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Författare Ämne: Genline translation help please  (läst 2961 gånger)

2005-01-24, 00:13
läst 2961 gånger

Louise P Viola

I just subscribed to Genline today and have found 2 records. I will be purchasing Cradled in Sweden and the Swedish Genealogical Dictionary. I have tried to translate the records using online sources, but the handwriting is difficult for me to read. These records are in 1820 and 1836. I would appreciate someone translating GID 142.10.4900 (Anna born 17 Jan 1820 father Carl Johann Finman) and GID 75.119.36600 (Carl Johan born 19 Feb 1836, oåkta=illegitimate?, mother Sophia ??  father even listed???  as an adult he used the last name Åbrandt) Thanks in advance from Louise

2005-01-24, 10:51
Svar #1

Utloggad Olle Andersson

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The first record (for Anna)  

should read:
17 17 Anna  Föräldr. Carl Joh. Finman och Hustrun Maria Lars Dr. 40 45
Vitt. Rusthållaren Jon Olsson och Hustrun Anna Pehrs Dr. i Hacksta. Drängen Sonen Olof Larsson och Dottern Anna Lars Dotter i Hacksta.
Föräldr. = Föräldrar = parents
Hustrun = wife
Vitt. = Witness
Rusthållare = maintaining farmer. Can also be similar within the military.  
Dräng = farm hand
For translation of titles - check:,dictionary
I will come back on the second record

2005-01-24, 11:24
Svar #2

Utloggad Olle Andersson

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The second one:

Carl Johan   19  28  34
Pigan Sophia Svensdotters Son som skall kallas Carl Johan förd av fru Lilljehult.
Wittnen voro
Styrmannen Nils Magnus Sandström och dess Hustru. Snickare Gesällen Gustaf Petersson. Pigan Sophia Sjögren Snickare lärlingen Carl Petersson. Pigan Christina Carolina Fagerlund.
Oäkta = illegitimate
Piga = maid
som skall kallas - to be called
förd av - carried by
Wittnen voro - witnesses were
Styrmannen - mate
Snickare = carpenter
gesäll = journeyman, apprentice
lärling = apprentice
Working with Genline I have good help of a special screen-shot-program (freeware) which helps me to pick a particular part of the record on-screen.
I used this to copy the record I include here into Photoshop and after a bit of manip. put is here.

2005-01-24, 13:03
Svar #3

Louise P Viola

Dear Olle,
What a lovely surprise to find your helpful replies this morning! Thank you so very much. I really apppreicate the Swedish words written out as it will help me with future records.
A special thanks for the information about copying the Genline records to use in email. Of course I did try the right click but that does not work. I want to send these records to my Leaf (Löf)/Åbrandt cousins here in the US.
Most of my Swedish family will be in the Stockholm (Nikolai) records, so I am waiting to see them on Genline.
Again, a million thanks!  

2005-01-24, 15:25
Svar #4

Utloggad Olle Andersson

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Always nice to help out! If you need more assistance you can always e-mail me!
My wife's name is Viola Andersson !!

2005-01-24, 18:18
Svar #5

Jan Ek (Janek)

Rightklicking in the Genline browser window doesn't work. Holding down Alt+PrScr buttons will however capture everything visible on the screen. The capture ends up in Windows clipboard, and can be pasted into just about every imaging software by using Paste command (or Ctrl+v), to be manipulated any way the software allows.
When it comes to reading and understandig Swedish church records, may I suggest this brand new book: Your Swedish Roots. This is an independent review.

2005-01-24, 18:43
Svar #6

Louise P Viola

Dear Jan,  
Thank you very much for the helpful information. I appreciate the suggestion and review for the book. I did see it on the Genline home page. I have a full subsription, so I will buy it from them.  
I do love genealogy books and have many for my USA research. Since my maternal grandfather was born 2 years after his parents and older sister came to Philadelphial, PA, I have multiple families to research in Sweden.  
I like the photo on your profile page. That is a great idea. I will have to search around here and find more information so you can see my smiling face too.
Regards from cold and snowy New Jersey, USA

2005-01-24, 19:02
Svar #7

Louise P Viola

Dear Olle,  
Well, since you offered  
Here is the 3rd Genline page that I found: GID 2297.3.58600 Lines 8-10 are my great great grandparents Carl Johan Åbrandt and Emilie Marie Theres Eriksson with my great grandmother Emilie Charlotta in Enköping, Uppsala's Husförslångd 1857-1861 on page 34.
There are some notes on the page on the right that I think may be marriage information. They look to be abbreviations with a date of 29 Oct 1857? If this is the marriage, does the listing here mean they were married in this parish?
Thanks again for your help!
PS My Viola is from my 3/4 Italian & 1/4 Irish husband. Viola does not seem Swedish to me.  How did your wife end up with that first name? (And a lovely name it is.)

2005-01-24, 20:12
Svar #8

Utloggad Olle Andersson

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Yes you are correct - it reads  
Vigde 29/10 57 i Sthlm = Married 29/19 57 in Stockholm.
The text above explains the use of the v-s in columns telling the reading skill. God. = Well Led. = With ease.  
The top rows gives clues to different notation e.g.
Flyttade = Moved
Från = from
Till = to
He came from Nyköping June 1857  
She came from Stockholm Nov 1857
Also from this record I see that above Carl Johans name, his profession Urfabrikör = Watchmaker. And you can also see he Flyttade = Moved to Pag. 80 in 57. There you will easier read his birth place Kalmar (as you already know!) and again his profession.
Also their son Frans Gustaf born in Enköping 14/8 1860. He is noted as Död = Dead.
Well thats quite a lot ...
Regarding Viola - I checked and today 65000 use Viola as their first name in Sweden. Most popular is Maria with 450000 users...  

