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Författare Ämne: Johansson, Mathilda Wilhelmina  (läst 2751 gånger)

2011-01-19, 23:10
läst 2751 gånger

Utloggad Richard Caster

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  • Antal inlägg: 3
  • Senast inloggad: 2011-01-23, 17:54
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I am looking for information about my Grandmother and her family.  Mathilda W. Johansson was born in Gothenburg, Sweden, Gustavi Parish on December 19, 1881.  Her birth record lists her parents as Niklas M.(I can't read the middle name) Johansson and Johanna Fredrica Johansson.  Mathilda's marriage record lists her mother's maiden name as Qvick.  Family stories say Mathilda emmigrated to the US when she was 19 years old.(around 1900)  I have a postcard dated July 9, 1913 addressed to Mathilda at Hattestad, Berghem, Sweden suggesting that she returned to Sweden at least once and maybe her family had moved from Gothenburg.
I know she had an older sister, Ida S. Johansson. According to US census records Ida was born in Sweden in May 1873 and emmigrated to the US in 1889.  Ida's marriage record lists her parents as Nicholas Johansson and Johanna Erickson. (suggesting that she had a different mother)
I have a picture of one other sister named Marie who married someone named Larson (Larsson).  The picture was taken in the US, but I have no other information on her.
Any information about other brothers and sisters, marriage records of Mathilda's parents or birth records or death records of her parents would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks,  Richard

2011-01-20, 09:55
Svar #1

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Antal inlägg: 11832
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-01-19, 08:44
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The family can be found in the personell register in Gothenburg. They have several children, some from Niklas Johanssons first marriage, the writing is very faint. (Göteborgs Domkyrkoförsamling AIa:10 (1866-1883) Bild 279 / sid 548 (AID: v35186.b279.s548, NAD: SE/GLA/13180). The father is called only Niklas (or Nikolaus), his title is Månadskarl, ie someone hired to work for a month a time.
Easier, we find them in the 1880 census:
Johansson, Nikolaus   1823   Far born 11 Nov in Lerum (one hand lost through accident)
Johansson, Fredrika   1842   Mor born 10 Dec in Ornunga
(Barn), Maria Evelina   1869   Barn
(Barn), Anna Charlotta   1872   Barn
(Barn), Ida Soffia   1874   Barn (This is your Ida S)
(Barn), Emma Christina   1878   Barn
(Barn), Johan Fredrik   1880   Barn
Johanna Fredrika is found in the birth book for Ornunga, her father is Gustaf Qvikk, soldier and mother Stina Hög. (Ornunga C:3 (1827-1843) Bild 20 / sid 29 (AID: v44288.b20.s29, NAD: SE/GLA/13419)
Niklas in in the birth book for Lerum:
Father Johannes Nilsson in Lerbäcken
Mother Maja Andersdotter 35 years
(Lerum C:2 (1823-1865) Bild 9 / sid 5 (AID: v35529.b9.s5, NAD: SE/GLA/13327)
This is Ida Sofia emigrating 1888 (Emibas Göteborg CD)
Kön: K     Född: 1874-05-09 (9 May 1874, fits with parish books)
Församling: GBG:S DOMKYRKO     Län: O
Yrke/Titel: HEMMADOTTER     Civilstånd:  
Hemförsaml: GBG:S DOMKYRKO     Län: OA
Bosatt: 12 ROTE 70-72
Utvandrdag: 1888-05-14     Ålder: 14 (age!)
Ensam/Familj: ENSAM (alone)
Destland: AMERIKA     Landskod: AM
Faders namn: NIKLAS JOHANSSON (father)
Faders yrke: ARBETARE
Moders namn: JOHANNA GUSTAFSDOTTER (here she uses her father´s first name and -daughter = patronymic)
Huvudakt:      Aktnr: 179
In the 1890 census Matilda Wilhelmina is listed as alone, missing fr0m the parish. Evidently, they left without registering.

