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Författare Ämne: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 1999-08-28  (läst 3284 gånger)

1999-06-16, 23:49
läst 3284 gånger

Utloggad Marcus Boman

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Jag skapar denna diskussion, då den liknande diskussionen är begränsad till ett hemman. I hfl (c:a 1800-15, Bröttningsberg) för Sunne s:n anges såsom födelseplats Elfvedalen för några personer. Jag antar att standardiseringen skall vara Älvdalen och att det är Klarälvsdalen som åsyftas. Eventuellt kan det måhända vara viktat så att det är större sannolikhet att det är Ekshärad s:n, som avses. Personerna i fråga är en änka Maria Johansdotter, f. 1729 i Elfvedalen och hon är inhyst hos Kerstin Johansdotter med familj, sistnämnda f. 1736 i Elfvedalen. Dessa två angivna födelseår enl. hfl. Sistnämnda gift flera ggr, med första (?) mannen Elof Elofsson, denne från Sunne s:n, har hon sonen Reinhold, f. 1762 i Sunne s:n. Nu undrar jag om de verkligen är från Ekshärad och om de ev. är systrar samt undrar jag om någon har stött på namnet Reinhold i Ekshärad. För övrigt är det ovanämnda sammankopplat med ett inlägg under Sunne, dock var avsikten inte den att sprida förfrågningen, men då ny information tillkommit antar jag att det är ok.

1999-06-20, 15:52
Svar #1

Mats Hellgren

Maria var döpt 25/7 1729 i N Råda sn och systern Kerstin döptes 22/2 1736. De var barn till Johan Reinholdsson och Marit Persdr i byn Haftersbol.

1999-06-20, 17:20
Svar #2

Utloggad Marianne Fröding

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Har haft stor nytta av din avskrift av Ekshärads Födde 1723-1799, men tyvärr löste den inte mitt mysterium med Olof Persson *1804 Råda och död 1872-11-12. Har inte lyckats hitta honom i Råda sn eller Ekshärad. Du har inte stött på honom någonstans? Han var far till Måns Bäckman*1843-01-07, min fmff och gift med Annika Månsdotter*1811-03-21 i Gunnerud. Du som har kännedom om Ekshärad, känner du till något om släkten Florén?

1999-06-20, 22:35
Svar #3

Mats Hellgren

Tyvärr vet jag inget om din Olof Persson, men ett tips: studera h-flängden för byn Råda i Ekshärad för år 1804. Födelseböckerna har ibland stora luckor. När det gäller Florén i Ekshärad så bodde den förste vid detta namn snickarmästaren Erik Eriksson Florén, f 1686 i Nyed sn?, från 1720-talet i Bergsäng. Han gifte sig 1715 i Nyed sn med Annika Nilsdr.

1999-06-21, 11:33
Svar #4

Utloggad Marcus Boman

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Tack för information Mats, mvh Marcus.

1999-06-26, 21:33
Svar #5

Lennart Hjerpe

SÄLJE och NORE i Ekshärad
Är det någon som forskar i dessa hemman,ja även
i SOLBERGA. Är någon ättling till Häradsproffosen
Bengt Nilsson född 1691 i Sälje,så har jag en del
ättlingar,eftersom jag själv är rakt nedstigande
till honom.Finnarna i Solberga är också intressanta,eftersom jag är i nedstigande  led från Suhoinen som bodde där.Min farfars mor kom
från Långsjöhöjden i Lekvattnet och var av släkten
Hämälainen,bl.a.Sälje övergavs genom gifte av delar av min släkt och kom att bosätta sej i Nore.

1999-06-28, 21:53
Svar #6

Mats Hellgren

Jag har gjort rekonstruktioner över de familjer som levat i Ekshärads socken under åren 1660-1750. I samma bok finns en yrkesförteckning över sockenborna samt en förteckning över de indelta soldaterna. Dessutom finns ett avsnitt med kommentarer till födelse-, vigsel- och dödböckerna (här kan man bl a läsa om de vanligaste dopnamnen och dödsorsaker). Källmaterialen har varit de vanliga kyrkoböckerna, kyrkoräkenskaper, roteringslängder, mantalslängder samt en del material från domböcker.
Boken kommer att ges ut av Värmlands släktforskarförening i samband med Sveriges Släktforskarförbunds årsmöte i Karlstad nu i höst.

