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Meddelanden - Georgina Smith

Sidor: [1] 2
Alsen / SV: Eric Springfeldt married Märeta Andersdotter 1760
« skrivet: 2024-06-06, 06:02 »
Thanks very much Margaretha!

Alsen / SV: Eric Springfeldt married Märeta Andersdotter 1760
« skrivet: 2024-06-05, 19:06 »
I cannot find any connection to Algot. Sorry.

Did you find move in year to Alsen for Eric?

Alsen / Eric Springfeldt married Märeta Andersdotter 1760
« skrivet: 2024-06-05, 14:55 »
What I would like to know is when did Eric come to Alsen? I know he was not born there
 But I did find birth for Märeta. Alsen births
1689-1810 Bild 75 Sida  108

I will be glad if someone can find his move in.


Fors / SV: Pehr Nilsson born 1764
« skrivet: 2024-06-05, 14:31 »
Margaretha, Thanks do much for all this extra inFormation. You already gave so much therefore almost did not look again. Glad I did so I can give you Thanks again.

Fors / SV: Pehr Nilsson born 1764
« skrivet: 2024-05-28, 23:17 »

Margaretha,The Parish I have always serached is Fors! You are correct in your answers. There seems to be misunderstanding with village Byn and Parish Fors. But I do understand it.

Fors / SV: Pehr Nilsson born 1764
« skrivet: 2024-05-28, 09:52 »
Thanks for all the information Margaretha!

I need to also thank others for helping me to understand where my ancestors from long ago lived.

Million thanks!

Fors / SV: Pehr Nilsson born 1764
« skrivet: 2024-05-23, 01:52 »
Thanks so much for all the info you found Margaretha! i wonder if you would read birth record of Eric older brother to Brita. I do not understand it all.
Fors Parish
Births 1689-1757 Page 188
Eric is third one down.
Thanks for help!

Fors / SV: Pehr Nilsson born 1764
« skrivet: 2024-05-21, 00:00 »
I have found 4 children for Nils and Brita so now I will rest. If there is more somehow they will be found. It is not so easy with records so long ago.

Thanks again for your help.

Fors / SV: Pehr Nilsson born 1764
« skrivet: 2024-05-20, 21:23 »
How could I find them in household records?  I did find an Anders Nilsson 1773 a page or two after Pehr Nilsson 1764. So I searched Anders birth and parents were the same. But many years apart, they probaly had more children. I do not find this Parish very easy for searching.
Will be glad for some suggestions you might have for me.


Fors / SV: Pehr Nilsson born 1764
« skrivet: 2024-05-20, 09:12 »
Thanks so much for your help to both of you! I usually get notice by email but I did not this time. i am glad that I decided to go to this website to check and saw there were two replies.


Fors / Pehr Nilsson born 1764
« skrivet: 2024-05-20, 01:50 »
I have searched on Svar for Brita Persdotter. Hfl 1802-1812 P. 20; 1813 -1822 P. 19 and 1823-1832 P.69.
I think I understand correctly that Brita was his mother. I have tried to find birth record of Pehr but no success.
I hope someone will hep so I know his father. I wonder if he had and siblings.

Thanks for help!

Offerdal / SV: Ragnar Söderqvist 1912-1987
« skrivet: 2024-04-23, 18:15 »
Thank you very much for all this info.


Offerdal / Ragnar Söderqvist 1912-1987
« skrivet: 2024-04-23, 08:31 »
Offerdal Parish, Jämtland
 Ragnar Nathael Söderqvist
Father Anders Söderqvist and Karin Hammarberg
Long time ago in my research, I was given info about the sad death of his father.
SwedenBook:Offerdal AIIa 2a, 1906 - 1916 Location Ede, Page 95
SwedenBook:Offerdal AIIa 2a, 1906 - 1916 Location Prästbolet, Page 163
1916-1931 Offerdal P. 233
1931-1945 Offerdal P. 409
1944-1949 Offerdal Top of Sida 461, Mother and Aunt at bottom
That is far as I can follow him on Svar.
I would like to know if he got married and what was his occupation.
I got info of death somehow; 26 Sep 1987, Nynäshamn,Stockholms län, Södermanland Sweden
Thanks for help!


Lillhärdal / SV: Lillhärdal
« skrivet: 2024-01-25, 03:33 »
Thanks so much for your help Karl.

Lillhärdal / SV: Lillhärdal
« skrivet: 2024-01-24, 18:12 »
I got an email from an Administrator about Province of Härjedalen. Never knew about that Province before. I cliked on it and came to this page. There is no place for Titel like in other posts I have done.

I have found birth of Jenny Kristina born 14 Jan 1907. She was born  to Karin Jönsdotter Busk. Births 1895-1909 Page 96. Where did Busk come from? should it beincluded in the name on my family tree?

Georgina Smith

Tystberga / SV: Anders Gustaf Holger Hellman
« skrivet: 2024-01-22, 20:44 »
Thanks again Sven! I now have all the Info I need. No more searching for you to do.

Tystberga / SV: Anders Gustaf Holger Hellman
« skrivet: 2024-01-20, 18:36 »
Thanks so much Sven! Quite awhile ago someone from Sweden, sent me 1970 I think it is Population Schedule. But I am not able to get that. Do you know how?
You have been very helpful and I sure appreciate you! Sorry to ask for so much help.


Tystberga / SV: Anders Gustaf Holger Hellman
« skrivet: 2024-01-20, 17:11 »
Wow! You are good at searching. Thanks Sven!
Is the Emigration info available for time period of 1970-1975?
It has been a long time since I have asked for Emigration info.

Tystberga / SV: Anders Gustaf Holger Hellman
« skrivet: 2024-01-20, 15:07 »
I looked closer on Riksarkvet and found 1939-1950 but it did not help me.

Tystberga / SV: Anders Gustaf Holger Hellman
« skrivet: 2024-01-20, 14:34 »
Hi Maude!
You sent this link which I think is ArchivDigital I cannot see that. I can only see one from Riksarkivet.
Råby-Rönö (D) AIIa:8 (1939-1950) Page 90 (AID: [/size]v252206.b1100.s90[/color][/size])
[/size]What info does this page give for son Karl?
[/size]When I serach iths place on Riksarivet  it does not go to 1939-1950.
[/size]In Runtina Page 282, I am most interest about where the son, Karl went. It is my hope that you are willing and able to check Emigration records. Then my search will be complete.
[/size]Many thanks!

Okänd socken i Jämtland / SV: Per Ryden
« skrivet: 2024-01-19, 19:17 »
These children of Per
Kerstin Otillia
Per Görta
Olof Folk
Ida Helen
Lived last in Vöstan [size=78%][49] 1941-1949 PAGE 5[/size]

you sent me Link

Okänd socken i Jämtland / SV: Per Ryden
« skrivet: 2024-01-19, 17:39 »
Forgot to mention, 'I do not think all prople in the family went at the same time.


Okänd socken i Jämtland / SV: Per Ryden
« skrivet: 2024-01-19, 17:14 »
Now I have a new question and hope for answer.

Will someone check Emigration records for this family?

Okänd socken i Jämtland / SV: Per Ryden
« skrivet: 2024-01-19, 16:55 »
Thanks so Calle! Great that you sent me the link.

Okänd socken i Jämtland / SV: Per Ryden
« skrivet: 2024-01-19, 09:13 »
Thank you! hope I can get there.

Tystberga / SV: Anders Gustaf Holger Hellman
« skrivet: 2024-01-19, 01:43 »
Thanks for help Maude! I guess that is as far as we can go. For son He went somewhere in 1951 but I cannot tell where. Parents go to New Book but not available yet.
Many thanks,

Okänd socken i Jämtland / Per Ryden
« skrivet: 2024-01-18, 18:19 »
I know the parish , Lillhädal but I cannot see it listed in Jämtland.
Father Per Ryden born 9 Aug 1907
Mother born 14 Jan 1907
Hfl 265
1934-1944 Page 265
Then the family moved in 1941 but I do not understand where.
I will be glad if someone will follow them forward.

Tystberga / Anders Gustaf Holger Hellman
« skrivet: 2024-01-18, 17:31 »
Anders Gustaf Holger Hellman Born Nov 30 1906 in Nyköping
wife Märta Johanna Hammarqvist born 11 Dec 1898 in Lunda
Dotter Rut Märta Kristina born 28 Aug 1931 in Nyköping
Son Karl Holger Ruanr born 19 Apr 1934 in Nyköping
I Followed this Family in this Parish 1925-1931 Page 215, 1931-1936 Page 225 and 1936-1944 Page 225.
Then they move but I do not understand where. I will be very glad if someone can follow them further.
Georgina Smith

Frösö / 1938-1950 Household
« skrivet: 2023-12-27, 18:25 »
Father Per Erik Hallman with wife and 3 children.
Son born in this parish ? 1934

Jönköping / SV: Anders Carlsson Åhman Nero born 1802
« skrivet: 2023-03-03, 00:04 »
Thanks Sonja. I did find it but then didn't have time to look because it was time to help a friend.

Maud, Thanks so much for the household years and page numbers to look up!

Jönköping / Anders Carlsson Åhman Nero born 1802
« skrivet: 2023-03-02, 21:11 »
Anders was born 18 July 1802 in Säby. The only Hfl I can find him is 1841-1845 P. 406. There his name is Anders Carlsson.  I hope someone can trace him to find when and why other names were added.


Brandstad / SV: Johanna Hansson born 10 March 1866
« skrivet: 2023-02-18, 23:16 »
Thanks so much Arne. I really appreciate the good help you give me!


Brandstad / SV: Johanna Hansson born 10 March 1866
« skrivet: 2023-02-18, 02:06 »
Thanks so much Leif. I think she did not get married.

Brandstad / SV: Johanna Hansson born 10 March 1866 - More help
« skrivet: 2023-02-17, 19:50 »
The path I follow

Move back to Brandstad out from Östra Kärrstorp 1845-1894,  103 Line 29
When I went to Brandstad list for move in, it showed up in:
Södra Åsums moving in 1862-1894 Bottom of page.

I just don't know where to go from here.

Brandstad / SV: Johanna Hansson born 10 March 1866
« skrivet: 2023-02-17, 18:39 »
thanks for your Help Leif !

Brandstad / Johanna Hansson born 10 March 1866
« skrivet: 2023-02-17, 17:04 »
I followed her with Svar to 1883-1895 Bild 256/Sida 268. Then I do not understand where she went.

I will be glad for help!


Var ligger platsen / SV: Kalmar County
« skrivet: 2023-02-10, 16:43 »
Thank you very much Kalle! You have given me good information about that area of Sweden. Also about the occupation.


Brönnestad / SV: Per Nilsson Nord born 1885
« skrivet: 2023-01-09, 13:52 »
Thanks for the information Leif!

Brönnestad / Per Nilsson Nord born 1885
« skrivet: 2023-01-09, 00:14 »
I found him and wife Hilma Olsson, in this Parish 1891924 Hfl Page 407. Deaths of the two sons noted on right side of page. Then I checked moving out 1895-1933 and found it on Sida 49, line 42. Where to? Confusing to me. Will be glad for help!

Våmhus / SV: Margareta Bäck born 1904
« skrivet: 2022-12-20, 17:32 »
Thanks for obeying the rules. Very important to do that.

Våmhus / SV: Margareta Bäck born 1904
« skrivet: 2022-12-20, 11:27 »
Thanks for finding the marriage Alf. My computer will not let me get Stockholm information. Strange but true. I wonder how long they lived in Stockholm and if they had children there. I did find out that the died in Strängnäs, Södermanland, Sweden. I tried searching there but had no idea exactly where they would have lived when they may have had children. Per Jonas died 25 Jan 1980 and Margareta died 8 May 1993.

Våmhus / Margareta Bäck born 1904
« skrivet: 2022-12-20, 05:05 »
What I have found so far. Birth in this parish.
With her parents Våmhus Hfl 1900-1909 Sida 218
1910-1923 Sida 235, from there to Stockholm. Very difficult for me to search there.
Other info I found in a different source She married Per Jonas Norrbom. Sep 29 1928, but I do not know where.
I searched in this parish but did not find marriage. Perhaps they married in Stockholm.
I know it is a busy time right now so there is no rush for help.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Thanks very much Staffan for all your extra help!

Thanks again Staffan! Guess it was too early in the morning where I live when I read you first post. Does it refer to marriage in the newspapers?

Thanks for your help Staffan!
You mention name as Hellborg Hansson. Wonder where Hellborg came from. Her father was Johannes Hansson. It was not like he took a second last name.
Oh well, lots of mysteries in Genealogy.

Malmö Sankt Johannes (1906- ) / Elsa Ingar Hansson born 1913
« skrivet: 2022-12-16, 02:29 »
Elsa was born 29 June 1913 in  Södra Mellby, Kristianstad, Sweden. I followed her until I got to this Parish. 1937-1944 AIIa185 Page 190, Line 10. Do not understand writing in Column 14. Then I followed her to Landskrona 1939-1948 Sida 122, Line 24. Now I do not know where to go. Thanks for help!


Välluv / SV: Elfvar William Persson born 14 May 1892
« skrivet: 2022-11-01, 15:06 »
With time difference in Sweden and where I live, my Thanks reply also seems delayed.

Leif, Thanks a million for all your searching. I wonder why they moved so much.

Conny, Thanks so much for all the extra searching you did.

Best regards,

Välluv / SV: Elfvar William Persson born 14 May 1892
« skrivet: 2022-10-31, 21:17 »
Leif, I hope you will see this new question. What was occupation of Elver?
You wrote that his wife moved to Helsingborg but I found her with children in Raus.

I looked in Rebbelberga  1921-1930 Sid 173. There it showed wife Alfrida with children moving to Raus. I found moving in 1924-1928 Sid 148, Line 101. Then I went to 26/ 1919 - 1931 and found them Sid 413b. Lines 7 - 11 for her and children. Here I found one dotter died. But very confused, why would oldest dotter be moving in 1928 when she was born in 1920. It has the other's moving to 1203, I cannot find them.

Välluv / SV: Elfvar William Persson born 14 May 1892
« skrivet: 2022-10-31, 02:53 »
Thanks so much Leif for all the searching you did for me!


Välluv / Elfvar William Persson born 14 May 1892
« skrivet: 2022-10-31, 00:56 »
I found him and his family in this Parish household records 1925-1938 Sida 132. Moving to Helsingborg. Then I checked moving out from 1916-1929 Sida 37. Info to the right side of his name but I do not know how to search in this big city. I tried with out success.
Hope for help to know how to find then in household that will include 1926.

Many thanks, Georgina

Nordmaling / SV: Johan Jacobsson born 23 Oct 1768
« skrivet: 2022-10-28, 17:14 »
Many Thanks to everyone for your help!


Nordmaling / Johan Jacobsson born 23 Oct 1768
« skrivet: 2022-10-28, 00:10 »
I hope for help to know what the note on right side of page means.
I found him with parents on Hfl 1785-1794 Armsjön P. 137 which indicated he moved to P. 142. Here he is alone. To the far right side of the page there is a word I cannot read and some numbers.
I look forward to an explanation.


Offerdal / SV: Otto Berglund Born 22 Jan 1907
« skrivet: 2022-09-25, 23:24 »
Thanks Arne!

Following is how I am related to Otto.
His mother Brita Jönsdotter b. 1864
Her mother Katarina Enarsdotter b. 1844.
Her mother Britta Mattsdotter b. 1817
Parents of Brita, Matts Nilsson b. 1793 and Britta Gunnarsdotter b. 1789
Father of Matts Nilsson was Nils Mattsson b. 1747
My more direct line is down from  Brita Nilsdotter b. 1795.

Offerdal / SV: Otto Berglund Born 22 Jan 1907
« skrivet: 2022-09-25, 15:57 »
Thanks for the interesting information Arne! I have many relatives in Offerdal. I do not have  death info for him. Could you find that for me?


Grundsunda / SV: Erik Viktor Lunquvist born 1870
« skrivet: 2022-09-07, 21:48 »
Thank you Per! I just got your reply in email this morning.

Grundsunda / Erik Viktor Lunquvist born 1870
« skrivet: 2022-09-02, 05:22 »
I found him with wife and two children 1895 - 1905 page 592. in locality of Ällön. It is the dotter I want to find more info for.

Thanks for help!

Grundsunda / Pehr Eric Nordström born 1838
« skrivet: 2022-08-05, 15:32 »
I look on Svar and found Pehr Eric on Hfl 1858-1864 Image 33 page 25. He is at very bottom. I see his death but I do not understand the words by the date.

Thanks for help!

Gladhammar / SV: Brita Stina Larsdotter born 1796
« skrivet: 2022-05-28, 23:47 »
Thanks so much to bother of You!

Gladhammar / Brita Stina Larsdotter born 1796
« skrivet: 2022-05-28, 20:49 »
I found her on 1856-1860 in Gladhammar P. 176. There Brita Stina, a widow is moving and I cannot tell where. If you can tell me, perhaps in next set of records I can find death.
It also looks like her grandson Johan Oscar moved with her.

Will be glad for help!


Fjärås / SV: Anna Helena Andersdotter Born 1833
« skrivet: 2022-05-23, 21:01 »
Thank you Arne!

Fjärås / SV: Anna Helena Andersdotter Born 1833
« skrivet: 2022-05-23, 19:16 »
I am having a difficult time to understand. The Anna Helena that I first posted about you found parents. I followed the Hfl you gave and her birth was the same. But I had already found a marriage for her and thought what you would find would be the same and therefore it would help me more. Her son was born in Gladhammar, Kalmar and that is how I found her marriage to Carl Johan Marsberg 23 Oct 1853. 1852-1853 Page 108.
I know you are expert in research but somehow I have become confused.

Fjärås / SV: Anna Helena Andersdotter Born 1833
« skrivet: 2022-05-23, 15:20 »
Now I found Anders Hansson with family in 1850-1860 Sida 5. Here it looks like perhaps marriage of dotter Anna Helena.
I hope there is some way it can be found from this info listed on the Hfl.

Thanks, Georgina

Fjärås / SV: Anna Helena Andersdotter Born 1833
« skrivet: 2022-05-23, 12:22 »
Thanks so much for all the information Leif. !

Var ligger platsen / SV: Kalmar County
« skrivet: 2022-05-23, 12:13 »
Thanks so much!

Fjärås / Anna Helena Andersdotter Born 1833
« skrivet: 2022-05-23, 03:12 »
I found the birth of Anna Helena born 20 Nov 1833 and baptized 21 Nov.  I cannot read the parents names very well.
I hope someone will be able to read them. I use Svar, Births 1818-1860 Side 314

Thanks for help!

Var ligger platsen / Kalmar County
« skrivet: 2022-05-23, 01:59 »
I cannot find Kalmar County on the list. Hope someone will pass it on.
I found on Svar, birth of Carl Johan Marsberg, 31 Oct 1823 in Gladhammar Parish. Births 1802-1841 P. 192 right side of page. I would like to know all that it says about parents.


