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Författare Ämne: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2003-10-12  (läst 2905 gånger)

2001-08-13, 21:19
läst 2905 gånger

Bodil Arvidsson

 Jag vill veta om någon känner till Anna Larsdotters föräldrar f 1795-02-07 och död 1837-04-02 i Runsten. Hon var troligen gift med Lars Andersson f 1795-01-26. De fick tre barn som jag känner till. Vill även veta om någon känner till något om Lars Andersson
   Hälsningar Bodil.
Inlägget flyttat från landskap -> Öland -> Efterlysningar

2001-08-14, 23:14
Svar #1

K-A Björklund

Anna Larsdotters föräldrar är Lars Jonsson, Lerkaka, gift 1791-11-27 med Brita Nilsdtr från Jordsläta, Gärdslösa.
Lars Anderssons föräldrar är Anders Bengtsson, Spjuterum, gift 1793-11-03 med Ingeborg Larsdtr från Åkerby.
Inlägget flyttat från landskap -> Öland -> Efterlysningar

2001-08-15, 20:34
Svar #2

Bodil Arvidsson

Tack för uppgifterna om Anna och Lars Föräldrar. Har du fler uppgifter tex. var de var födda och döda, och var de bodde.MVH Bodil.
Inlägget flyttat från landskap -> Öland -> Efterlysningar

2002-04-08, 21:30
Svar #3

Bruno Lindekrantz

Finns det någon Ölandsforskare som vet hur det
gick till när Torparen Sven Sahlström i Nr7 Södra
Runstens västra utmark blev mördad i Dyestads
bygata under hemresan från Borgholms marknad
den 12:e september 1839.En redogörelse finns i C:2 Runsten dödbok men jag har svårt att tyda hela texten.Vore tacksam om någon kunde bidra med uppgifter.

2002-04-08, 22:45
Svar #4

Stefan Gottfridsson

Hej !
I Runsten. En öländsk sockenbok (1988), utgiven av Runstens hembygdsförening, sid. 141-143, kan man läsa om torparen Sven Sahlström, inklusive hans död.

2002-04-09, 12:12
Svar #5

Lotta Nordin (Lotta)

Hej Bruno!
Här kommer texten från kyrkoboken (med vissa frågetecken p g a suddig text via Genline).
1839 14/9. Torparen Sven Sahlström i N 7 Södra Runstens västra Utmark blev dödad i Dyestad bygata under hemresan ifrån Borgholms marknad Torsdagen den 12 sept. kl. emellan 7 och 8 om aftonen i en ålder av 72 år 2 m 25 dagar. Han var född i Kråksmåla socken den 17 juni 1767; ankom till församlingen 1822, då han köpt sig 4 tunnel. jord på utmarken, vilken plan han odlade och bebyggde. Förut hade han varit stadstimmerman i Kalmar och ett år för sin hitflyttning bodde(?) han i Ohtäckten(?) i Glömminge socken. Under sin levnad var han känd för en okristlig vandel, anklagad för smädeliga utlåtelser emot vår Heliga Religion, icke utan skäl anklagad för inhyses Johannes Borgqvists död, som inföll d 26 april 1828, ehuru han om brottet ej kunde överbevisas, och levde i en beständig osämja med sin hustru och sina barn. Han begrovs den 20 ejusdem.
Ifrån marknaden hade Sahlström åkt på samma vagn med sin hustru och hustrun uppgiver, att han icke varit i träta och gräl med någon, varken på marknaden eller under hemresan. Vid Dyestad Östra grind hade drängen Olof Persson ifrån Spjuterum -?- -?- -?- grinden, vilken Olof då avstigit den vagn varpå han jämte sin svåger Lars Bengtsson i Dyestad varit åkande. Därpå gick Olof jämte Sahlströms vagn ett stenkast, då Sahlström jämte hustrun steg av vagnen för att laga en skackel, varvid Olof var behjälplig. Under detta var det alldeles kolmörker, under det de voro sysselsatte med skakeln kommo stenar ifrån NO, varav både hustrun och drängen blevo träffade så att hustrun flydde undan till gaml.(?) Per Olofsson i No 2 och drängen lopp till sin svåger. Då sedan hustrun jämte Per Olofsson och dess hustru kommo ut på gatan var redan Sahlström mördad och blodet strömmade ur hålen, i synnerhet det över högra ögat.
Den 17:de förrättade Provincialläkaren Doctor A W Brunius obduction i Contractsprosten Ahlqvists och Comminister J Ahlqvists i Sörby närvaro, varvid det befanns att huvudet ägde 3ne sår, ett över högra ögat, vilket var nästan inslaget, ett annat ovan h-?- det var icke djupt och ett större sår i nacken. Sedan huvudskåle betäckningarna vore avdragne befanns att ett 3kantigt stycke av huvudskålen var lösslaget ovan högre ögat; att nackbenet (Os occipitis) var sönderslaget i 7 särskilda bitar och huvudskålen kluven ifrån pannebenets början intill nacken. Troligen har slaget över ögat varit orsakat av en kastad sten och då Sahlström därav fallit, har mördaren med en större sten givit slaget i nacken, varav så väl hela nackbenet blivit krossat som också huvudskålen spruckit.
Ruskig historia! Men spännande. :-)

