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Meddelanden - John Hage

Sidor: [1]
Hello Stefan!
I don't know if my grandfather had military training.  There was a note from Chris Bingefors once that indicated a possibility of it.  But I haven't found anything to support it.  It's not critical, though, just a matter of curiosity.  Speaking of curiosity, what was the mandatory schooling in the 1850-1880 time period?  I've heard it was four years, but I don't know what that is equivalent to in today's world.  If a person passed an exam later on, would that have been similar to a high school graduation?  Just curious.
John H.

Thank you!  Was 21 the mandatory age for military training?  I am looking also for possible military training for my grandfather, Nils Hage, in Hungalsvik, Ny Parish, Värmland.  He is a son of Olof Jansson shown on GID 515.4.18800 (1873-1880) and would have turned 21 in October 1873.
John H.

Hej Olle!
Thank you for the translation!  Did the children lose citizen priviledges also?  Or did they hire themselves out because there was not enough income to support them?
John H.

Could someone help by translating the notes for Jon Jonsson Bladin on GID 1889.7.6100, Page #49, please?  I assume they talk about the fire he started, but I can't make out the old style Swedish words.  Also, what are the notes for his children on the same page?  Did the two oldest have banns against them, but the youngest not?
Thank you,
John H.

Åke and Arne!
Thank you so much.  I do not yet have a subscription to SVAR, but it appears to be the best supplement to help with Genline. I will look also for the Genline records.
Thanks again!
John H.

I have found the household records using Genline, but they do not have information for births after 1897.  I know that Jonas Hugo was born in 1903.  A cousin tells me he had a sister and brother that were born between 1897 and 1903, but I cannot find their information online.  Are their records in Sweden that might help with this?
Thank You,
John H.

When I compare the Household Examination records for Jon Jonsson in Oppby, Rogsta, Gälveborg, from 1846-1857 and 1857-1863, I find the surname Bladin that was not in the earlier book has appeared in the later book. Please refer to GID 1889.1.26600 and GID 1889.2.543. I cannot make out the added notations in the later book.  Can someone help with the question, Is Bladin a soldier name, farm name, or occupation name?, please?
Thank you,
John H.

Archive - General questions / Look up help-Finnish Roots?
« skrivet: 2009-01-22, 20:41 »
Thank you very much!  I'll also check out the Finngen list.  I really appreciate all the helpful suggestions!
John H.

Archive - General questions / Look up help-Finnish Roots?
« skrivet: 2009-01-22, 06:26 »
Thank you ever so much!  I will browse those sites and see what I come up with.  I am becoming familiar with the records on Genline so I should be able to find my way through the Finnish records.  Hopefully the Finlander Forum will accept my English questions.
John H.

Archive - General questions / Look up help-Finnish Roots?
« skrivet: 2009-01-21, 15:15 »
I am trying to follow a family trail for a cousin.  My problem is that his father's family emigrated from Finland in 1909.  Does anyone know if church records were kept in Finland like they were in Sweden?  If so, are they available through the internet?
Thank You.
John H.

Is it possible to find out in which graveyard Olof Jansson, Anna Ersdotter, and their daughter Maria are buried?  I haven't found an inventory of the cemeteries in Ny parish, Värmlands, on-line yet.
Thank you,
John H.

Archive - Swedish customs / Naming the children
« skrivet: 2008-10-10, 15:05 »
Thank you.  This child was born in the USA about twenty-five years after my grandparents emigrated.  It is interesting how the Swedish customs were continued even after many years in a new country.
John H.

Archive - Swedish customs / Naming the children
« skrivet: 2008-10-09, 17:12 »
If a child is stillborn, dead at birth, is it customary to not give the child a name?  My grandparents had a stillborn child who was registered without a first name.
Thank you,
John H.

Archive - Swedish language / Types of Farmer
« skrivet: 2008-09-18, 15:29 »
Hello Olle,
Welcome back.  How was your trip to Arvika?  I'm trying to figure out why the farmland was not detailed in the estate inventory for Olof Jansson and Anna Ersdotter.  Might you have any suggestions?
Thank you,
John H.