Offerdal / SV: Otto Berglund Born 22 Jan 1907
« skrivet: 2022-05-22, 13:50 »
Thank you Christina!

Offerdal / Otto Berglund Born 22 Jan 1907
« skrivet: 2022-05-21, 23:43 »

Household 1944-1949 Sida 129. what does it say in Column 14 about the son.

Arnäs / SV: Christina Nilsdottor born 1748
« skrivet: 2022-04-24, 16:57 »
Thanks so much for telling me how to find death of Christina born and died in 1783. I think all but three children died as infants. Because only these three showed up on Hfl;
Sara Stina 1784-09-28
Lisa 1786-06-29
Pehr 1789-11-30

I am so grateful for all the help you have given me!


Arnäs / SV: Christina Nilsdottor born 1748
« skrivet: 2022-04-23, 22:21 »
Hi Per,
Because I want to document the births of children I looked for them and found all except, Christina * 1783-03 Österbursjö 5:6. See the list you sent earlier.
[/size]Will you please send me the link where you found her?

Arnäs / SV: Christina Nilsdottor born 1748
« skrivet: 2022-04-23, 19:56 »
Thanks again Per!


Arnäs / SV: Christina Nilsdottor born 1748
« skrivet: 2022-04-23, 17:42 »
Thank you Per! good to know I need to look at the right side.


Arnäs / SV: Christina Nilsdottor born 1748
« skrivet: 2022-04-23, 15:15 »
Thanks so much Per! I guess the marriage I found of two people with same names was not the correct one. I know that happens a lot because often people with same names live in the same area.

What does 5:6 mean after each child?


Arnäs / Christina Nilsdottor born 1748
« skrivet: 2022-04-23, 00:31 »
I thank you for reading English. I look on Svar because it is free. I find in this location Dekarson in Arnäs Parish 1767-1783 Sida 9. To the right of Christina dotter of Nils Andersson under double line it seem to indicate she married in 1780. I found her marriage Matts Pehrsson & Kristina Nilsdotter – 15 Oct 1767. 1750-1786, Image 163.
Then I find family 1783-1795 Side 384. Hope to know who all the children are for Matts Pehrsson and Christina.

Thanks in advance

Rörum (L) / SV: Per Nilsson born 11 Oct 1871
« skrivet: 2021-10-24, 22:24 »
Thanks so much Per! I will try your suggestion.

Best regards,

Rörum (L) / Per Nilsson born 11 Oct 1871
« skrivet: 2021-10-24, 20:44 »
I find him on Riksarkivet 1895-1914 Sida 261. I do not understand what is written in Column 14. I understand that he is a sailor and living in the sailors house. He is moving but I do not know where. I am hoping to find if he had a family and when/where he died.

Best regards,

Ås / SV: Pehr Ersson Sist Born 1795
« skrivet: 2021-10-18, 15:31 »
Hi Sune!
Thanks for information! In second military record you attach the ogift is incorrect.

His marriage record is found on Riksarivet: Alsen, Jämtland 1811-1860 P. 211, married 16 January first marriage in 1842. The marriages are after births.

Best regards,

Ås / SV: Pehr Ersson Sist Born 1795
« skrivet: 2021-10-17, 21:13 »
You wrote in other message : Then he got married in 1821. Name of wife? I have tried to find them in Hfl but no success. If you know the Hfl, I hope you will send it to me. You send link to A1:3 P. 97. I found parents of Per Sist but not him. How do you know he got married in 1821? I have looked in all pages of Gärde. If it was Per/Pehr Ersson Sist married, that wife would have died because he married my relative the beginning of 1842.
[/size]1817-1827 A1:4 Page 11 is Nils Ericksson with parents in household
[/size]Pehr Ersson/ Eriksson is no where to be found.

I plead for more help!


Ås / SV: Pehr Ersson Sist Born 1795
« skrivet: 2021-10-17, 18:43 »
Thanks again Karl Göran Eriksson! I really appreciate your help!

Ås / SV: Pehr Ersson Sist Born 1795
« skrivet: 2021-10-17, 12:13 »
Thanks Karl Göran Eriksson. You say his family moved to Gärde in Aspås parish. Who are in his family? Then he got married in 1821. Name of wife? I have tried to find them in Hfl but no success. If you know the Hfl, I hope you will send it to me.

Many thanks!

Ås / SV: Pehr Ersson Sist Born 1795
« skrivet: 2021-10-17, 01:56 »
Thanks for help! I have been trying to understand what you have written. You think Nils Ersson and Brita Jonsdotter are the parents of Eric Nilsson, whose birth record I found in Ås on the top of page 185 in Ås births 1727-1810. It looks correct since they are in the middle of the page in Hfl 1776-1814 Page 175.
On birth record Page 185 of Eric Nilsson born 21 March 1766 it has death. He is father of Pehr Ersson Sist, born 1795. Note on birth for Eric Nilsson for death looks like 1844, I searched but cannot find the death.

You wrote, Erik the son of Nils Jonsson and Ursilla Ersdotter seems to have died 1793. I add, therefore he could not be father of Pehr born 1795. Thanks for finding that info!
[/size]Thank you!

Ås / Pehr Ersson Sist Born 1795
« skrivet: 2021-10-16, 01:20 »
Thanks for pervious answers but now I have more questions. Also I add his military name of Sist.
In other message I mentioned his birth  record but it is frustrating that Hfl has listed it differently. What should I do about this?

I did find him with his parents in Osa 1776-1814 Page 175. I found two births in Ås [this] Parish that could be his father Eric. But how can I know which one it would be correct?
 I search all of 1766 and found one Eric of top of page 185 and another Eric on bottom of page 187.
They moved but from page 175 I do not understand exactly when. I have tried to search more church records for his parents but no success.

I have found him Per Sist with wife and dotters in Alsen Parish.
1843-1854 P. 138

1855-1861 P. 151

I will appreciate any suggestions that would help me find his parents and siblings. Hope what I have written is understandable.

Best regards,

Linderås / SV: Johannes Gustafsson born 9 Jan 1791
« skrivet: 2021-08-17, 02:22 »
Thank you both for info!

Linderås / Johannes Gustafsson born 9 Jan 1791
« skrivet: 2021-08-16, 21:33 »
I use [Svar] Riksarkivet for searching. Something little strange, I look at Linderås moving out records 1831-1835 which are in Hfl section. Page 119 on right side in second block Johannes is the first name. I need help to know where he is moving to.

Rörum (L) / SV: Måns Håkansson born 1788
« skrivet: 2021-07-16, 00:44 »
I just have to thank you again. I am very grateful for your awesome help! I have started finding the children of Christen and Hanna, with their spouse and children on Household examination records. All my success is because of info you found for me.

Best wishes,

Rörum (L) / SV: Måns Håkansson born 1788
« skrivet: 2021-07-15, 15:24 »
I came back on here to be sure I wrote marriage date correctly. Now I decide to give info I know about birth of children. If Svar had those birth years available I could look them up. I sure appreciate and help I get.

Mårten 1746
Måns    1747
Håkan  1752
Hanna  1754
Nils 3 Oct 1759
Pehr 20 Nov 1763

I just see your newsiest post Helena. Thanks a million!

Rörum (L) / SV: Måns Håkansson born 1788
« skrivet: 2021-07-15, 14:41 »
Thanks so very much Helena! In another record a marriage date of 8 Nov 1744. If you know how to find that it would be great. Even the birth years of the children for Christen Månsson are too early for records on Svar. I cannot afford ArchivDigital.
Thanks for all your help!

Best regards, Georgina

Rörum (L) / Måns Håkansson born 1788
« skrivet: 2021-07-14, 22:47 »
I found his birth on Svar. Rörum births 1777-1815 P. 18. Parents names very easy to read. I was hoping to see names of forfaders as I sometimes do. Records are very limited in this area for this time period.
What I am really hoping is that someone can find the name of his father's mother. His father's  father was Chisten Månsson born 1717 in this parish.

Thanks in advance.

Gideå / SV: Anna Katarina Bäcklund born 1894
« skrivet: 2021-06-12, 11:11 »
Thanks so much for the information Per! Appreciate it very much!


Gideå / Anna Katarina Bäcklund born 1894
« skrivet: 2021-06-12, 03:22 »
I found her on Svar Hfl 1931-1950 P. 316 line 4. It appears that she had married Karl Olof Rundqvist, who died in 1939. I would like to know what writing is in Column 14.
Then at bottom of page in Line 24 is Anna Märta Bäcklund who is dotter of Anna Katarina. What is writing in column 14? I guess Stig Johan is her son. Then Anna and son Stig go to P. 630, found way at the bottom. Here she is married. I cannot read last name of husband. Then they move somewhere in 1939.

Thanks in advance for help!

Thanks to both! Leif, I wanted to see the family in Hfl.
Saffan, extra thanks for telling me about the star, worked great !

Anders married Sissa Tufvesdotter [born 9 July 1828 in Brantvik] in 1853 in Brantevik. Info that was first given to me was Brantevik, Simris, Kristianstad, Sweden. Svar did not recognize Simris. I did google search and it came up as Brantevik, Simrishamn. Anders and Sissa had 7 children from 1854-1871 who were born in Brantevik. Another website gave me Sweden Book Simris Alla2 1895-1906. So, Svar does not recognize Simris and Simrishamn has No church book for 1895-1906.
I am so frustrated about this and will be very glad for help.


Säby / SV: Johan Fredric Östergren
« skrivet: 2021-04-28, 01:08 »
Yes, I did find them on page 143. I had posted a query in his father's name. The man who answered found that they had Emigrated.

Thanks so much for all your information Anders! I did follow the daughter easily.

Thanks for your reply Leif! I guess you do not have access to Emigration records.

He with wife and two  sons moved out of Säby, Jönköping 9 May 1856. I am hoping someone will have idea which parish to look in.

Thanks in advance for help!

Säby / SV: Johan Fredric Östergren
« skrivet: 2021-04-27, 20:06 »
Finally I have time to look more at this. There is no image 1410 in Säby on Svar.

There are so many Parishes in Gothenburg, I have no idea where to start.

Hope someone sees this and sends me answer.


Säby / SV: Johan Fredric Östergren
« skrivet: 2021-04-24, 20:33 »
Thanks so much for help Britt-Marie. Don't know how I missed seeing the family in moving out record.
But how can I know which parish they went to in Gothenburg?


Säby / Johan Fredric Östergren
« skrivet: 2021-04-22, 23:45 »
I searched the family for few years. I hope for help to know what the writing says to the right of his name 1855-1860 P. 356. His moving is recorded as 1855 - 10. I went to the moving out records and found him on Bild 140. Where did he go?
Also his parents Fredric Östergren and Sara Greta with son Frans were moving to Göteborg. I did not find them in moving out records. So now what?

Very grateful for help I will get.

Säby / SV: Family in 1846-1849
« skrivet: 2021-04-09, 20:33 »
Thanks so much Martha!

Ökna / SV: Fredric Östergren born 1799
« skrivet: 2021-04-09, 19:42 »
I found then family in Säby. Moving In was easy there!

Säby / Family in 1846-1849
« skrivet: 2021-04-09, 19:15 »
I find Fredric Östergren, wife Sara Greta and children Hfl Norra 1846-1849 Page 418. I do not know where they moved to. Please help!

Thanks in advance!


Ökna / SV: Fredric Östergren born 1799
« skrivet: 2021-04-09, 17:33 »
Thanks so much Christina! Where the family is the writing is not easy to read. What is the writing way over to the right side?
It looks like they move to Säby. if you have time to check that for me I will be very glad.


Ökna / Fredric Östergren born 1799
« skrivet: 2021-04-09, 10:25 »
I was searching in Säby Hfl Södra, 1826-1836 P. 150. Family of Fredric with wife and son moved to Ökna is very clear. There is a ditto in line of wife then another word in line of son but I do not know what it is. Every page of Hfl in next set of church records was searched without success. I am now hoping for help to know exactly where this family moved to.

Thanks in advance!

Fosie / SV: Alfred Bernhard Sjöberg born 1879
« skrivet: 2021-04-04, 21:52 »
Just as I was signing out of family tree of Alfred, I noticed that a child was born in Wisconsin, United States. So I guess he Emigrated to USA first.

Don't understand all the [size] notes on my first post. I am just typing normally.  [/size]

Fosie / Alfred Bernhard Sjöberg born 1879
« skrivet: 2021-04-04, 21:40 »

Alfred was born Nov 7, 1879.

I have found his birth record in this Parish/ Births 1861-1894 P 83. Father Ola Sjöberg, Mother Emilia S[size=78%]ilfver.[/size]
[/size][size=78%]On [/size]a Census in Canada it has Immigration 1909. In Canada his name was Berg.[size=78%]

[/size]I am hoping someone will find his Emigration from Sweden record.[size=78%]

[/size]Thanks in Advance! [size=78%]


Säby / SV: Sally Hildegard Beatrice Karlsson 1898
« skrivet: 2021-03-26, 22:34 »
Thanks so much for more info, Ulf and Christina!


Säby / SV: Sally Hildegard Beatrice Karlsson 1898
« skrivet: 2021-03-25, 19:56 »
But where is Linköping? It does not show as a county in Svar.

Säby / SV: Sally Hildegard Beatrice Karlsson 1898
« skrivet: 2021-03-25, 19:53 »
Thanks Sven!

Säby / Sally Hildegard Beatrice Karlsson 1898
« skrivet: 2021-03-25, 19:09 »
Sally was born 10 April 1898. Hfl 1911 - 1928. P 2801. I do not understand the place she moved to that I see on the far right side of page.
I see in Gift column 31/3 1923. I have checked marriages in Säby and did find it.

Thanks in advance for help!

Well Maud, I now hope you are sleeping. Goodness by brain and eyes not working too good. In the first reply you gave birth date and place for Erik.
Million thanks. Hope you get many blessings for the help you give to me and many other.

Thanks so much! I use Svar and I found them. Not sure Erik was born. I can tell dotters were born in the same place.


Thanks so much Maud. I very much appreciate your help!

Two daughters. See the lines 16–19:
Södertälje AIIa:26 (1915-1920) p. 90. Where is Södertälje ? Is it also in Stockholm?

She was born 9 May 1891. She married a man by name of Höök. I am now hoping for more information about him.

Thanks in advance.

Kungsholm / Ulrika Eleonora / SV: Frans Johan Österberg 1863
« skrivet: 2021-03-09, 10:24 »

[size=0pt]Höök f. Österberg, Maria Karolina[/size][size=0pt]
  Hölöv. 8
[/size]  Död 4/4 1963.
[size=0pt]Sunne, Hope you will give me first name and other info for husband of Maria

Kungsholm / Ulrika Eleonora / SV: Frans Johan Österberg 1863
« skrivet: 2021-03-05, 14:38 »
Thanks again Sunne!
So glad for all your help.
Best regards,

Kungsholm / Ulrika Eleonora / SV: Frans Johan Österberg 1863
« skrivet: 2021-03-05, 12:48 »
Thanks so much Sune! What about the children? I do not see them in your answer.

I am trying to help a friend and am so glad for your help.

But I am so sad that with my new computer, I can no longer get[/color][/size] [/font]

Kungsholm / Ulrika Eleonora / Frans Johan Österberg 1863
« skrivet: 2021-03-05, 02:57 »
He is found in Ulrika Eleonora in 1890 with wife and two children.
Caroline Elisbet Andersson b. 17 April 1871 in Sundsvall, Västernorrland. Died 18 April 1894 but I do dot have a source for that.
[/size]Son Ernst Wilhelm Österberg b. 27 Jan 1889 in Kungsholm[/color]
[/size]Dotter Maria Carolina Österberg b. 9 May 1891 in Ulrika Eleonora[/color]
[/size]I hope for more info about the members of this family.[/color]

Ås / SV: Kerstin born 1814
« skrivet: 2021-02-14, 03:03 »
Just looked more closely and notice that you went to a lot of work searching. Many thanks!

Ås / SV: Kerstin born 1814
« skrivet: 2021-02-14, 02:58 »
Thanks Leif!
I need to ask: When do you sleep? Haha!

Ås / SV: Kerstin born 1814
« skrivet: 2021-02-14, 01:18 »
Yes that is her in Hfl. But I thought I found her birth. But I think I am searching too much.

Many thanks Leif!

Ås / Kerstin born 1814
« skrivet: 2021-02-13, 23:02 »
My brain in frozen. I am sure I posted about Kerstin born 14 Nov 1814 in either this parish or Alsen. Now I cannot find it. I think her father was Eric Persson. I am just trying to do to much.

Mattmar / SV: Nils Mattsson born 1846
« skrivet: 2021-02-12, 17:03 »
Yes! Thank you!

Mattmar / SV: Nils Mattsson born 1846
« skrivet: 2021-02-12, 10:30 »
What I have discovered on Svar is that in 1863-1882 Image 173 is Page 69. Typed is Page 166, Page 69 is hand written to the left.

Mattmar / SV: Nils Mattsson born 1846
« skrivet: 2021-02-12, 09:48 »
Thanks so very much Anders!

Mattmar / Nils Mattsson born 1846
« skrivet: 2021-02-12, 04:58 »

First person on this page is Olof Jönsson b. 1807.
Why is Bond crossed out? What does the new word mean?

This family is giving me big time Stress.
Nils Mattsson born 1848
wife Malin Olofsdotter born 1846
Hfl 1863-1882 found on P. 58
These children - I have checked births
Christina b. 21 Aug 1873
Karin b. 6 Nov 1876
Matts b. 5 Mar 1879
WHY are they not on Hfl 1863-1882 with the parents?
On the birth records it gives P. 69 as residence in Tossberg but I do not see them on that page.

Ås / SV: Pehr Ersson born 1795
« skrivet: 2021-02-10, 15:11 »
Thanks again Maud. I have not searched too much in these old church books.

Ås / SV: Pehr Ersson born 1795
« skrivet: 2021-02-10, 13:02 »
Thanks Maud. I just read Page 318 again and the death has nothing to do with family of little Pehr, correct?

Ås / Pehr Ersson born 1795
« skrivet: 2021-02-10, 03:48 »
I found his birth record in Births in 1727-1810 Page 317 / Page 318 shows birth date and baptism date.
What is the writing say at the very right side of Page 318.

I cannot make out the first name of mother. I do not know how to find them on Hfl.
 Something written [size=78%]to left of his name but I do not understand it. [/size]

Thanks for help!

Rinna / SV: Gustav Adolf Johansson born 1858
« skrivet: 2021-02-05, 00:00 »
From here Säby (F) AIIa:11 (1911-1926) page 347, I went to Nb 1829-1849 P. 1175
[/size]Why is wife death written the way it is?
[/size]It would be nice to know what all the writing on right side of page is.


