to Norway around that time, or was already living there. (possibly with family?)
4.    Alfred went back to America on 23 Jul 1889.
5.   Anna stayed behind, and had Alfrida in Oslo, Norway on 15 Feb 1890.
6.   Anna traveled to Hamre, Horaland, Norway for her child’s Baptism on 24 Feb 1890.
7.   Anna came to America between March 1890 and January 1891, because her second child, Rulolph was born in Minnesota 25 Oct 1891.
It comes back to your original question:  
Was Anna Maja Maria born in Tösse in July 1868?
Did Ann’s family immigrate to Norway?  
Also more questions:
Did Alfred’s parents or his sister immigrate to Norway?
Did Alfred and Anna go alone to Oslo, Norway?
Where and with whom did Anna live with, after Alfred left for US?
Helene, I am still searching to find an answer to this mystery. The oddest thing about this is that Alfred and Anna came to America so recently and there is so little that I can find about them. I still remember going to her house when I was a child and amazed at all the Swedish flags she had. My parents would tell us that she missed Sweden so much and the Swedish flag gave her comfort. My dad has such fond memories of her also.  
(By the way...Alfride (Alpha) lived to the age of 103 years!) My parent’s would say that is because of the great Swedish stock!
Thanks again for your help,
Mary Upgren

2011-06-05, 16:08
Svar #21

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Dear Mary!
I actually get a little bit emotional because you do highlight the key issues. This is indeed a bit tricky. Johan Alfred Friberg and Anna Maria Andersson had a civil ceremony (married on the 17th of April. 1889). Why? One of the reasons could be that because they both were Swedish, they never became members of the Norwegian church.  
Let's look at the note ones again, the one taken from the National Hospital when their daugther Alfrida was born. I simply cannot interpret the word (underlined). This one give us a place where the marriage ceremony took place.

2011-06-05, 16:46
Svar #22

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-12, 17:10
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Chra = Christiania (Oslo)
They may have been free-church ie members of a non-state congregation or just plain atheists.  
There are civil mariage books in Norway, but I do not know if they go as far back as 1889.

2011-06-05, 16:57
Svar #23

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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And yes Mary, I did have a look in the U.S Social Security Death Index a couple of weeks ago and realized that Anna Maria Andersson was a very old lady by the time she passed away.

2011-06-05, 16:59
Svar #24

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-08-12, 17:10
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Johan Alfred was born in Vårvik:
Post 1880-15-216-772
Johan Alfred
f. 1860 i Vårvik (Älvsborgs län, Dalsland) (2nd January according to household census)
Ogift man, barn i familjen
Vårvik (Älvsborgs län, Dalsland)
Registrerad födelseort: Vårvik Älvsborgs län
Family 1880 census:
Olsson, Daniel   1825   Father
Jonasdotter, Sara   1833   Mother
(Barn), Oliver   1858   Child
(Barn), Johan Alfred   1860   Child
(Barn), Leander   1862   Child
(Barn), Gustaf   1864   Child
(Barn), Mariana   1866   Child
(Barn), Ida   1869   Child
According to the household census books he took the name Friberg just after 1880. He is a tailor when he leaves for Norway 22 April 1885 on a work license, not permanent move. He is noted as the father of illegitimate son Einar (source: Vårvik AI:17 (1881-1885) Bild 144 / sid 132 (AID: v4530.b144.s132, NAD: SE/GLA/13630). The brothers were polular with the girls, younger brother Leander is also the father of a child outside wedlock.
Mother of the child Einar (born 8 Nov 1885 - he ran away!) is Gustafva Andreasdotter (source: Vårvik AI:17 (1881-1885) Bild 212 / sid 200 (AID: v4530.b212.s200, NAD: SE/GLA/13630).

2011-06-05, 17:11
Svar #25

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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Thank you Chris.  
However, a bit of a disappointment. So in other words, the civil marriage books are not scanned and available on-line?

2011-06-05, 17:18
Svar #26

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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According to the next census book in Vårvik he left for America 21 May 1886. Several of his siblings went to America, but there is no Sara?
The civil books are scanned from about 1920 onwards. There may be a note in a church registry somewhere

2011-06-05, 17:38
Svar #27

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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I'm pretty sure that Johan Alfred Danielsson Friberg born on Jan 2nd, 1860 in Vårvik parish, Älvsborg county is the very same person as Alfred Freeman. However, did Anna Maja, born 1868 in Tösse emigrate to Norway and was she born in July?

2011-06-05, 18:03
Svar #28

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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Anna Maria in Ånimskog was born 30 July 1868. The whole family emigrated to Norway 1887 except Anna Maria (her brother died in Oslo 1921 according to an added certificate).Anna went to Fröskog 1886. She became a housekeeper and then emigrated to America 7 April 1887.
She could have gone to Norway and stayed for a while
(Meddelandet ändrat av izla 2011-06-05 18:15)

2011-06-05, 18:36
Svar #29

Utloggad Helene Jorsell

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  • Senast inloggad: 2020-01-15, 20:53
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Brilliant, excellent!  
Thank you so much Chris! Supposedly, she was born July 30th, 1868. This is according to U.S records.

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