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Visa inlägg - Kim Melchior

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Godegård / Jacob Månsson 1738-1825 son of Måns Johansson
« skrivet: 2021-03-05, 06:29 »
Jacob Månsson born 18 November 1838 is listed as the son of Måns Johansson.
[/size]Is this the same [/size]Måns who got married to Johanna Thomasdotter 30 may 1728 and who[/size] died 17 Nov 1798 at the age of 86 and [/size]is listed as Magnus Johansson[/size]?
[/size]If he is he would only have been about 16 years old when he got married in 1728 and I have a VERY hard time believing that.
[/size]I believe I have gotten at least 2 different [/size]Måns Johanssons mixed together
[/size]and are trying to determine what the facts are about the father of Jacob Månsson Born in 1738.

If anyone knows anything about these people I would appreciate their help.

I find an Inga born 10 Feb 1805 out of wedlock in Mjällby daughter of [/size]Pehrnilla Jönsdotter and I suspect that is the correct person. However, I can't prove it.[/color]
[/size]I have not been able to find any information on [/color][/size]Pehrnilla Jönsdotter either and are wondering who her parents are and where and when she was born and what happened to her. Did she ever get married and had any other children?[/color]
[/size]I know Inga Nilsdotter got married in [/color][/size]Mjällby 24 June 1826 to Adam Dusell. They had 11 children born between 1826-1850 all born in [/color][/size]Mjällby.[/color]
[/size]If anyone can help me prove I have found the correct Inga Nilsdotter and help me get past this brickwall I will be very happy.[/color]

Everywhere I find Gustaf Backström including in the Clerical Surveys and Sveriges Dodbok 1860-2017 he is listed as being  born in Västanfors 3 July 1830.

Problem is I can not find him in the birth register for Västanfors.

I find him listed as the son of Per Backström and Sara Stina Persdotter in a tree on the MyHeritage website. It sounds like that could be  a possibility, but how will I prove it if I can't find a birth/christening record?


If you need help finding your Danish and/or Swedish ancestors and need professional help, I am here to the rescue.
I have done professional research for 40 years and have been able to help many find their ancestors as well as helped them find living relatives.
I have done major projects as well as short projects helping clients break through their brick walls so they could continue on their own. No project too large or too small.
You are welcome to take a look at my website:
I can be contacted by email at
I look forward to be of service to you and help you with your Danish and/or Swedish genealogy.
Kim Melchior

I just received a letter from a friend of mine. He asked if I could help him find his Swedish ancestors. This is all the information he has:  
My Great-great grandfather's name was Lafve Mellblom, born February 14, 1837 in Malmo or Stockholm, Sweden. I am told that he married Kjersti Linquist in about 1868 in Oslo, (Norway or Sweden?) (maybe Stockholm?). Kjersti Linquist was born on 1 May 1847 in Stockholm, Sweden.  
Around 1878-1882, both Lafve and Kjersti and all their children moved to the United States of America. (I would be interested in a passenger list on them if it is possible to find.) It is possible that Kjersti may have changed her name to Cecelia sometime after moving to the USA. They had about 4 or 5 children born to them before they moved to the USA. After moving to the USA, they had several other children.  
The first child born to the family died at birth or soon after. He/she was born about 1870 (maybe in Stockholm), Sweden.  
The second child is named William Merle Mellblom, born on 26 May 1871 (possibly in Stockholm) in Sweden. William Merle Mellblom is my great grandfather.  
The next child born to the family is Annie Charlotte Mellblom who was born on 3 March 1873 in Malmo or Stockholm, Sweden.  
The fourth child born to the family was Hilda Caroline Mellblom who was born on 4 May 1874 or 1878 in Halsingborg, Sweden.  
The fifth child born to the family was Charles Mellblom who was born in September 1878 - 1880 (or 26 May 1879) possibly in Stockholm or Halsingborg, Sweden.  
The sixth child born to the family was Ida Theresa Mellblom who was born on 12 July 1882 in Chicago, Illinois in the USA.  
The seventh, eighth, and ninth children born to the family are Edwin Ferdinand Mellblom, Adolph Alfred Mellblom, and Victor Harold Mellblom - all three are born in Chicago, Illinois in the USA, respectively on 7 February 1885, 2 May 1887, and 10 February 1891 - although I doubt that the information about these last 3 children could be of any use to you.  
Kjersti may have used the name Cecelia even while in Sweden. I am also told that Lafve may have been a gardener in Oslo, Norway. I have another report that Kjersti's maiden name may have been Granqvist, and that she may have been born in Kristiansand or Kristiansund, Norway on 1st or 2nd of May 1854. (I think the 1900 Census record of Chicago suggests the 1854 birth date, but I think the 1847 date is the correct one.) Needless to say I am uncertain about some of the information supplied above.  
Anybody having any suggestions?  
You can reply in Swedish, Danish or English  

A friend of mine who has plenty problems with his great grandfather asked for my help. And I am stomped.
What my friend knows or thinks he knows:
Great grandfather was known as Fred Anderson (nickname) or Johan Ferdinand Anderson.  He was supposedly born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1866. Father Johannes Andersson (born in Sweden) and Pauline Rasmussen (born in Denmark).
He emigrated to Sweden in early 1880's where my friends grandmother visited the parish where he had lived.  She claimed that she had seen his name in a church record (probably a husforhorslang).  All she said about the place was that it was within 1 days drive south of Jonkoping.
He emigrated to the United States from Sweden somewhere between 1887 and 1889 and settled down in Chicago.
According to his obituary he had brothers and a sister.
We are trying to locate his residence in Sweden for those years after he left Denmark and before hen went to America.
Anybody having any ideas?
you can reply in Danish, Swedish or English.