Rinna / SV: Gustav Adolf Johansson born 1858
« skrivet: 2021-02-04, 22:53 »
Thanks so much Maud !
Appreciate you dong so much work!
It is nice when relatives do not move around so much.

Best wishes,

Rinna / Gustav Adolf Johansson born 1858
« skrivet: 2021-02-04, 21:03 »
Gustav born in Säby, Jönköping 27 Oct 1858
wife Anna Sofia Carlsdotter born in Säby, Jönköping 1856

I followed them in Säby to Hfl 1895-1900 Page 194
They moved to Rinna, Östergötland 1900 28/3
I do not know how to find them.

Thanks in advance!

Kall / SV: Anders Olofsson born 1825
« skrivet: 2021-01-28, 23:08 »
Thanks for telling me Lars is stepson.

Kall / SV: Anders Olofsson born 1825
« skrivet: 2021-01-28, 22:24 »
Surprise, I found family on P. 74 but Gåndalen was not on index so I got lucky.

Next help with this page: what localities did each of the sons go to?

Thanks in advance for help!

Kall / SV: Anders Olofsson born 1825
« skrivet: 2021-01-28, 21:56 »
Now I have a problem with Hfl 1837-1845 there is no Gåndalen. So where do I search?

Kall / SV: Anders Olofsson born 1825
« skrivet: 2021-01-28, 21:36 »
I looked at the Hfl. I would like to know word that is by son Lars name.

Kall / SV: Anders Olofsson born 1825
« skrivet: 2021-01-28, 20:51 »
Thanks so much Staffan!

Kall / Anders Olofsson born 1825
« skrivet: 2021-01-28, 19:34 »
I found Anders Olofsson birth record in births 1805-1853 Page 155. Left side at bottom. Anders born 8 Oct 1825. I can see name of his father Olof Pehrsson but I cannot understand name of mother or locality they lived in. With this information I could them find then in Hfl and follow them forward.

Thanks in advance for help!

Fränninge / SV: Ola Persson born 1841
« skrivet: 2021-01-28, 14:50 »
Carl, you are an Expert genealogist. Thanks so much!

Fränninge / SV: Ola Persson born 1841
« skrivet: 2021-01-26, 23:09 »
Thanks so much Carl. But it sills seems strange to me that Ola and dotter went to America briefly and then came back.
But it was Maria that I wanted more info for and you found it. Oh, the mysteries of Genealogy!

Fränninge / SV: Ola Persson born 1841
« skrivet: 2021-01-26, 18:36 »
On P. 73 is has previous book, so I went to 1900-1930 Page 67. There Ola and dotter Johanna returned from N America. I would like to know what the writing over to right of Ola means.
Now I wonder if Maria went to America without telling and father ang sister went to find her.

Fränninge / SV: Ola Persson born 1841
« skrivet: 2021-01-26, 18:18 »
Okay, I followed them as you guided Monika. In Östraby P. 12 it does not show anything about where dotter Maria may have gone.
Then I go Hörja 1931-1848 P 73 and she is not there. It is now her that I really want info for.

Fränninge / SV: Ola Persson born 1841
« skrivet: 2021-01-26, 17:51 »
Thanks so very much for all the searching you did Monika!

Fränninge / Ola Persson born 1841
« skrivet: 2021-01-26, 14:56 »
Hfl 1886-1898 P. 388 shows him moving to Östraby
With some family. I looked at moving out in Fränninge
and moving in for Östraby and do not see them.

Hope for help!
Perhaps it is too early for me in Canada, so I
cannot see clearly.


Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-23, 23:02 »
Thanks Eva!

Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-23, 02:43 »

[size=78%]Thanks again Carl for all the info![/size]

Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-22, 23:03 »
Thanks so much Carl!

Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-21, 21:02 »
Thank you Eva! I wonder if I could find Estate Inventory on Svar.

Thanks again Ulla!
You find and tell me so much detail. Good to have more info about dotter of August.
I am not happy about him leaving Sweden and his dotter.

I do not need info about the mother of Elsa Ina-Lisa.

Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-20, 17:29 »
Thanks so much Ulla!

Best wishes,

Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-20, 16:47 »
How did you find dotter of August? The 70 yr rule is 70 yr back from 2020, equals to 1950. I have found a few births up to 1946, 1948 in some parishes. But Lyby Parish has not updated.  I cannot afford the cost of AD, I use Svar and have had good success for what I find.

Thanks for dotters of Johanna.

Thanks for all you do to find info for me!

Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-19, 18:54 »
Thank you Ulla!

Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-19, 10:45 »
Thanks Ulla!
I have had a few of those relatives who went into hiding. Glad not too many. Both my mothers parents
where born in Sweden so I have had lots of ancestors / relatives to find.

Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-18, 19:16 »
Hi Ulla!

Wow! Thanks so much for extra info. Thanks for searching in death records to find cause of death. Nice to have complete info of a person's life.

Actually, I surprised myself as I moved forward from info you gave me in first reply. I was able to find info for three of the children by noticing
where they moved to, Nils, Cecilia and Johanna.

Looks like a couple sons, ? Olof and Alfred? were sailors and went forth and back to America. I do not want to open the Hfl just now. Sweden
is so much better to search in than America.

Best wishes,

Gladsax / SV: Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-18, 11:12 »

[/size][size=78%]Thanks so much Ulla! They sure moved different areas than where I found them in earlier church books.[/size]

Gladsax / Sven Andersson born 1856
« skrivet: 2021-01-18, 04:59 »

found family in Hfl 1880-1889 P. 238Sven Andersson b. 1 Mar 1856
Hu Bengta Jönsdotter b. 25 Mar 1856
S. Nils b. 22 Oct 1882
S. Olof b. 25 Jan 1884
D. Cecilia b. 11 Feb 1886
S. Alfred b. 31 Oct 1887
then I found them Hfl 1890-1899 P. 277
Two more children
D. Johanna b. 18 Jul 1892
S. August b. 24 Nov 1897

Then I tried but cannot find them anymore.
Will be very grateful for help!

Lövestad / SV: Words written in Family Bible
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 22:41 »
Thanks so much for extra info! Yes, I had previously found in Hfl moving out as line 77. Then when I went to moving out records I saw her name on line 78.
Thanks Staffan for showing attachment. Sorry I missed your earlier post.

Lövestad / SV: Words written in Family Bible
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 22:09 »
Than you Jörgen. I kept looking at it and wondered about that. It went from one relative to another and then to me.
So the first relative put two together. Oh my, I caused so much work!

Lövestad / SV: Words written in Family Bible
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 21:36 »
Thanks for kindess and patience Staffan. I looked at FLTTNIGSBEVIS for Hanna that I
attached. 1. No 77 FLTT then (Fol 228. On bottom left it does say 18 September.
Bottom right has 1882 then couple lines down 1881.
is that the Attachment you see?

Lövestad / SV: Words written in Family Bible
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 21:08 »
I guess I should not do attachment anymore. Frustrating. What I attached was moving out paper with only name of Hanna Persdotter. No where does it have name of Ola.

Lövestad / SV: Words written in Family Bible
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 21:02 »
I already had translated one for Ola. what I attached has Hanna Persdotter at the very top. Will you please look for that attachment?

Lövestad / SV: Little writing to Understand
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 21:00 »
Thank you for help!
But I wonder if it was a church leader at time of her communion

Lövestad / SV: Words written in Family Bible
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 17:54 »
I know this is not easy to understand but I plead with someone to translate as much as possible of this document.

Lövestad / Little writing to Understand
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 17:43 »
I hope for help to understand what this writing is about.

Many thanks!

Lövestad / SV: Words written in Family Bible
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 04:23 »
thanks for letting me know. When I get translation for this one I will send the other one. It will be much easier.

Lövestad / SV: Words written in Family Bible
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 03:57 »
Yes I am sure! I think her and the man she married in America knew each other in this parish. The moving out paper for him had his birth year as 1859. Just mixed up!
Did two Attachment show up in this post I made?

Thanks so much for help with reading this. It looks like Greek to me.


Lövestad / Words written in Family Bible
« skrivet: 2021-01-12, 00:34 »
Once again I'm asking for help with documents found in Bible of my relative. Hanna Persdotter / Persson born 2 Mar 1859. Mix up on some records between her and the man she married in America.
I attach two document for translation, Please. Hope attachments worked

Giving much thanks in advance.


Offerdal / SV: Johan Ljung Almqvist born 1868
« skrivet: 2021-01-10, 22:48 »
Thanks so much Kristina!

Offerdal / SV: Johan Ljung Almqvist born 1868
« skrivet: 2021-01-10, 21:33 »
Thank you!
but how and exactly where to find him is a problem.

Offerdal / Johan Ljung Almqvist born 1868
« skrivet: 2021-01-10, 20:57 »
Johan was born 18 Sep 1868. Hfl 1890-1899 P 173 he is moving somewhere.
I hope someone can find where he moved to, then perhaps I can follow him from there.

Thanks so much in advance!


Lövestad / SV: Hanna persson born 1859
« skrivet: 2021-01-10, 18:13 »
Thanks so much Staffan! That was a lot of work you did for me.

Appreciate it.

Lövestad / Hanna persson born 1859
« skrivet: 2021-01-10, 14:24 »
Hanna was born in this Parish in 1859. A relative sent me a letter in a document for translation. I am hoping for help with this. This will be first time I try to add attachment. Hope it works.

Thanks in advance for help!


Säby / SV: Johanna Josefina Lantz born 1860
« skrivet: 2020-12-18, 11:38 »
Thank you very much Maud for your help!
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!



I add this new post because I have written it better.

Perhaps I did not explain very well what help I hoped for. In Hfl 1895-1902 Image 57 Johanna, husband Frans and dotter Elin are listed on line 12, 13 and 14. Across from Johanna the priest had written than Johanna died in 24 Apr 1900.[/size]I found birth record of Elin born 21 Aug 1893 and Frans were her parents. I found their marriage 1888-1892 on P. 77 - married 12 November 1892. I was in a hurry to post the query and now I have had more time to think. It is logical that see died 8 years after marriage and 7 years dotter was born.Now my question is, will someone be able to understand where Frans and dotter moved to in 1900.Thanks so much for help!Georgina

Säby / SV: Johanna Josefina Lantz born 1860
« skrivet: 2020-12-18, 04:36 »
Perhaps I did not explain very well what I needed. In Hfl 1895-1902 Image 57 Johanna, husband Frans and dotter Elin are listed on line 12, 13 and 14. Across from Johanna the priest had written than Johanna died in 24 Apr 1900.
I found birth record of Elin born 21 Aug 1893 and Frans were her parents. I found their marriage 1888-1892 on P. 77 - married 12 November 1892. I was in a hurry to post the query and now I have had more time to think. It is logical that see died 8 years after marriage and 7 years dotter was born.
Now my question is, will someone be able to understand where Frans and dotter moved to in 1900.

Thanks so much for help!

Säby / Johanna Josefina Lantz born 1860
« skrivet: 2020-12-17, 20:23 »
Last record found in 1895-1902 in Säby Image 57 lines12-14
Johanna Josefina Lantz born 5 Nov1860
Frans Gustaf Johansson born 28 Sep 1860
Dotter Elin Josefina 21 Aug 1893

Marriage found 1888-1892 P.77

On record at top it seems indicate Johanna died 1900
Very very strange

[/size]thanks for help, Georgina

Hammarö / SV: Carl August Hansson Stålfors born 1876
« skrivet: 2020-11-22, 16:16 »
Now finally Reply button shows up. Thanks Staffan. Wow! Kenneth you really did lost of work for me. Many thanks!

Hammarö / How to reply?
« skrivet: 2020-11-21, 22:20 »
I wanted to give thanks that to who sent me info about Carl August Hansson Stålfors but it does not show how I can reply. It used to be so easy.

Hammarö / Carl August Hansson Stålfors born 1876
« skrivet: 2020-11-21, 18:43 »
He and family lived in Nedre Ullerud until 1918. I found them moving out 1916-1940 P. 15 Line 9.

Lekeryd / SV: Two brothers, Magnus born 1806 and Isak born 1811
« skrivet: 2020-10-29, 21:16 »
Many thanks Kalle!

Lekeryd / SV: Two brothers, Magnus born 1806 and Isak born 1811
« skrivet: 2020-10-29, 20:45 »
Thanks so much!
Back to my first request Hfl. 1823-1825 P. 410 with parents. Should be 1823-1835. Where did Magnus go in 1833?

Lekeryd / SV: Two brothers, Magnus born 1806 and Isak born 1811
« skrivet: 2020-10-29, 19:57 »
I did little more search and found Isak with parents 1835-1848 P. 417
Then he moved to P 397. Then were did he move to?

Lekeryd / Two brothers, Magnus born 1806 and Isak born 1811
« skrivet: 2020-10-29, 19:34 »
Magnus born 31 Jan 1806 and Isak born 21 Aug 1811I followed them in a couple Hfl. 1823-1825 P. 410 with parents. Where did Magnus go in 1833? Where did Isak go in 1830? I hope to follow them forward.

Thanks for help!

Ökna / SV: Lisa Marie born 1826
« skrivet: 2020-10-29, 18:06 »
Thanks so much!

Ökna / SV: Lisa Marie born 1826
« skrivet: 2020-10-29, 17:51 »
Thanks Kalle! but she goes somewhere in 1846, Cannot know where.

Ökna / Lisa Marie born 1826
« skrivet: 2020-10-29, 17:40 »
Lisa Marie was born 19 Jun 1826 in Ökna, Jönköping.
1836-1844 P. 291, With parents moved to Kulla
1844-1851 P. 286 with parents shows her moving to where?

Thanks for help!

Kungsholm / Ulrika Eleonora / SV: Household Records
« skrivet: 2020-10-09, 19:34 »
Lief, did you reply to another question I put on the website but not here. It was for Johan Peter Andersson. I cannot find it and unfortunately I deleted notification in my email. I am quite sure you answered before so if you can please send ling to my email.

Huddunge / SV: Johan Peter Andersson born 1842
« skrivet: 2020-09-30, 04:02 »
Thanks so much Carl. I am crying tears of joy because of the extra detail you have found for me about Alfred.
Million thanks!

Kungsholm / Ulrika Eleonora / SV: Household Records
« skrivet: 2020-09-29, 22:04 »
Thanks for helping me to understand the Hfl situation in Stockholm. The first couple did not move into Stockholm until 1879. So now that were no Hfl I will just be okay with what I find on Rotemannen. I sure do thank you for the link. This is first time I searched in Stockholm and I have been so used to finding Hfl.


Kungsholm / Ulrika Eleonora / SV: Household Records
« skrivet: 2020-09-29, 04:32 »
Thanks for getting back to me Leif. I have tried the link you have given and some people in Kungsholm. I am not sure what is on the record I bring up should help me to find in Hfl.
I use Svar because it is free. I do have enough money for ArkivDigital. So I put Kungsholm as Parish and Stockholm län. The highest year is 1860 for Hfl. That is is not high enough for some of my people.



Kungsholm / Ulrika Eleonora / Household Records
« skrivet: 2020-09-29, 02:01 »
How does a person find household records in this Parish or any other place in Stockholm?

Huddunge / SV: Johan Peter Andersson born 1842
« skrivet: 2020-09-27, 21:49 »
Hi Lasse!
You gave Emigration info for Alfred Andersson. Years ago I was sent Emigration info for different people from Emhamn which gave intended destination in America. Is it possible to find that for Alfred?

Huddunge / SV: Johan Peter Andersson born 1842
« skrivet: 2020-09-27, 21:38 »
I tried with one name Alfred Andersson but was confused. How can entering birth parish and county get me to info in Stockholm when he was born somewhere else?

Huddunge / SV: Johan Peter Andersson born 1842
« skrivet: 2020-09-27, 17:17 »
Carl, thanks so very much! I shall try this.

Huddunge / SV: Johan Peter Andersson born 1842
« skrivet: 2020-09-27, 02:26 »
Thanks Lasse!
He did hard work in America also. I found him in 1900 Census and he was a Machinist {Drill}
Not exactly sure what that means. He died in 1906 so he was young. Some of his family in Sweden died young also. He married and three children.

Huddunge / SV: Johan Peter Andersson born 1842
« skrivet: 2020-09-26, 18:48 »
Thanks again Lasse!
Wonder why someone would leave the beautiful city of Stockholm.

Huddunge / SV: Johan Peter Andersson born 1842
« skrivet: 2020-09-26, 15:41 »
Thanks so much Mats!
It is so good that you give page numbers of where info is found. That almost gives me confidence to try searching in the great city Stockholm.

I now decide to ask for help of the son. Hope you don't mind. Alfred born out of wedlock to Bethy Georgina Amilon. Johan Peter Andersson admitted that he was the father. So as an adult I do not know if his last name would me Amilon or Andersson. He was only age 14 so went with parents to Stockholm. P. 276 from my very first post.

Huddunge / SV: Johan Peter Andersson born 1842
« skrivet: 2020-09-26, 07:48 »
Thanks so much Lasse!
As I look at HFL Image P. 276 that I sent in my first post
 I am most interested to know more about Carolina Elisabet born 1871 17/4 in Sundsvall.
Also Alma Sofia born 1873 16/5 in Sundsvall

Then there is Hulda Elenora, no ditto marks to indicate she is a dotter born 1876 11/7 but where?

So glad I am for your help! I know you go by actual church records.
Best regards,

Huddunge / Johan Peter Andersson born 1842
« skrivet: 2020-09-26, 03:05 »
These areas of Sweden are so unfamiliar to me. In the following Hfl they moved - I do not exactly where.

Country[/color]SwedenBook[/color]Huddunge AI 14, 1876 - 1880Province[/color]UpplandLocation[/color]Rödje SågCounty[/color]VästmanlandsPage[/color]276ParishHuddunge

I would like to follow this family forward but not sure how.
Will very much appreciate help!

Offerdal / SV: Check for death
« skrivet: 2020-09-13, 19:07 »
I truly apologize for even putting a name on here. I will not do it again. I will somehow find someone like the lady who helped me so much with this kind of query before.

Offerdal / SV: Check for death
« skrivet: 2020-09-13, 18:49 »
Thanks Anders! I do know the rule that no living person should be on this website.


Offerdal / Check for death
« skrivet: 2020-09-13, 17:15 »
Hope it is okay that I ask for this here. I have lost the email of the lady I always used to ask to check Deaths CD.
I found birth of Lars Birger Larsson in Offerdal  and wonder if he is on the CD. I do not include his birth info because if his death is recorded on the CD it will show up there.
Will be glad for help!

Bjurholm / SV: Tobias Jacobsson Backlund 1837
« skrivet: 2020-07-22, 15:50 »
Oh my I did not pay attention that it was you Bo who sent the Image.
Thanks so much for your help!


Bjurholm / SV: Tobias Jacobsson Backlund 1837
« skrivet: 2020-07-22, 15:38 »
Thanks so much for help Anders!


