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Meddelanden - Robin Eckert

Sidor: [1]
Pihlgren / Pihlgren
« skrivet: 2014-01-12, 23:35 »
I find that 1st Wife of Anders Bergstedt, Ulrica Ulla Runström Bergstedt is living at Närlunda Säteri in Gåsinge Socken in Södermanland, She lives there with 2 other of Her Runström Sisters; Hedvig and Sophia, and these three Runstrom Sisters are living with Madame Lovisa Catharina Bröms Wattrang in the years (1816 to 1833) at Närlunda Säteri  up until Lovisa Bröms dies in 1833 and then Ulla Bergstedt moves to a nearby location in Gåsinge.
In the Gåsinge Parish records Ulla is noted as Ekenfru, doesn't that mean Widow? Please advise.

Our family Story that has been past down, is that Ulla believed that Anders was lost at Sea or killed by pirates : )  
It is told that Ulla waited at the Island for several years not knowing if He was dead or alive, it appears that Ulla in 1816 in the Gåsinge Parish records is telling everyone that she is a Widow.
It appears to me from the data, that Anders Bergstedt, knowingly abandoned His 1st wife Ulla Runström Bergstedt on the Island of St. Bart's, then He later returns to Sweden and has to ask for special permission from the King in order to marry His 2nd Wife, I speculate because He can not prove that He was divorced, or that His 1st wife is diseased.
So does notation Ekenfru mean Widow?  Thanks Robin : )

Schlyter / Schlyter
« skrivet: 2013-05-22, 07:59 »
Does anybody have information on Hedvig Catharina Schÿlter who is probably born about ~ 1705, who is married to Kyrkoherde Petri Wahlberg Vicar of Toresund in Södermanland?
She is the Mother of Hedvig Wahlberg born 11 Mar 1731.
Thanks you Robin

Pihlgren / Pihlgren
« skrivet: 2013-05-21, 06:25 »
Here is the information that I have recieved from Sten at the Hackvad Hembygdsförening:
Ulrika Ulla Runström Bergstedt - 1st Wife of Ander Bergstedt.
Born: 8 Oct 1764 in Runtuna Parish in Södermanland
 and Died in 2 Dec 1837 in Sweden
Her father  Johan Runström was Vice Vicar of Runtuna Parish and also later the vicar of Lerbo Parish both of Södermanland.
Her Mother was Hedvig Wahlberg.
Anders Bergstedt and Ulrika Runström were married in 1796.
Ulrika had 6 sisters and brothers.
Mystery solved! Robin

Pihlgren / Pihlgren
« skrivet: 2013-05-21, 04:47 »
I heard news today that Sten with the (Hembygdsförening ), Has also been working on this mystery, since Anders Bergstedt comes from Hackvad Parish.
Sten believes that He has identified Ulla Bergstedt as; Ulrika Runström born 8 Oct 1764 and dies 2 Dec 1837.  He says that this is the name of Anders Bergstedt's 1 st wife.
that is all I know, I do not know the location or Parish, or wedding date, or when she departed and returned from Saint Barts.
I will forward additional information when Sten forwards it.  thank-you Robin

Pihlgren / Pihlgren
« skrivet: 2013-05-17, 21:57 »
Thank-you Karl-Erik,
So if Ulla gets the spoon when she returns to Sweden, could she still be a Poor Woman?
Could the spoon be made in 1815, and then Ulla recieves it as a Gift after She returns to Sweden in 1816, or later?
The Spoon is probably made sometime before it is sold, is that a possibility? So that it could be made in 1815 and purchased at a later date correct?
So with the date code, is it the date the spoon is manufactured, and the date is not the date that the spoon is sold, is that correct?
If the speculation that Ulla Simonson is Ulla Bergstedt, Ulla Simonson was still on the Island Jan 1, 1816.
Possibly she returns to Sweden in the Spring or Summer of 1816, and is Gifted the spoon sometime after She retuns, would that be feasible?
Karl-Erik, is the profile of the monarch that is stamped on the spoon, do you think that it is Saint Erik's Head?  And does that stamp indicated that Stockolm is the place of manufacture of the spoon?
Another thought, If Ulla's initials on the Spoon are U.B., and she is getting this spoon in 1815 or 1816, back in the homeland of Sweden, then I presume that She is using the name, Ulla Bergstedt and not Her maiden patronymic name, when she returns to Sweden.
Thank-you so much, Robin