2002-04-09, 18:38
Svar #6

Bruno Lindekrantz

Tack för hjälpen med att tyda texten om Sahlströms död.Är det någon som vet om man fick
tag på någon gärningman?

2002-09-02, 22:34
Svar #7

Utloggad Johan Löwenham

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Någon som vet nått om fd.släkten Danielsson i Dyestad?  
Skriv mig.
MVH / Johan Löwenham

2002-11-24, 21:53
Svar #8

Utloggad Sweneric Andersson

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Det verka inte fungera med  sändnignen av information. Nu gör jag ett tredje försök  
Jag ant aatt du söker uppgifter  till riksdagsmannen Anders Peter Danielsson i dyestad född 1838  Bonde på nr:1 i Dyestad. se sockenboken Runsten.
Anders Peter Danielsson s:t Bonden Daniel Jonsson.
En son till A P. Danielsson  Axel (öv.namn Hugo Georg ) Danielsson  född 23/4 1872 i Dyestad, Runsten.  död 17/12 1950 i Sputerum, Runsten
gift 6/9 1894 i Runsten , med  Julia (öv. namn Amanda Christina f. Jönsson) född 30/3 1874 i Spjuterum , Runsten död 24/9 1961 i Spjuterum,
Axel Danielsson övertog svärfars gård i Spjuterum  
Dottern  Tyra (Maria) f. 3/1 1896  i Spjuterum, Rusnten  
Flyttade till Långltö 1921
Anders Peter hade  sonen karl Svante Ossian Danielsson född 22/1 1869 i Dyestad. död 6/6 1899
i Dyestad. R. brukade gården nr:4.
gift 18/10 1894 i Runsten, med
Thorborg (Anna Augusta f.Olsson) född 14/1 el 17/1  1875 i Södra Runsten, Runsten död 8/ 1966  
Två barn  
Carl Anders Gustaf  f. 25/3 1896 Dyestad, R.
Anna /Ebba Elisabeth/ f.6/3 1898    
Sweneric Andersson

2002-11-29, 18:01
Svar #9

Utloggad Sweneric Andersson

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Niclas R
  Du skickade e-post, men det verka inte som din adress stämmer. Jag informera här under Runsten och hoppas att du läser detta.  
Länsman Bonde Persson  född omkr 1688 i ?  gift med Elsiabeth Nilsdotter  
Helena  f. 1710   i ?  
Malin   f. 1716   i  ?  gift med bonden  Olof Gabrielsson  i Folkeslunda , Långlöt sn (H)
Olof    f. 28/1 1719  
Per     f.19/9  1722 enligt HFL Runsten  född i Veslunda sn  ?, Jönköping län   Per Bondesson övertog gården i Lerkaka nr:1 Runsten sn (H) gift.
Länsman Bonde Persson  var i Solberga, på nr:4  1733 enligt  sockenboken Köping sn (H)  
När  Bonde Persson gifte om sig till Himmelsberga, Långlöt   stå det f.d. Länsman Bonde Persson  gift med Håkansdotter ?
Kanske du har lösningen ?
Sweneric Andersson

2002-12-08, 14:56
Svar #10

Utloggad Sweneric Andersson

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Niclas R
 Du skickade ut en fråga till mig angående länsman Bonde Persson.  Jag har svarat dig, men skulle uppskatta om du vill besvara mitt svar till dig, även om det inte stämmer med dina uppgfiter om Din länsman Bonde Persson.
Sweneric Anderssson

