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Författare Ämne: Charles Johnson family (Johansson)  (läst 626 gånger)

2003-09-16, 21:23
läst 626 gånger

Martha Johnson

Looking for information about Charles Johnson, b. 1820, wife Mary, b. 1825 and son John, b. 1848.  The left Sweden in 1853 for USA. There may have been more family members.  Not sure on the Johansson spelling.  Haven't found any information until 1875 when John married in Iowa.  Also 1880 Iowa census shows John and family also Charles, Mary and 3 sons who were born in Illinois, ages 22, 17 & 14.  I know I have very little to go on but any help or suggestions will be appreciated.  Thank you.  Martha Johnson

2003-09-16, 22:12
Svar #1

Utloggad Judy Olson Baouab

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 1355
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-07-14, 18:26
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Hi Martha,
This is an excellent website with ideas on how to research these early emigrants.
I have found the specific parish from which ancestors emigrated by checking Swedish-American church records, Swedish-American newspapers (for obituaries), lodge records, books and records in local historical and genealogical societies, court records, marriage applications (Not the certificate), etc.
The Swenson Center has much of that information in their extensive collection, but their records aren't online.
I have found marriage applications, etc. by checking the online Family History Library Catalog for county names, state names, town names, etc. and then ordering microfilms from a Family History Center. It is often amazing what useful records have been microfilmed. This is the search page for that catalog. I usually use the place search form.
This page tells where Family History Centers are located.
You are fortunate that they lived in Iowa, since it has state censuses in addition to federal censuses. The 1925 Iowa State Census is the best I've ever seen. Among other useful questions. it asked the name of the parents of everyone who was enumerated, including the mother's maiden name. If the children of Charles (probably Karl/Carl) and Maria (probably Maria) lived until 1925, that will be very helpful for you.
Try to find some birthdates in death certificates, etc. The 1900 U.S. Federal Census provides the month and year of birth. Death certificates usually provide a birthdate.
Here are sites with ideas which should aid your search for U.S. clues.
Have fun!

2003-09-16, 22:56
Svar #2

Utloggad Elisabeth Thorsell

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 9209
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-05-27, 17:48
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How about this family:
Johansson, Carl Johan, born 1820-10-13 in Växjö  
Svensdotter, Maria Christina, born 1825-11-27 in Hemmesjö
Carlsson, Sven Johan, born 1848-11-10 in Växjö  
Carlsson, Johannes, born 1852-05-06 in Växjö
They all emigrated in 1853 Feb. 25 from cottage Carlslund in Växjö landsförsamling.
Växjö and Hemmesjö are parishes in Kronoberg county (län).
The sons were Carlssons in Sweden, as their father's first name was Carl, as that is the way patronymic names work. They might well have been Johnsons in the U.S., as Americans thought the whole family should have the same surname, the father's.

2004-06-28, 20:26
Svar #3

Marty Johnson

I have been hunting in Passenger Lists for the Carl Johan Johansson and family who emigrated in 1853 but haven't had any luck.  I haven't been able to find where in America they landed.  Where could I find the ship that they left Sweden on and where it was headed. Yes, Iowa does have some good records but the county that this family lived in doesn't have a lot on line.  They have very good and helpful volunteers but I don't have a lot of information.  Thanks, Marty

2005-07-04, 15:56
Svar #4

Martha Johnson

I have found that my  Charles Johnson (Johansson) famiy emigrated in 1854 not 1853.  Could someone help me and find a little more information?  I know I have very little to go on but any help will be appreciated.  Martha

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