Pihlgren / Pihlgren
« skrivet: 2013-05-17, 03:47 »
Lasse, the story about the 1815-1816, new Years Eve Kisses in Saint Barts is so charming, thank-you.
Ulla Simonson on S:t Barth, in 1815-1816  
Given the dates of everything with Anders Bergstedt leaving the Island in 1810 and returning in 1812 and leaving the island in exihle in 1813,  and Ulla staying on the Island in 1814 and in 1815 alone without Her husband..... I speculate that Ulla must have returned to Sweden approximately sometime after 1815 or 1816?
If Ulla Simonson is the maiden name and is the same person as Ulla Bergstedt (with the rare first name of Ulla), and She is attending the New Years Eve party of Jan 1, 1816, pure speculation on my part, but is it possible that Ulla Simonson (or Ulla Bergstedt) returned on the same ship as the Doctor Nils Vilhelm af Grubbens mentioned in the story, who left the Island to return to Sweden early in April 1816 on the Ship name Delphin? Is there a way to get the Ships Manafest for that time period to see who is on board the Ship?
I think the Speculation may possibly be correct that Ulla Simonson may also be Ulla Bergstedt and this is why:
I am very excited about the lead of Ulla Simonson as possibly being Ulla Bergstedt, I think the lead may possibly fit the puzzle and I will have to do bit more research to investigate this, but:
My 5th great grandmother is:
Maria Simonsdotter

Birth 12 Jan 1719 in Utterbäcken, Karlskoga, Örebro, Sverige
Death 16 Sep 1811 in Björkmo, Karlskoga, Örebro, Sverige
I have been under the impression that my Mormor received Ulla Bergstedt's Silver Spoons from Her Farfar.
Mormor's Farfar is:
Inspektor Carl Carlsson
Birth 2 Jan 1819 in Stråbergsmyren, Karlskoga, Orebro län, Värmland, Sverige
Death 7 Sept 1898 in Näs, Gåsinge, Södermanland, Sverige
Inspektor Carl Carlsson lived and worked at Hålbonäs Manor in Söldinge, Södermanlands, and He worked for Count Mörnör.
Carl Carlsson's Morfar's Mor,  is  Maria Simonsdotter who is mentioned above.
Big Speculation:  Maybe Maria Simonsdotter of Karlskoga had a much much younger Sister, or a Niece named Ulla or Ulrika Simonsdotter?  And then a relative of Maria & Ulla  Simonsdotter passed the spoons down to Carl Carlsson and then to my Mormor?  
Also, Anders Bergstedt originally His family comes from Hackvad Parish in Örebro, which is near Karlskoga, possibly after attending University in Upsala and before He departs to Saint Bart's he meets Ulla Simonsdotter in Örebro, possibly.
So we have a good possible match with the surname Simonson/Simonsdotter
The surname Simonson/Simonsdoter fits with the correct branch of my Mormor's family that we believe the spoons are passed down from.
We have a location match in Örebro for both Anders Bergstedt and my Simonsdotter Family.
The time frame is about 20 to 30 years off, Maria Simonsdotter is much older then what I would expect Ulla Bergstedt, or Ulla Simonson to be, we will see what I find.
The speculations are intriguing and I will further investigate Maria Simonsdotter's family in Karlskoga to test that theory.  Thank-you so very Much, Robin