Bjurholm / Tobias Jacobsson Backlund 1837
« skrivet: 2020-07-22, 10:57 »

He was born this parish 12 March 1837. My search was on Svar, Births 1830-1848 Image 75
It is very strange to me that the mother listed here is different from his siblings. Father Jacob Backlund, Mother Anna Sofia Olofsdotter.
Mother of siblings is Christina Catharina Tobiasdotter
Will be grateful for help.


Kågeröd / SV: Elna Christoffersdotter born 28 Sep 1802
« skrivet: 2020-07-07, 23:29 »
Thanks so much Leif!

Kågeröd / Elna Christoffersdotter born 28 Sep 1802
« skrivet: 2020-07-07, 19:24 »
In 1835 - 1844 the family is in Östraby parish on Page 178
Pehr Jönsson
2nd wife Hanna Månsdotter

1st wife Elna Christoffersdotter in the Hfl her death is recorded
her place of birth Bässinge. I found it should be Kågeröd Parish
But I cannot find her birth. This is what I hope someone will help me with.

Children on Hfl: Elsa, Gertrud and Hanna. I have found their births.

Laholms landsförsamling / SV: Ester Nordina Nilsson 1901-1995
« skrivet: 2020-06-24, 09:54 »
Thanks so much for you help Roy!

Laholms landsförsamling / Ester Nordina Nilsson 1901-1995
« skrivet: 2020-06-24, 04:06 »
I have gone in circles trying to search for birth record for her and her sister Magna Arvida Nilsson born 17 June 1899. Maybe I'm just too tired and missed it. I found info that Ester Nordina Nillson was born 2 Oct 1901 in Laholm. I have found birth records for all the other children except these two dotters. The family lived in Ränneslöv 1899-1915 P. 554 on Svar. There is has three children Hugo, Magna and Ester born in Vaxtorp. That place would not come up on Svar. I did Google search which said Vaxtorp was locality in Laholm.  I did find birth for Hugo in Laholm.
I need sleep.
Will be glad for help.

Skartofta ( -1806) / SV: Kierstina Håkansdotter 17 Dec 1769
« skrivet: 2020-06-21, 00:21 »
Thanks so much for your expert help Ulf !! I am so very glad. I do not know why Svar was acting up for me.
So grateful I am that I'm crying some tears of joy. You have been such an awesome help to me!

Skartofta ( -1806) / Kierstina Håkansdotter 17 Dec 1769
« skrivet: 2020-06-20, 23:31 »
I am trying to find birth record for her and Skartofta does not even come up on Svar which I have to use as it is free. I just read that Skartofta became Öved in 1804 but that does not help me for births earlier than 1804. I am wanting to know the parents of Kiestina.

Glad for help.

Gladsax / SV: Axel Nilsson born 1886
« skrivet: 2020-06-18, 22:59 »
Thanks Ulf!
You say possibility of him but I say exactly him.
No wife or children, residing in book of unknown. Think he had a sad life.

Gladsax / Axel Nilsson born 1886
« skrivet: 2020-06-18, 22:07 »
I have followed him with parents 1900-1913 P. 269 on Svar. This is where his parents died. Then I followed him to 1913-1930 P. 252. I cannot tell where he moved to.

Will be glad for help!

Säbrå / SV: Eric Thorvigg born 1799
« skrivet: 2020-06-01, 00:11 »
Thanks so much!

Säbrå / Eric Thorvigg born 1799
« skrivet: 2020-05-31, 23:38 »
I found him with family in Dahla in this Parish in Hfl 1844-1855 P. 34.

Now I want to find the family in 1855-1864 I see no register. I flipped through the pages and did not see Dahla. Did the name change?


Stigsjö / SV: Hfl 1866-1875
« skrivet: 2020-05-30, 22:25 »
Thanks to everyone for help!

Stigsjö / Hfl 1866-1875
« skrivet: 2020-05-30, 21:19 »
Page 214
Can someone tell the birth place of the father Gustaf Wiksrtöm? It looks like ditto marks for wife Sara Helena Ullberg. I am really hoping to find there birth record. I have found births of their children in this parish.
Will be glad For help!

Offerdal / SV: Place of birth
« skrivet: 2020-05-29, 19:18 »
Thanks so very much for your help Anita!

Best regards, Georgina

Offerdal / Place of birth
« skrivet: 2020-05-29, 18:32 »
I found record of births 1800-1861 Offerdal for two children that has Könsta as place the family lived. Jonas on page 394 and Brita on page 424. Parents Nils Berg and Carin Ersdotter. Big problem: I cannot find Könsta in register on Household records.

Will be glad for help!

Harlösa / SV: Hjördis Barbro 1933-2012
« skrivet: 2020-05-12, 16:41 »
Thanks for info Ulf. I do not need Anymore Information for this post! So we will call it closed now.
Thank you KG for translation of writing I asked for.

Harlösa / Hjördis Barbro 1933-2012
« skrivet: 2020-05-12, 03:18 »
I found her with parents in Harlösa 15,1935-1947 P. 51
I do not understand the writing across from her name in Anteckningar section.
Then way on right side she move in 1948.
Is there anyway to follow her? I wonder if she got married.

Please email me if information is found

Ystad / SV: Arthur Fabian Lundqvist 1888
« skrivet: 2020-05-08, 13:58 »
Thanks so much for the information!


Ystad / Arthur Fabian Lundqvist 1888
« skrivet: 2020-05-08, 04:49 »
He was born 17 Jul 1888 in Lund according to Hfl 1878-1899 Image 162 P. 354 {?} in Södra Sandby, Malmöhus. He was listed on line 8 and his mother on line 7.
But in 1899-1908 Hfl he is in Ystad, Malmöhus. Image 59 P. 2118 Line 15. My question is: What kind of a place is he in? I have never seen a page like that before.


Andrarum / Elna Nilsdotter 1820
« skrivet: 2020-03-19, 18:48 »
I thought it best to start a new topic as the one about her husband was getting rather long.

I sure do appreciate all the people who are so very helpful to me!

Here is a reply from my other post: There is a book called "Andrarum parish 300 years" based on some very good research. It doesn't have anything beneficial on Ola but for his wife Elna Nilsdotter, b 18200526, it states her father as Nils Persson, Illstorp 6:3.
[/size]Is there any way to get more info about her mother and siblings?

Hinneryd / SV: Peter Johan Johansson
« skrivet: 2020-03-09, 19:48 »
Thank you! Thank you!
Leif and Sven!
Very glad for your help!

Hinneryd / SV: Peter Johan Johansson
« skrivet: 2020-03-09, 19:17 »
Thanks so very much for all of the information!

Best regards,

Hinneryd / SV: Peter Johan Johansson
« skrivet: 2020-03-09, 04:06 »
Thanks so much Leif ! What else could be done to be more sure? Was he a Soldier? It is interesting to me that he was born far away from the woman he had children with. They were born in the same year.
So sad that there were so many fires where the records were destroyed.

Hinneryd / Peter Johan Johansson
« skrivet: 2020-03-09, 01:09 »
I am posting here because on birth record of child it states this place. I started looking through birth records and so many pages. Then idea came to me that someone might find him in 1880 census. All I want to know is birth day and place of Peter Johan Johansson. He had three children out of wedlock with a woman in Knäred, Halland. I will give links just so you see what is says about him. It was good of him to claim that he was the father.

Link for youngest child Page 63 Line 36

Link for another child Page 38 Line 10

Oldest child Page 24 Line 5

Andrarum / SV: Ola Håkansson born 1816
« skrivet: 2020-03-08, 04:07 »
I am still thinking about this. I do not understand the place of Estate inventory. Is that the Place Håkan Hansson died?

Andrarum / SV: Ola Håkansson born 1816
« skrivet: 2020-03-08, 02:55 »
Sorry for misunderstanding Peter. Thanks for finding info you did.
I appreciate help from everyone!


Andrarum / SV: Ola Håkansson born 1816
« skrivet: 2020-03-08, 02:35 »
It was Ola Håkanson I ask about not Hansson.
Thanks for all info. I quit now. No more I think about this family.

Andrarum / SV: Ola Håkansson born 1816
« skrivet: 2020-03-08, 01:10 »
Thanks for the ideas Kalle! I have found births for for all of the children of Ola and Elna. So how can I put together a family by seeing  them as a sponsor? Just presume  they are? But with out birth years not easy.
There was a Mäns Håkansson born 1826 in Andrarum on same page or next and the thought crossed my mind he may be brother to Ola since he named one of his son's Mäns.

Andrarum / Ola Håkansson born 1816
« skrivet: 2020-03-07, 22:18 »
I think I have hit a Brick Wall as the term goes in Genealogy. Unless someone knows of a miracle.

I was hoping to find parents and siblings of Ola born 4 June 1816.

Also I was hoping to find parents and siblings of his wife Elna Nilsdotter born 26 May 1820.

I do not have a marriage date but by 1848 when their oldest son was born they lived in Längaröd, Malmöhus

Appreciate any help!

Alseda / SV: Maja Catrina Jonasdotter
« skrivet: 2020-03-02, 01:11 »
Thanks so much Leif! You went to a lot of work for me and I really appreciate it.
Best regards,

Alseda / Maja Catrina Jonasdotter
« skrivet: 2020-03-01, 18:39 »
She was born in Skede Parish 25 Nov 1811, Father Jonas Bondesson, mother Cathrina Petersdotter. The last found her in Hfl was in Skede Parish 1827-1832 Page 165. It noted that she was moving to Alseda in 1830. I decided to try to find her moving out from Skede. Record moving IN 1828-1860, moving in on left page, moving out on right page. Found her listed Oct 25 Maja Catrina Jonsdotter {could be Jonasdotter} on page 10. Then I went to Alseda and did not find moving records that include 1830.
It is my great hope to find out if she married and had children.


Skede / SV: Jonas Jonassson 1808
« skrivet: 2020-02-28, 15:49 »
Thanks KG ! This has not been an easy family to research. Once again I give thanks to everyone who has helped.


Skede / SV: Anna Britta Jonasdotter 1814
« skrivet: 2020-02-28, 15:43 »
Thank you Karl-Henrik ! You are such an awesome help!


Skede / Jonas Jonassson 1808
« skrivet: 2020-02-28, 09:48 »
Jonas was born 23 Apr 1808. In Hfl 1821-1826 P. 190. Name crossed out. I do not understand the writing way to the right of his name.
Thanks for help!

Skede / SV: Anna Britta Jonasdotter 1814
« skrivet: 2020-02-28, 04:16 »
Thanks so much Anti!

Skede / SV: Anna Britta Jonasdotter 1814
« skrivet: 2020-02-28, 02:35 »
On Page 172 she moves somewhere, It looks to me starts with Ed.....
I cannot find anything like that in the register. This is quite difficult.

Skede / SV: Anna Britta Jonasdotter 1814
« skrivet: 2020-02-28, 01:26 »
Thanks very much Leif!

Skede / Anna Britta Jonasdotter 1814
« skrivet: 2020-02-27, 18:26 »
In Skede parish on page 179, I find Anna Britta Jonasdotter born 17 September 1814 with parents. 
Parents: Jonas Bondeson and Katarina Petersdotter both died in 1838. 
Record indicates Anna moved somewhere in 1835 but we are unable to understand where.


Skede / SV: Jonas Petersson born 1791
« skrivet: 2020-02-21, 00:41 »
This is quite confusing in 1821-1826 his birth is 17 Jan 1791 and also that same date in other Hfl with parents. Now in 1827-1832 Page 105 his birth is listed as 22 Jan 1791. Can we be sure he is the same person? Interesting that you found oldest child was with Catharina and first husband Johannes Bondesson. I have found in my research that Catharina Petersdotter older sister to Jonas born 1791 married Jonas Bondesson. Oh my tangled up situation.
Thanks for your help.

Skede / Jonas Petersson born 1791
« skrivet: 2020-02-20, 19:48 »
I have found him in Skede parish household records 1821-1826 page 190
Indicating a move but to where?  I tried to find what I thought it was, but didn't find the correct person.
Found him in various household records with birth as 17 January 1791.  Would appreciate any help finding him further ahead in records.

Okänd socken i Ångermanland / SV: Geography
« skrivet: 2020-02-02, 22:46 »
Thanks so much to everyone!


Okänd socken i Ångermanland / Geography
« skrivet: 2020-02-02, 18:29 »
I understand that this is where to post for Västernorrland. I found birth record of Alnö, Västernorrland. But the parish on Alnö is not listed on this website. On the birth record it had Hovid which I think is the locality in Alnö parish. when I look at a map they look so far apart. Even further is that the parents move from Värmland near the beginning of there marriage.

Lunds stadsförsamling / SV: Nils Fredrick born 1809
« skrivet: 2020-01-27, 16:14 »
Hi Staffan!

My connection to Nils Fredrick Landgren Falk is through his wife Anna Olsdotter. I have done quite a lot research on there descendants. Perhaps if I know the name of your great grandparents I might find them in my private family tree I have on my computer.
Hope to hear from you in email:

Lunds stadsförsamling / SV: Nils Fredrick born 1809
« skrivet: 2020-01-27, 13:21 »
Hi Markus!

Wow! Thanks so much for all of the information!
I am very glad to have this.
I wish you a very good year in 2020.

Very best wishes,

Lunds stadsförsamling / Nils Fredrick born 1809
« skrivet: 2020-01-26, 15:37 »
I found birth record of Nils in Lunds domkyrkofössamling but this page says to go to this one. Nils was born 10 Dec 1809.
Father is Magnus Landgren and mother Botillia Hagmans who is age 30.
I cannot read if it gives locality where they lived, although I do understand that this is the city of Lund.
I'm hoping to find the family of Magnus and Botillia in household records to see if they had more children.


Östra Ingelstad / SV: Hilda born 1871
« skrivet: 2020-01-25, 14:43 »
Thanks so much Ulla! I did find the birth on Svar and could read it okay. I had already found the death.

Best wishes!

Östra Ingelstad / Hilda born 1871
« skrivet: 2020-01-25, 12:24 »
I am trying to find her birth. I have found her with parents in Hfl Östra Ingelstad 1869-1878 P. 160, Line 9.
I cannot understand the place where she was born.


Gräsmark / SV: Birth of Nils Jönsson born 1804
« skrivet: 2020-01-24, 11:10 »
Thanks so much Anti and Kenneth! I really appreciate your help.

Very best regards,

Gräsmark / SV: Birth of Nils Jönsson born 1804
« skrivet: 2020-01-24, 03:38 »
Household records in Gräsmark, Värmland, Sweden (1846-1850) Page 283

Gräsmark / SV: Birth of Nils Jönsson born 1804
« skrivet: 2020-01-24, 03:31 »
Household records in Gräsmark, Värmland, Sweden (1846-1850)

Gräsmark / Birth of Nils Jönsson born 1804
« skrivet: 2020-01-24, 02:40 »
I have tried so hard to find the record of his birth because I did not want to ask for more help.
In Hfl 1846-1850 his birth is 9/1 04 (9 Jan 1804) Gives Sunne as birth place. I have searched that parish
All other Hfl I have found him in gives same birth date with Gräsmark as birth place. I have search that parish.
Followed him in Hfl from 1846-1850 right through to 1881-1885 which gives his death date.
Found his death record 1876-1889 Bild 54 Line 53 which gives year month and day of death.
I used my private tree calculater  and it gave birth as 9 Jan 1804.
Perhaps some birth records are missing.


Gräsmark / SV: Marriage of Nils Nilsson to Kajsa Nilsdotter
« skrivet: 2020-01-22, 21:46 »
Thanks for new info. I did find the correct birth of Nils Nilsson in August.
I do have all the info I want for this family now.


Gräsmark / SV: Marriage of Nils Nilsson to Kajsa Nilsdotter
« skrivet: 2020-01-22, 18:00 »
Thanks so much for your help Kenneth!


Gräsmark / SV: Marriage of Nils Nilsson to Kajsa Nilsdotter
« skrivet: 2020-01-22, 01:24 »
Thanks again Kristina. Appreciate all your help!

Thanks for clarifying name of locality Kenneth.


Gräsmark / SV: Marriage of Nils Nilsson to Kajsa Nilsdotter
« skrivet: 2020-01-21, 17:42 »
Thanks so much Kristina! Did you also find record of birth in Sundsvall?
I have found lots of other information for this family. I really appreciate your help!


Gräsmark / SV: Marriage of Nils Nilsson to Kajsa Nilsdotter
« skrivet: 2020-01-21, 04:10 »
Thanks so much! But it does seem strange that a priest from Sundsvall married them with the marriage is recorded in Gräsmark. Of course I do not know how apart they are.

Now I have all the info I need for this couple.


Gräsmark / SV: Marriage of Nils Nilsson to Kajsa Nilsdotter
« skrivet: 2020-01-21, 03:36 »
Please can you tell me what the writing on the right side of page says.

Gräsmark / SV: Marriage of Nils Nilsson to Kajsa Nilsdotter
« skrivet: 2020-01-21, 03:14 »
Thanks so much for help! Now that I see marriage date on Hfl  so I should be able to find it.


Gräsmark / Marriage of Nils Nilsson to Kajsa Nilsdotter
« skrivet: 2020-01-21, 02:33 »
I found Kajsa {born 1 Nov 1855} in Household record 1876-1880 in Gräsmark parish P. 542 right side of page indicates marriage and moving to Magneskog. Spelling? I did find moving out from Gräsmark Image 51 Line 97. She is married women so I guess they got married in Gräsmark. I have not tried to look. Would be nice to have that and Hfl they were in Magneskog.

Many thanks!

Gräsmark / SV: Kajsa Nilsdotter born 1855
« skrivet: 2020-01-16, 16:47 »
Leif, i thought I had posted a thanks to you from you last post where you reminded me that you had already gave the Hfl information. Thanks so much! If I get a starting point I can usually follow with the family quite good if the writing is okay.


Gräsmark / SV: Kajsa Nilsdotter born 1855
« skrivet: 2020-01-16, 16:41 »
We have quite a lot of information for him but thanks for the contacting.


Gräsmark / SV: Kajsa Nilsdotter born 1855
« skrivet: 2020-01-15, 04:08 »
Thank so much! Which ones on the record are her parents? I have need a record quite this way before. Would it be possible to find the family in Hfl to see what siblings Kajsa may have had?


Gräsmark / Kajsa Nilsdotter born 1855
« skrivet: 2020-01-15, 03:31 »
More than one place I have seen information that has her birth as 1 November 1855 in this Parish but I cannot find it. I appreciate help very much. I hope someone with better eyes can find it. She married Nils Nilsson who was born in Mangskog, Värmland. They had children in Alnö, Västernorrland. The birth of her first child in recorded in Mangskog. I give this background info so you know that I have done lots of searching.
It is only the birth of Kajsa, or perhaps Katherine that I am looking for. Then I can know parents names and hope to find more for that family.


