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Meddelanden - Anne Klingner

Sidor: [1]
Dear all,

I would like to make a second attempt to find the ring mentioned above. Does somebody has any idea?
Thanks so much!


Bornemann / Translation certificate of inheritance
« skrivet: 2022-01-16, 19:35 »
Dear all!
Would someone please translate the certificate of inheritance into English or into German? Thanks alot!!
Best regards from Germany!

Hello Together!

I'm looking for this ring:

Johan Aron Kihlberg / Kihlgren (adlad af Borneman) was my great-great-great-great-grandfather. The ring was sold in the auction house in 2017. Unfortunately, the auction house can't help me find the buyer. Does anyone know the ring or the seller? Are there any other items from the house of af Borneman?

Thank you very much!

Best Regards


Bornemann / af Borneman
« skrivet: 2021-09-08, 12:22 »
Hello Together!!

My name is Anne and I am from Germany.
My great-great-great-grandmother Estrid worked in the house of the af Borneman family in Karlskrona. She had a relationship with Carl Magnus Constantin af Borneman. This led to my great-grandfather. This fact is confirmed by the birth register and a DNA test (because nobody knew about it in my family and I wanted to be sure with my family tree). Now I would like to know more about the af Borneman family: Where did they live in Karlskrona? Are there any pictures? Unfortunately, the ("legitimate") descendants do not answer me or do not receive my mails.
Maybe someone can tell me something about the family. About Johan Aron Kihlgren (adlad af Borneman) you can find something, but not much about his son Carl Magnus Constantin af Borneman.

Thank you very much!!

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