2011-01-20, 10:19
Svar #2

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 11832
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-01-19, 08:44
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Matilda´s mother dies 29 April 1884, while they are living and working at The Garden in Gothenburg.
(Göteborgs Domkyrkoförsamling AIa:23 (1883-1890) Bild 17 / sid 9 (AID: v35199.b17.s9, NAD: SE/GLA/13180)
Ida Sofia emigrates, her older half siblings have alrady gone to America
Matilda and sister Emma Christina (b 10 March 1878) go missing in 1890
Maria Evelina b 21 Nov 1869 emigrates with Ida Sofia 14 May 1888.
(Göteborgs Domkyrkoförsamling AIa:23 (1883-1890) Bild 36 / sid 28 (AID: v35199.b36.s28, NAD: SE/GLA/13180)

2011-01-20, 11:27
Svar #3

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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DOB is correct, parish correct.
Mother Johanna Fredrika Johansson, about 39 years of age
father:  Niclas Johansson
Matilda Wilhelmina is indexed in the 1890 Swedish Census as remaining non-existent (or in Swedish Kvarstående ofefintliga sedan 1883--1890) which means she probably has moved out without removal certificate , so perhaps left Göteborg for America rather early.  
Ida Sofia, appears she is the sister you mentioned, here in emigration records: (born 1874, though)
Kön: K     Född: 1874-05-09
Församling: GBG:S DOMKYRKO     Län: O
Yrke/Titel: HEMMADOTTER     Civilstånd:  
Hemförsaml: GBG:S DOMKYRKO     Län: OA
Bosatt: 12 ROTE 70-72
Utvandrdag: 1888-05-14    date of emigration,
   Ålder: 14  age
Ensam/Familj: ENSAM   single
Destland: AMERIKA     Landskod: AM
Faders yrke: ARBETARE
Huvudakt:      Aktnr: 179
same girl:
Post 705163
Johansson, Ida Sofia
Hemmadotter (woman)
b. 5/9/1874 in Göteborgs domkyrkoförs, Göteborgs och Bohus län (Västergötland)
Emigrated 5/14/1888
from 12 Rote 70-72, Göteborgs domkyrkoförs, Göteborgs och Bohus län (Västergötland)
to Amerika
Source: Emibas migration file ID: Göteborgs domkyrkoförs O 1888 179
Un-normalized versions:
Parish of birth: Göteborg Domkyrko
Found Ida Sofia, her father and siblings in clerical survey Göteborg Gustavi AIa:23 (1883--1890) pg 28, //12:e roten huset nr 70 --72//
Niklas Johansson b. 11 Nov. 1823 , no parish mentioned
he was widowed 29 July 1884.  more below
children listed with him:
Ida Sofia b. 9 May 1879  emigrated 1888, May 14
Emma Christina b. 10 March 1878  to page remaining non-existent
Matilda Wilhelmina b. 19 Dec. 1881  to page  remaining non-existent  
Maria Evelina b. 21 Nov. 1869  emigrated 1888, May 14.
(all were born in Gustavi parish)
Niklas Johansson will be found same place in next clerical survey for this ward, /starting 1891, I have not tried to find him yet.
More on Johanna Fredrika Johansson
from clerical survey AIa:23 pg 9:
born 1842, Dec. 10,  no parish mentioned.  Marriage 26 February 1871.
Maria Evelina is here said to be born in Göteborg Christine parish. All birth records should be checked.
another daughter:  Anna Charlotta was born 1872, April  30 (hard to read), Gustavi parish. She was later listed same page (28) as her family but not on
same lines, she moved out to Ornunga parish May 1888. Ornunga is in Älvsborg county.

2011-01-20, 11:28
Svar #4

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Antal inlägg: 5516
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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Even if some information (and job) duplicated, I am not going to delete  

2011-01-20, 11:34
Svar #5

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Antal inlägg: 5516
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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Anna Charlotta emigrating in 1889
Post 592218
Johansdotter, Anna Charlotta
Piga (unmarried woman)
b. 4/30/1872 in Göteborgs domkyrkoförs, Göteborgs och Bohus län (Västergötland)
Emigrated 8/23/1889
from Mellomgården Högen, Ornunga, Älvsborgs län (Västergötland)
to Amerika
Source: Household Examination Roll, p. 30
Emibas migration file ID: Ornunga P 1889 006
Un-normalized versions:
Parish of birth: Göteborg Domkyrko

2011-01-20, 11:38
Svar #6

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 5516
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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Census 1900 Sweden
Record 1456233
Johansson, Niklas
b. 1823
12:te roten N:o 70-72 Stora Katrinelund
Göteborgs Gustavi (Göteborgs och Bohus län, Västergötland)

2011-01-20, 11:46
Svar #7

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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Lerum (Älvsborg county) C:2 , 1823, Nov. 11
born Niclas to Johannes Nilsson and Maja Andersdotter
Place: Lerbäcken.
Johannes Nilsson b. 1775, Dec 21
Maja Andersdotter b. 1788
source: Lerum AI:3 (1822--1825) pg 49.

