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Meddelanden - Corinne Purnell

Sidor: [1]
Lofta / Lofta
« skrivet: 2016-03-10, 00:16 »
Hej Anita, Mats och Inga!
Förlåt att jag har dröjt med att skriva.  
I am able to read and write basic Swedish, so if you would rather write to me in Swedish that would be OK.
Just now I am trying to discover everything I can about the family of Karl Vilhelm Åhlin, who was my two sons' farmors farfar.  
What you have sent is very interesting.  Some I did already know.  I found information on Anbytarforum.  And I visited Vinäs, the place of Karl Vilhelm's birth, during  a trip to Sweden in 2012.  I also found his gravestone at the Böda kyrkogård.  (I have visited twice before, in 1985 and 1992, but had not found the stone.)
I want to take some time to make a chart of the information you all have sent.  Then I will know if I am missing any years.
One question:  Mats you mentioned Ulvsdal and called the place where the family lived a “mansion.”  I have not been able to find that place on the internet or a large map I have of that area of Sweden.  Can you tell me the Swedish word you translated as “mansion.”
Tack så mycket!  Tillbaka snart.

Lofta / Lofta
« skrivet: 2016-03-05, 23:05 »
I am seeking information on the following family:  father, Anders Åhlin; mother, Christina Louisa Holmgren.  They were married in Västra Ed, 31 Dec. 1843, and had a son, Karl Vilhelm, born at Vinäs, Västra Ed, 3 May 1844.  Another son, Anders Alfrid, was born in Lofta, 27 Oct 1848.  They were living in Böda on Öland when their third child was born in 1855.
Can anyone tell me when they arrived in Lofta, when they moved from there, and whether they went directly to Öland.  Or perhaps to another location?  What was the fathers work during their stay in Lofta?
Any other information welcome as well.
Tack på förhand!
Corinne Purnell

Tack Karin!
Your mail confirms information that I have found on films of Böda parish church records.  
I still have few questions, but perhaps it is better to take them to the Böda site.

Hej Maud!
Tack så mycket!  Great to have so much interesting information about this family.
There was another son, Karl Vilhelm, who remained in Böda when the family left.  He became Kronojägare at Böda kronopark.  He married and had 10 children; died 1901.
Karl Vilhelm was my sons' farmors farfar, so I have read about him for many years, but never thought before to look for the family in Stockholm.
Anbytarforum and researchers like you make it so easy!
MVH, Corinne

I am seeking information about the following family.  
Father - Anders (Olofsson) Åhlin, f. 8 Oct 1816; St Mellösa, Örebro
Mother - Christina Louisa Holmgren, f. 26 Oct 1817; Stjälkhammar, Ukna, Kalmar
Children -  
Anders Alfrid Åhlin, f. 27 Oct 1848, Lofta, Kalmar
Hilda Amalia Åhlin, f. 18 Jan 1855; Böda Kronopark, Böda, Kalmar
Records I have read say that they moved from Böda (Öland), Kalmar, to Stockholm on 9 Oct. 1865, but the församling in Stockholm is not named.  Can someone provide me with that name?   Other information would also be appreciated.
Corinne, Mill Valley, CA

Landskrona / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 september, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-09-18, 02:39 »
Is there anyone who can provide information on parents, siblings, and other ancestors of  
Anders Peter Andersson, born 11 Jul 1832, Landskrona; married Anna Christina Andrén 30 Mar 1858 in Viken; became snickargesäll; died 16 Sep 1892 in Landskrona  
Ni får gärna svara på svenska.
Tack i förväg.
Corinne, Mill Valley, CA

Viken / Viken
« skrivet: 2013-08-30, 20:29 »
Tack Lars-Äke och Kerstin!
Your information with help with my search.
Må så gott!

Malmö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 08 november, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-08-28, 03:06 »
Is there anyone who can tell me if there were ships that traveled from Malmö (or other southern Swedish ports) around Cape Horn (South America) to San Francisco, California, during the late 1890s.  
I have relatives who say that their grandparents emigrated from Sweden by that route.
Perhaps someone familiar with sea travel can help me.
Corinne in California

Högsäter / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 04 september, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-08-23, 19:49 »
Tack Arne!
Yes, that was quite a lot.

Viken / Viken
« skrivet: 2013-08-22, 23:08 »
I am seeking information about Anders Peter Andersson, born 1832 in Landskrona.  He married Anna Kristina Andrén on 30 Mar 1858 in Viken.  Is there information in the marriage record that might help further identify this Anders?
Ni får gärna svara på svenska.
Tack, Corinne

Högsäter / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 04 september, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-08-21, 00:04 »
Tack Arne!
Do you think there is more to discover about this couple's ancestors, or can you suggest another socken to search?