2005-01-24, 20:24
Svar #9

Utloggad Olle Andersson

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Forgot -
Frans Gustaf died in Smittkoppor = Smallpox.
Another very nice online-dictionary:

2005-01-24, 20:38
Svar #10

Janne Svensson

It?s a little hook over the ? in Finman, that mean it?s a double n, Finnman.

2005-01-24, 20:49
Svar #11

Louise P Viola

Dear Janne,  
Thanks so much! I noticed that but forgot to ask. The records we have do have both ns.

2005-01-24, 21:08
Svar #12

Louise P Viola

Dear Olle,  
Wonderful information! I did see the birth record for the brother on the LDS website. They are posting some of the Swedish birth records now. There are 4 more children after Frans, but they will all be in the Stockholm records. I missed the note to go to page 80. (I thought it said they all moved somewhere on May 30, 1857!) I just found it and printed it. Thanks!
Yes, we know he was a watchmaker. In fact that is how he met Emilie. I found Carl in the Stockholm 1855 tax/census records (online)living in the household of Emilie's father, Pehr Eriksson. A family story is that Pehr was watchmaker to the king in the early 1860s. Carl was an apprentice to Pehr.  
The Erikssons are another research challenge for which I need the Nikolai records. Emilie had a couple brothers connected to the railways, which may connect us to the John Eriksson (inventor here in the USA)& his brother Baron Nils, also connected to the railways. We shall see how that turns out.  
Just love those family stories! They do make genealogy so interesting.

2005-01-24, 22:20
Svar #13

Utloggad Timmy Brolin

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Eriksson is a every common swedish name, so a challenge it is indeed. Good luck!

2005-01-24, 23:06
Svar #14

Louise P Viola

Thanks for the wish for luck, Timmy.
Eriksson in Sweden joins my USA challenges: Miller and Smith.
Oh joy!  

2005-01-24, 23:42
Svar #15

Louise P Viola

I was looking at all the births near to Carl Johan in GID 75.119.36600. The phrase förd av fru Lilljehult shows up often. You translated it as carried by, but I think maybe she is the local midwife and it means delivered by Mrs Lilljehult.  

2005-01-25, 06:58
Svar #16

Utloggad Anna Martinsson

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If it?s in the birth note it means she is the godmother.
If this woman shows up often it means she was a popular godmother. Often many farmers had the clergymans wife as godmother or a woman of higher rank.
May the Force be with you.

2005-01-25, 10:54
Svar #17

Utloggad Olle Andersson

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Interesting stuff - about Godmother/Godfather.
Does anyone have more information about this custom and how it eventually have changed.
Which persons were acting as godmothers and what responsibility did they have?
Was this tradition also carried over to Amerika and how is a christening arranged today?
I have checked
which gives some information (in swedish)

2005-01-25, 11:56
Svar #18

Louise P Viola

Dear Anna,  
Yes, godmother was my first thought when I saw the carried by in the birth records. Then when I looked at the records nearby and saw her name so often, I thought she might be the midwife.  
Thanks for the clarification.

2005-01-25, 12:50
Svar #19

Louise P Viola

Good morning everyone!
The tradition of godmother and godfather has not changed much at all from Sweden to the USA. Lutherans in the US call it Baptism not Christening, but they are considered the same thing. I was baptized in the Lutheran church but had no godparents. That was my parents choice, and I guess it was permitted. My 2 daughters were baptized in the Lutheran church, and we did choose godparents for them. Still today, the godmother is the one who holds (carries) the baby for the baptism. The purpose of the godparents is to see to the proper religious education of the child should the parents die.  
There are no witnesses listed as in the old records, except for the godparents. In the Lutheran Church, everyone attending the Sunday morning church service are witnesses, as we baptize babies during the service.
I have done no research on this issue. These comments are from my own experience.

2009-10-07, 00:32
Svar #20

Utloggad Ken Peterson

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GID 1156.43.29300 pg107; H.E. Jönköping Sofia, 1866-71. Please translate on line 16 for Johanna Sofia Petersdotter, the comment dated as of 3 Dec 1868. Thanks, Ken

2009-10-07, 02:23
Svar #21

Sofia Ingmarsson

I think it says she was sentenced to 5 years in prison for burglary on Dec 3, 1868. However, I don't know if the sentence was carried out since she seems to have stayed with her family. She had a baby in 1870.

2009-10-07, 19:16
Svar #22

Utloggad Ken Peterson

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Tack så mycket Sofia. Need to watch those distant relatives! Ken

2009-10-08, 02:51
Svar #23

Utloggad Ken Peterson

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Follow up on Johanna Sofia. On GID 1156.55.15400 pg 213, H.E. J. S. 1881-90; there seems to be some more explanation to the Dec 1868 incident. Translate please? Also, can you help me on where Izak moved in Nov 1882? Thanks, Ken

2009-10-08, 18:11
Svar #24

Utloggad Bo Johansson

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GID 1156.55.15400, [Jönköping] Jönköpings Sofia, AI.27, Household examination, 1881-1890, page 213, at Westra Trädgård.
The remark is: 68 3/12 Straffad för 1a res. stöld med 5 års förlust af medb. förtr. = 1868 3 Dec punished for 1st time theft with 5 years loss of civil reputation.
So she didn't get a prison sentence.
Isak Björklund moved 7 Nov 1882 to N2v.48, whatever that means.
It seems it means number 48 in GID 1156.51.12000, [Jönköping] Jönköpings Sofia, AI.24, Household examination, 1881-1890, page 280.
// Bo Johansson

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