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Meddelanden - Leif Arrhenius

Sidor: [1]
Härslöv / Måns Åkesson
« skrivet: 2023-02-07, 16:52 »
I am trying to find more information about a Måns Åkesson.  He married Sissa Sunnesdotter (sp?) in Härslöv 29 December 1745.  The info that I have has both of them being born in Säby or Härslöv around 1724, or 1720.  Måns supposedly also died 11 June 1758...but I can't find that record.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Helsingborgs stadsförsamling (Maria) / George Gerlach
« skrivet: 2023-01-31, 20:23 »
I have been researching my ancestor George Gerlach

He married Sofia Hansdotter Hoff on - 11 MAY 1709 in Helsingborg
George died 4 February 1756 in Saxtorp

I know most of the information about their children and I have been able to find information on Sofia's family.

I can't seem to find anything about George's birth or his parents and siblings. 
He died around the age of 80, so I assume he was born around 1676.  His wife's family is originally from Denmark and moved to Helsingborg around 1700.  I have tried looking at Helsingborg records to see if there is any info on Gerlach, but have had no success.  I wonder if he is from Denmark too?  Any information will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much!

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