Pihlgren / Pihlgren
« skrivet: 2013-05-17, 01:32 »
Thank-you everybody and Karl-Erik, and Lasse for all of your interest and help!
And thank-you Lasse to fix my misunderstanding, that Anders actually marries Carolina Charlotta Pihlgren in 1923 and not in 1913.
And I agree now, that it looks like Ulla Bergstedt, must be a 1st and prior wife to Anders Bergstedt, before He marries CC Pihlgren.
I have documents from Saint Bart's that shows a Woman named Ulla Bergstedt asking for Petitions for Letters of Freedom, for a Mullatress named Charlotte and a slave Woman named Remy and Her infant child named Carl, these transactions are done in 1814 and 1815, and a Mr. A. Bergstedt is mentioned in one of those transactions in 1814.
So we know that Ulla Bergstedt is alive and living on the island of Saint Bart's, purchasing the Freedom of some select slaves in the years 1814 and 1815, so She is likely also alive and living in Saint Bart's in 1812 as well.  
From Mormor's stories, it sounded like Ulla's husband was not a kind or pleasant man, and that Ulla had a very difficult and trying time living in Saint Bart's.
Mormor repeatedly said that Ulla was abandoned on Saint Bart's not knowing if her husband was dead or alive or if He would ever return to Her.  The story says that She endured living on that Island without Her husband for a very long time, until she decided that Anders must have been killed at sea or by pirarates.  Ulla returned to Sweden thinking that She was a Widow.
It appears to me that Anders must have knowingly abandoned His wife Ulla (and his children), for whatever reason, obviously He had a very complicated life.
Speculation, Possibly, Ulla was one of the Swedish Colonists  residing in Gustavia, Saint Bart's, and they fell in love and She married Anders in Saint Bart's?
I will look forward to learning more about Ulla Simonson (I definately have kin folk with the last names Simonsson and Simonsdotter), so this lead might be helpful, Thank-you.
I do not know how to post photographs at this website, so I have posted detailed photos of 2 Silver spoons of Ulla Bergstedt's at my Flicr photo sharing account;
to examine Ulla Bergstedt's Spoons please go to this website:
Ulla Bergstedt's Silver Spoon, is circa ~1797 or 1800, the Stamps read as follows: 13, stamp of the 3 crowns of Sweden, and stamp of Cameo of a Monarch, and EFBJORNSTEDT.
to examine the Petitions for Letters of Freedom that Ulla Bergstedt petitioned I have posted that as well at this link on Flicr:
Please let me know that you are able to view these okay.  thanks Robin

