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Författare Ämne: Genealogic research  (läst 873 gånger)

2010-01-03, 22:56
läst 873 gånger

Utloggad Åke Myrenäs

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  • Antal inlägg: 322
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-01-28, 20:02
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How should I do with a woman born 1962 who she are unsure over birthday and birthplace. She is adopted and her adpoted father still lives but her biological mother has uncertited name and even deathplace are  uncertain?
She said that she is not accepted to investigate her own birthplace and other data by the law!
Anybody who has something to say?
MVH Ake Myrenaes

2010-01-04, 19:41
Svar #1

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

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Åke, I think that depend on the country or state where she was born and/or was adopted what rules apply and if it is possible to get information if the law prohibits the information to be given to the adopted child.  
There are no general rules (as I don't know what country you refer to) and even if a person may think with today's standards/norms/ethics that you should have the right to know, the legislation on privacy was often (and still often is) to protect the integrety of the persons involved - at that time perhaps more the parents than the child.
There are often different organisations for adopted children (now adults) that might be much better to give proper advice than us here at Anbytarforum, so in my opinion she should try to find out such organisations in the relevant country.  
She could also perhaps find legal help or if it refers to the US ask perhaps a professional certified genealogist to help out (as they often are better at trickier research than to pay a volunteer or have amateurs search for her), see here for advice. She will find several links regarding especially the US by searching google with the words adoption genealogy - I don't know anything about the seriousity of the websites that come up, so I'm not recommending anyone.
Med vänliga hälsningar,
(Meddelandet ändrat av edah 2010-01-04 20:22)

2010-01-06, 06:23
Svar #2

Utloggad Åke Myrenäs

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  • Antal inlägg: 322
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-01-28, 20:02
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Thank you Eva. I am in Arizona, USA and will be back in Bromma next week. Kan jag ställa några fler frågor till  dig?
Åke Myrenäs

2010-01-06, 15:27
Svar #3

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 4040
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-22, 11:54
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ja, du kan mejla mig på den adress som finns allra längst ner i min användarprofil.

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