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Författare Ämne: Help with a marriage record  (läst 1412 gånger)

2021-01-31, 00:56
läst 1412 gånger

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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I am seeking help with the marriage record for Jacob Olofsson and Anna Jönsdotter, Morlanda kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/GLA/13376/C/3 (1781-1802), Image ID: C0041694_00151, page 282 (attached).
I am not able to make out where Olof is from (Stora? ??). Anna is from Käringön. Is the title for Olof an occupation or simply saying he is an unmarried man?
Any help greatly appreciated.

2021-01-31, 08:14
Svar #1

Utloggad Sune Andersson

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Ungkarlen, the bachelor, Jakob ... Compare K in Käringön with K Stora Kornö, it is the same letter.

2021-01-31, 21:24
Svar #2

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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Thanks Sune. Would Stora Kornö be simply where he was currently living and not where he was born? I think that is the case but am not 100% sure.

2021-02-01, 09:02
Svar #3

Utloggad Sune Andersson

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I think Jacob lived there and was not born there.

This could be Jacob's father and mother, Olof Torbjörnsson and Cornelia Olsdotter:

 I have found two Jacob one born 1767-01-02, and one born 1773-12-15,, both born Morlanda Hällholmen. You probably already know this.

2021-02-01, 21:24
Svar #4

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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Thanks again Sune,
I'll look into the leads you have giving me, I did not have those. I am also looking into one other possibility, Jacob Olofsson born 10 Mar 1767 Skredsvik,
Skredsviks kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/GLA/13480/C/2 (1749-1789), Image ID: C0042162_00089, page 157.
However, I am not able to make out the location where he was born on the birth record (located on the far right). Can you read it? I would like to track him via the household exams.
Jacob Olofsson's daughter Kerstin, my 3rd great grandmother, moves to Skredsvik 10 Nov 1817 (age 13) after her father Jacob Olofsson's death (he died in 1813). It seems a long way to move to if you did not have any family ties.

2021-02-01, 22:01
Svar #5

Utloggad Sune Andersson

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It says Bön.
Here is the family: Skredsviks kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/GLA/13480/A I/1 (1756-1784), bildid: C0042143_00124, sida 81,

2021-02-01, 22:39
Svar #6

Utloggad Jörgen Tollesson

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Is it Jacob Olsson that died on Käringön on June 27, 1813? The death record says that he was 46 years, 3 months, 2 weeks and 3 days old when he died (Käringön C:1;

That means - if the priest had his correct birth date and could count  :) - he was born on March 10, 1767.

However, Jacob in Skredsvik was born on March 8 (see last in the notation), and baptized on the 10th. But the date of the baptism can easily become the birth date if the priest looks in the birth record when he's writing the certificate to a person that's moving to another parish. Especially when it's written the way it is here in Skredsvik.
Kontakt: | Ser gamla inlägg (före april 2016) underliga ut? Argumenterar jag mot mig själv? Saknas något i inläggen? Finns där något som inte borde vara där? Läs då om orsaken här:

2021-02-02, 02:17
Svar #7

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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Yes Jörgen, the Jacob Olsson I am looking for is the one found in Käringön C:1 image 48 And looking at the birth record I thought he was born on 10 March, I didn't notice the ending notation that says the was born on the 8th until you pointed it out. Thanks for your shape eyes!

2021-02-02, 02:24
Svar #8

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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Thanks Sune for finding the family record in Skredsviks AI/1 sida 81. It gives the year of birth for both his parents and shows his siblings, none of which I previously had. It looks as if the family moved from Bön as the entire family has been scratched off (a big X covering the family).

2021-02-02, 03:19
Svar #9

Utloggad Bradley Bystrom

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  • Senast inloggad: 2023-06-08, 22:36
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This is the correct Jacob Olsson, we find his mother Kerstin Hansdotter with him in Käringön
Käringöns kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/GLA/13307/A I/1 (1787-1848), Image ID: C0041430_00067, page 5
We see here both she and his son Jöns have passed away.

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