Pihlgren / Pihlgren
« skrivet: 2013-05-16, 12:55 »
Wow! Lots of fanstastic and confusing information here! Thank-you Lasse and Monica!
Question: I am confused, because How or why is Anders Marrying in Sweden in 1813.... when that is the same year Anders is being Sentence to Death for treason by King Gustaf III?
And the History book mentions that it is believed that Anders flees to North America to escape execution.  I have in my notes from some research that I did that Anders abandons Ulla on the island approximately about ~1810 or 1813 ( tis could be wrong?), I believe I gathered that information from a book about Samuel Fahlberg, I will have to revisit that information.
I think Ulla stays on the island maybe as long as 1816 before She returns to Sweden. She returns to Sweden thinking that She is a Widow and that Anders is dead at sea, or killed by pirates.
I do not know what year Ulla dies in Stockholm after She returns to Sweden.
The Family Story of Ulla Bergstedt, from my Mormor:
My Mormor, Martha Katarina Carlsson Östlind (1895-1980), passed down to me a large silver spoon from the 1700's With the initials U.B. on the handle.  When I was a child in California she used to entertain me with several stories of Ulla Bergstedt. I remember Her teaching me how to say and spell Ulla Bergsted's name. She wanted me to remember and pass Ulla's story down along with the silver spoon.
Mormor said that Ulla was a Baroness. It is my understanding that Ulla is a Swedish Woman who is somehow related to my Mormor.
Mormor, said that Ulla had to travel by wooden ship from Sweden,  all of the way to a far off exotic and tropical Island in the Caribbean, Mormor would call this place the spice Islands ( later I learned that She was discussing the Swedish Colony of Gustavia at the Island of Saint Bart's).  Mormor said that Ulla had to travel to join Her husband there at the Island in the Caribbean.
Mormor said that Ulla's ship was attacked by pirates on the journey, and terrible things happened to Ulla, and that Ulla was lucky to escape alive and that the pirates stole most of Her possesions.  Mormor said that Ulla was able to hide and save the one Silver Serving Spoon, and then Mormor would point out the initials U.B. on the handle of the spoon, and She would tell me that this spoon that She was holding was Ulla Bergstedt's and that it had traveled around the world and even survived the pirate attack.
Mormor, would say that Ulla kepted a diary documenting Her journeys, and the long ocean voyage and the rough seas, and the pirate attack, and that some day Mormor would show me the journal (So far I have not found Ulla's journal yet, although I did find an illustrated jounal of another realtive to who traveled to Rio de Janerio and New Orleans and back to Stockholm in 1881-1882 from Mormor's Uncle Carl Georg Carlson)  So, I am hoping that I still might find Ulla's journal someday.
Mormor said that living on the Island was a very difficult place to live and that it was a  rough life and dangerous there.
Mormor said that on the Island, that Ulla's husband fathered several children (with slave girls) and the resulting children were 1/2 black.  Mormor would describe Ulla as being a very compassionate and a kind hearted person, and that even though Ulla's husband was doing naughty things, that Ulla tried to care for some of these children as if they were her own children, even though they were not hers.  
I was told that Ulla never had any children of Her own.
When I examined some of the Saint Bart records I found some transactions documented (and if I understand them correctly) that it appears as though Ulla Bergstedt was purchasing Mullato slave children and/or pregnant girls and freeing them. (I speculate that Maybe these were Ander's chldren?)
I have in my notes two of the transaction from Saint Barts that Ulla Bergstedt made the following Petitions For Letters of Freedom:
1) on 8 Oct 1814: petition for free mestive girl Reny and her infant son Carl, liberty purchased from Ulla Bergstedt acting for and in the name of A. Bergstedt, of Alexis Gréaux inhabitant of the quarter called St. Jean.
2) on March 1815: Mulatresse Charlotte of Ulla Bergstedt, [document originalen suédois - pour partie illisible]
Here in 1814 and 1815, Ulla is making these transactions in Her husbands name, if Anders Bergstedt married Carolina Charlotta Pihlgren in 1813, then possibly could Ulla who is making these transactions in Saint Bart's in 1814 and 1815, could Ulla possibly be in fact Carolina Charlotta Pihlgren?
I also find it curious that in the second transaction the Mulatress of Ulla Bergstedt, is named Charlotte.
Mormor told me that unexpectedly Ulla's husband left the Island without Ulla, (I do not know the year), and that Ulla waited and waited, expecting Her husband to return to the Island.  It sounded to me that Ulla had waited ~ a few years for Her husband to return to Saint Bart's, not knowing if Her husband was dead or alive.
I do not think that my Mormor knew that Anders Bergstedt fled the Island of Saint Bart's because King Gustaf III sentenced Him to Death for Treason; Due to a Militia uprising and Failure of His Commission. September 1813 sentenced in absentia to be deprived of life, honor and property.
The Story My Mormor told is that Ulla after a few years of waiting for Her husbands return, eventually gave up, and assumming that he was dead, Ulla returned to Sweden with 1  Mullato  Boy or 1/2 Black Son of Anders ( I think that His name might have been Carl, possibly).  Mormor said that it was very brave and courageous of Ulla to bring this Son of Anders back home to Sweden with Her.  Mormor said that Ulla had taught the Boy to read and write, and that obviously Ulla loved the boy as her own.
Mormor said that unfortunately, the young man (Anders Son) did not survive His 1st Swedish Winter, She explained that He was used to warm tropical weather and that He died of Pneumonia soon after arriving in Sweden.
Mormor reports that Ulla returned to Sweden poor, and that she had a very difficult life on Her return to Stockholm.  And that she never remarried and She never had any children of Her own.... and She died a loney Woman, and because Ulla did not have Her own children, My Mormor explained that is why She inhereted Ulla's Silver spoon.  I have always speculated that possibly Ulla was my Mormor's great Aunt, although I have not found anyone in our family tree that is named Ulla that fits the story.
So Far,  I have not been able to figure out Ulla's maiden name, or exactly how Ulla is related to my Mormor.
But I do have a very old silver spoon with the initials U.B. on the handle.