Okänd socken i Småland / SV: Jacob Andersson born 1784
« skrivet: 2020-01-03, 13:38 »
Thanks so much for all your help!

Okänd socken i Småland / SV: Jacob Andersson born 1784
« skrivet: 2020-01-02, 14:50 »
Thanks so much for this information Ulla!
I have just now read your reply so I will look at extra info you found.

I hope 2020 is a good year for you!

Okänd socken i Småland / Jacob Andersson born 1784
« skrivet: 2020-01-02, 05:13 »
I search in Säby Parish Jönköping. On this website there is no Jönköping but I thought I remembered to choose Småland. But there is no Säby parish. I have been doing my searching on Svar. I look in Säby Södra.
I found Jacob Andersson with wife and 4 children in Tostås, Säby parish 1820-1828 P. 232. No of other set of church books has Tostås.
I hope to find them in 1826-1836 but don't know which locality to choose.
I found Jacob and second wife in 1836-1841 P. 94 at top of page in locality of Äplaryd. Near bottom of page is son Carl Gustaf with wife.
I also find Carl in 1841-1845 P. 94 and 1850-1854 P. 52. Then I do not know where to search next

Thanks for any help!

Okänd församling i Stockholm / Knut Erland Mann died 1997
« skrivet: 2019-12-22, 16:20 »
He and his wife Barbro Ingegärd Runsten were born in Jämtland. They both died in Sollentuna, Stockholm, Sweden. Over the years I have had much help with information for relatives to put in my Private family tree software on my computer. I am related further back on Barbro's mother's side.
It is my hope to correspond with living relatives. I know that names of living relatives should not be on this website. So, I ask to be contacted directly to my email address
Georgina Smith

Hallen / SV: Family Hfl 1778-1816 P. 122
« skrivet: 2019-12-16, 15:21 »
Thanks for help!

Hallen / Family Hfl 1778-1816 P. 122
« skrivet: 2019-12-16, 04:08 »
I want little help to know if I understand correctly
Esten Ersson- father- born 1846
Brita Håkansdotter – mother- born 1847
Son Eric Estensson born 1880
His wife, Carin Mårtensdotter born 1883
Their Barn
Son Esten born 1812
 Dotter born 1814


Ökna / SV: Hans Ruth 1725
« skrivet: 2019-11-21, 22:24 »
Thanks so much Arne! You are a fantastic helper!


Ökna / Hans Ruth 1725
« skrivet: 2019-11-21, 18:22 »
I have information that he was born Dec 26, 1725.  His daughter, Caisia Greta, was born in this parish Dec 29, 1771.  I have been searching for the birth record of Hans to know his parents.  I have checked in Okna and Alseda without success.  In a previous query regarding husband of Caisia, it included this:  [size=0pt]was Hans Ruth in Åmjölkesbo mellangård.[/size]

Brandstad / SV: Ola Andersson born 1831
« skrivet: 2019-11-12, 19:29 »
Thanks so much Marianne! You sure have better eyes than I do to see Brstd. Also thanks for going 'extra mile', as we say in America, to search for his birth record.


Brandstad / SV: Ola Andersson born 1831
« skrivet: 2019-11-11, 22:40 »
Thanks so much Sven. Sorry for late reply. You have ? after date of Nils birth day month and year. I guess you can't know the place either. If you have time please look at page 71 again. A lady second from the top where birth place looks the same as Nils. Is it any easier to tell the birth place from there? I would really like to see his birth record.
I am so glad that little Johanna went to America same time as her father. I followed Ola"s first family from 1868. His wife died in 1879 and I felt so sad for little Johanna.


Brandstad / Ola Andersson born 1831
« skrivet: 2019-11-11, 19:58 »
I have trouble understanding what is on household record 1872-1883 Page 71, if I remember correct Lines 22,23,24
Will be glad for help with this!
Georgina[size=78%] [/size]

Säby / SV: Augusta Olivia 1864
« skrivet: 2019-10-02, 09:53 »
Thanks so much Margaretha!


Säby / SV: Augusta Olivia 1864
« skrivet: 2019-10-02, 09:11 »
Thanks Peppe.
I do not understand what the line under her name is. Also the line under her death.


Säby / Augusta Olivia 1864
« skrivet: 2019-10-02, 04:17 »

Augusta Olivia Born 17 Feb 1864 in Säby, JönköpingI find her in Markestorp, Säby with parents and sisters on page 179 of church book 1885-1891. Right side of page has going to page 432 in 1885. I have tried to find her on the page in Säby and also in Ödeshög Östergotland without success.  Thought perhaps she went there because her sister Hedda did.


Säby / SV: Moving Out
« skrivet: 2019-09-12, 21:44 »
Thanks for help Maud.

Säby / Moving Out
« skrivet: 2019-09-12, 20:27 »
Hedda Lotta Aman born 17 April 1861 in Saby.
From household records 1885-1891 shows she moved to Odeshog 28 March 1887.
I was able to find her in moving out records 1882-1887 on page 235 line 49.
Hoping for help for where she moved to in Odeshog as a married woman.


Gladsax / SV: Giertrud Persdotter 1757
« skrivet: 2019-08-19, 04:17 »
Thanks for this extra information. Yes, it is sad when little children die so young.

Gladsax / SV: Giertrud Persdotter 1757
« skrivet: 2019-08-18, 21:10 »
Thanks to you Per and to you Carina!
I have  a private tree in my computer where I have info about her husband and children but had no info for her parents until your good help. I have estimated the father'r birth as 1830 and mother's as 1833.

I have husband of Giertrud as Jöns Persson Möller. Five children, three died as infants. Two, Kierstina born 1788 and Karna born 1792. They both married and had families.

Kierstina and husband are my 3rd great grandparents.

Ökna / SV: Carolina Magnusdotter Storm 1843
« skrivet: 2019-08-16, 12:34 »
No worry Staffan. Thanks again! I know just a few words in Swedish but use Google translate often. Glad for Links.

Oh my, Bert-Ola, so much info you give me. Thanks so very much! If I cannot figure it all out I will be back in a couple weeks to ask more explanation. It will be such a good leaning experience for me.


Ökna / SV: Carolina Magnusdotter Storm 1843
« skrivet: 2019-08-16, 02:07 »
Thanks for help Leif! Trying to research in Stockholm is a big concern for me.


Ökna / SV: Carolina Magnusdotter Storm 1843
« skrivet: 2019-08-15, 21:26 »
Thanks Staffan!

The blue parts are confusing to me. The first one takes me to place where info needs to be filled in. The second one is what? Where does it say for her birth?


Ökna / Carolina Magnusdotter Storm 1843
« skrivet: 2019-08-15, 19:30 »
I found her in Kulla, Okna, Jonkoping in Household record 1861-1865 Page 147 moving to Stockholm on 11 September 1865.

I was able to find her in the moving out records but have no idea how to find her in Stockholm.

Sure will be grateful for help.


Ökna / SV: Moved to?
« skrivet: 2019-08-11, 23:18 »
Thank you both very much!

Ökna / Moved to?
« skrivet: 2019-08-11, 21:04 »
Lisa Maria Storm born 19 Jun 1826 in Ökna Parish
Hfl 1844-1851 P. 258, 3rd line from bottom. Where did she move to?

Johan Magnus Storm born 28 Dec 1828 in Ökna Parish
Hfl 1844-1851 P. 22, 2nd line from bottom. Where did he move to?

Maria Katrina Magnusdotter born 19 Mar 1809 in Ökna Parish
Hfl 1830-1835 P. 128, halfway down the page. Where did she move to?


Gladsax / SV: Giertrud Persdotter 1757
« skrivet: 2019-08-04, 23:28 »
Thanks for info!

Gladsax / Giertrud Persdotter 1757
« skrivet: 2019-08-04, 21:30 »
I use Svar as it is free. Birth of Giertrud is 1721-1779 Gladsax Births Page 34 Second one down. Not easy to read. Unfortunately Hfl in Gladsax starts at 1800. Is there any way to find parents and siblings if she had any?


Ökna / SV: Gabriel Persson 1763
« skrivet: 2019-08-04, 15:00 »
Thanks Göran!

Ökna / SV: Gabriel Persson 1763
« skrivet: 2019-08-04, 13:48 »
Thanks very much Göran! Good to have so many more generations back from Gabriel.


Ökna / SV: Gabriel Persson 1763
« skrivet: 2019-06-27, 23:32 »
Thank you both so very Much! I really appreciate all the extra info you have given. It is nice to have the links and names of places printed. It is not always easy to read the writing of the priest when a person does not have a Swedish eye.
The people in Sweden who are so helpful in sending answers are the very best !!

Ökna / Gabriel Persson 1763
« skrivet: 2019-06-27, 19:26 »
I found Gabriel Persson in household records 1798-1806 on page 30. 
Gabriel Persson 1763
Caissia Greta 1771
Hans Peter 1791
Sara Lisa 1794
Jonas 1798
Anders Gustav 1800

I have checked the next church book without success in finding the family.  Is there any possibility for help with searching this family further?

Bjurholm / SV: Household records
« skrivet: 2019-06-26, 14:26 »
Thank you both so very much!
This is a great website and the people in Sweden are wonderful in giving answers!


Bjurholm / SV: Household records
« skrivet: 2019-06-26, 01:38 »
Hej Per!

 If you have Death CD will you kindly check for the sons of Klara and Olof.

Many thanks!


Bjurholm / SV: Household records
« skrivet: 2019-06-24, 15:36 »
Thanks so much! Sorry I got in wrong parish.  Oh my, a baby born two days after they married.


Bjurholm / SV: Household records
« skrivet: 2019-06-24, 11:48 »
It does not looked like my copy/paste did not go through well. Will try just typing.

Olof August Häggblad born 8 Oct 1903
Wife: Klara Linnea  born 9 Apr 1904
Married: 25 Apr 1926
Son born 13 Aug 1927
Many thanks!

It is middle of night here in western Canada so I shall now have more sleep.

Bjurholm / SV: Household records
« skrivet: 2019-06-24, 11:32 »
Thanks so much!

Olof August Häggblad born 8 Oct 1903[/color][/size]
[/color]Wife [/size][/color][/size]
[/color]Klara Linnea Häggblad (born Backlund) born 9 Apr 1904[/size][/color][/size]
[/color]They were married 25 Apr 1926[/size][/color][/size]
[/color]A son, Karl Gösta was born 13 Aug 1927[/size][/color][/size]

Bjurholm / SV: Household records
« skrivet: 2019-06-24, 11:13 »
Thanks for the info Per! But on Svar I only see up to 1924. I cannot afford AD. Would you kindly look up a family for me?


Bjurholm / Household records
« skrivet: 2019-06-24, 05:48 »
Why do the household records in this parish only go up to 1924?
Other parishes in other counties go up to 1940/1945.


Torpa / SV: Carl Gustaf Andersson Åman 1853-1933
« skrivet: 2019-06-13, 19:25 »
Thank you so much for your expert help Arne!

Kind regards, Georgina

Torpa / SV: Carl Gustaf Andersson Åman 1853-1933
« skrivet: 2019-06-13, 18:04 »
Thanks again Maud. It is too bad that some family trees have incorrect information. That is why I search for church records to  verify the info.

Torpa / SV: Carl Gustaf Andersson Åman 1853-1933
« skrivet: 2019-06-13, 17:23 »
Now I read the first line of your reply

Anders August Åman died unmarried.
[/size]It was Carl Gustaf Åman I was asking about.

Torpa / SV: Carl Gustaf Andersson Åman 1853-1933
« skrivet: 2019-06-13, 17:15 »
Thanks for the info Maud. I'm thinking that he had a sad life. I hope it was not too much trouble to find his Estate Inventory.

I do not understand the first part of your reply 1. Elin Maria Jonsson

Torpa / Carl Gustaf Andersson Åman 1853-1933
« skrivet: 2019-06-13, 15:53 »
I found information that Carl Gustaf died in this Parish, [size=0pt]1/1 1933[/size][/color]
 [/size][size=0pt][/size][size=0pt][/color]  Hammasberg, Basarp, Torpa, Östergötland[/size][size=0pt]. That is my reason for posting here. He was born 21 Sep 1853 in Säby, Jönköping.
I followed him with birth parents until both had died. Then he was a foster son to a brother of his father. See link below.
In the link below he goes to N. America. Line 17

But he came back to Sweden and to this Parish. I just am hoping to find out when and if he married and had children.

Malmö Karoli (tyska) / SV: Amilon 1763
« skrivet: 2019-05-26, 13:30 »
Hi Anita!

Thanks so very much! It is very good of you to give me all the detail. I did not think I could find it in such early records. I have not been good at looking for death records. I'm so grateful for wonderful people like you!


Malmö Karoli (tyska) / Amilon 1763
« skrivet: 2019-05-26, 01:14 »
I hope it will be possible to find deaths for the following without too much trouble.

Benedikta born 1763. Father, Adam Gottlieb Amilon and mother Anna Dorotea Högland.

Johan Anders Amilon born 16 Mar 1790. Father Lorenz Gottlieb Amilon and mother Sofia Haman. Also sister to Johan, Anna Caisa born 14 May 1791.

Lovisa Amilon born 4 June 1830. Father Christian G Amilon and mother Anna Helena Bergman.

Thanks in advance!

Säby / SV: Johan Andersson 1840
« skrivet: 2019-04-18, 00:56 »
Fun!  :D

Säby / SV: Johan Andersson 1840
« skrivet: 2019-04-17, 23:56 »
Thanks so much Anti! Hope they stop moving of priest has better writing. I am so glad for your help! I looked on register but with not knowing the place was very difficult.

Säby / SV: Johan Andersson 1840
« skrivet: 2019-04-17, 23:26 »
Sorry to ask for more help. Cannot read the place where they went to in 1842 from Hfl 1841-1845
Many thanks for help!


Säby / SV: Johan Andersson 1840
« skrivet: 2019-04-17, 22:27 »
Thanks so much Leif!
Also many thanks to you antip!


Säby / Johan Andersson 1840
« skrivet: 2019-04-17, 21:49 »
Hfl 1836-1841 page 267 place Jägerholm.
Looking to the right I do not understand if or where they went to.  I looked at the exact locality in the next set of church records and they were not in that exact place.


Jönköping / SV: Moving out of Parish 1834
« skrivet: 2019-04-11, 16:02 »
Thanks so much for all this information!


Jönköping / SV: Moving out of Parish 1834
« skrivet: 2019-04-11, 11:48 »
Thanks so much for help. I really appreciate the detail you give of Hfl Anders. I found page 133 on Svar because I wanted to see where Maja Stina went to but I cannot understand the place. Sorry to ask for more. There is no rush because I know you are probably at work. It is very early morning here and I shall have some more sleep.

Jönköping / Moving out of Parish 1834
« skrivet: 2019-04-11, 04:51 »
I'm sorry to say that this part of Sweden is very confusing to me. On this posting it shows Jönköping as parish and everywhere else it is listed as a county.

I was searching on Svar in Linderås, Jönköping and found family of Johannes Gustafsson 1831-1835 P.70. Here it shows that they moved in 1834.

I will be so happy if someone can find exactly when they moved and exact place they moved to.

Many thanks in advance!

Brännkyrka / Louisa Andersdotter Åstrand 1840
« skrivet: 2019-04-06, 21:08 »
In the Parish she was born I had great help. And searched on ancestry with the hope for Emmigrats record that gives the destination  of where the person is going to in USA. But it was same as what was in the Parish record.

It is my hope that someone will find her Emigration on Swedish records, Emihamn I think.  In Ökna, Jönköping her birth recorded as 3 Apr 1840. When she went to [size=0pt]Brännkyrka, Stockholm in 1866 birth was recorded differently, 1 Apr 1844.[/size]
[size=0pt]Following is what was found on Ancestry website.[/size]
[size=0pt]Lovisa Andersdotter Åstrand[/size]
[size=0pt]Kvinna (Female)[/size]
[size=0pt]Birth Date:[/color][/size][/font][/size]
[size=0pt]1 apr 1844[/size]
[size=0pt]Birth Place:[/color][/size][/font][/size]
[size=0pt]Departure Date:[/color][/size][/font][/size]
[size=0pt]5 apr 1868[/size]
[size=0pt]Departure Place:[/color][/size][/font][/size]
[size=0pt]Brännkyrka, Stockholm[/size]
[size=0pt]Arrival Place:[/color][/size][/font][/size]
[size=0pt]Amerika (USA)[/size]
[size=0pt]Occupation or Relation:[/color][/size][/font][/size]
[size=0pt]Travels alone[/size]
[size=0pt]Original Page:[/color][/size][/font][/size]
[size=0pt]Brännkyrka Hfl 1866-1870


Ökna / SV: Lousia/ Louisa Anna born 1838
« skrivet: 2019-04-06, 15:57 »

Just have to say thanks again! I am so amazed and very glad for all that you found. You are so awesome to have done all that searching!

Best regards,

Ökna / SV: Lousia/ Louisa Anna born 1838
« skrivet: 2019-04-06, 15:31 »
I am so grateful for all the help! Thanks for quick reply Britt-Marie!

Best regards,

Ökna / SV: Lousia/ Louisa Anna born 1838
« skrivet: 2019-04-06, 15:20 »

Hope you don't mind one more question. Is it possible to find Lovisa in Emmigration record that gives place going to?

Best regards,

Ökna / SV: Lousia/ Louisa Anna born 1838
« skrivet: 2019-04-06, 15:07 »
Thank you so very much for all this information!


Ökna / Lousia/ Louisa Anna born 1838
« skrivet: 2019-04-06, 13:18 »
I was given the answer to go here to ask about a person I hope to find information for when I posted on English Discussions. But on a record of her in USA a source is: Okna town records.  A1:12 pp 466 (36-44)
Then I found on Internet
Okna is a small town in Sweden. Located in Vetlanda, Jönköping County, Götaland, Sweden
I did post the above info on English discussions. Anyway I am hoping for birth record and whatever information can be found for Louisa or Louisa Anna who was born 3 April or 23 April in Okna.
In 1900 Census record it has Immigration as 1866 and on 1910 it has 1869.

General questions / What County in Sweden
« skrivet: 2019-04-06, 05:07 »
I am so confused. I do not find the county or the parish I need on Anbytarforum but I did find them on Svar. I found birth place for person as Okna. So I thought that was Ökna parish in Jönköping, but with new info below I think that is the wrong parish. I searched there on Svar but did not find the person. Then I found a source as put below:Okna town records.  A1:12 pp 466 (36-44)
Then I found the following:
Okna[/color] is a small town in [/size][/color]Sweden[/size][/b][/i][/color]. Located in Vetlanda, Jönköping[/size]
[/color]I found that parish and county on Svar.[/size]
[/color]I will be happy when someone tells me how to search Vetlanda County on this website so I can ask for help in knowing more about the person I want more info for.[/size]

Österlövsta / SV: Maria Catharina 1852
« skrivet: 2019-03-24, 21:48 »
Thanks you so very much! kristinal you are so awesome to see the post about my confusion. It was so very good of you to also give me the link in Svar. I really appreciate your help!