Högsäter / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 04 september, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-08-19, 02:11 »
I am seeking information on ancestors of Anders Petter Alexandersson, born 24 Apr 1865 in Högsäter.  
Parents, born in Älvsborg, said to be Alexander Andersson and Betty Persdotter.
Ni får gärna svara på svenska.
Tack i förväg,
Corinne, Mill Valley, California

Väsby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 16 april, 2015
« skrivet: 2013-08-14, 01:19 »
Tack Carin och Bo!

Ängelholm / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 14 augusti, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-08-14, 01:17 »
Tack Solveig, Christina och Carin!

Väsby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 12 augusti, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-08-10, 23:16 »
I am seeking information about Anna Kristina Andrén, born March 1835 in Ängelholm, and her husband Anders Per Andersson, born 1832 in Landskrona.  The year of marriage their is unknown.
US records show that Anna Kristina had 11 chilldren.  However, six of them had apparently died before she emigrated in 1897.  Anders' name does not appear with hers on the 1900 US Census.  It is thought that he died in Sweden.
The oldest child recorded in the US was Edvard Georg Andersson born December 1861 in Väsby.  It is possible that other children were born there as well.
Any information about this family would be appreciated.
Ni får gärna skriva på svenska. Tack i förväg.  
Corinne, Mill Valley, CA

Ängelholm / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 14 augusti, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-08-10, 23:02 »
I am seeking information about Anna Kristina Andrén, born March 1835 in Ängelholm.  She married Anders Per Andersson (born 1832 in Landskrona).  Year of marriage is unknown.
Any information about her parents or other ancestors would be appreciated.
Ni får gärna skriva på svenska. Tack i förväg.  
Corinne, Mill Valley, CA

Tack Christina!
That is a very good start for my search.  I will look further in the specific parish records.

I am seeking information about the ancestors of a family from Skåne that emigrated to the US and settled in the San Francisco, California, area.
In the US they used the surname Anderson.  The father, who died before 1900, may have been named Anders P. Andersson.
The mother Anna was born March 1835 and emigrated 1897.  Different records show her surname as Henderson and Andreason.
Children were
George, b. December 1861, emig. 1883, (a seaman)
Theresa (Theresia), b. 7 December 1863, emig. 1888, (first lived in New York)
Hjalmar Aldino, b. 10 January 1871, emig. 1891
Frithiof, b. July 1874, emig. 1893
Adga, b. January 1876, emig. 1897
Descendants of this family have photographic portraits taken in Landkrona, Ängelholm (Engelholm), and Helsingborg.
Any information about their forefathers would be appreciated.
Ni får gärna skriva på svenska. Tack i förväg.
Corinne, Mill Valley, CA

Karlshamn / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 06 december, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-06-17, 21:03 »
Tack så mycket Erik och Björn-Åke!
This is all good information.
Do you believe that this Herman was the only one born in Blekinge near that date?  Would Herman Wifstrand have been a common name at that time?
And do you have further information about his parents and their ancestors?

Karlshamn / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 06 december, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-06-17, 03:05 »
My second cousin has been searching for her grandfather Herman Wifstrand who was born in Blekinge about 1857-1859.
She recently found a listing for a Herman Wifstrand born 22 Oct 1858 in Karlshamn.  However, other dates in the entry do not agree with information she found earlier.
Does anyone have access to Blekinge birth records which show another Herman Wifstrand born during that period?
Ni får gärna svara på svenska.  Tack i förväg.
Corinne i Kalifornien

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 11 juni, 2010
« skrivet: 2010-04-04, 00:45 »
Hej och Tack!
I have received so much information from Tomas, Jan, Linda, Gudrun about the family of Sven Johan Olausson, who married my grandmother's (mormors) cousin in Chicago.  I am happy to report that his parents, Olaus and Kristina, were reunited in Chicago.  So the story has a happier ending than many.
I have found many details about the families in the US Census reports.  If anyone is interested, please let me know.
Tack igen!

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 11 juni, 2010
« skrivet: 2010-03-14, 23:39 »
Tack alla!
That is a very great help.  I would like to know more about Sven Månsson Söderström and his wife Karolina Ekman if that is available.  
I also have nothing about Hilda's farfar except his name (Anders Jönsson), but I should probably take that to the Arby forum.
Tack igen!