Archive - Swedish language / Types of Farmer
« skrivet: 2008-09-13, 05:35 »
Hello John-Erik,
    Your translation fits very nicely with what I understand of the older Swedish tax system.  If a son of the farmer was to do military training, I believe the taxes were reduced.  I have reason to believe that Olof's sons, Nils and Johannes, did military training because they seem to have used a version of the farm name for their last name, as soldiers would sometimes do.  My last name comes from Nils.
    Olof Jansson's hemman was located at Hungalsvik Hagen, Ny Parish, Värmland.  In the 1890 census, when he was 80 years old, he is still shown as hemmansägare. The estate inventory was done in 1897.  Hungalsvik has also been called Hungarsvik and is about 12 kilometers northwest of Arvika.  I'm not sure exactly where the hagen, or enclosed pasture land, was located. I have not been able to find it on any map.
Thank you for your help!
John H.

Archive - Swedish language / Types of Farmer
« skrivet: 2008-09-11, 22:55 »
Thank you John-Erik,
The reason I ask is that I was told Olof Jansson received a work permit for Norway at one time.  This seems odd for someone who makes his living as a farmer.  If he was a farmer and became too old to continue farming, could he sell his fields and forest land and keep his house?  The estate inventory (Ny 75, 469-471) does not seem to include these.
Thank you,
John H.

Archive - Swedish language / Types of Farmer
« skrivet: 2008-09-11, 15:16 »
Thank you Anders,
Would I be correct to say that my great-grandfather was not a farmer or farm owner, but did own his house?  He does not appear to have been a torpare.  For reference, the family I am researching is Olof Jansson and Anna Ersdotter found at GID 515.4.18800 1873-1880.
John H.

Archive - Swedish language / Types of Farmer
« skrivet: 2008-09-09, 15:35 »
I'm sorry, I meant to say torpare in the previous posting.
John H.

Archive - Swedish language / Types of Farmer
« skrivet: 2008-09-09, 15:23 »
What is the distinction between hemmansägare and topare?  I understand hemmansägare to mean farm owner and topare to mean crofter, which seems to mean tennant farmer or sharecropper.  My great-grandfather was listed in the parish records as hemmansägare, but his estate inventory does not account for farmland or crops.  However, it does account for the house, miscellaneous farm equipment, and a cow.

Archive - General questions / Ola Swenson, or Svensson
« skrivet: 2008-08-28, 15:11 »
Hello Chris,
This is actually a language question, but doesn't Gruvarbetare mean miner, someone who works, for example, in a coal or iron mine?
Thank you,
John H.

Archive - Swedish geography / Hungalsvik Hagen
« skrivet: 2008-08-08, 21:01 »
From my research it appears that often the farm grounds of several owners were situated together in common plots and that their houses would be located some distance from the farms, and not necessarily near the houses of the other farmers.  Would this be the case with Hungalsvik Hagen, Ny Parish, Värmland? Would it have been the enclosed pasture land used for the grazing of animals and physically separated from the houses of the owners?
Thank you,
John H.

Thank you so much!  For my family history documentation I am trying to locate the area known as Hungalsvik Hagen, Ny, Värmlands län, on a map from a time period close to the time my great-grandparents lived there (1846-1897).  It would be great if the actual farm could be located as well (referring to the posting above by Chris Bingefors on 29 april 2008 - 20:16).  Does Hagen mean enclosed pasture land?
Thank you again!!
John H.

In a posting from Stefan Dake under Anbytarforum » Landskap » Värmland » Socknar » Nyed, on 10 maj 2008 - 23:53, I saw an old map of the Nyed parish.  It had the title: Ur Häradsekonomiska kartan (1883-1895).  I wonder if there is such a map for the Ny parish of Värmland that shows Hungalsvik?
Thank you,
John H.

Hello Chris,
Is the Svar database available on-line or is it through Genline?  What other online databases are useful for historical research?
John H.

Thank you Chris,
Have the records of the court been preserved?  It would be interesting to read about what transpired during the trial.
John H.