Österlövsta / SV: Maria Catharina 1852
« skrivet: 2019-03-24, 12:04 »
Now I have had time to search for Maria Catharina in info you sent me. When I search in Hållnäs 1803-1816 the highest number is 259. You have 297 so I am confused.

Österlövsta / SV: Maria Catharina 1852
« skrivet: 2019-03-23, 19:47 »
Thanks for the info!

Thanks so much!

Edsbro / SV: Carl Lunqvist 1851
« skrivet: 2019-03-23, 19:28 »
Thank you for the info!

Österlövsta / SV: Maria Catharina 1852
« skrivet: 2019-03-23, 03:47 »
Anders and Catharina did get married! I use Svar, I think you use ArchivDigital but page number should be the same.
1856-1860 Page 74
I hope you will let me know what the Swedish words mean.
Also, what is birth place above date for Catharina?


Edsbro / SV: Carl Lunqvist 1851
« skrivet: 2019-03-23, 02:15 »
I cannot read where the mother was born. What should I put for birth place of the rest of the family?

Thanks again!

Österlövsta / SV: Maria Catharina 1852
« skrivet: 2019-03-23, 01:42 »
Thanks for household information. There was lots of writing I did not understand and now I cannot find the birth record again. But I thought that Anders Hällström admitted to being the father.


Edsbro / SV: Carl Lunqvist 1851
« skrivet: 2019-03-23, 00:27 »
Thanks so much Maud. I am laughing at myself because I saw Westberg but did not realize it was her last name. It is nice that you told me occupation of the father.


Österlövsta / Maria Catharina 1852
« skrivet: 2019-03-22, 23:09 »
Maria Catharina born 14 Feb 1852 in Österlövsta, Uppsala län
Births 1836-1854 Österlövsta, Bild 165 at top of page.
I see that she was born out of wedlock  but I also see name Anders Hellström on the record.
As a wife and mother in Hf I found her name to be Hellström.
I am sure hoping that someone can find her as a child in household records.
Sure appreciate help as this is an area in Swed that I am not familiar with.

Edsbro / Carl Lunqvist 1851
« skrivet: 2019-03-22, 22:46 »
This is an unfamiliar area of researching in Sweden for me. In Hfl I found for him wife wife and children his birth was written Edsbro Stockholms län. Now here it has Edsbro, Uppland.

I found his birth record on Svar Carl Lundqvist birth; Births 1829-1860 Image 64
[/size]Edsbro, Stockholm County[/font]

[/size]Father Matts Lundqvist, mother Maria can't read rest very well. But from here I do not know how to find the family in Household records were Carl is a child.
[/size]Will appreciate help!

Uppsala-Näs / SV: Carl Lunqvist born 1851
« skrivet: 2019-03-19, 00:54 »
Thank you very much for all your help! This area of Sweden is new to me with research.


Uppsala-Näs / SV: Carl Lunqvist born 1851
« skrivet: 2019-03-19, 00:17 »
Thanks so much! Three questions: What is the county for birth of the mother? What is the county of birth for Ebba? What County is Västland in?

Many thanks for also helping me to know that I should have posted to Västland Parish

Uppsala-Näs / Carl Lunqvist born 1851
« skrivet: 2019-03-18, 22:00 »
I hope I am posting in the right place. Never posted for help in this area before. I am wanting to know birth place of the family members.
[/color]Country:[/color]Sweden[/color]Book:[/font][/color][/size]Västland AI20, 1886 - 1890Province:[/size]Uppland[/color]Location:Valla[/color]County:Uppsala[/color]Page:294[/color]Parish:Västland[/color]Line:16

Then from here they move to page 144
Georgina Smith

Offerdal / SV: Anna Ersdotter/Eriksdotter born 1864
« skrivet: 2019-03-10, 23:46 »
Now I take couple minutes to look at where she is married with children.  what does the writing say beside dotter Karolina?


Offerdal / SV: Anna Ersdotter/Eriksdotter born 1864
« skrivet: 2019-03-10, 23:42 »
Thanks so much for this information!


Offerdal / Anna Ersdotter/Eriksdotter born 1864
« skrivet: 2019-03-10, 21:26 »
Anna was born to Erik Ersson and Märet Mattsdotter 7 Nov 1864 in Offerdal. I have followed the family  for a few years on Svar. I show only one Hfl.

1879-1889 Offerdal Image 168 P.175
Dotters Move. Maret moves to nb P.115

Dotter Märet alone on P. 446 Then P. 526 Married
Dotter Anna P. 470- back to P. 175

This is were I am stuck. I hope to know where Anna moved to? Did she get married and have a family?

Thanks in advance!

Alsen / SV: Matts Mattsson Gunsten b. 1870
« skrivet: 2019-01-25, 14:06 »
Thanks so much for all this information about Anna and her daughter. She would have had some connection to a man named Johan.
I look forward to knowing how we are related.


Alsen / SV: Matts Mattsson Gunsten b. 1870
« skrivet: 2019-01-24, 23:32 »

I am beginning to understand a little more. I do have Anna born 10 May 1801 on my private tree on my computer and only other info is that she had a dotter named Anna. I will be very happy to have more info and see how I connect to your husband and also you. I connect on Brita Nilssdotter born 1795. You probably already figured that out.
Sorry I thought I had all the information I needed. Thanks  so much for your help!


Alsen / SV: Matts Mattsson Gunsten b. 1870
« skrivet: 2019-01-24, 17:19 »
I have all the family information from long ago. Thanks!


Offerdal / SV: Anders Söderqvist b. 1878
« skrivet: 2019-01-23, 16:12 »
Thanks to help understand. I think there were lots of people by name of Hammarberg in that area.


Offerdal / SV: Anders Söderqvist b. 1878
« skrivet: 2019-01-23, 15:13 »
I hope for help with sister of Karin. Anna Kristina Hammarberg born 11 Mar 1888. I followed her to Östersund. First 1903-1914 P. 244. Then Svar Östersund 1914-1937 P. 125
Then move back to Offerdal
Move out 1916-1925 P. 76

I am just learning how to check moving out records. Now how do I find her in Offerdal?


Offerdal / SV: Anders Söderqvist b. 1878
« skrivet: 2019-01-23, 14:21 »
I found your father Per on Svar, 1906-1916 Page 163. I was just looking for Karin and her son and just below them is Hellberg family. But I know not know how they can be cousins.


Gudmuntorp / SV: Johan Viktor Karlsson born 1876
« skrivet: 2018-10-13, 21:28 »
Thanks so much Anders! It is good to learn how to do new things. You have also been  an awesome help. Landskrona sure is a big place.

Gudmuntorp / SV: Johan Viktor Karlsson born 1876
« skrivet: 2018-10-13, 18:57 »
Many thanks for extra help Arne! You are so awesome! Glad you found my post. But as you can see I did try a little on my own.

Gudmuntorp / SV: Johan Viktor Karlsson born 1876
« skrivet: 2018-10-13, 18:48 »
Wow! So much more help I have. Thanks so much for everything Arne!

Gudmuntorp / SV: Johan Viktor Karlsson born 1876
« skrivet: 2018-10-13, 17:46 »
Thanks so much for your help!
From P. 354 in your first reply I decided to try moving out for the son Carl. Have only done that once before. I found him with name as Karl moving out 8/6 1928 on Page 64. I went over to right side of page where it has Landskrona 55. I thought that was page 55. I looked through every household 1927-1933 that had page 55 but no luck. I was hoping to find him in one Hfl with wife. A few days ago I tried 1930 Census, thinking that would make it easier but 0 results. Oh well that's the way it goes.

Gudmuntorp / SV: Johan Viktor Karlsson born 1876
« skrivet: 2018-10-13, 13:56 »
Thank you Anders! I could not find the middle reference. It may not have his wife with him so that's okay. I am very glad to have the third reference. Thanks so much for all your work!

Best regards,

Gudmuntorp / Johan Viktor Karlsson born 1876
« skrivet: 2018-10-13, 12:56 »
I found him and his wife, Sofia Andersson Adin,  on 1930 Census. Svar has been very good in other parishes I search in but this one has last household record 1908-1929. Not helpful to me.
I cannot afford ArchivDigital. Hope someone will look them up in Församlingsböcker {correct spelling?}. If I understand info on 1930 Census correctly as well as info from other areas, they should be found on P. 452 Snogeröd No.3
It would be nice to have image of their names and also the URL link.


Alsen / SV: Anna Karlsdotter b. 1853
« skrivet: 2018-09-13, 22:56 »
Thanks so much for your help Leif!

Alsen / Anna Karlsdotter b. 1853
« skrivet: 2018-09-13, 20:44 »
Anna was born 19 Dec 1853 in this parish. I followed her through every set of church books Hfl on Svar. Finally in 1900-1910 shows a marriage for her. Husband Lars Andersson on Line 22 and Anna on Line 25, married 30 Mar 1902. Lars had been married before.

I need help to understand 1932-1942 Hfl Page 173. This is the last Hfl on Svar. Lars line 22 and Anna line 23. I understand Lars died 23 Jun 1933. Then at the far right from Anna's name it has in death column 11 Mar 1942. But what is in column just to the left?

Appreciate help!

Malmö Karoli (tyska) / SV: Johan Peter b. 1769
« skrivet: 2018-08-06, 21:33 »
Changed my mind about looking for Benedikta. I am looking on Svar and I looked very carefully. She is not there. So I will forget her.
Thanks again!

Malmö Karoli (tyska) / SV: Johan Peter b. 1769
« skrivet: 2018-08-06, 21:26 »
Thanks so much! It just seemed strange to me that they were both born 22 Apr.
May I ask for one more help? On the register it has dotter Benedikta born 1763. I have looked but can not see her. I think you have better eyes that I do.


Malmö Karoli (tyska) / Johan Peter b. 1769
« skrivet: 2018-08-06, 20:55 »
I am so glad for all the help I get. Someone sent me a link to a register of births for this parish. On that it gives two sons by the same name for father Adam Amilon, one born 1769 and one born 1770. What I found is confusing.
Births 1768-1797 {1769} on page 7 there is a Johan Peter 22 April. Then {1770} page 11 there is a Johan Peter 22 April. I am thinking there is only one son by that name for Adam Amilon, or various spellings.


Malmö Karoli (tyska) / SV: Family in early 1800's
« skrivet: 2018-07-31, 03:59 »
Hi Margareta!

Oh my goodness, you have been busy! I was gone all day with my 5 year old grandson. Therefore my reply is delayed. It is now 8:00 {20:00} here. I sent a million thanks to you! I really appreciate all you have done which helps me so much! Swedish people are so good with Genealogy!

Very best regards,

Hög / SV: Anna Helena born 1795
« skrivet: 2018-07-29, 15:41 »
Perhaps Kävlinge where Anna Helena was born is also where her parents were born. But so difficult when the date is not known.

Hög / SV: Anna Helena born 1795
« skrivet: 2018-07-29, 15:36 »
Thanks so much! Really appreciate your help!


Malmö Karoli (tyska) / SV: Family in early 1800's
« skrivet: 2018-07-29, 15:35 »
Okay here is information about the children. One thing I think is strange, they are listed as born in Bjärshög but when I search in this Parish in births I find the births listed. So that's the place of births.
I have not searched for all of them yet.

Names and dates:
Ulrica Christina  14 May 1800
Andreas            19 Sep 1802
Amalia              20 Apr 1804
Samuel Petter   18 Feb 1806
Amalia              8 Apr 1808
Julius               23 Dec 1810
Ulrica Christina  8 Dec 1818


Hög / Anna Helena born 1795
« skrivet: 2018-07-29, 15:00 »
So long ago since anyone posted in this website. Hope someone sees this Post I put on.

I found her birth in the year range 1734-1831 on Page 128. Last one. Why is it crossed out?


Malmö Karoli (tyska) / Family in early 1800's
« skrivet: 2018-07-29, 14:00 »
First I ask, when I went to Parish list - Why does it have (tyska) behind this one.

I am hoping for more information about Petter Bergman and his wife Elsa Christina Nordstöm. I do not have birth date or place for them.

Their children were born between 1800 and 1818 which I found births for on MyHeritage.

Offerdal / SV: Anders Söderqvist b. 1878
« skrivet: 2018-07-22, 20:28 »
Thanks for the translation. But last part is sad news. We do not know what is in a persons mind and heart.


Offerdal / Anders Söderqvist b. 1878
« skrivet: 2018-07-22, 18:32 »
I found on Svar: Anders Söderqvist b. 15 Dec 1878, Karin Hammarberg b. 23 Feb 1886, Ragnar Nathanael b. 22 Dec 1912.

Hfl 1906-1916 living in Ede Page 95. I hope for translation of all the writing over to the right.


Malmö Karoli (tyska) / SV: 1768 Birth
« skrivet: 2018-07-21, 10:17 »
You have been an awesome help. Thanks so very much!

Malmö Karoli (tyska) / SV: 1768 Birth
« skrivet: 2018-07-21, 09:10 »
Thanks so much Anita! Can you tell his exact date of birth?
What is this you refer to? [/size](Malmö Caroli (M) KyrkReg:1 (1688-1877) Bild 6)

Malmö Karoli (tyska) / 1768 Birth
« skrivet: 2018-07-21, 02:44 »
I started looking through records of birth 1745-1769; 124 uppslag Oxies and Bjärshögs. Not easy to read. No page number. Found on Svar. At top of page I think I see Amylon, then name Dethlof underlined. About three quarter way down the page it looks to me like Adam Amylon {little above dark writing}. I am hoping for a miracle that someone can read this record.
Following is the url Link

Offerdal / SV: Per Jonsson 1863
« skrivet: 2018-07-14, 16:14 »
Thanks so much for your help!

Offerdal / Per Jonsson 1863
« skrivet: 2018-07-14, 10:50 »
I found Per with family in HFL on Svar , 1907-1920. Page 57 Line 20. What is little notation just to the right of his name?


Offerdal / SV: Enar Jonsson 1877
« skrivet: 2018-07-13, 14:38 »
Thanks you for help!


Offerdal / Enar Jonsson 1877
« skrivet: 2018-07-13, 09:26 »
I have used Svar for my search. I found him in parents household 1890-1899, parents are dead and three sisters Emigrated to N. America.
This is found in Bredbyn Page 31. There is a notation over from his name that I do not understand.
I thought I could find him and sister Karolina in next church book but there is no Bredbyn listed in the Register.


Offerdal / SV: Brita born 1817
« skrivet: 2018-07-13, 09:20 »
Thanks to all for your help!

Offerdal / SV: Brita born 1817
« skrivet: 2018-07-09, 02:18 »
Thanks for info Leif! Poor little girl had to be emergency baptized.  Guess she was not doing well at birth, but she grew up and had many descendants. Interesting, because I always thought that baptized and confirmed was the same for babies. I learned something new today.


Offerdal / Brita born 1817
« skrivet: 2018-07-08, 17:33 »
I found her birth in years 1800-1861 on page 161. She is first one on the page. I do not understand all the writing is on the left side.


Nedre Ullerud / SV: Lovisa born 1863
« skrivet: 2018-06-03, 17:53 »
Thank you very much for all this information! I am very grateful.


Nedre Ullerud / Lovisa born 1863
« skrivet: 2018-06-03, 15:52 »
She was born 14 May 1863 in this parish. I cannot read the place family lived on her birth record. On some household record it has her name as Eriksson born Nilsdotter. She was a widow 4 March 1896 of Erik Eriksson
HFL Deji Station 1896-1905 P. 111 she has a son Hilding born out of wedlock 28 Dec 1898 in Väse Parish. I do not understand where she lived at that time.
She also had a daughter born out of wedlock 15 Jan 1902. I could read the place they lived and therefore found household records.
It would be nice to find her in household records with Erik Eriksson, if possible.
Help will be greatly appreciated.

Alsen / SV: Matts Mattsson Gunsten b. 1870
« skrivet: 2018-01-29, 17:33 »
I guess I thought your grandmother was Sara because she is next in age to Matts Gunsten. I have Märet married to Måns Nilsson. When I was doing research I found the family on MyHeritage household records. I do Not have a tree on that website but my family tree on my computer can connect me to MyHeritage. As I was wondering what to use for family name for the children, to right of their names it was written Nilsson. I have 7 children for Måns and Märet. If you want to write to me privately my address is


Alsen / SV: Matts Mattsson Gunsten b. 1870
« skrivet: 2018-01-29, 15:18 »
I have just looked at my private family tree on my computer. I think we are related. I have Sara Mattsdotter as sister to Matts Gunsten. So I think she is your grandmother.
My side                             Your side

Brita Nilsdotter  Sis - Bro    Matts Nilsson
Nils Ljung         1st Cousin  Matts Mattsson
Pehr Ljung       2nd Cousin  Sara Mattsdotter

So my grandfather and your grandmother are 2nd cousins, if I have the generations correct.


Nordmaling / SV: Per Persson b. 1786
« skrivet: 2018-01-26, 23:12 »
Thank you very much for your help! Appreciate all the info.


Nordmaling / Per Persson b. 1786
« skrivet: 2018-01-26, 21:37 »
I am so confused. On this website Nordmaling is in Ågermanland, on family search Nordmaling is in Västerbotten.

I am hoping for help to know were the bride Christina Ersdotter was from in marriage record I found. Very sorry there are no page numbers showing on family search.

[/size]It is the last page of 3, 1789-1809. Inneh även: Vigselbok 1789-1809
[/size]Second marriage for 26 December. Groom, Pehs Pehrsson was from Djupsjö.[/color]
    [/list][size=1rem]Source Box[/size]

    Gällinge / SV: Anna Christina Börjesdotter
    « skrivet: 2018-01-02, 00:34 »
    I have now found the family so I'm done.


    Gällinge / SV: Andreas Börjesson 1821
    « skrivet: 2018-01-02, 00:33 »
    Thanks so much Kristina! I have now found the family and so I'm done.


    Gällinge / SV: Anna Christina Börjesdotter
    « skrivet: 2018-01-01, 23:14 »
    Thanks so much Hans! I have never used for household records. Now I will look again on Familysearch and look for names at top of the page. Then I should find correct page number. I think they are ones that were on genline.

    Appreciate all your help!

    Gällinge / SV: Andreas Börjesson 1821
    « skrivet: 2018-01-01, 17:53 »

    Sorry to ask for more but the page number does not match on family search. If you would kindly send image of the top of the page that would help.It is strange because I have gotten info about AD before in other parish and county and it was always very close.Thanks again!