Are there anybody who can help me find out if Ulla Margit ELVI Petersen, born Nilsson is still alive?  
The last known information I have about her is that she lived on the following address in 1961 when her father died:  
Gästergatan 17, Malmö  
She is the second of 4 siblings, and her parents were born in 1890 and 1891, so I would guess that she is born shortly before 1920.  
If she is dead, when and where did she die?  
And did she have any children?  

I am looking for decendants of Karl Gustav Adolf Carlsson. He was born 16 Mar 1895 in Karlshamn, Blekinge. He was the 3 oldest child of 8 or 9 of Anton Rudolf Carlsson, born 7 August 1865 in Brackne Hoby, Blekinge and Johanne Marie Petersen born 12 June 1865 in Copenhagen, Denmark.  
His parents divorced about 1915 and his mother went back to Denmark with the youngest children, the youngest Lydia being my grandmother.  
Karl Gustav Adolf had at least 1 daughter, Deborah Carlsson.
I would like to get in contact with his decendants, children, grandchildren or great grand children.  
Please send me an email along with any response here.  
You can reply in Swedish , Danish or English  

I am looking for decendants of Antoanetta Betty Karlsson. She was born 19 June 1891 in Dackendorph, Germany.  She was the oldest child of 8 or 9 of Anton Rudolf Carlsson, born 7 August 1865 in Brackne Hoby, Blekinge and Johanne Marie Petersen born 12 June 1865 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Her parents divorced about 1915 and her mother went back to Denmark with the youngest children, the youngest Lydia being my grandmother.
Antonia married Hjalmar Nilsson and had 4 children, Nisse, Dolle, Ameli and Elvi.
I remember that my grandmother went to see her in about 1966/1967, and I believe she lived in Malmo at that time.
I would like to get in contact with her decendants, children, grandchildren or great grand children.
I do have a few pictures from that side of the family I would like to have identified.
Please send me an email along with any response here.
You can reply in Swedish , Danish or English

Are there anybody who can help me find out if NILS Värner Erling Nilsson is still alive?  
The last known information I have about him is that he lived on the following address in 1961 when his father died:  
Bragegatan 17, Schönsberg  
He is the youngest of 4 siblings, and his parents were born in 1890 and 1891 and married in 1913, so I would guess that he is born about 1923.  
If he is dead, when and where did he die?  
And did he have any children?  

I am looking for information about the ancestors of Sissa Maartensdotter, born 29 October 1789 in Ry, Brackne-Hoby.  
Her father was Maarten Andersson, born about 1756 and died after 1810, and her mother Segrid Jönsdotter, born 27 Mar 1766 in Ronnaby. They were married 26 October 1783 in Ronnaby.
I know she had at least 1 older brother Anders Maartensson born 13 Nov 1784, but I am not sure where he was born.
Please send me an email along with any reply here in this forum.
You can reply in Danish, Swedish or English.

Are there anyone who know when Inger Mansdotter dies?
I am also looking for information about her parents Mans Holgersson and Sissa Nilsdotter, such as their birth, marriage, and death, and their other children, as well as about their ancestors.
If you have info, then you can write in Swedish, Danish or English.

Jeg soger efter oplysninger om Carl Pehrssons forfaedre.  Han var fodt i Moljeryd, Ronnaby den 7 Marts 1786 og dode 3 Jan 1860 samme sted.
Han var son af Pehr Carlsson fodt circa 1744 og Inger Mansdotter fodt 8 April 1753 i Ronnaby.  
Jeg ved at han havde 2 brodre, Petter (fodt 25 jun 1813) og Maarten (fodt 28 December 1827).  Der skulle ogsaa vaere en soster Berta som dode i 1815 og en anden soster Berta som var fodt i 1815.  Jeg har ikke vaeret i stand til at finde deres fodsler.  
Der kan svares paa Dansk, Svensk eller Engelsk,  

Are there anybody who know when Carl Carlsson born 9 Jun 1833 in Moljeryd, Ronnaby, Blekinge married his first wife Johanna Johansdotter (born 26 Mar 1833 in Ronnaby)?  She dies 6 December 1858. He then marries Johanna Carlsdotter (born 8 Feb 1834 Brackne-Hoby) on 27 Dec 1861 in Brackne-
Also when and where does Carl Carlsson die?
you can reply in Danish, English or Swedish.  

Er der nogen der ved hvor og hvornar min oldefar Anton Rudolf Carlsson,der er son af Carl Carlsson og Johanne Carlsdotter dode?
Han var gift i Tyskland 26 april 1891 med Johanne Marie Petersen fra Danmark.  
De havde en datter Antonia fodt i Tyskland, hvorefter de flyttede til Sverige. I Sverige fik de 8 born. De sidste oplysninger jeg har om ham er at han boede i Svedala Brannamolla, i Svedala i 1906 da min mormor Lydia Laurina Viktoria Carlsson blev fodt den 6 juni.
Han blev skilt fra Johanne Marie Petersen ca 1915, hvorefter Johanne og de mindste born rejste til Danmark.
Der kan svares enten paa dansk, engelsk eller svensk
med venlig hilsen
Kim Melchior

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