Would it be possible for someone to copy and paste a photo of the entire estate inventory from the Olof Jansson and Anna Ersdotter estate for my documentation (please see the partial copy in the posting above)?  If it's too large, could it be sent via e-mail?  Also, is it possible to locate the farm on a map? Someday I'd like to visit the area where my grandfather grew up.
John H.

I'm sorry, I havent been very active lately.  Is it possible for someone to copy and paste the photo of Jon Jonsson Bladin that Kirsten is referring to in the previous posting?
John H.

Hello Sonja,
Perhaps someone with access to Genline can look up the emigration record to confirm this.  This may not be the same person, but in I found this record transcribed from EmiHamn:
Name: Peter A Andersson  
Birth:  abt 1866  
Arrival in USA:  19 aug 1892
Destination: Maple Hill
Last Residence: Hycklinge Östergötland Län, Sverige
John H.

You're welcome, Susanne.  Yes, addresses do occasionally change.  Many of the larger counties have websites where you can verify addresses.  Some have interactive maps or links where you can look up the current property owner's name.  An easy way to find out the county name is to look up the zip code for the address on the US Postal Service website,, and then click on the Mailing Industry Information link.
John H.

Hej Anita,
I don't speak Swedish, but can I still say Hej?  I am able to get a photo of the front of the house on my screen.  It is called street view.  I cannot print or copy it, but am able to view it.  It is a nice one-story rambler with a front porch and a lot of trees.  Very beautiful.  Maybe the street view is restricted to computers in the USA?  Sorry, I wish I could help more.
John H.

I also checked the 111th Street address, but it appears to have been demolished and replaced by either an apartment or an office building.  Probably replaced after World War II judging from the architecture.
John H.

If you go to and search for the address there is a photo of the house on 82nd St. as it appeared recently.  There is an apartment building next to it.
John H.

I wish you a complete recovery and many years to follow.  I had good success with my surgery and lengthy treatments a few years ago.  It is miraculous what can be done today that wasn't available even a few short years ago.  Thank you for the suggestions.  I'll check those sources.
John H.

Hi Judy,
I hate to impose and don't make a special trip, but the next time you're at Swenson could you possibly try a look-up for me?  I've lost Kristina Johannesdotter Gullskog's trail in Reed City, Michigan.  She may have married there and I suspect she may have passed away in Michigan before 1897.  Her date of birth was 09/14/1867 in Ny parish, Värmland.  She emigrated 04/22/1887 and it appears she arrived in New York on 05/28/1887.  I grew up in Belvidere, IL, so I remember how beautiful the midwest is, especially in autumn.  However, I now live about 1,000 miles away so its not so easy to get to Augustana.  Too bad their archives aren't on-line.
John H.

Thanks Bo,
I was not aware of that.  I've heard of the certificates of permission to marry, permission to work in a particular place, and now of permission to move out.  What other types of certificates were needed during that time?
John H.

Hi Judy,
Thanks for your help.  These trips were in 1881-1900.  There also was one trip in 1909-1910 that went from New York to Göteberg, returning through Oslo, Hull and Liverpool, and then to New York.  Two weeks for a one-way trip seemed reasonable to me, too.  I believe Johannes did some sight-seeing in England, or maybe his ship docked in Oslo and he stayed there awhile, lengthening his trip to 4 months.  I made a mistake earlier, Kristina left Värmland on 4/22/1887 and it appears she arrived in New York on 5/28/1887, roughly 4 weeks.  Even though the name is somewhat different (Gullskog vs Gueskey) it likely is the same person in New York as in Värmland after I looked at the digital of the original ship's manifest.
Do you ever visit the Swenson Center at Augustana?
John H.

Does anyone know what the usual length of the trip was from Göteberg to New York?I have seen that one of the trips for Nils was 12 days.  However, his younger brother, Johannes, took 4 months.  And if the information for Kristina is correct, her trip was 6 days.  I know that the ships from Göteberg stopped on the east coast of England, the passengers travelled by rail, usually to Liverpool, and then by ship to New York.  It seems that 12 days would be a reasonable time for this long journey, so perhaps Kristina did not use the name Gullskog for the second part of her trip?
Thank You,
John H.