    Gällinge / SV: Anna Christina Börjesdotter
    « skrivet: 2018-01-01, 17:49 »
    Sorry to ask for more but the page number does not match on family search. If you would kindly send image of the top of the page that would help.

    It is strange because I have gotten info about AD before in other parish and county and it was always very close.

    Thanks again!

    Gällinge / SV: Andreas Börjesson 1821
    « skrivet: 2018-01-01, 14:34 »
    Thanks for searching while I was sleeping! 8 hr time difference. It looks like grandparents are also in the image.

    Happy New Year!

    Gällinge / SV: Anna Christina Börjesdotter
    « skrivet: 2018-01-01, 14:27 »
    Thanks for searching while I was sleeping. 8 hrs time difference. It looks like grandparents of Anna are also in the image. I can easily see the name of grandfather but not the grandmother.

    Happy New Year!

    Gällinge / SV: Anna Christina Börjesdotter
    « skrivet: 2018-01-01, 03:36 »
    Need to add that she was the with of Andreas Börjesdotter. It was just a coincidence that there father had the same name.


    Gällinge / Anna Christina Börjesdotter
    « skrivet: 2018-01-01, 03:32 »
    Anna was born 20 August 1824. Looks like Bacha or Backa, this parish. Father is Börje Andersson, mother is Christina Magnusdotter.
    I am sure hoping to get a start on finding the family in household records.

    Thanks, Georgina

    Gällinge / Andreas Börjesson 1821
    « skrivet: 2018-01-01, 03:17 »
    Andeas was born 14 April 1821 in Dukatorp. Father Borjie Andersson. I was hoping to find the family on household records where Andreas is a young child. I would like to know if he had siblings.
    I hope I do not cause anyone lots of work but there are other people who know how to search much better than I do.

    Thanks in advance!

    Tranemo / SV: Mathida Christina Andeasdotter 1842
    « skrivet: 2017-11-02, 16:32 »
    Thanks so much Bo! Very glad for your help.

    Tranemo / Mathida Christina Andeasdotter 1842
    « skrivet: 2017-11-02, 12:22 »
    On HFL in Ambjörnarps, Älvsborg 1861-1870 P. 54 on far right side it shows married 1869 to Salomon Larsson and moved. I was told they moved to this parish. I am hoping that someone will find them in 1880 Census so I know more exact location they lived. Then I will search on HFL and in further ahead church books.

    Grundsunda / SV: Johan Mikaelsson 1755-1829
    « skrivet: 2017-10-30, 12:02 »
    Thank you very much for all this information! All your searching is very much appreciated. I think I better do more searching. When I read your info again that Malin was first wife of Johan, I need to find other wife.


    Grundsunda / SV: Johan Mikaelsson 1755-1829
    « skrivet: 2017-10-29, 13:14 »
    Thank you so much Per! I am very glad for your help!
    Yes, it would be nice to have more info about Malin Persdotter that you offer to give.

    Another thing I would really appreciate is if you can find info for brother of Johan.
    Olof / Olov born 1857.

    Long ago, dead many years, a relative of this family did research. In his information he does not give  Olof as a son. Info that was sent to me few weeks ago, not from this website, had Olov as a son of Olof Mikaelsson. Could you check in AI:1 for Olof birth same as you did for Johan?
    Info that was sent to me had death of Olov as 1825-05-31 in Röbåck, umeå, lands{parish}. But it is birth I want little proof of.

    I am glad for all help I get that makes the family tree complete.

    Grundsunda / SV: Johan Mikaelsson 1755-1829
    « skrivet: 2017-10-28, 21:42 »
    Thanks again Leif ! Yes, I am sure you are correct about Petrus even before I double check the family. I have lots of info for the family of Esaias born 1767.
    This research is sometimes a mystery.

    Fjärås / SV: Johan Edvin Andren born 1851
    « skrivet: 2017-10-28, 05:05 »
    Thanks again Leif. Wherever I post you find me! I just started posting again so I don't forget how to use the website.
    Will you please check my added question in Grundsunda, Vasternorrland?

    Best regards, Georgina

    Ambjörnarp / SV: HFL 1823-1826
    « skrivet: 2017-10-28, 04:32 »
    Thanks so much for your help Leif!

    Ambjörnarp / HFL 1823-1826
    « skrivet: 2017-10-28, 03:37 »
    Household record Älvsborg - Bjorkered. Page 29, very messy.
    About half way down the page:
    Sven Jansson 1782
    H Britta Jansdotter 1788
    Why is there Johanna between them?
    Son Lars was not on previous HFL?

    Where did they move to?


    Fjärås / Johan Edvin Andren born 1851
    « skrivet: 2017-10-28, 02:01 »
    I am looking at:
    Household record  Wallby 3 Fjärås 1861-1875 P. 391 Why is Anders Olsson between Johan and his wife Albertina? When I look way over to right side of page it looks like they went to America in 1872. I hope someone will find Emigration for them.

    Thanks in advance,

    Grundsunda / Johan Mikaelsson 1755-1829
    « skrivet: 2017-10-27, 04:57 »
    Since I couldn't read Page 59 I looked at Page 58 again and now I see Johan and Malin further down on the page. I wonder if there is an error for birth year of son as 1799. Is the name Petrus Esias ? In 1799 the mother would be 50, rather old to have a child.

    I have another question, there is a son of Mikael Olofsson, Jacob about half way down page 58 who was born 1777. What is the word before his birth year?

    Grundsunda / SV: Johan Mikaelsson 1755-1829
    « skrivet: 2017-10-27, 04:22 »
    Thanks for info Leif! I just looked at P. 59 and I am amazed that you can read it. I cannot make out the names.


    Grundsunda / Johan Mikaelsson 1755-1829
    « skrivet: 2017-10-27, 01:41 »
    Johan was son of Mikael Olofsson and Kerstin Johansdotter. He married Malin Pehrsdotter. They lived in Godsmersta of this parish. A son was born in 1786, info found on HFL 1809-1819.
    I hope someone can find the exact birth date for the son.

    I found the death record of Johan Mikaelsson 18 Jan 1829 in Godmersta. I would like to know what all the writing is by his name.

    He had a brother Olof supposed to be born 1757 in Godmersta. I hope someone will be able to find his birth record to confirm names of parents and day and month of birth.

    Thanks in advance!

    Alsen / SV: Matts Mattsson Gunsten b. 1870
    « skrivet: 2017-07-29, 10:14 »
    Thank you very much!

    Alsen / Matts Mattsson Gunsten b. 1870
    « skrivet: 2017-07-29, 03:56 »
    Names changes are so difficult for me to understand. I have been able to do a little research. Near 1900 he added Gunsten to his last name. He and his wife, Anna Persdotter, had 6 children between 1898 and 1911.

    My question is: How do I enter the surname for the children?


    Offerdal / SV: Brita Edholm born 1853
    « skrivet: 2017-07-29, 03:48 »
    Thanks again! Sorry for the late reply. I really appreciate all your help.


    Offerdal / SV: Brita Edholm born 1853
    « skrivet: 2017-07-27, 02:06 »
    Thanks so much! Is that from ArckivDigital ?

    Offerdal / Brita Edholm born 1853
    « skrivet: 2017-07-27, 01:38 »
    Brita had a dotter born out of marriage. Anna Katharina Erika born 2 Apr 1883 in Offerdal Parish. I hope someone will find her birth record that will confirm her first name. I have seen it two different spellings in household records.

    Thanks in advance!

    Okänd socken i Dalarna / SV: Household Record
    « skrivet: 2017-03-14, 19:54 »
    Thanks for more detail of family info, Stefan!

    Okänd socken i Dalarna / SV: Household Record
    « skrivet: 2017-03-14, 19:28 »
    Thanks Harald. Since I posted the last message with picture of household records I made a phone call and now know how to search records the way I used to. I so enjoy looking through household and birth records. Of course it is especially nice when there is an index.

    Many thanks!

    Okänd socken i Dalarna / SV: Household Record
    « skrivet: 2017-03-14, 18:43 »
    Lars Staffansson/Stephansson with parents 1835-1845 Page 94
    Hope the attachment works, I have never tried that before. I found it on familysearch which is records from what used to be genline. In this household record Lars is youngest child. I was given Transtrand as place of birth. I searched Kopparberg County and then Transtrand Parish. The reason I posted in this area is that I want to know Parish of where mother Anna is born. It is presumed that others were born in Transtrand. I first started with Lars and wife with children, then found him with his parents without any trouble. But now familysearch has made change and I do not know how to search the way I did.

    Okänd socken i Dalarna / Household Record
    « skrivet: 2017-03-14, 17:06 »
    I hope for help with family of Stephan Olsson born 1801 and Anna Olsdotter born 1804. I found the family in Kopparberg County; 1835-1845 Page 94. I need help with parish where Anna was born. It looks like Digernäy on this household record. Is it in a different County? Also, I do not know why parish of birth is not recorded for the children.

    Thanks for any help!

    Säter / SV: Per Erik Hedbom
    « skrivet: 2017-01-16, 17:43 »
    Thanks for extra info Leif! I certainly do have enough info now.


    Säter / SV: Per Erik Hedbom
    « skrivet: 2017-01-16, 16:10 »
    Thanks so much for all your help Leif!

    Stora Kopparberg / SV: Per Erik Hedbom
    « skrivet: 2017-01-15, 17:19 »
    Thanks so much for added information Mats! Sure appreciate your help!


    Säter / SV: Per Erik Hedbom
    « skrivet: 2017-01-15, 11:57 »
    Now I saw somewhere else different birth for Johan Erik Hedbom 1784. Would that make a difference to find him in the birth book?
    How did you know his parents without finding him in birth book?


    Säter / SV: Per Erik Hedbom
    « skrivet: 2017-01-15, 10:43 »
    Thanks so much for all the information Krister!


    Stora Kopparberg / SV: Per Erik Hedbom
    « skrivet: 2017-01-15, 10:38 »
    Thanks for your help!


    Säter / Per Erik Hedbom
    « skrivet: 2017-01-15, 06:35 »
    This is a new area for me so hope I'm in the right place. I am very grateful for help. Parents Johan Erik Hedbom and Stina {Kristina} Sundell. Per was born 22 May 1819. Brother Karl Johan born 8 Dec 1822. Sister Stina Ulrika  born 7 Feb 1830. About 7 years with no children seems unusual. When I was searching what I could it was Säter Parish. The father was also supposed be born in this parish in Mar 1794 but I could not find the record. [/size]

    Stora Kopparberg / Per Erik Hedbom
    « skrivet: 2017-01-15, 06:26 »
    This is a new area for me so hope I'm in the right place. I am very grateful for help. Parents Johan Erik Hedbom and Stina {Kristina} Sundell. Per was born 22 May 1819. Brother Karl Johan born 8 Dec 1822. Sister Stina Ulrika  born 7 Feb 1830. About 7 years with no children seems unusual.


    Kall / SV: Johan Petter 1855
    « skrivet: 2017-01-09, 09:05 »
    Thanks Arne! Sure appreciate your help. Have a great week!
    Best regards,

    Kall / SV: Johan Petter 1855
    « skrivet: 2017-01-09, 03:26 »
    Thanks again Christina for getting me started. I am having quite good success. But frustrated that I cannot find exact birth for Stina. I searched three year of births. Always on HFL just 1835.

    Kall / SV: Johan Petter 1855
    « skrivet: 2017-01-08, 16:07 »
    Thank you very much Christina! I took the time to look at the first HFL.Now Stina has two sons born out of wedlock. I use familysearch as Archive Digital is too much money for me. I will follow them forward to see if I know why he took name Hansson but some things we do not find. Family search goes to almost 1900 for HFL. When I have time I might look for the parents further back with their parents. I know I can find birth for both of Stina parents. You have done so much to help and I am very glad.

    Kall / Johan Petter 1855
    « skrivet: 2017-01-08, 07:17 »
    He was born out of wedlock to Stina Pehrsdotter 6 Dec 1855 in Sellsved, mother age 20. I wonder if they can be found in 1880 Census. I am hoping to know where Stina was born and find her parents. I know Johan Emigrated from Sweden Feb 1884 with last name of Hansson. I have all info for him in USA.

    Mattmar / SV: Nils Mattsson 1848
    « skrivet: 2017-01-08, 03:43 »
    Hello Carl,
    Oh my goodness, you found so much information! I will save it to a document and study it later. I'm in the middle of some other research.
    Shame on him for running away from his family.
    Thanks so much for going to all this work for me! Have a great week!


    Mattmar / SV: Nils Mattsson 1848
    « skrivet: 2017-01-07, 16:36 »
    Hi Carl,

    Thanks very much for this new info!


    Mattmar / SV: Nils Mattsson 1848
    « skrivet: 2017-01-05, 05:29 »
    Now I come back to read again and I see that you mentioned birth of Carlo Henry in your reply. I just missed it the first time. You have given me so much detail of information. One other info would be good to know is Emigration info for Nils Rickard in 1928 that gives intended destination.

    Thanks again!

    Mattmar / SV: Nils Mattsson 1848
    « skrivet: 2017-01-05, 02:24 »
    Thanks for the info! In last part of reply you wrote Karlo Henry but he was never mentioned before. So, he was another son of Karin? Did husband of Karin remain in USA and she in Sweden? I am just trying to get it all correct in my mind. You finally found her name as Karin Ström. Her brother Matts used that name in Canada, maybe started to just before Emigration. I will hope that someone living will see my first post and email me. But that may take awhile. Last time I posted it took one year to get email.

    Many thanks for all your help!

    Mattmar / Nils Mattsson 1848
    « skrivet: 2017-01-04, 19:35 »
    I searched this family to 1883-1892 in Tossberg. Page 92. Website I use does not go beyond 1892.
    [size=0pt]Husband: Nils Mattsson, born 10 July 1848[/size]
    [size=0pt]Wife: Malin Olofsdotter, born 18 Nov 1846[/size]
    [size=0pt]Married: 31 Oct 1872[/size]
    [size=0pt]Daughter: Christina,  born 21 Aug 1873, died 27 Aug 1888[/size]
    [size=0pt]Son: Matts born,  5 Mar 1879 {married Kristina Melander}[/size]
    [size=0pt]Daughter: Karin,  born 8 May 1882[/size]
    [size=0pt]Son: Olof,  born 3 Mar 1884[/size]
    [size=0pt]I have all information about Matts.[/size]
    [size=0pt]I would like to know more about Karin and Olof. Did they marry and have children? [/size]
    [size=0pt]To find living relatives would be awesome. I know names of people living are not to be put on this website. Here is the email to contact me if living relatives are found[/size]
    [size=0pt]Many thanks![/size]

    Simris / SV: Nilla Andersdotter 1858
    « skrivet: 2016-08-31, 00:07 »
    Thanks so much for all the information Lasse!


    Simris / Nilla Andersdotter 1858
    « skrivet: 2016-08-30, 05:12 »
    Nilla was born in this parish 15 Nov 1858. I am quite sure she married Lars Larsson in 1895. He was also born in this parish 26 Nov 1865. I am hoping for information about their children.


    Skartofta ( -1806) / SV: Peter Malmström
    « skrivet: 2016-07-21, 20:34 »
    Thanks so much Hans! You did lots of work for me and I really appreciate that.

    I am glad I finally learned how to post since website changed. I had not posted for long time and when I went on I had difficult  time.


    Skartofta ( -1806) / SV: Peter Malmström
    « skrivet: 2016-07-21, 17:26 »
    Wish my people didn't move so much. Can you tell where they moved to? I cannot.

    Thanks again,

    Skartofta ( -1806) / SV: Peter Malmström
    « skrivet: 2016-07-21, 17:12 »
    Thanks so much Hans!


    Skartofta ( -1806) / Peter Malmström
    « skrivet: 2016-07-21, 12:50 »
    Why does it have Skatofta (-1806) at the top of this post? I am looking for Peter Malmström and wife Kjersti who were suppsed to come to this parish in 1858. Hope for help!

    Many thanks,

    Östraby / SV: Elna 1859 9/1
    « skrivet: 2016-07-11, 05:29 »
    Thank you very much for this info Maud!


    Östraby / Elna 1859 9/1
    « skrivet: 2016-07-11, 02:59 »
    Elna was born to Kjersti Pehrsdotter Fränninge 1859 9/1. In Hfl 1872-1877 Östraby No. 2 Pg 13. Her name is crossed out and place written to Harlösa but that is also crossed out. Here she lives with mother and man mother married, Nils Olsson. Since she was born out of wedlock I do not know surname. I am hoping someone can find her in 1880 Census and 1890 {if there is one} with only her birth info.


    Östraby / SV: Names of my relative
    « skrivet: 2016-07-05, 10:00 »
    Thanks so much for all the info you have sent to me Lasse! So, if I understand it looks like children, at least son Nils Olof went by last name Hedin. I am very glad for all the help you give me! I was not so easy for me to learn the new way for the website but think I understand now.

    Östraby / Names of my relative
    « skrivet: 2016-07-05, 03:36 »
    I have limited access to some records through my home computer family tree. I found the following family in Östraby in 1895-1915 Brunslöf, Page 510
    Anders Nilsson Hjärby (Hjälm) Hedin (Hadin) born 28 Jun 1877 in Fränninge
    Wife Betty, children; Nils Olof born 3 Feb 1904 in Högseröd, Anna Rebecka born 23 Jul 1905 in Högseröd,
    Fritz Göte born 12 Dec 1906 in Högseröd and Brita Andrea born 19 Aug 1911 in Östraby
    1912 24/4 moved to Östra Kärrstorp
    What I really want help with is name of Anders. Hope someone will check Census records and perhaps his death. What last name should I use for children? I want to have my family tree correct.

    Skartofta ( -1806) / Skartofta ( -1806)
    « skrivet: 2016-03-03, 22:13 »
    Thanks for all checking you did for info Helena!

    Skartofta ( -1806) / Skartofta ( -1806)
    « skrivet: 2016-03-02, 22:26 »
    Hej Arne!
    Many thanks for all your help! Yes, I thought it was not going to be easy but one can always hope. I think it is just too far back. You had a good idea with bouppteckning, too bad not found. Birth of son Håkan in Kolla, Skartofta (C:13/6 p 126). Death of son Håkan 1800-12-23 in Kerrby 4. All four children of Håkan were born in that place where he died. I do not have any info for parents of Håkan except their names. This info was sent to me by a fellow you found for me on Disbyt, but he does not have more so thought I would make a post in this Parish. I will just have to leave it with names of his parents and estimate birth year.

    Skartofta ( -1806) / Skartofta ( -1806)
    « skrivet: 2016-03-01, 01:00 »
    Håkan Bengtsson info I was sent, born 1739-06-18. Father Bengt Håkansson and mother Nilla Olofsdotter. Is there any possible way to find birth and other info for parents and other children they had?  