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 12 mars, 2010
« skrivet: 2010-03-12, 01:08 »
I am seeking information on parents/ancestors of a man who used the name Swan J. Peterson after emigrating to Chicago, Illinois, in 1881.  According to 1900 US Census records, he was born in April 1865.
According to the same Census, he married Hilda Marie Augusta Danielsdotter (born  13 January 1862 at Göddabo, Söderåkra) in 1892.  However, since Hilda's age is reported in error as 33 years, it is possible that the marriage or emigration date is incorrect as well.  They may have been married in Söderåkra.
Any help appreciated.

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 03 september, 2009
« skrivet: 2009-09-03, 01:34 »
Tack Tomas
I will be back with more questions soon.

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 03 september, 2009
« skrivet: 2009-08-29, 20:25 »
Tack Tomas!
Yes, I believe that is the correct Karin/Cajsa, although the Karlslunda Hembygd. CD shows that Olof Nilsson was born at Hundhyltan, rather than Mjudehult.

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 03 september, 2009
« skrivet: 2009-08-28, 22:55 »
Hej Sam!
That was my first choice, since I have a file on the family of Jon Jonsson and Segrid Thoresdotter, showing that a brother Thore Jonsson was born at Göddabo.
Thanks for the confirmation.

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 03 september, 2009
« skrivet: 2009-08-28, 19:19 »
I have in my file Cajsa Jonsdotter, born in 1767 at Göddabo, Söderåkra.  I am told that there were three children with similar names born in Söderåkra (no by given).  
Caisa Lisa Jonasdotter, b. 5 Apr 1767
Karin Jonsdotter, b. 20 Feb 1767
Karin Jonsdotter, b. 11 Mar 1767
Can anyone tell me which of these children might be my Cajsa?
Tack i förväg!

Algutsboda / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 14 augusti, 2008
« skrivet: 2008-07-29, 19:26 »
Tack för hjälpen!

Algutsboda / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 14 augusti, 2008
« skrivet: 2008-07-28, 22:07 »
Can anyone tell me which län Algutsboda lies in.  I know that it is often referred to as lying in Kronobergs län.  But maps I have show it in Kalmar län.  Has the border between Kronoberg and Kalmar changed?  If so, when.
Tack i förväg!

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 april, 2008
« skrivet: 2008-02-23, 23:32 »
Tack, Birgitta!

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 april, 2008
« skrivet: 2008-02-23, 01:35 »
Can anyone tell me the actually death date of Peter Månsson, born 27/4 1750 at Skärvsjö.  The Karlslunda CD shows his death date as 7/3 1859.  That seems rather unlikely!
Tack, Corinne

Karlslunda / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 19 april, 2012
« skrivet: 2008-02-12, 20:52 »
I am seeking information on Rut Karlsson, the youngest daughter of Amanda August Persdotter and Johan Alfred Karlsson at Kettilhult.  I believe she was born between 1900 and 1905 and died before 1920.  Can anyone provide the actual dates?

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 april, 2008
« skrivet: 2008-01-24, 18:48 »
Tack Don!
That is what the Karlslunda CD showed also.  I think the Söderåkra record is incorrect, or perhaps I miscopied the date.

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 april, 2008
« skrivet: 2008-01-24, 00:22 »
I have in my data file two Daniel Anderssons born in September, 1813.  From a film of the Söderåkra husförhörslängd, I have Daniel A., bonden i Göddabo, born 18 September in Arby.  From the Karlslunda Hembygdsförening's CD of church records, I have Daniel A. born in Hylkebo, Arby, 8 September.
I believe these are the same person.  Can anyone confirm that I am correct?

Algutsboda / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2007-02-12
« skrivet: 2007-02-09, 01:10 »
Hej Berne!
Yes, I think you have the correct Sara Lisa.

Ljungby (H) / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-12-04
« skrivet: 2006-12-04, 00:30 »
Tack, Birgitta!

Ljungby (H) / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-12-04
« skrivet: 2006-12-01, 23:27 »
I am seeking information on ancestors of Karolina Andersdotter, born 18 July 1825 in Ljunby.
Any help appreciated.

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2007-02-24
« skrivet: 2006-11-27, 19:41 »
Tack igen, Lena!

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-11-21
« skrivet: 2006-11-21, 22:21 »
Tack Lena!
Is there more information on ancestors of Håkan Carlsson's parents?