2011-01-20, 11:54
Svar #8

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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Johan Nilsson in Lerum died 11 Dec. 1831
GID  1055.6.35000,  [Älvsborg]  Lerum,  AI.5, Husförhör, 1831 - 1834, pg87-0,  Bild 52 av 97

2011-01-20, 11:56
Svar #9

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 11832
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-01-19, 08:44
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Matilda also has a sister, Anna Charlotta, born 30 April 1872. She moves from Gohenburg to Ornunga 1888 and then on to America 23 Aug 1889.
This is probably the shipping record, destination Boston, MA:
Efternamn:   JOHANSON
Förnamn:     ANNA C
Ålder:       19            Kön: K
Född: 1869/1870 (wrong birth date)
Församling:  ORNUNGA    Län: P
Utresehamn:  GÖTEBORG
Utvandrdag:  1889 O9 13
Destination: BOSTON MASS
Medåkande:   NEJ
Källkod:     4O:232:29826

2011-01-20, 12:04
Svar #10

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Antal inlägg: 11832
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-01-19, 08:44
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An older child whose name I cannot read at (Göteborgs Domkyrkoförsamling AIa:10 (1866-1883) Bild 279 / sid 548 (AID: v35186.b279.s548, NAD: SE/GLA/13180) emigrates early, in 1879.Could the other children have gone to their half.sibling in the US?
Here he is in Emigranten CD, only 16 years of age:
Kön: M     Född: 1863-06-15
Församling: GBG:S DOMKYRKO     Län: O
Yrke/Titel: YNGLING     Civilstånd: OG
Hemförsaml: GBG:S DOMKYRKO     Län: OA
Utvandrdag: 1879-06-26     Ålder: 16
Ensam/Familj: ENSAM
Destland: AMERIKA     Landskod: AM
Huvudakt:      Aktnr: 097

2011-01-20, 12:11
Svar #11

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Antal inlägg: 11832
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-01-19, 08:44
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The oldest half brother, Carl Fredrik born 20 Dec 1857 becomes a soldier and has a name change to Hallén.
(Göteborgs Garnisonsförsamling AIa:14 (1878-1899) Bild 252 / sid 443 (AID: v35002.b252.s443, NAD: SE/GLA/13183)
Leaves the artillry in 1880 to move back to Gothenburg Gustavi parish. In 1890 he is living in Örgryte with wife and child:
Post 2515821
Hallén Johansson, Carl Fredrik
F.d. art.
f. 1857 i Göteborgs domkyrkoförs (Göteborgs och Bohus län, Västergötland)
Gift man, far i familjen
Örnen 15
Örgryte (Göteborgs och Bohus län, Västergötland)
Födelseort i källan: Gustavi Gb.
Hallén Johansson, Carl Fredrik   1857   Far
Jensen, Josefina Wilhelmina   1853   Mor
(Barn), Dagmar Carola Christina   1889   Barn

2011-01-20, 12:26
Svar #12

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Antal inlägg: 5516
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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According to DISBYT database Niklas had a son Johan August Niklasson b. 1851 in Lerum.
Mother was Brita Maria Börjesdotter b. 1822 in Lerum. Married to Niklas Johansson in 1851.
Haven't  yet checked details in church records.
Johan August Niklasson is
neither in Swedish Census 1880 nor in emigration records.-

2011-01-20, 12:32
Svar #13

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Antal inlägg: 5516
  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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Maria Evelina b. 21 Nov. 1869 in Göteborg Kristine is born out of wedlock to Johanna Fredrika Gustafsdotter.
GID  100014.49.38300,  [Göteborg och Bohus]  _SCB Göteborg O Boh.,  .324, Födde, 1869 - 1869, 0-0,  Bild 383 av 420

2011-01-20, 12:40
Svar #14

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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More on Johan August Niklasson:
born in Lerum (Älvsborg county) 9 April 1851  to Niclas Johansson and Brita Maria Börjesdotter.
Place: Skavsås
Source:  1055.13.25700,  [Älvsborg]  Lerum,  C.2, Födde,Vigsel,Död, 1823 - 1865, 10-211,  Bild 111 av 211    
Clerical survey Lerum AI:9, 1845--1854 pg 109:  Brita Maria Börjesdotter b. 29 April 1822 in Lerum.
Niclas and his family moved to Göteborg in 1852.
(Meddelandet ändrat av rannug 2011-01-20 12:41)

2011-01-20, 12:51
Svar #15

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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Brita Maria Börjesdotter died 23 Dec. 1868, according to Göteborg Gustavi AIa:5, 1847--1883, pg 329.