    Vollsjö / Vollsjö
    « skrivet: 2016-02-23, 17:03 »
    Thanks again to Anders and Lasse! Just want you to know I am glad for info from both of you. I should have written it better in message above. Hope you will both see my thanks.

    Vollsjö / Vollsjö
    « skrivet: 2016-02-23, 16:48 »
    Thanks again Arne! You are the best researcher I have ever found. So helpful and always willing to do more where possible. I am very glad to have this HFL. No worry about Karna, we can't find them all.

    Vollsjö / Vollsjö
    « skrivet: 2016-02-21, 18:45 »
    Hej Arne! Yes you have the correct parents. Now I have a husband for Ingar and a son!
    Hej Stig! I am sorry I did not post pace correctly, should have included Vollsjö.
    Thanks so much!

    Vollsjö / Vollsjö
    « skrivet: 2016-02-21, 08:38 »
    Sveriges Befolkning 1880. I hope someone will look for these two relatives of mine.
    Ingar Olsdotter born 1823-05-27 Säljeröd, Malmöhus
    Karna Olsdotter born 1825-01-14 Säljeröd, Malmöhus
    If they are still living in 1880 it should give who they married, I hope.

    Fränninge / Fränninge
    « skrivet: 2016-02-03, 12:19 »
    Thanks again Kristina! Also another thanks to you Inga! I just read more on website and I can be a guest

    Fränninge / Fränninge
    « skrivet: 2016-02-03, 02:50 »
    Can I search without joining? Thanks Kristina! I do not want to join Disbyt. It costs money. When I went to do a search it wanted user name and password.

    Fränninge / Fränninge
    « skrivet: 2016-02-02, 19:48 »
    How does Disbyt work? Does a person have to pay for it?

    Fränninge / Fränninge
    « skrivet: 2016-02-02, 16:26 »
    Thanks so much Inga! Tell me more about Disbyt. Does a person have to pay? How does it work?

    Fränninge / Fränninge
    « skrivet: 2016-02-02, 04:25 »
    Per Persson and family that I hope for more information.
    Per Persson born 1 Jul 1805 in Fränninge, Malmöhus
    Kierstina Olsdotter born 23 Dec 1801 in Vollsjö, Malmöhus
    Nils born 2 Jul 1828 in Säljeröd, Vollsjö, Sweden
    Kiersti born 28 Jul 1831 in Fränninge, Malmöhus, Sweden
    Anders born 2 Feb 1835 in Fränninge, Malmöhus, Sweden
    Ola born 3 Feb 1838 in Fränninge, Malmöhus, Sweden
    Pehr born 29 Jul 1840 in Fränninge, Malmöhus, Sweden

    Järnskog / Järnskog
    « skrivet: 2016-01-18, 17:16 »
    Thank you both for your help!
    Best regards,

    Järnskog / Järnskog
    « skrivet: 2016-01-17, 02:56 »
    Petter Andersson born 1832 and wife Ingeborg Gunnarsdotter born 1838. Information I got long time ago was they had two sons, Anders born 1764 in Vadjungsed and Olof born 1767. Can exact birth and other information be found for this family?  
    I do have all info for Anders as he went Norway, married and had three children then moved back to Sweden and lived and died in Jämtland.
    Thanks for help!

    Vollsjö / Vollsjö
    « skrivet: 2016-01-17, 02:35 »
    Thank you very much for all this information!

    Vollsjö / Vollsjö
    « skrivet: 2016-01-15, 02:54 »
    HFL 12,1886-1898 the family of Ola Nilsson and Anna Anderson in this parish. I sort of understand the moving in and out except for Kersti. Hope someone will help me find more information about her.  

    Högseröd / Högseröd
    « skrivet: 2016-01-15, 02:26 »
    I cannot get the links you sent to open. I use google chrome. The sisters did not leave from this Parish, so I better post in that parish. Did not think of that when I asked the question.

    Högseröd / Högseröd
    « skrivet: 2016-01-14, 06:08 »
    Thank you so much! Would you mind checking for her sisters who went to Denmark? If answer is yes, then I will send you the names.

    Högseröd / Högseröd
    « skrivet: 2016-01-11, 05:58 »
    Thanks Inga! Now I will never find more. Copenhagen Denmark is very difficult to search. In hfl that went 1896 a couple of her sisters went to Denmark. I was so hoping Maria would have stayed near her mother. She must have been heart broken.

    Högseröd / Högseröd
    « skrivet: 2016-01-09, 23:36 »
    I hope someone will look in 1900 Census for Maria born 9 Mar 1878 in Vollsjö. Parents Ola Nilsson and Anna Andersdotter. I found information that she came to this parish in 1896. I have no way to access further records.

    Östraby / Östraby
    « skrivet: 2015-10-20, 15:51 »
    Thank you for explanation.

    Östraby / Östraby
    « skrivet: 2015-10-20, 03:54 »
    Thank you very much for help! I think this is how it works; they get moving out certificate from parish priest then they register with Emibas and/or Emihamn.
    Very glad to have this info you sent to me!

    Östraby / Östraby
    « skrivet: 2015-10-19, 03:53 »
    Now I just found different information. Moving out 31 Jan 1889. Malmö poliskammares arkiv; Hemort: Östraby. Gives names of family. I still hope to get details from Emigration list. Differences in records are very frustrating. 1900 USA Census has immigration 1887.

    Östraby / Östraby
    « skrivet: 2015-10-19, 03:31 »
    Help with Emigration. Sometimes it is difficult to find relatives in USA because so many with same name.
    I found this on
    Emigration {Ancestry}
    Name: Nils Jönsson
    Birth Year: abt 1844
    Place of Origin: Östraby Skåne Län, Sverige
    Destination: New York New York
    Record Date: 26 maj 1887 (26 May 1887)
    Port of Departure: Malmö
    Database Name: EmiHamn
    Occupation/Title: Arbetare
    Archive Call Number: 1887:2672:2822
    Principal Person: Jönsson Nils
    Hope someone will see if these family names connect with his Emigration
    Wife Ingar Nilsdotter born 1845
    Son Johan born about 1877
    Son Nils Oskar born about 1881
    Son Carl Sigfrid born about 1885

    Lövestad / Lövestad
    « skrivet: 2015-07-03, 23:27 »
    Thank you very much Carin! So glad for your help.

    Lövestad / Lövestad
    « skrivet: 2015-07-03, 13:32 »
    I am hoping for help to find the deaths of Per Olsson born 1818 10/1 and his wife Anna Nilsdotter born 1823 22/9.

    Vollsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 oktober, 2015
    « skrivet: 2015-04-27, 03:01 »
    Help with 1890 Census. Thanks so much!

    Vollsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 oktober, 2015
    « skrivet: 2015-04-26, 21:53 »
    Thanks to everyone who has helped me! I have to post on this website sometimes so I remember how to do it and of course, also hope for answers. I am hoping for new answers for the above family. In Minnesota records I have found Anders, his sons Ola and Pehr and his daughter Anna.
    I have searched and searched for the following family members in Minnesota and cannot find them. I wonder if they went back to Sweden.
    I hope someone will check 1890 Census for them.
    Wife of Anders, Bengta born 9 Nov 1831 in Vollsjö
    Dotter of Anders, Elna born 6 Nov 1859 in Vollsjö
    Dotter of Anders, Bengta born 28 May 1867 in Vollsjö

    I am looking for Ola Bengtsson family. He had a son Anders, changed to Andrew in United States, who was born about 1862. He may have had a brother Nils who was born about 1859 and a brother Per who was born about 1854. Birth year is estimated according to age in Census. Anders Emigrated from Sweden about 1882. They were found in the same household in 1885 Minnesota Census but not totally sure it is the correct Andrew. I know most about Andrew and his descendants in Minnesota. I really hope to find this family in Sweden.

    Fränninge / Fränninge
    « skrivet: 2015-02-27, 18:53 »
    Anders Jacobsson and Elna Oldsdotter.  
    I have had much help from fantastic volunteers for their oldest child Pehr Andersson who moved around in Sweden and later to America. He is no longer in the HFL I refer to.
    I am now wondering if there is some way to find more information about the two daughters of Anders and Elna.
    Parents are both dead On HLF 1850-1855 in 24 Fränninge. Image number on familysearch is 114. In this HFL I cannot tell where Hanna moves to and it appears that Anna remains in the Parish.
    Hanna born 31 Aug 1837
    Anna born 10 Dec 1840

    Källs-Nöbbelöv / Källs-Nöbbelöv
    « skrivet: 2015-02-20, 13:35 »
    Thank you very much Christina! You even gave answers in other parish. I am very grateful for all your help.
    Kind regards,

    Billeberga / Billeberga
    « skrivet: 2015-02-20, 13:16 »
    Thanks so much Christina! You are awesome to find so much information!
    Have a nice day!

    Billeberga / Billeberga
    « skrivet: 2015-02-20, 05:19 »
    Hoping to find more information, if possible, about husband or children for following person I got death for,
    Nilsson f. Lindholm, Elin  
    Hällstorp 3:24  
    Död/died 17/5 1968.  
    Kyrkobokförd i Billeberga, Rönneberga kn (Malmöhus län, Skåne).  
    Född/born 3/11 1895 i Källs-Nöbbelöv (Malmöhus län, Skåne).  
    Änka/widow (9/3 1968).

    Källs-Nöbbelöv / Källs-Nöbbelöv
    « skrivet: 2015-02-20, 01:59 »
    More help please. Will you look for Sven Nilsson Lindholm, 1851, and wife Anna, 1853, in 1910 Census. I think they had one more child about 1900, perhaps after the Census was taken for that year.

    Källs-Nöbbelöv / Källs-Nöbbelöv
    « skrivet: 2015-02-20, 00:50 »
    Just thought I would share what Gustaf Alfred had on his United States World War I Draft card. One question: What military service have you had? Answer he gave Seaman, Navy, 1 year in Sweden. Then he went back to it in United States. He was on 1930 Seamans Census. Perhaps he deserted the military in Sweden or just decided he wanted to Emigrate and registered as a worker.
    Thanks again for all your help!

    Källs-Nöbbelöv / Källs-Nöbbelöv
    « skrivet: 2015-02-18, 10:46 »
    Now even more info - thanks so much! Thanks again Christina! Now even more info - thanks so much! Thanks again Christina! I have gone on ancestry website and found some records you did. The Emigration you found is definitely the person. The destination was Kelliher, Saskatchewan, Canada. At least three of his brothers lived there at that time. Some of the other records I saw have Landskrona as town of birth. Is that in this parish I am posting in? The death Certificate has Occupation Seamen - Retired, then Shipping. But the parents names are so strange. Little later I will check to see if I can figure out if the informant {who gave information} has any family connection. I do understand some words in Swedish. It America there is a saying 'you went the extra mile.' Well it was like you went thousands of extra miles in checking the USA records. Now I need more sleep. It is 2:45 in the morning here.
    Kind regards,

    Källs-Nöbbelöv / Källs-Nöbbelöv
    « skrivet: 2015-02-18, 04:11 »
    Thank you Christina! If it's not too much trouble, would you check 1900 Census for the two oldest daughters so I would have husband and perhaps children.
    I am confused about Gustaf Alfred. You did so much research! Emihamn has Destination: Kelliherlask. Just realized where that is. I know the city but not word before Utresehamn: Goteborg, also Fartyg: Stockholm. Is there a possibility that he was a sailor?
    The death you found is really confusing. What I see in 1900 Sweden Census and HFL, his father was Sven Nilsson Lindholm and mother Anna Petersdotter. In United States father's name may have been Swan Nelson. I have done lots of Sweden - USA research and see how names went.
    Thanks for all your help!

    Källs-Nöbbelöv / Källs-Nöbbelöv
    « skrivet: 2015-02-17, 13:17 »
    Lindholm Family
    Someone sent me 1900 Sweden Census for this family. I was able to find HFL 1883-1895 on familysearch website.  
    Family is in No.17, page 162.
    Because of research in American I have info for Nils, John, Ernst and Evald who are on 1900 Census in Sweden. I am especially interested in knowing more about the brother who remained in Sweden. Gustaf Alfred born 3 Dec 1890.
    It may be nice to find something about the sisters if possible; Johanna born 25 Nov 1878, Sofia born 15 May 1883 who are on HFL. Also Elin born 1895 who is on Census.
    Many thanks,

    Tolånga / Tolånga
    « skrivet: 2014-11-23, 23:19 »
    Thank you all so much! I am so grateful for the help you give me.

    Tolånga / Tolånga
    « skrivet: 2014-11-23, 19:55 »
    Thanks you so much Arne! I really your help!

    Tolånga / Tolånga
    « skrivet: 2014-11-23, 15:37 »
    Birth of Anna Nilsdotter
    I hope someone will find the birth of Anna who was born September 1823 in this parish.
    I wish to see her parents names.
    Many thanks,

    Åhus / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 01 december, 2014
    « skrivet: 2014-11-08, 11:31 »
    Many thanks Arne! You are so awesome to figure things out and know what records to check!
    I am so glad for your expert help!

    Åhus / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 01 december, 2014
    « skrivet: 2014-11-07, 20:14 »
    Births in this Parish in 1860s
    I would very glad if someone will find the births for the following two brothers and put the image of birth record here so I can see the information.
    Nils Malmquist born 11 Nov 1860. Parents Ola Malmquist and Hanna Svensdotter
    Andrew Malmquist born 11 Mar 1863.
    Another word I saw was Yngsjö, whatever that means
    Many thanks for help!

    Vollsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 oktober, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-10-16, 13:06 »
    In HFL 1876-1885, page 260, the place was No 5 Brösarp, Vollsjö

    Vollsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 oktober, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-10-16, 13:02 »
    Emmigration of Anders Pehrsson. I am hoping for detail from Emibas for Anders Pehrsson and family.  
    On HFL 1876-1885 (page 260) the date of going to America is 19/4/81 for him and wife Bengta and son Pehr  
    and daughter Bengta. Then there was dotter Anna who couldn't seem to make up her mind. I do not really understand; on this HFL she came from somewhere then went somewhere. Then seemed to make up her mind to go to America with other family members. What I hope to find out is if they all really did go together at the same time.
    Thanks for help,

    Hi Carl,
    Wow! You sure did a lot of searching for me. You are awesome since I did not even give you her married name in USA and you figured it all out. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help.

    Wish to find Emigration record. U.S. Census records has 1881 as Immigration year. I do not know the parish she left from to go to America. Most people who lived in the area of Minnesota where she lived did came from Skåne. In Minnesota, Union Grove, Meeker County her name was Ellen so in Sweden Elin or Elna, I think. She was born 16 Nov 1858. Her father could be Ola Pehrson or Anders Olsson.
    Thanks for help!

    Vollsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 oktober, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-09-19, 17:44 »
    Thank you very much Matts! I really appreciate your help.

    Vollsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 oktober, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-09-19, 15:21 »
    What name is on birth record? In HFL Anders Nilsson Ljungdahl and Anna Johansdotter, one dotter was named Betty. The family all went to America. There her name was sometimes Elizabeth. I would like to know what it was at birth.
    Betty/Elisabeth was born in Vollsjö 1870 23/1.  

    Lövestad / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 22 mars, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-09-17, 05:56 »
    Oh my how interesting! Oh yes I am related to Betty Ljungdahl {Youngdahl in America}who married Lars Fries. I did not know of one who married Olof Fries but perhaps she is Johanna. I never could find information about her. Now I think you can give me some! Their mother and my great grandfather were sister and brother.

    Lövestad / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 22 mars, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-09-16, 02:53 »
    I hope for help to understand writing that is very light. Someone send me detail from website which he could not read but maybe someone else can read it. This is what he sent me: The source of my image is Lövestad AI:14 (1875-1881) Image 273 / page 265. Now I add Ola Andersson the top of line 13, born 1857/19/7. Light writing is way on the right side.
    I do not know how to attach the image he sent me. I would also be very glad to get immigration record for him.

    Vollsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 oktober, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-08-20, 18:13 »
    Thank you so much Maude! I think you did lots of searching for me. I was just on page 110 and going to start searching again, as it is morning here. Many million thanks!

    Vollsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 oktober, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-08-20, 04:58 »
    I hope someone can check EMIBAS CD. When I got info from someone about my great grandfather from EMIBAS it gave the exact birth date of each family member.  
    Now I would like to know if this relative can be found on there going to America. Ola Andersson born 19 Jul 1857 in Vollsjö. If not I will have to keep looking for him in HFL on familysearch. He lived with parents in Brösarp No. 5 Vollsjö until 1875 and then he moved to Lövestad which has many images but I will persist in looking if he cannot be found on Emigration records. His parents and two sisters and a brother when to America in 1881 and the other sister went in 1883.
    Best regards,

    Vollsjö / Vollsjö AI:10 (1871-1875) sid 64
    « skrivet: 2014-07-23, 17:41 »
    Thank you for help Saffan! I was happy to get direct help about the note without even asking and I feel so sad for his family. But I am glad he got punishment for his bad ways.  

    Vollsjö / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 15 oktober, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-07-23, 15:45 »
    Thank you Markus! You already noticed my post. You are such a good help. I am glad for the explanation. Next time I hope to do better.
    Kind regards,

    Fränninge / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 25 december, 2014
    « skrivet: 2014-07-23, 14:52 »
    Thank you Markus for help! I do not quite understand why it was re-directed but appreciate your help.
    Bes regards,

    Vollsjö / Vollsjö AI:10 (1871-1875) sid 64
    « skrivet: 2014-07-23, 14:45 »
    Help to read parish name of where family moved to in HFL. Anders Larsson born 1849, wife Elna Johansdotter born 1848, child Sofia born 1875. P. 64; 6 Vollsjö. I found the family in HFL on family search website but in other websites the page and location would be the same. I hope someone can read where they moved to. Then I can search for them in that parish.

    Fränninge / Fränninge FI:1 (1847-1861)
    « skrivet: 2014-07-22, 12:15 »
    Thank you very much Arne!

    Fränninge / Fränninge FI:1 (1847-1861)
    « skrivet: 2014-07-20, 18:44 »
    Need little help to read death record. I thought I could copy, then paste it here but it will not work. I use familysearch as it is a free website. It seems to me that the records they have are like genline. If someone is registered on familysearch here is the url 6D:311519101,311598501,311787701
    Fränninge Deaths from 1847-1861 Image 13
    Apr 22 1851, Elna Olsdotter wife of Anders Jacobsson.
    I would like to know what it says after her name. I understand she was 54 yrs, but do not understand what is between her name and age.

    Hörby / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 20 mars, 2015
    « skrivet: 2014-06-15, 13:51 »
    Thank you so much Arne! You are fantastic help. I did not know you would answer in this parish but I am very glad you did. From answer you gave me for Fränninge Parish a couple days ago I was able to follow Anna and her mother till death of Catharina and one book beyond. I know that Anna came back to Sweden from Denmark, got married in Malmö and then moved to Helsingborg where she and her husband raised their children.
    Many thanks again!

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