1999-06-28, 22:01
Svar #7


Åh, vad jag blir glad, det är ju det jag saknar, jag har ju sprungit runt på biblioteket och letat info om snickare  , har förvisso hittat boken Boken om Ekshärad, men där finns det inget med!! Jag har ju mina Florénare, Erik Eriksson Floren*1686, som gäckar mig, och har sökt efter något som kan ge upplysningar om denne Snickarmästare, som jag tror har en anknytning till Nyeds präst, Gabriel Florén. Troligen en bror till honom.Reservera ett ex till mig!!!/Marianne Fröding

1999-07-22, 19:04
Svar #8

Utloggad Marianne Fröding

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Andreas Piscator*1659-06-22 i Karlstad var verksam som präst i Ekshärad.Han var gift med Maria Aurenia *1665-01-25 i Ekshärad och var dotter till Benedictus Jonae Aurenius och hans hustru Ebba Berg.Nu undrar jag vem som var mor och far till A.Piscator? Har sett två olika namn på hans mor; jag har en Elisabet Andersotter, men i ShF 1/98 står det under recensionen av Mats Hellgrens avskrift av Prästerna Piscators dagböcker att hon skall ha hetat Elisabet Aurelia. Vem är den  rätta? Ebba Berg som stammar från Uppsala skall enligt uppgift vara en ättling efter Hans Gammal, var finns det uppgifter om denne herr Gammal?

1999-07-22, 23:19
Svar #9

Mats Hellgren

Modern till Andreas Piscator var Elisabet Andersdotter Aurelia (ibland även kallad Carolina efter brodern kyrkoherden Magnus Carolinus). Hon var född ca 1630 i Mariestad och och dotter till borgaren Anders Månsson Aurelius. Elisabet begravdes 18/2 1712 i Karlstad.
Borgmästaren i Stockholm Hans Gammal var född ca 1480 och dog 1571. Han var mm mm mf till Ebba Berg. Bland hennes övriga förfäder hittar du bl a 2 andra borgmästare (Jönköping och Stockholm), 1 livkirurg samt några handelsmän i Stockholm (varav Hans Bökman var en. Denne Hans var med i sammansvärjningen mot Gustav Vasa 1536 - planen gick ut på att spränga! kungen i luften).

1999-07-24, 15:11
Svar #10

Lennart Hjerpe

Ruth,ett tips studera Hedenstam(hette han så) hans  
Herdaminne,där står en hel del om Floren.Bl.a. att
Gabriel  Floren hade en son Erik.
Mats Hellgren,bra att jag slapp detta arbete som
var tänkt som ett framtidsprojekt,nu kan jag köpa
boken i stället.

1999-07-24, 23:16
Svar #11

Utloggad Marianne Fröding

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  • Senast inloggad: 2023-05-15, 20:59
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Hej! Tack Mats H för den informationen, det skall bli spännande att ta del av dagboken,  och leta vidare på Ebbas anfäder. Till Lennart Hjerpe: finns det ett annat herdaminne än Anders Edestams?
Har dock läst i Edestams bok om prästen Gabriel Florén men inte finne det någon Erik där. Hoppas däremot att finna den tråd som du antyder, har fått indikationer från andra att det kan vara så. Finns det någon som kan verifiera den? Jag har problem med att finna ut vem som var far till Erik Persson Florén *1790 Ekshärad. Det är lite förvillande i Mats H. avskrift finns det en Erik född i Bergsäng, fadern hette Per Persson, vilket då gör att EPF har en mor som hette Florén och då borde ju inte EPF bära med sig namnet Florén.
ps/ Marianne Fröding(Ruth) och ruth ovan är jag båda två  det blev fel en gång när jag angav mitt namn!

1999-08-04, 19:26
Svar #12


My grandfater was born in Lofstrand, Varmland.
His church release is from Eksharad.  He was bornN
February 5, 1860, according to my record from my dad.  The Family History Center film of the record has it February 9, 1860, with Christening on the 19th. He arrived in America on May 7, 1888.
My questions are:  What port did he leave from, what port did arrive at, and on what boat?
I don't know if this is an appropiate request for this source or not.  Forgive it it is not.

1999-08-05, 09:37
Svar #13

Carl Szabad

Carolyn: If you give us the name of your grandfather it is more likely that we can recognize him. According to the rules in this media it is also polite to sign with your full name, not only Carolyn.
Lövstrand is a farm in the parish of Ekshärad in Värmland (if you didn´t know that before).

1999-08-05, 23:35
Svar #14

Utloggad Tomas Larsson

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Carolyn and Carl, the Lofstrand mentioned above could also refer to either of the Swedish hemman (=farm?) Norra Loffstrand (norra=north) or Södra Loffstrand (södra=south) in the parish of Ekshärad.

1999-08-06, 00:19
Svar #15

Carl Szabad

Tomas (and Carolyn): The swedish name of the farm is Lövstrand, and nothing else. In the 19th century it was spelled Löfstrand.

1999-08-06, 21:22
Svar #16

Utloggad Tomas Larsson

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Carl: There are two farms called Lövstrand in the parish of Ekshärad; one in Ämtbjörk and the other in Södra Loffstrand.
Carolyn: could you please comment on the above and give us the additional information we need to come through this!