2002-12-28, 15:56
Svar #11

Utloggad Sweneric Andersson

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Niclas R
Är du kvar i landet. Jag skulle gärna vilja veta om det fanns nåogn substans i din fråga om länsman Bonde Persson som du hade uppgifter om och min länsman Bonde Persson på Öland.  Men du är som bortblåst.
Tacksam om du hör av dig.
e-post Sweneric

2003-01-22, 22:46
Svar #12

Utloggad Johan Löwenham

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Hej Sweneric
Tack för inlägget  
Har lite nya uppgifter: Emil Danielssons far skulle har hetat Emil persson.
(Har du nån uppgift om någon Hellman bergravd i Gärdelösa?)

2003-02-08, 22:25
Svar #13

Utloggad Sweneric Andersson

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Vilken Emil Danielsson, Har du några  uppgifter om Emil . födelsetid.ort.  
Du kan höra av dig till

2003-02-08, 22:28
Svar #14

Utloggad Sweneric Andersson

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Hur gick det med din länsman Bonde Pehrsson.  Fanns det något samband med  min länsman  i Runsten.  ?
Hör gärna av dig och berätta mera
Sweneric Andersson

2003-09-18, 22:25
Svar #15

Utloggad Sweneric Andersson

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Hur gick det med din forskning på länsman Bonde Pehrsson. Jag är väldigt nyfiken på din länsman.

2003-10-10, 15:25
Svar #16

Deborah Moseng

I feel kind of out of place writing in English here and especially not being able to read anything on here. I was told that I could put my query here in English so hopefully some of you can read it. I have found out lots of information about my Grandfather's family in Sweden because of this site and now I am going one step further. First let me tell you what I think I know so far. My grandfather was John A. Anderson (here in America). he was born in Sweden on June 17, 1868 to Anders Johan Nilsson and (Brita?) Johanna (Andersdtr-born in 1836 in N. Mockleby?) Anders Johan Nilsson died on Dec 25, 1912 in Sodra Runsten, Kalmar County in Sweden (we have the letter edged in black that my grandfather received). I believe Johanna died in 1919 according to what I have learned on this site. They (Anders and Johanna) had several children, Oskar Alfred(1874) Carl Rudolph (1878) Per Julius (1871-I believe he died in 1889). There was also a daughter,  (Mathilda?) Josefina that came to America and I would like to learn when she came and how also. I don't know her exact birthdate, someone on here just told me they found her as I did know about her as she lived in Minnesota here (USA) and was married. I didn't know her but my mother did and talked about her.
I believe all the above took place in Runsten. Anders Johan Nilsson had a twin sister Cajsa Lena who married Nils Persson and they had two children Stina (born 1834) and Petter (born 1836).
I am looking for any information about this (Ander's)family. I would LOVE to learn of some family that is still living there that could tell me stories about this family. I would love to learn more about Grandfather (John A. Anderson here in America) as I never knew him. I would love to learn when exactly he came over, what boat, the conditions, who he left, if he ever saw his family again and who came with him or if he traveled alone to America.
Sorry this got so long but I wanted to put down all the information I had so I can find out anything you know. I would love pictures of the homestead or any family remaining, just anything. I wqas wondering if the churches had old pictures of confirmations or marriages or anything? I have been reading all about Sweden, looking at the pictures of churches in Oland, and reading about what the emegrants went through. Again, thanks for this opportunity.

2003-10-10, 21:05
Svar #17

Anders Andersson

I found an article in English on the history of agriculture on Öland, which I think you may find interesting as part of the background for the decision of your ancestors to emigrate.
To give you some idea of the options available for your research, Runsten parish records are physically kept by the Vadstena regional archive (landsarkiv) and can be studied there, but they have also been copied to microfiche available for loan or sale. As a matter of law, records made later than 70 years ago may contain notes that are still confidential, and therefore only volumes completed before 1933 are now easily available to the public.
Since you know the date Anders Johan Nilsson died (25 December 1912), this should be enough to locate him, his children and grandchildren in contemporary records. Given a number of relatives born in the early 1900's, some of them are likely to have been alive in 1970 (or even today), allowing us to find them on Sveriges befolkning 1970, a CD-ROM providing residential addresses of the entire Swedish population around 1970-1971. Modern phone directories should do the rest.
I can help you with CD lookups, but unless you can find and read those microfiche records at your local family history center (yes, Swedish parish records are available in the United States) yourself, you need the assistance of somebody else to provide the names and dates of relatives born between 1890 and 1932.
As a matter of convention on Anbytarforum, please continue putting your full name (first name and last name) in the Användarnamn form submission field.