Archive - General questions / WWII draft
« skrivet: 2008-05-27, 05:33 »
What other information do you have about your grandfather?  The US Federal Census for 1930 (available through would show his citizenship status and county and state of residence if he was here in 1930.  Be aware that the names are not always spelled correctly in the search index.  Sometimes you need to compare the birth dates for similar names.  Also, if he was in the military, he must have had a social security number that would be available through the Social Security Death Index, assuming he has passed away.  The social security number might be a key to finding his service record and his last place of residence.  The social security number is a nine digit number that would be shown like this: 123-45-6789.
John H.

Archive - General questions / WWII draft
« skrivet: 2008-05-21, 15:21 »
I see from the newspaper this morning that is providing copies of the World War I and II draft registration cards free through the end of May 2008.  So this month you won't need to pay for membership to search for your grandfather's draft registration on
John H.

Thanks Jeff,
I am in Colorado, USA, so method of payment might become an issue.  I am not ready to subscribe yet due to finances, but when I do I think I'll try asking the Arkiv Digital Webmaster some questions.  Learning Swedish is a goal of mine, so Arkiv Digital may provide language immersion for me.
John H.

Archive - General questions / WWII draft
« skrivet: 2008-05-17, 23:09 »
You should be able to order a copy of his military service record through the National Archives at  That would tell you what his citizenship status was as well as any decorations and training he received.
John H.

Archive - General questions / WWII draft
« skrivet: 2008-05-17, 22:06 »
Your grandfather may have registered for the draft to gain citizenship, as shown below in the quotation from Wikipedia.  The US Army was creating a division of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish speaking men to serve in Scandinavia due to the German occupation of Denmark and Norway.  My father, who was a citizen, was drafted for this division because he was fluent in Swedish.
Conscription in the United States
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Selective Service (and the draft) in the United States is not limited to citizens. Non-citizen males of appropriate age in the United States, who are permanent residents (holders of green cards), seasonal agricultural workers, refugees, parolees, asylees, and even illegal immigrants, are required to register with the Selective Service System.[41] Refusal to do so is grounds for denial of a future citizenship application. In addition, immigrants who seek to naturalize as citizens must, as part of the Oath of Citizenship, swear to the following:
... that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law;[42]
Non-citizens who serve in the United States military enjoy several naturalization benefits which are unavailable to non-citizens who do not, such as a waiver of application fees.[43] Permanent resident aliens who die while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces may be naturalized posthumously, which may be beneficial to surviving family members.[44]
You can research his citizenship status through the website if he was naturalized in New York State.
John H.

Thank you Chris and Kerstin,
Are the household sources the records found at Arkiv Digital?  Is it a better source for original documents than Genline or should a person use both?
John H.

Thank you Chris,
The reason I asked is my father told me he had heard that his mother's family had originally come from France as part of the Hugenaut exodus.  Probably just an unfounded rumor, as I suspected.  I have not yet registered in Genline.  Could you help with the look-up of Augusta Blom's siblings?  Åke noted it is Julita AI:10B 1846-50 page 48, GID 53.13.77000.
John H.

Hello Åke,
Did Augusta have brothers or sisters?  Also, is there an indication that either Karl Frisell or Augusta Blom's religion was other than Lutheran?
John H.

Thank you again.  Are there records of the family that Augusta Blom was born to in Julita, Södermanland?
John H.

Åke and Kerstin,
Thanks much.  I believe Kristina's youngest son, Olof Vilhelm, was born in 1895.  Was he born in Hedvig parish, Norrköping?
Thank you,
John H.

Hello Åke,
Thanks for all this.  There should be one more daughter, Augusta Elisabet, born to Augusta Blom in Eda sometime in 1879.  Sofia Amalia left for Arvika sometime in 1890 to live with Karl Gustaf Ludvig Böttiger and Britta Elisabet Källstrom.  Because she is shown there in the 1890 census as a Piga rather than a Hushållsarbetare can I assume they were relatives?  I have heard of Genline but am not familiar with it.  Is it an on-line database that I can access?
John H.