2011-01-21, 23:18
Svar #16

Utloggad Richard Caster

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  • Senast inloggad: 2011-01-23, 17:54
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Chris and Bo,
Thank you so much for the information you provided on my Grandmother and her family.  I can now look in the US records for the Aunts and Uncles I never knew I had.  
One additional question:  The 1900 Census Sweden shows Niklas Johansson, widower, farmhand, born 1823.  Is it possible to get his death date and possibly where he and Fredrika are buried?

2011-01-22, 13:54
Svar #17

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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Niclas Johansson moved from Stora Katrinelund hus 70-72 in 12:e roten  Gustavi parish in 1901 to Masthugg parish, Göteborg.  
Source:   Göteborgs Gustavi eller Domkyrkoförsamlings kyrkoarkiv, Församlingsböcker, SE/GLA/13180/A II a/9 (1899-1907)
He is not indexed in Swedish Death Index 1901--2009 (a DVD) but it is not complete, I have also checked other online records
and DVD:s, in vain. There is an online index for burials in Göteborg at oekGrav
but nothing found on Niklas or his wife.  
You can browse death records for Masthugg parish online but there is no index. So hundreds of pages, too timeconsuming. (SVAR and Genline - subscription service)

2011-01-23, 17:54
Svar #18

Utloggad Richard Caster

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  • Senast inloggad: 2011-01-23, 17:54
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Please help me with Stora Katrinelund.  I can find it on some old maps but I can not find out what it is (or was).  Was it a farm, a hospital?  Also on one of the earlier posts it was mentioned that the family lived and worked at The Garden in Gothenburg in 1884.  Can you help me with what The Garden is?
Thanks again,

2011-01-24, 13:38
Svar #19

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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I am not familiar with Gothenburg, but Stora Katrinelund is/was a manor, which still exists. Probably there were houses for those who worked for the owners, as farmhands, maids, gardeners and so on. Hopefully someone working with local history in Gothenburg can submit more details.
There is rather much on Internet re. Stora Katrinelund, including pictures.
Sorry no idea what The Garden was.

2011-01-24, 20:58
Svar #20

Utloggad Anna-Carin Betzén

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Chris referred to people living and working at The Garden in this post above; she's included a page reference to the church record but I don't have a subscription so I can't check it.  
If I'd hazard a guess, The Garden might refer to Trädgårdsföreningen (Trädgårn); The Garden Society of Gothenburg. The society did exist in 1884 (there's a page in English at the site).

2011-01-24, 21:45
Svar #21

Utloggad Chris Bingefors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-01-19, 08:44
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Yes, I believe Anna-Carin is right. It was a big place with lots of employees.

2011-01-25, 11:20
Svar #22

Utloggad Bo Nordenfors

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  • Senast inloggad: 2025-02-01, 22:48
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No, that is not correct.
Chris referred to (Göteborgs Domkyrkoförsamling AIa:23 (1883-1890) Bild 17 / sid 9 (AID: v35199.b17.s9, NAD: SE/GLA/13180)
and said they resided in the Garden but the page referred to said huset nr 68, Tegelbruket - the place where Fredrika died.
The other page mentioned in same posting, (Göteborgs Domkyrkoförsamling AIa:23 (1883-1890) Bild 36 / sid 28 (AID: v35199.b36.s28, NAD: SE/GLA/13180), only said Huset no. 70-72 and still nothing like the Garden.  
I perfectly know what Trädgårdsföreningen = the Garden is, but they didn't show up exactly that place.
In my posting 20 Jan. 11:38 I told you what I found in Census 1900 for Niclas:
12:te roten N:o 70-72 Stora Katrinelund
Göteborgs Gustavi (Göteborgs och Bohus län, Västergötland
I found Niclas in the church records residing at 70-72 Stora  Katrinelund, so  I only googled for Stora Katrinelund and told you briefly what that meant.  Why don't go to my posting 22 January at 13:54  
So talking about the Garden seems to be a minor mistake, Anna-Carin and Chris.

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