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Författare Ämne: Andersson,Elizabeth= Hansson, Lisa?  (läst 449 gånger)

2000-07-17, 19:53
läst 449 gånger


Maybe You can help me to solve a problem?  
I'm searching for ancestors/relatives/children to:  
Elisabeth Anderson born as Lisa Kristina Hansson, in the year 1891, 6th of january, in a small village Klovsjo in Jamtland Sweden, she grew up as fosterchild to an uncle and aunt on my mothers side: Jons Anderson & Agnes Jonsdotter in the village of Mo, parrish Berg (Hoverberg) in Jamtland, Sweden.  
Elisabeth/Lisa emigrated to USA, 8th of may 1910. Maybe she went by ship via Trondheim, Oslo or Bergen ...maybe from Gothenburg. I guess she married a swede with surename Anderson, as that is the name she used in contact with my grandmother.The contact ended around 1950 -I have heard that she died around 1950 -maybe earlier?  
Elisabeth/Lisa had three children: Hugo, Sigurd and Agnes (I'm not quite sure of the girls name) sorry to say I don't have the name of her husband. The children must have been born somewhere in the years 1910-1920?  
The whole family visited Sweden in 1930... as my mother told me. My mother thought that they planned to stay in Sweden, but they didn't.  
I think that the children must have talked a lot about this long journey and they must have told their children about it and... Well maybe there are great-grandchildren still today that remember they've heard about this journey? And they know that this Elisabeth/Lisa must be their great great grandmother?  
I remember names of places/states that I read on christmas-cards they used to sent my grandmother: names as Minnesota, St Paul,Seattle, Edmonton(Alberta?) -so I guess they moved around.... But where did they settle down for good?  
As all my old folks are gone, I hope to get a respond this way. I hope they stayed in USA or... maybe Canada? and that someone out there read this, knowing this is their family-story.

2000-07-23, 01:24
Svar #1

Susanne Brown

I checked the SSDI and Daily Obituaries to see if by chance I could see a Sigurd Anderson.  I did find a possibility:  Sigurd B. Anderson born 6 Aug 1924; SS# issued in Illinois; last residence given as Federal Way, Washington (between Tacoma and Seattle).  Do you happen to know if your Sigurd had a *middle* name??  

2000-07-23, 09:07
Svar #2


Sorry,no I don't know about possible middlenames.  
But Illinois and Washington sounds interesting.I think I will put a Q in a search side for Ill. on the www.

2000-07-24, 04:14
Svar #3

Susanne Brown

I found a death notice in a Tacoma newspaper for a Sigurd B. Anderson which indicated that the Bonney Watson mortuary handled the funeral arrangements.  I will call them Monday morning in the hopes that they will give me some information over the telephone e.g. name of parents and siblings etc.  I have no personal knowledge of this family but thought is was worth checking out because of the similarities to the family you mentioned.

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