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-11-21
« skrivet: 2006-11-20, 18:24 »
I am seeking ancestors for Håkan Carlsson born 23 Nov 1805 in Söderåkra.  He was married in 1829 to
Stina Petersdotter of Harstensbo, Arby.
Any help appreciated.

Algutsboda / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2007-01-19
« skrivet: 2006-11-20, 18:19 »
I am seeking ancestor for Sara Lisa Olsdotter, born 1806 in Algutsboda.  She married Johannes Petersson,
Bonde och Nämdeman in Runtorp, Mortorp.
Any help appreciated.

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 23 april, 2008
« skrivet: 2006-10-18, 23:43 »
Hej Rolf!
Tack i alla fall!

Lenhovda / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 februari, 2008
« skrivet: 2006-10-11, 00:06 »
Tack Anders!
Is it possible to learn more about Peter Johannisson Påfve and Maria Svensdotter?  Where they were born, their parents names, t.ex.?
Any help appreciated,

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-10-10
« skrivet: 2006-10-10, 23:24 »
Hej Rolf!
Tack igen.
You sent this information:
Family living at Olofsbo, Arby
Olof Nilsson
Karin Håkansdotter
Child 1: Brita
Child 2: Pär
Source: Ministrial book, Arby, AI:1 (Husförhör)  
Does this book show the date and place of the birth of the parents?
And can you tell me more about Plf-3 CD?  Can I order it on line?
Any help appreciated,

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-10-10
« skrivet: 2006-10-04, 20:20 »
Hej Rolf!
Tack för svaret!  Is the information on the birth of Brita Olofsdotter from the birth record or another source?
The reason I ask is that the Karlslunda CD has that information on one page (although the mother is shown as Kerstin Håkansdotter).
But on another page the father is shown as Anders Nilsson, fodd 1720, död 10/11 1758 i Påryd 38 år.  He is shown as the second husband of Karin Håkansdotter, married in 1754.  Olof Nilsson is shown as Karin's third husband.
Any help in clarifying this would be appreciated.

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-10-10
« skrivet: 2006-09-29, 02:06 »
Hej Rolf!
I am back with that question I promised.  Do you see a birth record for Peter Nilsson Skärf's mormor Brita Olofsdotter, born 12 Jan 1755 in Påryd, (then) Arby?
The Karlslunda CD shows two different fathers and the mother shown would have been 59 years old.  Not impossible, but unlikely.
Any help appreciated.

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-10-10
« skrivet: 2006-09-28, 01:37 »
Tack Rolf!
Yes, I am familiar with Karlslunda, where min mormor föddes.  Actually I have the CD for the records.  But Christina's name was misspelled on the CD so I could not find her in the usual way.
I found this family on the CD, and I think I will have other questions.
I will be back!
Tack igen!

Lenhovda / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-09-28
« skrivet: 2006-09-27, 20:09 »
I am seeking parents and other ancestors for Johan Magnus Petersson, born 22 Jun 1824, in Lenhovda.
Any information appreciated.
Tack, Corinne

Arby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-10-10
« skrivet: 2006-09-27, 19:59 »
I am seeking parents and other ancestors for Brita Stina (or Christina) Petersdotter, born 4 Nov 1830 in Arby.
Any information appreciated.
Tack, Corinne

Oskar / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 08 oktober, 2006
« skrivet: 2006-09-27, 19:24 »
I am seeking parents and other ancestors for Maria Nilsdotter, born 8 Apr 1830 in Oscar.
Any information appreciated.
Tack, Corinne

Anckarström / Anckarström
« skrivet: 2006-09-25, 19:16 »
I have in my family history Skeppsredare Lars Anckarström, probably born about 1740.  He married Maria Svensdotter and had a daughter, Brita Stina, in Västervik (H) 19/8 1763.
Can anyone tell me where Lars fits into the Anckerström family?
Tack i förväg för hjälpen.

Västervik / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-10-06
« skrivet: 2006-09-23, 01:23 »
Tack igen, Birgitta!
A question about Lars Anckarström:  is Skjepp Re the same as skeppare?  
Further on this family:  I knew the name sounded familiar, but when I recently attended Verdi's opera A Masked Ball (Un Ballo In Maschera) I remembered that it was Count Anckarström who murdered King Gustaf III.
Do you have further information on my Anckarström or should I consult the group on Anbytarforum that discusses the count's family to see if there is any connection?
Perhaps someone else has information.