Pihlgren / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 11 maj, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-05-10, 13:40 »
Thank-you Karl-Erik! this is very helpful information.
I have an Interesting mystery to solve regarding Karolina Charlotta Pihlgren.
Karolina Charlotta Pihlgren, marries the Notorius Anders Bergstedt  (1768-1825) from Hackvads parish, and whom in 1893 Anders Bergstedt leaves to help lead the Swedish Colony on the Island of Saints Barts in the Caribbean. Later Anders is Sentanced to Death along with Samuel Fahlberg for Treason, so they flee the Colony at Saint Barts, and Anders it is told to have fled to North America and abandonded His Wife Ulla whom waited for His return. Ulla Bergstedt eventually returned to Sweden, bring back with Her a 1/2 black son of Anders.
I am related to Ulla Bergstedt, I am trying to figure out if Ulla Bergstedt, is the same person as Karolina Charlotta Pihlgren who is documented to have married Anders Bergstedt, or did Anders have a second wife named Ulla?
Can Ulla be a nickname for Charlotta?
Does anyone know if Karolina Charlotta Pihlgren accompanied Her Husband Anders Bergstedt to the Island of Saint Barts?  Or does anyone know when and where Karolina  Pihlgren died?  Maybe she died before 1793, or they divorced before 1793?
In the records at Saint Barts, a woman named Ulla Bergstedt, is mentioned as Anders Wife, and there is no mention of a Karolina, or a Charlotta in the Saint Barts records.
Has anyone ever heard of Anders Bergstedt who helped to lead the Swedish Colony of Saint Barts in the Caribbean?
Thank-you for your help, Robin

Bergstedt / Bergstedt
« skrivet: 2013-05-03, 11:26 »
Any one have information about Anders Bergstedt, born in Hackvads parish, 11 Oct 1768. His father is Lars Bergstedt born 1733 in Hackvad, and His father was Sven Bergstedt.
Anders Bergstedt has a notorious past, and He was a leader in the Swedish Colony of Saint Barts in the Carribean.
I am mostly interested in discovering the identity of His wife Ulla Bergstedt.

Pihlgren / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 11 maj, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-05-01, 22:06 »
I am look for information on Karolina Charlotta Pihlgren born  1774, whom married Anders Bergstedt.
Thank-you Robin

Hackvad / Hackvad
« skrivet: 2013-05-01, 21:31 »
Hello, I am looking for information on Anders Bergsted:
Anders Bergstedt
Birth 11 Oct 1768 in Hackvad, Närke-Värmland, Sverige
Death 10 Jun 1825 in North America
His Father:  Lars Bergstedt    Birth abt 1735  
And Mother: Anna Larsdotter    Birth abt 1735
Anders Bergstedt was a notorious person whom was one of the founding magistrates for the Swedish Colony n Saint Bartholme in the Caribbean.
His first wife:
Karolina Charlotta Pihlgren
I am mostly interested in His 2nd Wife:  Ulla Bergstedt whom accompanied Anders to the Island of Saint Bart's
Here is a link to His Biography:
Anders Bergstedt Riksarkivet Swedish Biographical Dictionary
  Here is a link
Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated, Thank-you, Robin

Karlskoga / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 09 oktober, 2013
« skrivet: 2013-04-28, 05:32 »
Hello,  I am looking for information on the family of:
Hanna Andersdotter born 15 Dec 1858 in Karlskoga.
Her Father is Anders Petersson and Her Mother is Anna Gustava Andersdotter
I can not find Hanna in any of the Birth Books in 1858 or 1859 in Karlskoga.
Hanna moved to America  about 1881, and She was married on Dec 18, 1881 in New York.
Thank-you for any help

Gyberg / Gyberg
« skrivet: 2012-11-29, 12:36 »
Here is a Photo of Octiliana Gyberg Löfdahl, the youngest daughter of, Anders Petter Gyberg and Maria Maja Hansdotter of Åmål.
Octiliana Gyberg
Birth 2 Feb 1837 in Åmål, Västra Götaland, Sweden
Death 23 Unk 1880 in Lena, Uppsala, Sweden
Octiliana Gyberg married Kyrkoherde Carl Gustaf Adolf Löfdahl, the Vicar of Lena Church in Uppsala, Sweden.

Gyberg / Gyberg
« skrivet: 2012-11-29, 12:22 »
Here is a Photo of Maria Maja Hansdotter Gyberg born (1791 - ) in Mo, Älvsborg - She married Anders Petter Gyberg and had Her family in Åmål.

