I need help with a moving certificate/note from 1785 for a Lars Galopp:
Hjärtum kyrkoarkiv, Bilagor till flyttningslängderna, SE/GLA/13211/H II/2 (1785-1794), Image 28, Record 23. URL:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0041163_00028I tried to attach an image to this post, but I had to give up when I could not get an image code to appear in the message text box. Anyway, I am hoping someone can transcribe this document and translate it into English.
A little background:
My guess is that the above document belongs to my ancestor Lars Andersson Galopp (born 24 Dec 1750 in Naglum parish, married Kierstin Andersdotter 15 Oct 1780 in Naglum parish, and died 09 Nov 1818 in Hjärtum parish). I am also guessing that the Galopp/Gallopp/Galupp/Gallup/... surname came from some kind of military service (perhaps as a coachman?), but I have only found indirect evidence to support this. The Galopp surname is not listed in his 1780 marriage record.
Perhaps another example of the official's handwriting would be helpful. Here is a Riksarkivet image of another moving document written in 1784 by the same official who wrote the Lars Galopp document:
Hjärtum kyrkoarkiv, Bilagor till flyttningslängderna, SE/GLA/13211/H II/1 (1774-1784), Image 334, Record 382. URL:
https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0041162_00334That's all. Thanks for your help.