Västervik / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-10-06
« skrivet: 2006-09-20, 03:37 »
I am seeking information on the parents of Stena Greta Stenström, born 17 Dec 1790 in Västervik.  I have learned that they were Sjöman Johan Stenström and Brita Stina Ankarström, age 30 at the time of the birth.
Does anyone have more information about these parents?
Ni får gärna skriva på svenska.
Tack, Corinne

Mortorp / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 07 februari, 2008
« skrivet: 2006-09-16, 21:25 »
Tack Morgan, Bo och Jan!
If there are other sources of information about these families, I would appreciate knowing more.
I think Kroxiö is now Kroksjö.  Am I correct?  And does anyone know what community in Mortorp might be (mis)spelled Svangemala.  Surely mala is måla, but the rest I can't guess.

Tack så mycket för hjälpen!

Tack Birgitta!
The information on Anders and Christina agrees with what I have found before, except that I found Anders born in Norrbyås, Örebro.  His father was Olof Olsson.
Do you have more information on Christina's parents or should I take that question to another list?  I had her birth year recorded wrong, so I could not find them before.

Hej Birgitta!
Is that a birth record you are reading to find the parents of Karl Wilhelm (Carl Vilhelm)?  I found those parents on a family record for Böda, Öland.  
However, Karl's descendants here in the US have information that he was a foster child in that family.
Any other information would be helpful.
Tack, Corinne

Ed / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-09-29
« skrivet: 2006-09-08, 20:24 »
I am seeking information about the parents of a child, Karl Wilhelm, born 3 May 1844 in Ed parish.  I realize there are several parishes with that name, so I will post this query on all of them.
Tack i förvägen för hjälpen.

Ed / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2009-01-01
« skrivet: 2006-09-08, 20:20 »
I am seeking information about the parents of a child, Karl Wilhelm, born 3 May 1844 in Ed parish.  I realize there are several parishes with that name, so I will post this query on all of them.
Tack i förvägen för hjälpen.

Ed / Ed
« skrivet: 2006-09-08, 20:19 »
I am seeking information about the parents of a child, Karl Wilhelm, born 3 May 1844 in Ed parish.  I realize there are several parishes with that name, so I will post this query on all of them.
Tack i förvägen för hjälpen.

I am seeking information about the parents of a child, Karl Wilhelm, born 3 May 1844 in Ed parish.  I realize there are several parishes with that name, so I will post this query in all of them.
Tack i förvägen för hjälpen.

Mortorp / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 07 februari, 2008
« skrivet: 2006-09-04, 23:14 »
Tack, snälla Bo!
I will take my questions on that family to other lists.
But now I would like to ask if you have information on two my own ancestors, dvs min mormors.
I have a Per Nilsson, born 1737, who married Ingrid Håkansdotter in Stenskallehult, Arby/Karlslunda in 1774.  One source says he was born at Betekulla, Mortorp; another says Nygärde, Arby, but I think that Mortorp is correct.  
Per and Ingrid's daughter Maja (Marja, Maria) married Petter (Peter) Jönsson, born 31 Jan 1769, in Runtorp, Mortorp.
Tack i förväg för hjälpen.

Mortorp / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 07 februari, 2008
« skrivet: 2006-09-02, 00:42 »
Tack igen, Bo!
Is it possible to find ancestors for Gustafva Johansson, born 1872-10-20 Mortorp?
Gustafva and Adolf had another son after they moved to Karlslunda.  He was Sture Nilsson, born 5 Dec 1904 at Vänsjö.  His wife was Astrid Maria Johansson, born 14 Feb 1908 in Mortorp.  Is it possible to locate her parents?
It is for the daughter of Sture and Astrid that I am trying to trace these records.

Mortorp / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-09-01
« skrivet: 2006-08-24, 00:27 »
Tusen tack, Bo and Jan!
This is very helpful information.  Is it possible that you can find the marriage of the son Adolf Nilsson, born 6 Nov 1864 in Runtorp.  I do not know the wife's name.
And do you have birth records for Mortorp as late as 1908?

Mortorp / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-09-01
« skrivet: 2006-08-22, 22:03 »
Tack Jan!
I will wait to hear from you.

Mortorp / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-09-01
« skrivet: 2006-08-22, 19:53 »
Hej Jan!
I see the problem.  Perhaps Nils Gustaf had more than one wife.  But it is also strange that Brita Stina had her first child when she was 31, so perhaps the information for 1862 and 1873 is incorrect.
I think we can solve this problem is you or someone else who studies Mortorp can find this family on the Husförhörslängd for those years.
I am also interested in the birth date and place of Nils Gustaf Petersson.
Thanks for any help.