Gyberg / Gyberg
« skrivet: 2012-11-29, 11:55 »
Hello Bengt,
I am related to the Gyberg Family from Åmål.
The Patriarch, Lars Gyberg Sr. Born 22 Oct 1768 in Ljungby, Kronoberg - Death 9 Jan 1846 in Åmål.
Lars Gyberg Sr. had 4 Sons with the surname Gyberg born in Åmål, oneof these sons possibly may have fathered Maria Sophia Gyberg.
One Son died young so that will narrow your search down to 3 of the Sons.
The eldest son Anders Petter Gyberg (1798 - ) had several children, and He had a daughter named Wilhelmina Gyberg (26 May 1833  - ) born in Åmål.
Possibly He may have fathered Maria Sophia?  He is my Great Grandfather, and my family is not aware that He had other children outside the family.
Lars Gyberg Sr. was married to Cajsa Bergman Born 23 Mar 1763 in Åmål - Death 14 Jan 1843 in Åmål:
Their children all born in Åmål:
1) Anders Petter Gyberg    (1798 - )  Twin
2) Anna Sofia Gyberg        (1798 - 1801)  Twin
3) Johannes Marin Gyberg (1800 - 1801)
4) Sven Jacob Gyberg         ( 1802 - )
5) Lars Gyberg  Jr.             ( 1805 - )
Anders Petter Gyberg was born 14 Oct 1798 in Åmål.
He is married to my Mormor's Mormor; Maria Maja Hansdotter born Nov 1791 in Mo, Ãlvsborg
( I have a photo of Maria Hansdotter Gyberg)
Their children are as follows and all born in Åmål:  
(Please note the oldest 2 daughters also have the surname Lindbeck, the same last name as the Gyberg's Neighbor, which leads me to believe that the first 2 girls might be adopted or fostered possibly.)
1) Anna Maria Lindbeck   (1807 - 1830)
2) Carolina Linbeck          (1819 - )
3) Lars Daniel Gyberg       (1823 - )
4) Maja Cajsa Gyberg       (1824 - )
5) Anders Gyberg             (1825 - 1827)
6) Anna Lisa Gyberg         (1827 - )
7) Laura Gyberg               (1829 - )
8) Anders Gustaf Gyberg  (1830 - )
9) Wilhelmina Gyberg       (26 May 1833 - )
10) Octiliana Gyberg        (1837 - 1880)  ( Octiliana is My 2nd Great Grandmother and I also have a photo of her.) Mormor's Mormor
Also of Interest the families mentioned above regarding Gyberg, Per Erik 1848 Father   from Minerva, Norrtälje descend from Anders Petter Gyberg's eldest Son, Lars Daniel Gyberg  of Åmål.
Lars Daniel Gyberg (1823 -) married Sofia Andersdotter Lindgren, born 18 Mar 1813 in Alster, Värmland.
Their children are:
1) Carl Fredrik Gyberg
Birth 4 Jun 1843
Death 5 Jul 1892 in Åbo, Finland
2) Per Erik Gyberg
Birth 19 Sep 1848 in Uvre Ullerud, Värmland, Sverige
Death abt 22 Apr 1921
3) August Gyberg
Birth abt 1850  
I hope this is helpful, Robin

Wernqvist / Wernqvist
« skrivet: 2012-06-09, 10:42 »
I am So so so!  Very Excited, Thank-you So Much Anders Pemer for finding my family!  This has been such a Mystery for so long for so many of my family members.!
I can not thank you enough, and all of the Wernqvist researchers.
Anders can you tell me, was Anders Wilhelm a Wernquist?  
Or was He Werner in Ölme parish?
Any idea why some brothers would take the name, Wernlund, or Werner, or Wernquist?
Mystery Solved!  Good News!

Wernqvist / Wernqvist
« skrivet: 2012-02-27, 22:31 »
I have 3 Wernquist Brothers who moved to the USA around 1878- 1880 from Stockholm who were all trained and worked as Tailors:
1) Axel Frederick Wernquist (He changed His name to Wernlund in the USA)
Birth Nov 1855 in Sweden
Death 12 Jul 1929 in Los Angeles, CA USA
2) Anders Wilhelm Wernquist (He changed His name to Werner in the USA)
Birth Sep 1858 in Sweden
Death 27 Apr 1930 San Fransico, CA USA
3) August Wernquist;  
Birth 14 Oct 1861 in Sweden
Death 30 Jun 1917 in San Francisco, CA USA
Does Anyone have any idea Where their Wernquist family of Origin came from, or what Parish in Stockholm they may have attended?
Thank-you, Robin Werner

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