Hello Kirsten!
This is fascinating!!  Sofia Amalia was my grandmother.  I didn't know that Kristina was not her mother.  Did Augusta Blom die?  When did Johan marry Kristina?  Is the birth date for August Waldemar correct?  It seems too close to Sofia's birth date.
John H.

I wonder if there is family of origin information available for Karl Johan Frisell, born 1847 in Skedevi, Östergötland?  Also for his wife, Kristina Eriksdotter, born 1851 in Julita, Södermanland?  To help identify them, their first child, Alva, was born October 2, 1870, in Skedevi.  In the 1890 census Karl and Kristina were living in Eda Glasbruk, Värmland, where he was a glass cutter.  They emigrated to Norway May 9, 1897 (Embias migration file: Norrköpings Hedvig E 1897 005).
Thank You,
John H.

Thanks Chris,
I was mistaken.  April 30 is correct.  Doesn't jordbruksarbetare mean farm laborer?
Regarding Kristina, is it possible that she used the name Gullskog if she was betrothed to Theodore but they were not yet married?
John H.

Thanks for all your help with my search!  Nils' older brother, Carl, born 30 March 1846 in Ny parish, birth record GID 515.28.40900, obtained a work permit for Norway sometime between 1860 and 1867, may have returned to Sweden around 1868, and emigrated to North America with future brother-in-law Anton Benerud of Norway, according to family records, in 1871.  He died near Westby, Wisconsin, 23 February 1929.  Can you find Carl's emigration records for me?  It would be interesting if his emigration coincided with that of Johan Gullskog (Persson), noted above as 11 August 1871.
Thanks again,
John H.

I've not had much success locating Kristina in the USA.  I suspect that Gullskog acknowledged paternity for her and that she went to live with him in Michigan.  I wonder if Kristina passed away before 1897.  That or Gullskog's acceptance of her might explain her absence from inheritance in the Jansson-Ersdotter estate inventory.  Would it be possible for me to have a complete copy of the estate inventory or a map location of the farm?
Thank You,
John H.

Would it be possible for you to send a complete copy of the estate inventory to me for my documentation via e-mail?  My address is  Also, is it possible to locate the farm on a map?  Someday I'd like to visit the area where my grandfather grew up.
John H.

Thank you ever so much!!  Who was Magnus Jansson?  Did Olof have a brother?
I don't know why Carl had never been heard from.  He had settled near Portland, Westby, and Newry, Wisconsin within months of his emigration and remained there until his death.  I have photos of Carl and some of his family from the late 1800's and early 1900's that were in Nils' posession.
Could you do me a favor and look at my last posting in the discussion about Sofia Amalia Frisell?  I have begun to suspect that Nils' and Anders' wives knew each other as early as 1890 or 1891 in Arvika, and that this was the connection that brought Nils and Sofia together in Minnesota.
John H.

When Sofia Amalia Frisell emigrated on April 25,1893, her destination was Tower, Minnesota.  She arrived in New York on May 20, 1893, on the ship named Peruvian, using the name Sofie Friksell.  Also traveling to Tower, Minnesota, on that ship were the family Olof, Maria, and Otto Fogelberg, and Maria Gustafsson, a single woman, age 25, all from Arvika.  I wonder if that Maria Gustaffson was the same person as Anna Maria Gustafsson, born 9 Sept. 1868 i Rud, Ny parish [_scb Värmland GID 100017.84.64000 #32], who married Anders Olsson on 22 Sept. 1895 [_scb Värmland GID 100017.5.22000]?
Thank you,
John Hage

Hello Chris,
Sorry, I didn't realize you were on-line.  I'll check the US Census data for Michigan to see if Gullskog leads me somewhere.  Johannesdotter is also shown as Maria's last name on the record I've seen.  I think she and Kristina may have been using a form of their grandfather's name as a surname.
John H.