Mortorp / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-09-01
« skrivet: 2006-08-21, 18:45 »
Tack Jan
I understand that you are not sure that Per Elof could be the son of a woman of 50 years.  But, of course, it isn't impossible.
Adolf Nilsson was farfar to the wife of a 2nd cousin (syssling) of mine.  She would be very happy to have more information about his parents and perhaps their ancestors as well.
Tack i förväg,

Mortorp / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-09-01
« skrivet: 2006-08-19, 01:49 »
I am seeking information on Viktor Nilsson, born 16 Jan 1862 in Mortorp.  I believe that Adolf Nilsson, born 6 Nov 1864 was his brother.
Any information about ancestors of these men would be appreciated.

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-04-16
« skrivet: 2005-11-24, 06:25 »
Can anyone tell me if Gullabo (now N Gullabo), the little community on the road with Kvilla (Qvilla) and Hulebäck, was ever in Söderåkra parish?
Any information appreciated (på engelska eller svenska).

Torsås (H) / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-01-21
« skrivet: 2005-11-16, 05:24 »
I have asked for information on  
Ingrid Stina Petersdotter, b. 30 Jan 1856, Torsås, m. 20 Oct 1876 to Per August Petersson in Ugglebo, Karlslunda.
Now I have found a record of her marriage that shows she was born in Strömby nr 5, in 1850.
Thanks for any help.
Hälsningar!  Corinne

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2006-04-16
« skrivet: 2005-11-11, 21:04 »
Tack Gudrun och Tomas!
Yes, I have found the information on Ingeborg Påfvelsdotter's family on a 2000 posting by Tomas.
Now I wonder if anyone has more information on Anders Olsson f. 1738, bonde i Göddabo, or others you named.
I will try other parishes for those not born in Söderåkra.
Tack igen!  Svara gärna på svenska.

Söderåkra / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-11-05
« skrivet: 2005-10-16, 23:38 »
I am seeking information on the ancestors of my mormors farmor, Kristina (Christina) Petersdotter, born 29 Apr 1809, at Göddabo, Söderåkra;  married 14 Oct 1827, to Johan Håkansson, born 4 Sep 1802, at Kettilhult, Arby.  Her parents may have been:  father, Peter Andersson, born either 24 Jan 1765 or 16 Aug 1781, at Göddabo, Söderåkra; and mother, Caisa Olofsdotter. born 14 Jun (or 14 Sep) 1785, at Övraby, Söderåkra.
Any information (in English or Swedish) would be appreciated.
Hälsningar!  Corinne

Madesjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-09-07
« skrivet: 2005-09-07, 19:36 »
Tack Birgitta!
   för allt om Johanna Davidsdotter.  Jag, som Lars, är intresserad av KGF:s CD skivan.
Vänlig hälsning,

Madesjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-09-07
« skrivet: 2005-09-05, 23:28 »
Tack, snälla Sam!
. . .  för det om Johanna Davidsdotter.  
Om någon har lite mer om David Erlandsson, bonde i Thorstorp under 1840-talet och hans hustru Christina Petersdotter, f. omk. 1813, skulle jag vara mycket tacksam.
Hälsningar! Corinne

Torsås (H) / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-09-08
« skrivet: 2005-09-05, 23:18 »
Tusen tack, Tomas och Sam!
I certainly have found a good place to get answers to my questions.
Hälsningar!  Corinne

Torsås (H) / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-09-08
« skrivet: 2005-09-02, 08:52 »
I am seeking information about parents and other ancestors of the following:
Helena Petersdotter, b. 2 Mar 1839, Torsås, m. 18 Feb 1882 to Carl Gustav Jonsson Målman in Harstensbomåla, Karlslunda.
Helena Svensdotter, b. 19 Dec 1848, Glosebo, Torsås, m. 31 Jul 1869 to Olaus Petersson in Grötsjö, Karlslunda.
Ingrid Stina Larsdotter, b. 19 Mar 1855, Strömsberg (Strömby ?), Torsås, m. 1 Mar 1892 to Adolf Karlsson in Sävsjö, Karlslunda.
Any help appreciated.
Corinne Purnell

Madesjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2005-09-07
« skrivet: 2005-08-31, 20:19 »
I am seeking parents and other ancestors for Johanna Davidsdotter, b. 6 Sep 1848 in Madesjö, m. 3 Nov 1877 to Johan August Hansson in Bossmåla, Karlslunda.
Any help appreciated.  
Corinne Purnell

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