2003-10-10, 22:20
Svar #18

Deborah Moseng

Hi again, I am trying to follow but am not sure if I can do what I need to do on this end. I looked up the family history center before to see where the nearest one is around here and I think we have one not too far away. My problem with actually going somewhere is that I am somewhat handicapped (wheelchair or scooter) and also have problems reading some print as I am blind in one eye and have had several eye surgeries on the other eye (Type 1 diabetes for 46 years). I don't say this to make you feel sorry for me or anything, just to let you know it isn't that I don't want to do things, it is more that it is hard for me to and I do all I can using the Internet. Now that I have explained that, I will ask what I should do next for what you need to look that up on the CD. If I could find Josephine's family here in the US I could get some of that information for you. I know her married name, where she lived and her children's names and what they did but can't seem to find them on the Internet. My mom visited them often and she told me about her children. I can't find them in the death indexes or marriage licenses here. I am sure she has grandchildren and great grandchildren living not too far from me (within a state away). Anyway, what do I do next? Is there anywhere on the Internet that I can look for some of this (that would be in English)? Also, The other information I got from the other board (1890 census), is there somewhere I could actually look those names etc up myself so I can put them together as a family in my head? Like the printout of the family with the children, and the birth record of Anders Johan Nilsson and Cajsa (twins) and then where you said Josefina was shown by Johan showing they were sister and brother. I couldn't read that well enough to see it myself on there and put them all together as a family. Again, thanks so much for all your help. I realize I am so new at this stuff and not sure what I am doing or supposed to do.

2003-10-11, 07:40
Svar #19

Anders Andersson

We all have different requirements, and that's why I'm restricting my advice to what resources are available, not trying to give you explicit instructions for how to access them.  As I said, I don't have easy access to Runsten parish records myself (I live far from Vadstena), and my reason for having you place your inquiries here was to let other Runsten researchers see them. I suggest giving them some time to turn up; I suppose many researchers don't read Anbytarforum on a daily basis like I happen to do at the moment.
As for descendants born in the 1900's, I was referring to those born and remaining in Sweden. Since both John and Josephine turned up in the USA, I suppose we should concentrate on their brothers, Oskar Alfred and Carl Rudolph, to see what descendants they had. I understand you didn't know about them before we saw their names in the 1890 Census thread?
You mention the letter edged in black telling about your ancestor's death in 1912. I have a number of similar letters pertaining to my own relatives; such letters of grief appear to have been in regular use until the 1940's (these days, friends and family are usually notified via the local newspaper if not by more direct means). Does your letter list any names of the deceased's next of kin? At least his widow (Johanna) should be first among them if she didn't die until 1919. The positioning and typesize of other names may provide clues as to their mutual relationships. There may also be other clues in the notification text itself, such as djupt sörjd af mig, son, sonhustru, måg och dotter samt många vänner that I find on a card printed in 1907.
I have already done a few basic searches for your earlier names in the DISBYT database to see if other researchers know anything about them, but it yielded nothing. This is to be expected, unless you have another genealogist among those relatives you are now looking for.
The 1890 Census database that covers all of Sweden is available for a fee, but since Lena already did the lookup for you, I think you won't find anything else of interest in there for the moment. The 1900 census should also be available, but I don't know whether it covers Runsten parish yet. I'm not a subscriber to that database anyway.
A private company, Genline, is in the business of scanning Swedish parish records and providing access to them as image files on the Internet, for a fee. I'm not a Genline subscriber either, but many other users here at Anbytarforum are.