1999-08-08, 09:48
Svar #17

Carolyn Frisch

Carl and Tomas,
The only help I can give you is the word I can't read on my grandfather's birth record on film from the LDS Family History Center.  It looks like Halga (the lasta with the dot over it.)
I think that is a location, but as I say I don't know what it says.  Maybe you can help.
Thanks, Carolyn Frisch

1999-08-09, 16:50
Svar #18

Utloggad Elisabeth Thorsell

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Carolyn, it would probably also be easier to give you a good answer if you would give the name of your grandfather, which I failed to find above.  
In the time period before 1915 most Swedish emigrants left from the port of Göteborg in western Sweden, and they first travelled on a smaller steamer to England, crossed England by rail and got on the big Ocean steamers in Liverpool, or some other port on the western side of England. Swedish emigration records only gives the name of the first boat, the one from Göteborg. To find out the name of the boat he use to come to the US you will have to search the arrival records for about 2-4 weeks after he left Göteborg for the main US ports - a big job but it can be done. A good book on this subject is They came on ships by John Philip Colletta, published in the early 1990s.

1999-08-10, 03:07
Svar #19

Carolyn Frisch

Hello Again,
Last night I put a message on with all the names and birth dates of the Skoogs that were my grandparents.  I don't know what I did wrong.  This is the second message that didn't show up on the Rotter.
They were:
Grandfather Anders Gustav (Olsson) Skoog  
5 Feb.1860
His father, Olof Nilsson 14 Feb. 1813
His father, Nils Andersson 1789
Hope you will all forgive me for any lack of communication I have committed. My brother-in-law has been hospitalized, moved to a nursing home, died, and has had a memorial service.  All within the last two weeks. My home has been headquarters, sleeping quarters, and reunion space.  Sorry if I inconvenienced any one in not always resonding when you expected it.
Carolyn Frisch

1999-08-10, 03:25
Svar #20

Carolyn Frisch

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I have checked a number of films for the information I'm requesting. Fortunately I live only a mile from the LDS. It will be helpful to asume that Grandfather left from England.  
I have also done some research in the book, They Came by Ship.  It is in our local library and I will have to go back and read some more.  It is not a book we can take home.
Thanks again for the info.
Carolyn Frisch

1999-08-10, 06:43
Svar #21

Utloggad Erik Andersson

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Hi, Carolyn,
You were looking for Halga ( with a dot over the last a), and you can find that place half-way between Eksharad and Stollet on route 62, if you have good map to look at.  Eksharad and Stollet are shown on AAA maps if you have one.
The town of Loffstrand( also on route 62) is located just a few miles south-west from Halga ( with the Dot over last a.)
I am not sure, but I do believe the church records should be found in Stollet.
Hope this will help you

1999-08-12, 20:57
Svar #22

Utloggad Björn Sonesson

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Hi Carolyn!
The place Halga is an old smaller manor house and was founded as a iron works in the year of 1833. There they made bar iron (not the modern kind of iron). In 1884 a great part of the buildings were burned down and a few years later the production was layed down.  
A few buildings are left there today from the great days of the iron works.You will found Halga only in a very good map because only one person are living there today.For about fifty, seventy years approximately fifty persons lived in Halga. Halga is lokated at the eastern riverside of the river Klarälven (the old name for the river is Klara).Halga don't lies under Loffstrand. Instead Halga is originally under the village of Stackerud.  
Halga, Norra Loffstrand Norra and Södra Loffstrand och Stackerud is lokated in Eksharad (two spot in the first a)- Ekshärad not in the neighbouring parish Norra Ny, which church is in Stöllet (two spot in the o).  
About the debate about Lofstrand: There are one Norra Loffstrand and one Södra (South) Loffstrand since 16TH century then the mothervillage Loffstrand was divided. But in the South Loffstrand will you found the farmyard Lövstrand which (probably by the name)is the oldest in these Loffstrand-villages. The farm in the village Ämtbjörk is unknown by me.  
My father is born and grown up in a place near Halga (Bofastberg) and our neighbours in the early 20th was named Skoog.  
But there is more than one family Skoog or Skog. The name Skoog is maybe originated by the soldiers rote (the word does´nt meaned roots in english). The swedish military system until about the end of 19th century were based on several rote For every rote some peasants have to pay money, get shoes and so on so they sould held a soldier ready for duty in war or military exercises. The name Skoog maybe is a name of a rote. The soldier get the rote-name when he became a soldier. Usually before 19th century, his children dropped this name and only called themselves with -son or dotter-names.
By the way, the second man on the Moon, Neil Buzz Aldrin is a descendent of the family Aldrin, blacksmiths at Halga!
At last, good luck on your research!
Greetings ,  
Bjorn Sonesson

1999-08-13, 05:51
Svar #23

Carolyn Frisch

Greetings Bjorn and Erik,
What a pleasant ray you shed on my most dreary day. I do so appreciate the information you gave me.
I will get back to this topic in a few days.  Besides my brother-in-law dying, my sister, his wife, died most unexpectedly yesterday.  We are all in a state of shock.
Thanks for writing.