Hello Chris,
Thanks for following this.  Did  Maria leave Sweden for America in 1866 or early 1867?  I didn't think she did.  Is there a record of Gullskog in or near Ny parish in 1866 or 1867?  I have found a photo of a young man and woman in my father's collection that says on the back, my dad's sister or niece.  It was taken in Reed City, Michigan, USA.  I believe it may be a photo of Kristina.  So far this is the only clue to where she might have gone.
John H.

Hello Chris,
Thank you for following this.  I don't have any family stories about Maria's life, just what I've been told on Anbytarforum.  Could you verify for me if Maria ever left Sweden or if there is a record of Gullskog in Ny parish while she was alive, please?  I have found a photograph of a young man and woman among those left by my father, on the back of which he wrote my father's sister or niece.  The photo was taken in Reed City, Michigan, USA.  Because I don't think Maria visited America before her death, I believe it is a photo of Kristina.
John H.

Thank you Chris!
This is wonderful information.  I've also been searching for American records of the niece, Kristina Johannesdotter, who may have emigrated in 1887 under the last name Gullskog, without any success.  Is there anything available that might help me locate her records, such as date of emigration or port of departure?
John Hage

Thank you Chris,
Nils married Sofia Amalia Frisell on September 14, 1899, in Two Harbors, Minnesota, USA.  I'm trying to establish where and when they met.  In the 1890 Värmland census, Sofia is shown in Arvika Lands, Kyrkebyn, just down the road from Ny where Nils was in early 1889.  She was a 17 year old, unmarried domestic.  Is there a record of her in Ny parish in 1888 or 1889?
Thanks again,
John Hage

Hello Chris,
Thank you for your help.  Does the book indicate if someone had forbidden him the freedom to marry?  If so, can you tell me who it was?  Also, does it show what month in 1896 he returned and if either of his brothers, Johannes Hage or Carl Olsson, accompanied him?
John Hage

Are there records of persons arriving in Sweden from North America between the years 1885 and 1897?  I am looking for Nils O. Hage who may have arrived at Götberg during that time.  He had emigrated to the USA in 1881, living there until at least 1885, and may have returned to Ny parish, Hungalsvik, Värmland, to care for his parents, Olof Jansson and Anna Ersdotter, or to settle their affairs when they passed away in 1897.  He left Sweden again in 1898, departing from Götberg.
Thank you,
John Hage

Hello Stefan!
Thanks for the information!  Does the deathbook provide any information on Olof or Anna, the parents of the household?  I believe they died after 1890, possibly in 1897 or 1898?  Is the 1900 Värmland census available? It might provide a clue as to Anders.
John H.

I am curious about Anders Olsson, Maria Jansson, and her daughter Kristina Jansson from the family record GID 515.4.18800 1873-1880, Father Olof Jansson from Elgå parish, Mother Anna Ersdotter from Ny parish, shown in the third posting above.  I know that Anders was listed as living in the same household in the 1890 census, but I have no other information about him.  Maria and Kristina have seemed to disappear by the time of the 1890 census.  Is there anything that indicates what happened to Anders, Maria, and Kristina?
Thank you,
John Hage

I guess I can only have one research request active at any particular time.
Sorry, I'll remember for the future.  Is there a record of employees of the Swedish National Railroad between the years 1870 and 1881? I have a book that belonged to Nils O. Hage, born 11 Oct. 1852, shown in the Olof Jansson family above. It's title page says, Tjenstgöringsreglemente vid Statens jernvägar af Kongl, Styrelsen för Statens jernvägstrafik den 26 januari 1877 att gälla till efterrättelse från och med den 1 Oktober samma år, and it was published by K. L. Beckman in Stockholm in 1877. I guess this is a handbook for signalmen or brakemen of the railroad effective from January through October of 1877.  I'd like to know Nils' job description, period of employment, and location, if available.  
John Hage

Is there a record of the return of Karl Johan Frisell, wife Kristina, and sons Hugo, Anton, and Ole, from Norway to Sweden between 1900 and 1910?  Also, is there a record of their emigration to North America in January, 1910, from their last known residence in Charlottenberg?
John Hage