2003-10-11, 08:14
Svar #20

Utloggad Eva Dahlberg

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Deborah, in the thread Anbytarforum: Discussions in English: General questions: 1890 Census you received look-ups, as Anders mentions, from the 1890 census (the census in Sweden consist of extracts from the church books at the end of each year 1860/1870/1880/1890/1900/1910/1920/1930 - 1890 is online in full, 1900 is on its way, for some northern counties also 1880 and 1870 are available - they won't put 1910 online for some years I guess).
In the thread you also received look-ups from the parish records from the online records of Genline. They end ca 1895, and later books are not coming online, but are available for research via the Regional Archives in Vadstena or in this case they are still at the parish office (if I read the webpages of Vadstena Regional Archives correctly). You could e-mail the parish office (e-mail, give the name and date of death you have in 1912 - ask for a lookup and family data.
Also you can ask the Regional Archives for the estate inventory of this man - which will be in Swedish but will give you names and addresses of the heirs ( or the direct address for 1900s estate inventories you find here
While you wait, you culd read all (or most) of the information about research in Sweden given in this thread on 8 and 10 September  Anbytarforum: Discussions in English: Emigrants: Emigrant CD, Enholm and here Anbytarforum: Discussions in English: General questions: About genealogical sources in Sweden which link to a lot of information in English.

2003-10-11, 09:43
Svar #21

Anders Andersson

Eva, I doubt Runsten parish has retained their records. According to the National Archive Database they are stored at Vadstena landsarkiv, but I can't explain why Runsten isn't mentioned in the list of parishes that have recently delivered their records. For instance, the following parish books should be found at the archive:
Runsten AIIa:1 (1901-1915)
Runsten AIIa:2 (1915-1930)
Runsten AIIa:3 (1930-1947)
Runsten AIIa:4 (1948-1960)
Runsten AIIa:5 (1961-1972)
Of these, only AIIa:1 and AIIa:2 are clear with respect to the (current) 1933 secrecy limit, but Vadstena archivists should be able to access any volumes and screen the requested records for confidential data before providing them.
I don't see any references to microfiche copies of these volumes though. Maybe they haven't been filmed yet?
Deborah, Eva's advice is at least as good as mine, and you should at least get a response whether you write to the Gärdslösa parish office (to which Runsten has belonged since 1962) or Vadstena landsarkiv. I merely suspect that the latter may be in a better position to help you, as the Church of Sweden was relieved of the task of maintaining the population registers already in 1991 and is today a semi-private body, while Vadstena landsarkiv is part of the state archives in Sweden with a duty to serve the public. Of course, please let us know whether you receive any responses to your inquiries.

2003-10-11, 14:30
Svar #22

Lotta Nordin (Lotta)

Hi Deborah!
In the household examination records for Runsten 1891-1900 Anders Johan Nilsson and Johanna Britta Andersdotter with the two sons Carl Rudolf and Oskar Alrik Leonard still lives in Södra Runsten. Carl Rudolf emigrates to USA in 1897. According to the Emigrant CD he went from the harbour of Malmö Febr 2 1897 with destination New York.
Best regards

2003-10-11, 17:27
Svar #23

Anders Andersson

With three out of four surviving siblings emigrating to the United States, what I found at the library today may be a disappointment:
The CD-ROM Sveriges dödbok 1950-1999 contains data extracted from the national population register regarding individuals deceased during the latter half of the 20th century. Because of limitations in the kind of data preserved on old computerized media, individuals who died before 1970 (approximately) are recorded with dates and locations only, but not with their names, which of course limits the usefulness of this CD-ROM for the 1950-1969 period.
Anyway, I typed in the birthdate 1874-11-26, checked the male box, and limited the search to deaths in Kalmar county (i.e. the whole island of Öland plus the eastern part of the province of Småland). Four entries were returned, one of which indicating Runsten as the place of residence. That person had died in February of 1958 (no exact date given). He was unmarried.
Given that I didn't specifically limit my search to Runsten parish, but to all of Kalmar county, and one entry out of four still pertained to Runsten, I consider it likely that this entry pertains to your mother's uncle Oskar Alrik Leonard. However, there are a number of possibilities why this need not be the case:
1. Oskar Alrik Leonard may have died before 1950, in which case he wouldn't be found on the CD-ROM at all and the entry I found pertains to a completely different individual. 2. He may have emigrated (before or after 1950) and died abroad, in which case he wouldn't be found either. 3. He may have left Runsten parish and died elsewhere in Sweden (even on Öland itself), in which case he will still be on the CD-ROM, but we wouldn't be able to identify him (I think there were 50-100 entries with a birthdate of 1874-11-26 when I removed the Kalmar county restriction) without additional sources. 4. His birthdate may be wrong; there was some confusion about it in the 1890 Census thread. I tried 1873-11-26 as well; that yielded no entry pertaining to Runsten at all. 5. The CD-ROM may be incomplete; for instance it wouldn't mention anybody who had their personal information classified as confidential (this probably applied to very few people in the 1950's; I don't consider it a likely explanation in your case).I entered the birthdate 1878-10-29 as well, looking for Carl Rudolf, but it yielded nothing (this was before I read about Lotta's finding above). Thus explanation #2 above applies to Carl Rudolf.
If Oskar Alrik Leonard indeed died in 1958 without any past or surviving spouse, the chance that you will find living descendants in Sweden on this branch of the family has now dropped considerably. He may still have had children without ever getting married, but they may be a bit more difficult to find.
Thus, I think it may be a good idea to step one generation back and start looking for descendants of the siblings of Anders Johan Nilsson and Johanna Andersdotter, i.e. your potential third cousins. I'm not saying you should give up on your second cousins just yet, but only that you may want to broaden your search a bit in order not to spend valuable time waiting for negative responses.
In the above, I may be jumping to conclusions, and other researchers may be justified in giving this problem a bit more time. I just want to warn you about potential speed bumps well in advance. I'm still interested in what that 1912 letter of grief you had may tell us.