1999-08-14, 06:46
Svar #24

Utloggad Erik Andersson

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Carolyn, my greatest condolences for your sorrow, I hope you will find the strenght to continue in your work.
Hi Carolyn and Bjorn,
Have noticed that both of you states that you have some members of the Skoog family in your record.
I am helping a svensk-attling here in USA that is searching for a Victor Skoog that emigrated from Varmland, is it possible that you have some data on this Victor that may help us to find his family?
Regarding the town of Halga, I re-reviewed my map ( KKK-1996) and found that there is a  church inEksharad that may be closer for anyone coming from Halga for services, also found that Halga is located between Hagen and Saxheden, also found Loffstrand noted as being on the western side of Klar-alven, just opposite from Stackerud.
is it possible that you are related to the Bjorn-family there, if so, we may have some relationship, as my ancestral line also includes that family.
Regarding Buzz Aldrin , he is also my relative and I met him several times when he visited our place for the  experimental development of the rocket-engine that should take them off the moon. Sorry to say I didn't know then that we were related.
My record shows his family as coming from Uddeholm and Stjarnsfors for many generations, same as noted in the book24 Famous Swedish Americans and their Ancestors, as I don't have any record of the family living in the area of Halga I would like very much to ask you for it to complete my records. Can you let me know what you have!  
The best from,
P.S.  Hope this e-mail will get thru, as I have had the same problem as Carolyn in sending it. It may be some problem with the recieving server, that causes the message not to be recorded.

1999-08-25, 18:03
Svar #25

Utloggad Björn Sonesson

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Carolyn, I give you my greatest condolences for your sorrow. I know that doesn't help, but I can mentioned that a  friend of mine, has recently lost both his mother and his mother in law nearly at the same time.
Carolyn and Eric, thanks for your letter.  
Eric ,nor  I or my father Stig Sonesson  know anything about your Victor Skoog. But my father do know other persons with the name Skoog. As I have told before the neightbours to my grandparents family in Bofastberg have the name Skoog at the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century. But, other persons with this surname is also in Halgå,which is lockated  just a few hundred meters from Bofastberg.
I am not a descendant of the Bjorn family. I just have the name as forename as the 1970-decade's swedish tennis-star Bjorn Borg. Funny, that you Eric has actually  met Buzz Aldrin.
Björn Sonesson, Malung community, Dalecarlia county, Sweden
P.S. For the moment I have problem with my computer at home. I send from my work now. D.S.

1999-08-28, 03:59
Svar #26

Carolyn Frisch

I have a question for my Swedish friends.  When we are in Sweden starting on September 15th, will I be able to find grave markers with names and dates in parish cemeteries at either Eksharad or Halga?  Are there church records in the parishes that go back to the 1700s? Would I be better to spend my research time just at Karlstad?  I plan to drive to the two areas just to view, anyhow.
I also need to go to the Finnerodja area.
One more thing, do the Swedes have books about the farms or land like the Nowegians have bygdebokks? (spelling?)
We leave on Wednesday, so if you read this, please answer soon.  Thanks.
Carolyn, from Minnesota, USA

1999-08-28, 04:16
Svar #27

Carolyn Frisch

I rewrote the above several times, so in doing so I neglected to thank you all for the condolences sent me concerning my sister and brother-in-law's deaths. The messages were a pleasant surprise and very much appreciated. Maybe seeing the land of my forefathers, and seeing your beautiful country will take away the pain.
Thank you sincerely, Carolyn

1999-08-28, 10:07
Svar #28

Utloggad Carl-Johan Ivarsson

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Hi Carolyn.
I would suggest that you would spend your research time at the Arkivcentrum (State Archives) at Karlstad. They keep the church records from all parishes in Värmland, both as microfiche and the originals (You are supposed to use the microfiche for your genealogical research). The Kinship Center (Emigrant Register) can help you finding your ancestors.
Ekshärad is situated in the Klarälven valley about 100 km (62 miles) north of Karlstad and the cemetery at Ekshärad is very famous in Sweden for its iron grave markers. There is a chance that you can find relatives there.
Halgå (not Halga) and Loffstrand is located in the northern part of Ekshärad parish, as Björn Sonesson mentioned.

1999-08-28, 18:48
Svar #29

Carolyn Frisch

Thank you Carl-Johan for your quick reply.  It is appreciated.  The reason the dot isn't over the a in Halga is that every time I try that in this space, I lose everthing I have printed.  Sorry.  This now is my second printing.
I have the green map of the area.
I will do my research in Karlstad.  Thanks.

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