Is there a record of employees of the Swedish National Railroad between the years 1870 and 1881?  I have a strong indication that Nils O. Hage, born 11 Oct. 1852, shown in the Olof Jansson family above, was employed by the railroad during at least the year 1877 or 1878.  I'd like to know his job description, period of employment, and location, if available.
John Hage

Archive - Swedish language / Caption on Old Painting
« skrivet: 2008-03-14, 01:06 »
Hello, I have a cousin who owns an old painting of a house in Värmland.  We believe the painting was made in the late 1800's.  On the back side of the canvas are some words we think identify the location of the house in the painting.  However, we can't identify a word that might be either Verlamets? or Verlamek?.  The handwriting is very faint.  It is not known if the letter a is really å or ä.  Is this possibly a word that is no longer in use?

Archive - General questions / Invoice Received
« skrivet: 2008-03-08, 02:10 »
Thank You!!  I am now a paid member!!

Archive - General questions / Invoice Received
« skrivet: 2008-03-07, 05:12 »
I have received an invoice from Sveriges Släktforskarföbund via e-mail on 4 March 2008.  The message says Bifogar Faktura-804555; Avser 2008.  The invoice was sent as an attachment.  I am unsure if this is a legitimate billing for geneologic research and, if it is, how to pay the bill.  I am located in Colorado, USA.  Can someone advise me, please?

Don and Judy!
Thanks much for that info.  Does owner mean that the property would have gone to his children after his death?  I'd like to trace relatives in who may still live in Sweden if possible.  Perhaps grandchildren of his son Anders, who was living with Olof and Anna in 1890, are still there?

Hello, I'm a grandson of Nils Hage/ Sofia Frisell and great-grandson of Olof Jansson/ Anna Ersdotter.  I'm wondering about the third posting from Olle Andersson.  The household record shows Olof Jansson with the notation before his name Heg.  Does this simply mean head of household or is it an occupation identifier?  The 1890 census also shows the notation Heg but it is listed as occupation.  Also, in the third posting there is a date of 11 May 1845 in the right hand column.  Is that Olof and Anna's date of marriage?  Is there a record of their dates of death?

Judy and Kerstin,
Thank you so much for your information.  I had tried the 1890 census looking for Bladin, but only found one Bladin, located in Umeå Lands, Västerbottens.  It did not look like the family I was looking for, though.
Jonas Hugo Bladin settled in Two Harbors, Minnesota, where he married Nancy H. Hage.  Jonas was employed as a crane operator for the Duluth and Mesabi Railroad.  He passed away 22 October, 1977.

Can someone help me find family of origin information for Jonas Bladin born 11 January 1903, please?  I know when he was born and that he lived along the east coast of Sweden on the Gulf of Bothnia.  I know he departed from Stockholm to the USA on 17 September 1928, originating from from Gävleborg Län and that he listed his occupation as Jordbruksarb, which I take to be farm laborer.

Thank you all.  This helps a lot.  Alva Maria, the oldest daughter of Karl Johan Frisell, married Johannes Haug and remained in Norway.  I knew Karl moved to Norway sometime between 1895 and 1900.  However, some of the family returned to Sweden between 1900 and 1910 because they listed their last residence as Charlottenberg, Sweden, on the ship's manifest of the Campania, which arrived in New York on 14 February 1910.  Is there a record of Karl's return to Sweden from Norway?  Also, is it possible to get the birth information for the rest of the family?

I am looking for date of birth and emigration information for Sofia Amalia Frisell, born April 1873, in Skedevi, Östergötland.  In the 1890 Värmland census she is shown living in Arvika Lands, Kyrkebyn.  Sofia may have emigrated to either the USA or Canada sometime between 1893 and 1896.  Her parents were Karl Johan Frisell, born 1847 in Skedevi i Linköp.län, and Kristina Eriksdotter, born 1851 in Julita i Nyköp.lan.  Both parents emigrated to the USA in January or February 1910.

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