2003-10-11, 17:45
Svar #24

Deborah Moseng

Wow, I have gotten lots of information since I was on here yesterday and more to look up which is very exciting. I am sorry sometimes I don't seem to know what I am doing but so much of where I look is either partly or mostly in Swedish and that gets me all confused. I keep checking this everyday to see if anyone has posted. I am still hoping someone (someone who is doing geneology stuff) from my grandfather's family reads some of my posts and answers.  
Anders, I don't think any other names were on the letter edged in black. I put the whole thing on the Norwegian site before I knew whose it was and they translated it word for word and the only names were Anders Johan Nilsson and Johanna as far as they said. It referred to the children and grandchildren missing him but no names were given. That is where I got the location, names of him and his wife and the year of his death. That letter opened this whole thing up for me which has been so great.
I will look at those sites and email those people and see where I can get. Thanks so much for the information. Lotta, I love that last information. It just seems I am getting to know that family and as I am adding it to the family tree maker, it is so neat watching it grow. Anders, no I didn't know of the extra brothers in Grandfather's family. Mom had said Grandfather had one brother who died early in life and a sister who lived in Minnesota here (I have never met any of the family). I don't know if she never knew of the other brothers or what. That is why I wondered if I had the right family in the beginning and wanted to make sure I was following the correct people. The more that was told, the more it seemed right though. I just wish I could get somewhere on Grandmother's side but have hit a brick wall almost (she was from Norway and is wheree I started searching).

2003-10-12, 05:07
Svar #25

Deborah Moseng

Thanks again for all the information. I realize too that most or all of Grandfather's family came to America so I agree that I need to go on to the next generation (still hoping that someone will notice this and respond that is related). Anders, here is the 'letter of grief' or whatever it is called. I am sorry but I don't have that first word here now to try to type out but here is what I put on the Norwegain site when they helped me to understand who it was about etc and how I got going on this site.
(a long word I couldn't try to put down in English) gud i sitt clluisa rad vehagat hadankalb
mih alskade make
som stilla ailed SODRA RUNSTEN
ONSDAGEN DEN 25 Dec 1912
i en alder af 71 ar 2 manader och 25 olager
oli upt sarjd och saknad af mgh barn, barnbarn ocl broder samt
slakt ocl vanner.
Johanna Nilsson
(I realize I don't have the fancy type etc but this is as close as I can get with my English typing. The above is what got me going from Grandmother's side to Grandfather's side and got me on this site. I have done so much better on his side and mostly because of starting with this letter which gave me just enough information to get things going. I am still stuck on Grandmother's side going nowhere in Norway (or here is USA). I need to work harder on her side now as the family tree maker is looking a bit lopsided .
Thanks for all the help. And Anders, thanks for going to the library for me, wow you people are really helping, thanks. I have lots of work to do now, lots of looking (on both sides, grandmother's and grandfather's). I initially wanted to just start with her side as one person is enough to follow at a time but I got so much further here that it has really gotten very habit forming!

