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Författare Ämne: Friberg, Olof and Peter (Nils Petter):  (läst 955 gånger)

2006-04-28, 07:08
läst 955 gånger

Julie Watson

  • Gäst
Olof born 27 October 1863 and Peter (Nils Petter) born 23 August 1855 in Helsingborg - parents, Hans P Friberg and Christina Johansdotter.
I believe they were both seamen, and I have found a record of an Olof Friberg arriving in San Francisco in 1912 - his age fits, but I have no confirmation that it is correct - he states on the manifest that he is visiting a Peter Friberg, but there is no address.  It also says on the manifest that he (Olof) has British nationality, but I haven't been able to track him down there.
After that, the trail goes cold.
The only other information I have is that he may have been called Hanson, after his father,and there are records in USA at where some of the family are listed with Friberg/Hanson but there is no information as to the source of those records and not all the family are mentioned.  
I hope someone can find a marriage or death record for either of them.  I have tried to do this in Sweden and USA and UK with no luck.
Can anyone suggest where I can go next please?
Very grateful for any help.
Kind regards, Julie.

2006-04-28, 19:09
Svar #1

Utloggad Bodil Josefsson

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  • Antal inlägg: 298
  • Senast inloggad: 2021-05-28, 09:01
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Hello Julie.
This is from the a swedish CD called Emibas :
Friberg, Olof
Dräng (ogift man)  /Farmerboy(?), unmarried man/
f. 27/10 1863 i Helsingborg, Malmöhus län (Skåne)  /Birthdate and place/
Utvandrad 8/10 1883  /date of emigration/
från Öresund 6, Helsingborgs stadsförs, Malmöhus län (Skåne) /where from/
Källa: Husförhörslängd, s. 194  /page in churh register book - household/
Emibas emigrationsakt: Helsingborgs stadsförs M 1883 136
Friberg, Nils Peter
Sjöman (ogift man) /sailor, unmarried man/
f. 23/8 1855 i Helsingborg, Malmöhus län (Skåne)
Utvandrad 13/3 1884   /date of emigration/
från Nybygget 15, Helsingborgs landsförs, Malmöhus län (Skåne)  /where from/
till Australien  / To Australia!/
Källa: Husförhörslängd, s. 341
Emibas emigrationsakt: Helsingborgs landsförs M 1884 001
Kindest regards / Bodil
My e-mail:
P = .
A = @

2006-04-30, 12:42
Svar #2

Julie Watson

  • Gäst
Thank you very much for looking up this information for me.
I notice that the record doesn't say where Olof emigrated to.  Does this mean it wasn't recorded?
Is there any way of checking to see if Olof or Peter came back to Helsingborg?
Thanks once again.

2006-04-30, 16:55
Svar #3

Utloggad Bodil Josefsson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 298
  • Senast inloggad: 2021-05-28, 09:01
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I looked in the records for Helsingborg. The note utan ort = without destination, is written when Olof leaves Helsingborg 1883.
I don?t know how to check if Olof or Peter returned to Sweden, perhaps someone else know?
When Peter emigrated five months after Olof, he went to Australia - perhaps it is because Olof ended up there...?  
/Bodil J

2006-05-04, 12:52
Svar #4

Julie Watson

  • Gäst
Thank you for your answer.  I will search Australian records for Peter.
I have two more people who you may be able to help with.
Anders Peter Jönsson, born Helsingborg 3 December 1862, and his sister Ida Christina Jönsson born Helsingborg 19 May 1867.  Parents were Jöns Andersson and Bengta Sonesdotter.  
They probably both emigrated but I don't know when or where to.  Are you able to look them up for me please?
Many thanks, Julie.

2006-05-06, 00:20
Svar #5

Utloggad Bodil Josefsson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 298
  • Senast inloggad: 2021-05-28, 09:01
    • Visa profil
this is what I found in the Emibas-CD:
Jönsson Svan, Peter    /the surname Svan taken probably during military service/
Artillerist fd (ogift man)   /unmarried, has bin in military service /
f. 3/12 1862 i Helsingborg, Malmöhus län (Skåne)  /date and place of birth/
Utvandrad 17/5 1892   /date of emigration/
från Argus 16, Helsingborgs stadsförs, Malmöhus län (Skåne)   /where from/
till Skien, Telemark fylke, Norge  /where to - Norge = Norway/
Källa: Husförhörslängd, s. 154  /page in register/
Emibas emigrationsakt: Helsingborgs stadsförs M 1892 114
Onormerade namnformer:
Destinationsland: Norge  /country = Norway/
Could this be the right Anders Peter Jönsson?
I couldn?t find any Ida Christina...  (-perhaps because we reach the magic date, when the church-records no longer are available in digital form.)
/Regards Bodil

2006-06-05, 12:42
Svar #6

Julie Watson

  • Gäst
Thank you once again for your help.
This could be Anders Peter Jönsson - the birth date is correct.
I shall try and find him in Norway.
Ida Christina will have to wait for another day!
Kind regards, Julie

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