2003-10-12, 17:05
Svar #26

Lotta Nordin (Lotta)

Hi again Deborah!
I've done some checking on Anders Johan Nilsson's family. All this information is from the household examination records.
His grandfather (fathers father) was Per Gummesson born Sept 5 1767 in Runsten and grandmother Maria Nilsdotter born July 18 1773 in Algutsrum.
The family between 1831-1845:
Father Nils Persson born Dec 19 in Runsten
Mother Cajsa Knutsdotter born March 12 in Runsten
daughter Stina Maria born april 7 1807  
son Petter born Nov 7  
daughter Cajsa Lena (A J's twin sister) born Sept 30 1841
son Anders Johan born Sept 30 1841
son Olof Fredrik born Jan 18 1845
Nils Persson died May 7 1855 by drowning.
Petter dies Nov 18 1853
Cajsa Lena died May 19 1855
Below is A J's sister Stina Maria and her family and descendents and further down his brother Olof Fredrik.
Stina Maria Nilsdotter  
She married Olof Jonsson born Nov 2 1830 in Runsten, and they got the children:
Nils Johan born March 11 1855 in Norra Möckleby
Carolina Matilda born Febr 27 1857 in Runsten
Per Alfred born April 7 1860 in Runsten
Emma Christina born Sept 11 1863 in Högsrum, dead in august 1864
Amy Charlotta born 1865 in Högsrum
Olof Theodor born Dec 30 1867 in Högsrum
Jenny Ottilia born Oct 6 1871 in Högsrum
Carolina Matilda born 1857 married carpenter Per August Larsson born July 6 1854 in Högsrum.
Their children:
Thekla Hildur Eleonora born July 11 1882, emigrated to USA 1900
Fridolf Gunnar Martin born Sept 7 1885 in Högsrum, died Febr 1888
Tage Konrad Albin born Nov 7 1887 in Högsrum
Knut Artur Martin born Oct 7 1891 in Högsrum
Ernst Fridolf Gunnar born July 31 1894 in Högsrum
Anna Judith Viktoria born Febr 19 1897 in Högsrum
Per Alfred born 1860 went to Runsten Oct 24 1879
Amy Charlotta born 1865 went to Runsten Oct 21 1882, went to Stockholm 1885
Olof Theodor born 1867 went to Karlsborg Nov 17 1892
Jenny Ottilia born 1872 went to Norra Möckleby 1886 and to Kungsholmen, Stockholm in 1888.
Nils Johan Olofsson born 1855 became a sailor and he married Christina Wilhelmina Olsdotter born Febr 6 1858 in Egby.
Their children:
John Olof Einar born Aug 10 1884
Selma Christina Viktoria born Febr 15 1887 in Högsrum
Sara Vilhelmina Elisabet born July 31 1889 in Högsrum
Ingeborg Natalia Henriette born March 11 1892 in Högsrum  
The family moves to Köping in 1892 and then to Åby in Kalmar county in October 1895.
Olof Fredrik Nilsson
He went to Stockholm May 4 1865 and in 1878 married Christina Persdotter born Jan 10 1843 in Runsten. They moved back to Runsten in 1879.
Their children were:
Betty Carolina born Aug 18 1878 in Katarina, Stockholm
John Theodor Leonard born 1880 in Runsten
Hilda Olga Victoria born Oct 7 1883 in Runsten.
Christina had a son out of wedlock Ernst Nikolaus born April 25 1874 that lived with her parents while Christina lived in Stockholm
Olof Fredrik emigrated to USA 1890 and the rest of the family in 1891.
If you have any questions please ask.
Best regards from the island of Öland

2003-10-12, 17:46
Svar #27

Anders Andersson

Thank you for sharing that letter with us. I agree that it doesn't contain much new information, but I'd like to point to this part:
djupt sörjd och saknad af mig, barn, barnbarn och broder samt släkt och vänner
In case you didn't get a verbatim translation of that line before:
deeply grieved and missed by me, his children, grandchildren and brother, as well as relatives and friends
We already know about Johanna, their children and grandchildren (supposedly all in America), but what about Anders Johan's brother? Note the singular (unless the letter actually reads bröder, plural of broder), and there is no sister mentioned. All siblings should be counted equal, so I doubt any remaining ones are lumped in with the other relatives (släkt) in general. My conclusion is that Anders Johan had (at least) one surviving brother in 1912. You learned about a twin sister and a few other siblings earlier. Any guess as to who that surviving brother may be? He may have been living in Öland or far away; this letter doesn't tell.
The other relatives may include nieces and nephews and their children, such as the descendants of that surviving brother. Not many hard facts here, but the letter appears to invite you to go find those relatives, don't you think?
Is the letter printed or handwritten? Sometimes these letters came partially printed, with dotted lines for filling in last-minute information (such as the date and place for the funeral service).
I visit the library on a regular basis to do research on my own family; I can easily do a few lookups for others when I'm there anyway, hoping someone else will do me a similar favor when I need it.

2003-10-12, 17:54
Svar #28

Lotta Nordin (Lotta)

The brother Olof Fredrik emigrated in 1890 and his family in 1891 as I wrote above.

2003-10-12, 18:16
Svar #29

Anders Andersson

Ok, I didn't get to read Lotta's very informative report until after I wrote the above. Since Petter and Cajsa Lena both died as children in the 1850's, the surviving brother must be Olof Fredrik - and he had also emigrated by that time. Stina Maria's descendants look promising, though.

2003-10-12, 18:36
Svar #30

Anders Andersson

According to Ellis Island records, one Thekla D. C. Larsson (appearantly a mistranscription of the handwritten ship manifest), 18 years old and single, arrived in New York on 6 October 1900 with s/s Norge, but she answered no to the question of whether she was going to stay with relatives in the United States. That's Stina Maria's granddaughter Thekla Hildur Eleonora mentioned above.

2003-10-12, 18:40
Svar #31

Deborah Moseng

Thanks so much. I just read everything to my sister and she is amazed at what you people are doing for us.  
Do you have any idea where the homestead is over there or did it say if Oskar lived on it after Anders died?  
On the letter of grief it said (I believe anyway it was translated like this)that Anders lived with a son (?) on the homeplace? Is there any way of finding out who lives there now and maybe somehow getting in touch with them? I wonder if it would be a relative or if the place is still standing? So many questions going through my head. I would love to have a scanned picture of the old place or/and the area around it to make this even more personal. On my family tree maker there is a scrapbook for pictures and that would be so neat to have some from there.
Also, on the letter it said Anders would be missed by children and grandchildren--if all the children came to America other than Oskar and he didn't get married and have children, who were these grandchildren as the ones here didn't know him? To me it sounds like someone over in Sweden had children?
Does it say on that household examination record what church they went to? Anders sent me some web pages of churches on Oland and I printed them out but not sure which one they maybe went to? They are beautiful churches there though and the land is gorgeous. I also read what Anders sent about why people came to America. It must have been so sad leaving family never to see them again. I never heard that my Grandmother or Grandfather ever saw their parents again and am now trying to find if they kept in contact with their siblings when they came to America as most didn't come at the same time. I am not sure if Josefina came with Grandpa or when she came? I am slowly getting the puzzle pieces though thanks to you people over there who are helping.

2003-10-12, 19:10
Svar #32

Deborah Moseng

Wow, you two are fast! I was printing the new facts out again and when I was looking to make sure I had all the pages I noticed new stuff already and mine hadn't even gotten there yet!
Anders, I could scan and send the letter to this list if that would help but I think you found out maybe everything you were wondering about? I want so bad to find someone over in Sweden but need also to start searching here to find some of the people who left and came to America, so many directions to go--and my husband wants to eat to before the Packer game . Suppose I should feed him and then get back to this. It is VERY habit-forming.
I can sure tell you both are used to doing this, you know right where to look. I wouldn't know that much how to find things here. We have certain areas to look but wouldn't find (I don't think) the family notes like you are finding. We have our census and sometimes there are more facts on that but not that many (last census available is 1930). That is how I found out what years Grandmother and Grandfather came over, their ages etc but not a lot else. We also have other databases but so much isn't indexed yet--I get very frustrated. I am amazed at the information you have come up with for me. My Grandfather's side of the tree is looking very nice.
Oh, another thing. On the other site on here (1890 census) when I got all that information to start with about the family and the scanned images--I took the time yesterday and really put them (people, like Grandfather's immeidate family)in order and got the information figured out in MY head so the whole family makes sense now. I now understand where the names come (images)from and where they fit. After studying the images I can sort of read them better and figured out what some of the columns were (like the second after the name was the year born, dah I hadn't figured that out before). Now those images mean so much more to me and am so thrilled to have them.

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